I would like to give Mindfulness a good cunting.
This is a concept that I’ve heard a lot about lately and is popular with employers seeking to dodge their obligations to their employees. It is what used to be called living in the moment,so when things are getting a bit much, you need to contemplate the sun shining through the window,say,or have a mental picture of a lovely place you can go to.
So when my employer treated us to a course to learn about this old wank today, I imagined one cunt of a colleague trapped in a burning lift then another being repeatedly kicked in the bollocks and I must say I did feel a pleasant glow.
Nominated by Mary Hinge.
Yeah, more management speak bollocks. So when you are being overworked/overloaded and dare to complain you are reminded that you’ve been on a course to sort that so stop moaning you lazy cunt. More work from fewer people equals more profit for the rich bastards. I’ve lost count of the number of courses I’ve been on where some chancer cunt spouts bullshit for 6 hundred notes a day. I expect a lot less of that in the future……the cunts will just blame it on Brexit.
I learned today that our Occupational Health department now has a Mindfulness helpline for those suffering from stress. They can now give you tips on how you can manage the problem – note, it’s your duty now to learn coping strategies to deal with situations rather than anyones responsibility to improve things. I had the dubious pleasure of meeting a Motivational Speaker also. What a fucking pea brained megalomaniac!. And wearing a bow tie,which is another sure sign of being a cunt. Then you get Financial Advisors . I said to one “I have got five quid to last until payday,what do I do?” He couldn’t tell me. Dozy cunt.
Ha ha ha.
A motivational speaker isn’t a bad idea if the boss gets up after the speech and says “this is what you’ll end up as if you’re a shit cunt like this guy!”
A fuckin bow tie and room full of people that hate you!
What the fuck is a mindfulness helpline?!!!
Too many cunts with too much time on their hands and no real “proper” job to do.
Great cunting by the way …nicely done.
I see the phrases “occupational health”….”.coping strategies”…..”Helpline”and “motivational speaker” and I feel the bile rising in my throat. It’s all total bollocks. These cunts are the 21st century equivalent of snake oil salesmen,carpet baggers, stage magicians and two bob spiritualists. Overpaid and underworked con artists of the first order. Cunts!
Motivational speakers = David cunting Brent.
This old bollocks just keeps on I suppose all the people with mba’s are teaching this crap now good money I am sure. I had cause to use the technique once a few years back before the technique entered the mainstream. I stuck a motorcycle into the front of a parked milk float. Whilst lying on the verge bleeding to death I distinctly remember the Sun rising over the cottage, outside of which I crashed. The Sun was as I remember shining through some fluffy clouds and guess what I felt fucking awful and lots of pain. So one time when nice thoughts would have helped according to mindfulness they fucking did not and I really thought I had purchased the small holding.
I agree, Mary… Total cuntspeak and boss bollocks…. Like when the knobheads say ‘Can-Do Attitude’… Which means do any crappy task they order you to do… And ‘Team Member’ basically means part of a work gang that takes orders from some cunt…
I got a phone call today… It was a paki cunt babbling some crap about being from the ‘Technical team for Microsoft Windows…’ I told him to fuck off…
“There’s no I in team!”.No but there is a U in “cunt” is the correct response.
My sister in- law has done a course in this utter crap!!, the only thing it’s done is made me more mindful to ignore her phone calls!! I’m not joking either!! ??
Maybe I should do a feng shui course??? Yes this sofa would look great in your mouth!! Oh yes I’m feeling the karma!! Silence as they say “is golden “
Maybe i don’t understand this.
Are they saying that if yer workload is getting ye down, yer allowed to sit back and think of Nina Hartley licking out Tanya Tate ?
I’ve been doing that for years.
I work for myself, have done for the last 34 freaking years. Still haven’t got a pot to piss either. I’m very minful of the fact that a lot of my customers are cunts. Had one old bitch on this morning saying she needs me to call out to a fault. I did the job about 25 years ago, been back a couple of times but all in all everything’s been working fine. Problem is she lives about 30 fucking miles away so I tell her I’m extremely busy at the moment and she’d be lucky to see me by the back end of next week. Off she fucking goes on one. I don’t know she bleats, you do these jobs and offer these services and when I need you you can’t come. I say I just work on my own now and can’t be in 5 places at once and that I won’t be upset if she gets some other cunt to fix it. No, I’d like you to do it but as soon as you can, I’m an old lady and rely on help from people like you. Cheeky cunt. It’s ok for her to get up about 10 in the morning, do her fucking crossword and ring her fucking daughter to slag me off. So I’d like to advise her to be mindful toward me and go fuck herself the cobwebby old crab. Fucking deffo a remainer an all. Cunt .Wait till she sees the fuckin bill, she’ll have a fucking tick tack.
Know what you mean, Kendo. I had some cunt on the phone that I’ve done a fair bit of work for over the years . He’d got a different ( cheaper ) contractor in to do some work that I’d priced up for him. The other contractor hadn’t done the job to his satisfaction,and he wanted me to do a report/survey saying that the job hadn’t been done to a satisfactory standard so that he could try and weasel out of paying. I told the cunt that I wasn’t interested,and then rang the contractor to warn him what the sly cunt was up to…. hope they have a punch-up.
Fucking karma mate.
Yea I used to get all that shit when I was on the sparks. Put up with it for 13 years but fuckin jacked it now!
Now I run a couple of businesses and they’re doing OK. If 2 cunts came for a job and 1 had a couple of years experience but failed and 1 had a levels, degrees and fuckin stupid paid for accreditations, I’d take the one with experience.
Experience is the only thing worth anything at work. All this management bollocks is … well …. bollocks
Go fuck here daughter
Can I nominate David Haye the boxer for a cunting due to the fact the guy is a total fucking retard of a cunt,he should have learned the last time he wouldn’t shut his fucking mouth until it was shut for him,just take the money for the fight you cunt and stop trying to big up the endless ball room dancing demo you turned the last few fights into,its embarrassing and if your going to retire stay fucking retired……..so rather than mouthing off the get public interest just channel all that verbal energy into fighting better and putting on a good sportsman like show cuz at the moment your 2 steps away from the football hoolie cunts
I love the boxing, and one thing i know is, the mouthy one usually get knocked the fuck out.
I wish I could like Haye again, but he’s turned into a right embarrasing cunt.
Hopefully Anthony Joshua can beat Klitschko and keep his feet on the ground.
Or will he turn into a Mayweather style cunt ?
Boxing’s full of arrogant cunts, today, with very few being great.
I don’t know who the greatest boxer of all time is, but i don’t agree with it being Ali.
Have ye’s seen Ricky Fatton lately ?
And the cunt pulled, looking like that.
Terrible state for an ex athlete to be in.
Talking of ex athletes, Bradley Wiggins must be shiteing it.
And Mudflap Farrah better run and hide.
You should see the “Fat Prince of Sheffield” Naseem Hamed these days!
One of the best put-downs during the pre-fight press bollocks was during the Haye/Bellew “Gloves Are Off” programme when Bellew said: “Yeah but I’ve been fighting top world ranked opponents in recent times. He’s been fighting nobody’s to make himself feel good about himself. In fact his last opponent was so bad he carded a draw with his punchbag!”
That one tickled me. ?
I agree birdman, they’re all cunts that embarrass themselves these days.
Every time I see them mugging each other off it just seems like a playground argument between a couple of 13 year olds.
They should have their mouths sown shut.
Rappers too. …cunts.
Sorry that was supposed to say arrogant cunts but I guess just cunts will do fine.
Sugar Ray Robinson – without exception – was pound for pound the greatest boxer to have ever lived.
Heavyweights, probably Joe Louis. If Joe Louis had existed during a TV era where everyone had the opportunity to watch his fights then a lot of folk these days would be saying: “Muhammad who?” That’s not to take anything away from the Louisville Lip its just that he was the first of his generation where most households had a TV and therefore live access to see him fight in which obviously stays in the mind longer that a typed description in the newspapers or radio commentary.
The Derek Chisora V Dylian White was overhyped and ended up being one of the best heavyweight contests of the decade where the main bill (the Joshua fight) became a non-entity.
I hope the overhyped nature of Haye V Bellew ends up like the former of those fights rather than the latter.
Oh and Teófilo Stevenson of Cuba was probably the greatest amateur boxer of all time (heavyweight). He was mustard!
He was around during the Ali era and they wanted them to do an exhibition match which never came off. Pity cos that would’ve been interesting.
Agree about Robinson and Louis…Rocky Marciano was also one of the greatest fighters… And from my time I always liked Sugar Ray Leonard and Marvin Hagler… Also get what you’re saying about Ali… It’s a bit like George Best… Don’t get me wrong, Bestie was superb, and makes Messi look like a knob (well, he is one anyway)… But George arrived in the 60s: when pop culture and TV exploded, and Bestie got a fair bit of both worlds (probably too much)… But Tom Finney was also a massively skillful player, but his time was just before the 60s….
Both Haye and Bellew are cunts… But I reckon Haye will win it..
That said though, Bellew is an Evertonian, and they’re alright… It’s that other lot that (Black and White Cunt being the exception) that annoy me…
Look at the last Hagler (best Southpaw ever) V Leonard fight. It was a fix. Hagler never “set” a punch in the whole fight.
The Hagler V Thomas Hearnes fight, those 3 rounds, absolute best ever!
That was the halcyon age of the middle-weight boxers which followed on from the Ali/Frazer/Foreman/Norton era before the Tyson/Holyfield/Bowe heavyweight era. I always thought Ken Norton deserved more kudos than he got because he never got “beaten” by Ali and I’d say he won their encounters, and – without the Ali rose tinted glasses – the judges would have too.
Hagler, Leonard, Hearnes and Durant. Some absolute cracking fights amongst that lot.
And let’s not forget, we had Alan Minter………doh.
Ali had the gift of the gab and his personality was what stood him head and and shoulders above everyone else. I have no fucking idea if he was a good boxer or not. I only remenber him being beaten by Joe Frazier and when he won against someone else by allowing himself to be used as a punchbag until his opponent died of exhaustion.
Unstable cunt. Needs fuckin sectioning.
I love this stuff, I worked for a company that tied it’s self to Mary Goeber….then did a massive back track when she was exposed,
So the first thing is “taking ownership” this means you spoke to them first so its your problem/fault, however senior management have the “endorsement” clause, where by they think (shit this will go wrong ) I will pass you to (shit face I don’t like) they will take care of you ( college endorsed buck passed).
However it did involve some useful stuff like “time speak” where you nail the fucker down delivery content, time and address, this is very useful as I recently came in to conflict with a client trying to fiddle their books, telling me that I was wrong and impertinent, I just sent them a copy of their purchase order with address and a Google map route finder proving that it was incredible that they would make a 120 mile round trip to deliver equipment. They don’t like me anymore but hey ho.
David Haye wouldn’t dare step in the ring with Tyson Fury…..mainly because while they were fighting the Pikeys would break into David’s dressing room and nick all his bling. Tyson wins either way.
I’d just like to say I hope Haye caves Bellew’s face in tomorrow. And it’s not because he’s a scouser, it’s because he’s a grade A loudmouthed yapping cunt.
Come on you Bellews!
Birdman!!! I follow boxing big style, has bellew got a chance? Or do you think it’s a mismatch??
For my money if bellew can get past 4 rounds he has a chance, but haye is fast and has knocked out heavyweights, big if!!, are you buying it??
I truly don’t have a clue, Quislings.
Haye was fast, and I’d love to have seen him when he was younger.
It has been a while since he’s fought, and that must go against him.
So fuck knows.
He better strap his toes properly.
I forgot to mention, i have never picked a winner in boxing, and coz boxing ain’t what it used to be, it’s getting harder.
Never, not one winner.
Thank fuck I’m not a betting man.
And hair band…. ?
Old stubborn people are cunts.
Many of us have a old person with health and mobility problems within our families and usually its not a big problem unless they are total cunts.
They are the persons who need a lot a help, but as cunts they are ,refuse help and make the problems a lot worse for everyone.
They know they can’t drive a car anymore , that it would be a danger to everyone ,but they still do it in a pathetic attempt to prove that they are still able cunts, which in usual ends with a car crash and someone badly hurt.
They know they can’t walk without a cane or a mighty fall might happen, but still choose to do it, then they take a bad fall braking something leaving everyone worried and felling helpless.
They are cunts because they let their pride win over reality and don’t listen to anyone, making a lot a problems worse for them and their families.
I know that being old must be hard, but not accepting it and being a cunt is worse.
Since we’re on the subject of sport, I’ve been watching the f1 testing this week. Looks like Mercedes are going to walk away with it. AGAIN!
Can’t tell just from the testing but f1 needs a cunting anyway.
How does this sound?
We’re going to get some of the best minds on the planet to build the fastest possible cars.
We’ll spend billions to build purpose built race tracks all around the world that will test the drivers and machines to the very edge of their capabilities.
We’ll take the very best drivers in the world and have them race each other at over 200mph!
Sounds exciting doesn’t it!
Well it isn’t.
What cunts.
F1 is coming back, ahh fuck, that was quick.
Can’t stand the spo.., sorry i was going to call it a sport.
I can’t stand it. The missus loves it, and F1 (fnaarfnaar), so every couple of weeks i have to hear multi millionaires going round and round and round and round.
And round and round and round.
And then round again. 🙂
I did love the James Hunt filum though.
Yea mate that was a great film.
If they were allowed to crash a bit more, f1 would be quite exiting but they’re so scared of penalties.
Probably because their paycheck will get a bit smaller.
That’s why I like max verstappen. He’s young so he doesn’t give a fuck.
You found a wife that’s loves f1?!
…you hit the jackpot birdman!
And you’re right, it’s not really a sport now. More a marketing event with some cars thrown in on the side.
Fucking waste of petrol is F1. Never thought of it as a sport and never watched it. Bunch of cunt.
The problem with F1 is that the cars rarely go past each other, they just follow each other. Which makes it a procession rather than a race. And it’s been said that the new modifications will mean there’ll be less overtaking than before. What’s needed is modification to the race circuits, ie make them twice as wide.
I’d like to nominate the memory of Gary Speed.
He was in the paper again today.
Chris Coleman was talking about Speeds managerial greatness, AGAIN .
The media and ex colleagues alway call his death a tragedy, HE HUNG HIMSELF you doss cunts.
Either that or he was strangle wanking (cheers Norman).
So his untimely tragic death was none of the sort, and he shouldn’t be lauded as a tragic genius.
I don’t have a problem with Gary Speed alive, its the way he’s been immortalized that fucks me off.
If it was suicide, that makes him a cunt, coz that would mean the thoughtless cunt left his body to be found by family, and some poor cunt had to cut him down.
And that doesn’t make someone a tragic legend.
Yea an old mate of mine hung himself. His best mate found him and would’ve cut him down but couldn’t so just run out and called the cozzers.
He was a good guy but can’t help thinking that he was a cunt for putting his friends and family through that.
Funny how as soon as someone dies they become the best guy in the world. …even if they were a cunt when they were alive.
Yeah, it is weird that all the dead are “good guys”, Deploythesausage.
I know a few that have hung themselves, and my thoughts were always “you selfish cunt”.
My home town is full of suicidal cunts, and it still goes on even after i left. 🙂
We all need to leave a legacy mate. 🙂
My brother in law killed himself.
If you knew my sister then you’d understand why. I’d kill myself if I was saddled with her.
Not spoken to her for over 25 years. Moved house twice and not told her. Cunt is still breathing. Only the good die young…
A lot of truth in that final sentence.
I’m not disagreeing with you Birdman, Gary Speed was a very good player and a lifelong Everton fan. The reason he left EFC was that he became disillusioned with the antics of Howard Kendall. For example being found fucking wasted at the training ground on the treatment room table on many occasions. I witnessed Kendall smashed a couple of times personally. Still we did have good success under him. As a manager Speed was fairly ordinary but maybe had some promise. However we need to remember that Gary Speed was a young lad at the times of this abuse that’s been in the news lately. I think he did leave a note when he took his own life but the contents have never been revealed. Makes one think. So I’ll never cunt him.
I liked the guy, Kendo nag, its just the way his death is always described as “tragic”, when whatever he done, it was self inflicted.
And the way they class him as great manager is nonsense.
As i said, i liked him, even though he played for Sheffield United.
Bang on DTS you would never believe 200mph open wheel racing could be a snooze fest the cunts at F1 have managed it.oh how I miss the senna days…..and moto gp is going the same way,when Rossi retires the only thing I can enjoy is kal the cunt crutchlow crashing[prick],oh a Bradley wiggins will probably pass any drugs tests as he is a sir,they will just lie to protect the lying cunt…..ahstma my arse,is the whole point of cycling who can breath the best,,,,,,,2 wheeled rolling cunt
It’s all safety, safety, safety now!
I don’t want the drivers to die buy they’ve gone WAY too far!
If a driver leaves the track he should be spinning into the barriers or ploughing through the gravel.
All the new tracks are shit coz of the massive run off areas.
There’s no risk anymore which makes it boring.
I’d do reverse grids from the finishing position of the last race and give every finishing place points. But that seems controversial among the “pureists.”
And where are the first corner pile up’s?! …used to love that. Now they just drive through, nice and neat!
And no grid girls,at least they still have the tottie at the bike races and the odd corner one pile up….and no violent fans like the footie cunts
They’ve still got grid girls.
They fuckin better have anyway!
I remember a couple of seasons ago there was some talk amongst the lefty’s along the lines of “why women, get grid boy too!” But presumably they were told to fuck off.
I hope so anyway. No one wants to see that!
One of my customers was a Marlboro grid babe in the 80’s. You can still see why.
I’m thinking of watching Qtime bollocko so every time Mong speaks I can show him me donut.
You’ll have to fill me in dude, as mentioned a few cuntings ago, I don’t want my telly to get smashed.
As a connoisseur of cuntings, I’ll look forward to an out and out cunting of the highest magnitude. Composed by a natural born cunter of the utmost distinction!
Just took a blood pressure pill be on the safe side. ?
Anyone watching the rugby league tonight, Castleford giving Leeds a tonking, cracking game.
Formula 1 bollocks! I went to a Silverstone Grand Prix a few years ago, simply to get my end away( long story….cunning plan….didn’t fucking work)It is 10 times more boring than on the telly (yes really!), the noise does your head in and it costs a fucking fortune. I don’t like to talk myself up but I was the only normal bloke there. I have never seen such a bunch of nerds and wankers since the last time I went to Selhurst Park. It’s for cunts……strictly for cunts.
Yea every race I ask myself why the fuck I love it.
It bores the fuck out of me these days and it’s always the same cunts that win. …there just doesn’t seem to be enough of a fight to win!
Might have something to do with the fact that I make fuckin HUGE fry up for each race.
4 sausages, 4 bacon, 3 eggs, 2 toast (would be fried bread but I always fuck it up. ….suggestions please!), mushrooms, black pudding and a tin of beans or spaghetti hoops thrown over top.
I try to eat healthy (ish) during the week so perhaps it’s attached to that.
…actually it can’t be, I’ve had a mcdonalds (double bacon clubhouse AND el chicken spicy) and a kfc this week.
…and tomorrow I’m gonna try that kfc Loisiana burger!
I’m not fat …yet.
I know ye don’t care for the Scotch much, bit ye should try fried haggis on yer full breakfast.
Fried bread. Just put the chip fryer on, shove it in, turn over after 15-20 seconds, do that side the same, take out and dab with kitchen roll. Add salt.
Spaghetti hoops on yer fry up ?
No I was just in a very bad mood that day. As mentioned in my rant I do actually like the Scots. Think the snp just got me all pissed off so I thought I’d deliver a cunting.
It’s like you said. Saying the Scots are all snp is like saying the English are all tory.
The local pub were offering haggis a while ago.
My sis and bro in law went to Scotland and said they loved haggis but some of my mates said it was discusting. I decided against it purely because I don’t want to judge a national dish on the lame attempt of some second rate chef. When I do try haggis it needs to be proper!
This is the same pub that couldn’t serve me an eggs benedict because they’d run out of poached eggs.
…they still had fried eggs though!?
What useless cunts. Even I can poach an egg.
I’d fuckin love to try haggis but I doubt anyone round here could do it justice.
Truthfully, the best haggis, is deep fried in batter from the chippy, dipped in shiteloads of ketchup.
Pissing myself about them eggs.
Is there anything the Scots won’t batter? 🙂
…in all senses of the word!
I won second prize in a raffle at a village fete in Scotland, winning a haggis and chips supper.
First prize was just the chips…
Haggis is lush with mashed tatties and proper gravy.
I’ll let veggie Birdman have the neeps! ?
Don’t get me wrong, I like turnip (or swede) but it doesn’t like me much, one of two foodstuffs which makes me fart like a donkey and with a smell that could gag a maggot!
The other being Brazil nuts.
I make my own vegetarian haggis.
Brown lentils
Grated carrot
Loads of black pepper
The only thing i don’t eat it with is neeps and tatties.
I have it battered with chips, fried on a breakfast or have it in a toastie.
There’s loads ye can do with lentils.
My lentil spagbol and lentil meat balls in tomato and basil sauce are legendary in my own head.
Sounds fucking revolting! I much prefer sheep’s stomach lining filled with various offle like heart, kidney, liver, and…oh hang on a minute…that’s fucking disgusting too! ?
There’s a chippy near Cullercoats (Northeast coast just below Newcastle) that do the sausage shaped haggis battered, or “virgin” (no batter). If I’m over there I ask for a well done “virgin” one cos it’s like a massive scratching!
Fucking too right! ?
There’s no better place to see some amazing milfs than at an F1 weekend. That’s why I need glasses now.
My base in the UK is Northampton (sound like an international jet setter, I’m not) and during Silverstone its full of tacky dressed rich cunts, but, but the many many many milfs, make up for that.
New town
Shoe town
Hah! I work not far from Whittlebury Park in Northants and the stock of cunts you get there during F1 week!
Have ye ever heard a Northampton accent, me duck ?
I’ve been going to Northampton my whole life, and moved there in 93, and i swear I’ve only ever met two people with a Northampton accent, the couple next door.
90% have Cockney accents and the rest is a mixture of everywhere else.
Love Northampton, Northampton is my home.
Stoke do the “me duck” thing as well.
The thing is that – sad as it seems – Northants is now classed as being in the “Greater London” catchment area!
What a load of old cobblers! ?
Aw fuck, just noticed that fat cunt Salmong is on This Week as well as the dozy Mirror fucktard Kevin cunt McGuire. On the bright side Liz Kendall will be showing a bit of thigh hopefully. Just turn the sound off.
Nah tit on the bitch though
That top cunt Banana Boat Miller is in the news again. She says she hasn’t ruled out a second legal action to ensure Parliament has the final say by way of vote on the deal. So much for her boast that the first action was for all,our benefits and she just wanted the court to say that Parliament needed to agree to the government triggering Article 50.
We all know what you are trying to achieve you treacherous ugly cunt and it won’t fucking work. Don’t piss on me and tell me it’s raining.
Utter cunt.
Miller – The Jungle VIP – should fuck off back up banana tree and never be seen again…
Where is a Tommy Mair when you need one.
Or a mafia hitman
Ming Campbell is a cunt. He is on QT and had a moan about Norman Tebbitt referring to “foreigners” in the Lords debate on the Brexit bill.
The description of a foreigner is “someone who comes from a country other than ones own”. So now it’s wrong to be factually correct is it you soppy liberal cunt ?
Absolutely typical of his wishy washy type where absolutely anything and everything can be construed as being offensive.
You’re missing the point. The EU is a country. The UK is merely a region.
Next time I see Norman I shall shake him firmly by the hand and give him a hearty ‘well done’ for getting it spot on…
Silly me. Shake his hand for me too. One of the few left who talks any sense. Used to be my MP in Epping Forest. Good bloke.
The lefty cunts have all this gender neutral shit now mate!!
Soon you won’t be able to say words like “she” or “he.”
“Cunt” should still be OK though.
Never heard of the cunt before. Where do the ABBC drag these cunts from ?
What’s all this about Sweden reintroducing army conscription?….
Do they want an army to flush all the sandsambo turds down the drain?…
Does the Swedish government want Swedish men off the streets, so the aforementioned sandsambos can rape, thieve, and shit in public at their leisure?….
Or do the snowflakes in Sweden want their very own branch of Islamic State?….
Told you all, Professor AC grayling. He’s a complete cunt, see how long you can stand reading his anti brexit website, I last 5 seconds, before thinking of slamming Professor Graylings cunt head into a spike.
Been recently unemployed, I’d like to cunt Universal Credit, the new system that’s taken over Job seekers allowance, I’ve worked almost all my working life of 23 years, Universal Credit Staff or whoever they are never ring you back (I’ve been waiting since Monday for them to return my call) they are completely incompetent cunts.
Told you all, Professor AC grayling. He’s a complete cunt, see how long you can stand reading his anti brexit website, I last 5 seconds, before thinking of slamming Professor Graylings cunt head into a spike.
Been recently unemployed, I’d like to cunt Universal Credit, the new system that’s taken over Job seekers allowance, I’ve worked almost all my working life of 23 years, Universal Credit Staff or whoever they are never ring you back
It’s early hours of Friday now and I filled my shitty Universal Credit form in on Monday and was told they ring you back within 2 working days. Still waiting so rang them this morning, recorded the conversation because they recorded it! Top and bottom of all this is I just want a fucking job, not dole, I’ve always worked but not got a chance with 16-24 year old apprenticeships which is cheap labour, I’m fucked and on the scrap heap at 40.
That’s a pisser, Harry… They also employ foreign cunts and pakis to appear PC and also pay them cheaper than an experienced and hardworking Brit…
And I’ve been told all these cunts with contracts to do the Jobcentre’s dirty work really are cunts… Twats like Groundwork, Seetec etc… With Seetec apparently being the biggest bastards… Treating unemployed people like naughty schoolkids and criminals, and putting them through shit that achieves nothing and helps no one…
To be honest, the dole office have no idea how to deal with people who have been made redundant, or have lost their job, folk who need a job because they have bills to pay, or a shred of dignity. All the work I’ve ever had I’ve got myself, because the job centre has always been a waste of time. The last time I was unemployed, the stupid cunts offered me a part time job, minimum wage, an hour a day, twenty five miles from where I live. I looked at this prick like he’d just asked me to put a cactus up my piss pipe!
They do however fawn over the unemployable bone idle cunts, which made me even angrier, as I was being interviewed in an open plan office, sitting a foot away from some scumbag moaning how his giro was late, and they couldn’t have been more apologetic. Best of luck Harry, I hope you don’t have to put up with them for long.
I wonder how Shaun got on?
Hopefully all is well in “the dead” camp.