Caitln Moran is a cunt for saying young girls shouldnt read books by men as they cant handle it.Feminist my arse had a man said that he would be labelled a chauvinist pig.Stupid anti-intellectual feminist harpie mong of a cuntbag.
Nominated by Shaun
I’ve cunted Moran a couple of times… This total cunt recently boasted about when she was younger she did some “rumpeteering”, describing herself as a sort of sexual David Attenborough, adventuring and researching…. First off, anyone who uses/creates a word like rumpeteering is a premium cunt… Secondly, this self important frump wants girls not to read books by ‘horrible men’ yet encourages them to act like slags with her bragging about promiscuity… Thirdly, who the fuck would shag that thing at any fucking time?!… I bet 99% of her ‘conquests’ were pissed… Also, who is this gluebag to say what people -anyone – can or can’t read?… This cunt – for all her liberal bullshit – would be more at home in North Korea…
Gobshite Moran also claims she loves The Bealtes… But you can’t dearie… They were four white men from Liverpool… And Lennon (pre-Yoko especially) and Macca weren’t the most pro-feminist blokes in the world… If the cap with hypocrisy written on it fits, let the feminazi gobshite wear it…
Nominated by Norman
Absolutely horrible cunt, and my granddad fought a war against cunts like this who dictated what people could and couldn’t do… She’ll be telling people what records not to listen to next….One can hear it now… ‘Don’t listen to that nasty Jimi Hendrix… He degrades women by calling them both foxy and lady…. I’ve never heard such sexism… Blah blah bollocks etc…’
It’s your typical feminzai hypocrisy… Moran boasts about her shagging exploits, but hates men who ‘objectify’ women… Madogga calls herself a feminist, yet she works with a rapist and wifebeater… Miley Cyrus talks about women being ‘degraded’ by Trump, yet she’s like a whore with a record contract…. Emily Ratathingy (or whatever her name is) spouts about being taken seriously, and posts selfies with her tits out flipping the bird… Fucking having their cake and eat it cunts and double standards misandrist bastards…
Feminists are arrogant narcissistic dumb cunts.At my uni they did a bake sale charging women 82p for a cupcake and men a £1 to buy a cake to highlight the gender pay gap (which has been debunked numerous times) and they are now having a hissy fit because it got in the press.
Feminists should be referred to as NWTs… Nazis With Tits…
Or NWC`s 😉
Did the trannies pay 91p?
Lauren Harries would have blown their pricing policy out of the water.
.. I’d have charged Izzard £1.82 … Cunt wants the best of both worlds.
Feminists make me wish I was gay or at least bisexual so I had another option.Surely a cock up the arse must be better than listening to a modern day feminist.Most are mingers though and the good looking ones have an over inflated sense of superiority over the others like the queen bee at most high schools.A former head of the feminist society at my uni was a prostititute who charged hundreds a go.The fact that she was a feminist and charging so much would automatically make me go totally flaccid for a week
put a bag over their heads and make holes in them big enough to get a cock in their mouth
Now I know where I’ve seen her before… It was in Ghostbusters…
You’re not exaggerating M8, she really does look like a dirty hambeast. That photo is proof of why the body positive movement in feminism exists.
Yeah don’t read books by the brightest minds on fucking earth the reason? because they have a penis and have probably grabbed pussies before or thought about it so basically a thoughtcrime rapist… dumb marxist feminist slag
Yet another example of a self important , hypocritical cunt lacking in self awareness.
If she had bothered to write down her outpourings and then actually read them she would rip them up and call herself a cunt and save us the bother.
George Galloway is going to write some children’s books about an ethical leftist pirate.Google it I am not lying incredibly.Then again that is the sort of story you couldn`t make up!
Hasn’t the ethical thief been done before with all the Robin Hood stories, TV shows, and films?… I suppose Galloway’s ‘pirate’ will have a crew with more colours than jelly babies and a transbender with three dicks in the crows nest… Galloway is such a cunt…
He will probably fire rockets into Israel and suck the Palestinians arseholes straight after they have had a shit!
The worst thing about feminists is that unlike that old battleaxe who was either your gran your great aunt or neighbor.You know your Mary Whitehouse Ena Sharples Lou Beale`s Edna Birch and Blanche Hunt types.Utterly miserable bitter old cunts who wanted to ruin everyone`s fun and constantly fucking moan.Difference is they were just miserable cunts on their own accord and didnt politicize their cuntitude in a stupid movement.They were proper cunts who could suck the life out of a room with a razor sharp tongue.They weren’t thick to boot like the feminists who need a collective to sustain themselves.
I remember Blanche Hunt being a bit of a raver in the 70s on Corrie… When she twatted Ray Langton foe being a cunt to Deidre was top telly…
Haha yes I believe that made Maggie Jones obituary.Incredibe how quickly she aged.She looed good in the old episodes I have seen from the 70`s and 80`s in but she always looked about 90 when I was growing up in the 90`s and early noughties.
Maybe her rapid ageing made her a prime suspect from going from fun flirty middle aged barmaid to whinging old cunt.I loved the character though .I had a neighbour like her.Miserable old bitch who never did anything but insult you and criticize you but boy did I shed a tear when the old cow finally conked out well in her 90`s.She had an outdoor funeral and it pissed down.Only she could have managed to be a vindictive old cunt after death!Bless her:The rotten old bitch:P
I liked the characters of Minnie and Ena… Only in real life Violet Carson (Mrs Sharples) was the more reserved one and Margot Bryant (Minnie Caldwell) was a tough little bugger..
Blanche was the last of the classic battleaxe line… Don’t even think there is one in it now… Every character in today is a cunt…
Makes me laugh these feminists, none would be here if it wasn’t for mans sperm/spunk/spadge/jizz/ or whatever other names fellow cunters use.
I bet their fathers all wish they had had the snip.
When I was younger, i told my Da that i wanted to be a spaceman.
He said i would’ve been, if the Mater hadn’t jumped on.
Any cunt who uses a word like ‘rumpeteering’ should be submerged in evo-stik glue and then pelted with gravel…
…Or shit. .
Shit mixed with gravel and drawing pins….
…….and more shit
What the fuck is rumpeteering anyway?
Something to do with an arse and a trumpet I presume.
…..think I saw something like that on monty python.
I’d like these cabbage smelly hags if they got on their high horse about petrol prices or food prices but these luvvies are too busy getting ticky boxes to show there horse faces on the BBC or to witter on BBC radio 4, cunts.
Funny how these feminazi celebriscum never mention any word of support to the poor women who are victims of the rapeugee filth in Germany or Sweden… Nor do they have any words for the brave birds in Syria and Iraq who are fighting those greasy IS turds….
Shows how fucking fake their ‘beliefs’ really are…
And I haven’t heard one celebricunt feminist ever mention the poor girls of Rotherham or Rochdale… Ever….
Presumably on the basis they were not minorities. Well in Rotherham they are the minority.
You would have thought these feminazis would jump on this issue. However their problem is that the rapist bastards are “peaceful” folk and therefore beyond criticism.
You never will, and that is a real crime.
Yea the fuckin idiots will protest Donald Trump but not a single squeak to the Saudis about the oppression, stonings, rapes and murders.
Moran is a nightmare… A real life cross between Millie Tant and one of the Fat Slags…
Bluming true Norman, well said. It’s all about getting themselves on Question Time or having a book out and promoting it on Loose Women, the types of Moran,Lily Allen, Gina Miller etc would shit a brick live on TV if you mentioned the victims in Rotherham and Rochdale.
Yes I wonder if it’s about believing in a cause or just going against the working class white man for these lefty cunts.
Left out Germaine Greer, bloody Australia wind bag.
In fairness to auld bra-burner herself, even she doesn’t get these so-called modern day feminists, or WTF they’re twisting about!?!
Jo Brand, she’s another one.
Never heard of her.
So that probably makes me a sexist then…
If she was getting rooted all the the time at uni, she must have been taking a stunning pal along with her and promising threesomes.
Her book titles always make me laugh from ” how to be a woman ” ” how to build the girl” and the big question ” are men obsolete ” maybe her books should be titled ” why am I so flabby” “am I relevant ” and my favourite ” university bike” …….
Other Caitlin Moran titles due for release..
how to achieve the body of someone 20 years older
easy rider ( a guide to handling old bikes with saggy tyres)
Moose!! Who me??
Stupid cunt!!! ( my life story)
Enough said…. ?
Why are all feminists fat, miserable and ugly?
Because if they weren’t, they wouldn’t be feminists.
Ain’t that the truth!! ?
Women shouldn’t be taught how to write,unless they are Agatha Christie or composing a shopping list.
This birds a Cunt!! Bin her!! ?
Having seen the photograph on my site visit of the 10th, I have just been released from hospital suffering from a horrible case of “cock shock!” That ugly minger with her rolls of belly that collide with her knees has simply been too much for me to bear. I am mindful of the fact that where there is pain ( and Jesus she gave me one ) then there is a claim. My lawyer is on the case to seek damages. I may not however survive long enough to reap any benefit! Ugly Cow !
You’re a knob