I would like to cunt vocal minorities.
Whether it is the flat earthers against fracking who travel the country setting up their fucking hippy camps, the anti Trumpeteers (the cunt was voted president, get over it), The Remoaners (who are a minority even of those that voted Remain), No-platforming student fucking halfwits, the LGBT set (if that is the right acronym. You have your rights, now shut the fuck up. The rest of us couldn’t give a fuck), friends of the religion of peace who cast the cunts as victims, Black Lives Matter (of course they do but it is usually blacks who kill blacks)
There are many many more. Make enough noise and your minority supersedes the majority, and that can’t be right.
Fuck off and crawl back under your stones. Cunts
Nominated by Cunstable Cuntbubble
Welcome to the Socialist utopia.
Every minority gets pandered too, special rights and privileges. Don’t belong to a minority group? Then fuck off, you are the problems that the minorities are being defended against, you sexist, racist, homophobic islam hating bastards. Still, pay your taxes or else though.
That’s the problem with socialism, be careful what you wish for.
National socialism is the only way forward democracy is nothing but a lie, just easier to swallow communism. https://ifunny.co/fun/WazmpdlX4?gallery=tag&query=nationalsocialist#comments
That sociology teacher should go to Rotherham, plenty of inclusive “dating” going on there.
What sort of thick cunt is this teacher when she is shocked groups form and sit at different tables? It is called “ingroup bias” and is an essencial part of evolusionary biology. Diversity is not strenghth, unity is strength. Daft inclusive cunts!
I see the Beebistan Broadcasting Caliphate is in meltdown following POTUS Trump banning them and a couple of other fake news networks CNN etc from White House press conferences.
Funny as fuck seeing the cunt Reporter Sopel not getting an invite. What do they expect. The BBC have spent the last two months reporting bullshit bias and lies about Trump 24/7 with no hint of balance or impatiallity.
They reap what they sow. Cunts.
I see the Oscars this year are bulging at the seems with diversity. The most diverse offering is about a pufta diverse kid with a crack ho ma growing up in Miami. You simply cannot get more diverse than that if you tried, which makes me think they did try very hard indeed. Who the fuck wants to pay good money to see shit like that? I wouldn’t even waste my limited band width downloading it from pirates bay for free. Another cinematic gem is an old fashioned kitchen sink melodrama, only diverse allowed. It doesn’t end there as there is another film about some diverse wiminz who can do sums. Jesus fucking wept. If I were a diverse actor, I would feel insulted.
And has this all this painfully contrived pandering to the diversity loby shut the fuckers up? Has it fuck! Now the cunts are saying the oscars are only so diverse this year as it just so happens there are a few “good” diverse films about at the moment. Diverse cunts.
If you wanted to sweep the board at the oscars, here’s the movie to do it. Oppressed African slaves only find happiness in dressing up as women, beating racism and homophobia after an epic struggle. Call it Ten years a trannie, the musical.
Absolute genius! Have you got a script? ?
Eddie Izzard in the lead role.
Gary Lineakunt as the narrator
Lyrics by Biily Bragg, assisted by Lilly Mong
Special guest appearance by Benterdick Cunterslump
Sadiq Kunt playing the part of a cunt
Feel free to add more……
I’m a member of the most discriminated against group in the country….I’m a white,working-class,heterosexual male. I’d love to go on some marches,blockade a few roads,scream abuse at anyone who disagrees with me,but unfortunately I’m too busy just trying to get by in a country which seems to value idleness,stupidity,ignorance and unadulterated selfishness above all else.
The country’s gone to shit,and all of those screaming harridans,entitled w@gs and raving queers are welcome to live in the PC world that they seem so intent on creating,hopefully I’ll be dead before they complete their work.
well said, and frankly what a fucking hell hole it would be if they get their way.
At that point all these groups will turn against themsleves and each other.
Why do these groups rail against and want to destroy the very society that allowed them to live as they please, and replace it with a totalitarian Orwellian nightmare where anything one says that could possibly be offensive to anyone can end you up being ‘reeducated’ always baffles me.
The reason could be that the members of the groups do not have to worry about finding enough food to eat. Having a potable water supply, instant free medical aid if one hurts oneself, free education, fuck me if you push that switch we have light (at night) flush the bog it’s gone!! I am not saying (I am) that a return to the muderous times past would help these cunts appreciate the World that supports and nurtures them but hey I am a thick racist tax payer and I want to shout for a change!! I have seen that the struggle for basics often overrides the needs of the lesbian gay disabled penguin community cos if you are starving you eat the fucking penguins. I really think someone fucked up a while back.
Somewhat confusing rant my fellow cunters but my hangover is fucking mega and the keyboard keys sound like rifle fire…
The liberal left learned a long time ago, that real power is not the elected government, which after making unpopular decisions could be voted out, but with the organisations that our society depends on, such as education, the health service and all the quangos that should be there to implement government policy. These organisations should be apolitical, but because they have such weight in shaping policy, they are crucial to shaping the political landscape. I don’t think that a labour government under Jeremy Corbyn would fare much better, as he is from the socialist left, who at least nail their colours to the mast. I think the liberal left would love to see a new party emerge, with cunts who share their values like Blair, Farron, Kinnock and Clegg, Ken Clarke and the like. Then, we we could do away with this democracy sham, and get on with creating their utopia. The We Know Better party. Cunts….
Hear hear DF.
I’d add English, or even British to the list of discrimination.
Whilst allowances are made for foreigners whenever they kick up a fuss about not having their own shitty countries customs here, no matter how abhorrent, the British have to toe the line, and no excuses.
I’d like to nominate Mr D Fiddler…for President, Prime Minister and King. The above piece should be reprinted, sent to every right on virtue signalling fuckwit in this country and then made to read it out ten times before it’s rammed down their cunting throats.
Witches trying to put a harry potter spell on a trump, who do these silly slags think they are. What can these stupid witches do against Trump? not a damn thing! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4258740/Witches-gather-midnight-cast-spell-Donald-Trump.html https://youtu.be/XUoM6oX93Nc
I have met a few women who call themselves witches. They all seem to be overweight,late middle aged cunts dressed all in trailing purple dresses with loads of wooden beads,have loads of cats,drink herbal teas (which all smell like tomcats piss it seems) and congregate at fucking WOMAD or pointless demonstrations. The daft old cunts.
Publicity seeking whores playing the gullible for the fools they are. Part of me respects that level of cuntitude. A bit like how part of me respects ubber cunt Simon Cowell.
Is Trump the one who is responsible for raping kids, importing and selling tons of fucking heroin, establishing no go areas in our major cities demanding that we respect their cuntish culture and so on and on. Why I think not, so why not try your powers of cuntery on the real causes of our current shitfest.
For fucks sake how blind can these fuckwits be.
Dick fiddler have you read titanic Britain?? If not you should as it covers off all the stuff in your post… very interesting book…..
I haven’t read it, but have just ordered a copy. Cheers.
Sounds good. Download it in PDF for free here;
Cheers SE, but must admit I’m still a bit of an old fart who actually quite likes a proper book,can’t seem to get away with downloading books.
I like a proper book too dick especially if it has pictures in it… Curious george or penthouse as long as it as pictures I’m fine
Diversity is designed to divide, get everyone in a silo and focused on their own particular axe to grind and we wont see the bigger picture and unite into a majority with a loud voice.
Diversity is a toxin being pumped into society to segregate people into ever smaller minorities. At the moment the minorities are given a voice to encourage the process. It wont be long until they are told to shut up.
The thing is that the silent majority is silent because it’s too busy trying to grind out a living to be fucked on with protesting for protesting’s sake like this minority of cunts.
I’ll be honest, I don’t know any gay men or women (or at least if I do know them I don’t know that about them – it’s an irrelevance to me). I certainly don’t know any trannies (of any description or metamorphical stage) and yet if you watch any TV programme or advert it’s riddled with them.
If the real stats were to be reflected across the meejah then we’d get one every 20 programmes or so, or one every day in advertising.
But no we get them hammered into our homes. Have LGBT awareness days in schools for 9yr olds, etc., and because of the way it’s portrayed it’s now made to look trendy so even if you’re kid is straight then after all of the LGBT brainwashing they probably want to be gay cos that looks cooooool!
Every family in Britain is mixed race. Now my best mate at school was mixed race but him and his brother were the only ones in the entire school of 700 kids. Nowadays that would be higher but every advert now has a mixed race family in it, and it’s simply not reflective of society as a whole.
The only minority group which needs more support than any other group in society is the disabled and even then only in terms of rights of access, etc., I know a few raspberries and they can be equally vindictive and nasty cunts (and funny cunts) as anyone else in society.
The silent majority is silent because the majority of that silent majority truly don’t give a fuck!
Fellah loves a fellah. Don’t give a fuck.
Woman loves a woman. Don’t give a fuck.
Black fellah marries a white woman. Don’t give a fuck.
Black woman marries a white fellah. Don’t give a fuck.
Fellah wants to wear womens clothes. Don’t give a fuck.
Woman wants to wear fellahs clothes. Don’t give a fuck.
Bloke wants a vag. Don’t give a fuck.
Woman wants a cock. Don’t give a fuck.
So when will all these so-called oppressed minorities get the fact that the majority of society no longer gives a fuck!
However, keep pushing and pushing and pushing YOUR view as being more relevant/important in society than the majority then – at some point – the majority will get fucking fed up of it and there will be a backlash.
And when the majority does find its voice and voices it’s concerns then the minority does it’s best to suppress that voice with cries of intolerance, racism, sexism, etc.
They campaign for a “fair and even” society just so long as that fair and even society doesn’t involve or include the majority!
So thanks for that political correctness and positive discrimination – you cunt!
Christian bloke wants to marry Muslim woman – shit hits the fan!
Woman gets get head chopped off. Man is castrated
Apparently it’s called ‘honour killing’
Can’t see the honour or the logic personally…
Well said RWAC.
No, no, no, no, no!
You miss the point entirely Dioclese. The “peaceful” cunts expect us to be entirely tolerant of their religion, way of life, values and how their “peaceful” religion treats others in society.
If we ask them to respect our way of life and values then we are simply intolerant racists. Now do you get it?
It may seem selfish to us but to them it’s completely fair and woe-betide anyone who disagrees with them.
They all want a “fair and tolerant” society just ao long as some sectors of society are treated with more fairness and tolerance (i.e. theirs) than other sectors (i.e. ours).
I do give a fuck about a lot of the above. I’ve been live and let live for my entire adult life. Fact is though that attitude isn’t extended back. I have to put up with every passing fad society wants to throw at me as long as it is someone else’s religion, gender preference, race issue.
If I openly say, I don’t agree with gay marches I am a homophobic, if If I say I don’t believe we should allow Mosques to be built I am an Islamophobe, if I say I think Black lives matters is racist, I am racist.
So when will the will equality arrive?
When will the seedy and at times just fucking wrong side of the gay community be openly discussed, When will the deep seated issues with Islam be publicly discussed and rejected, when will the black community be told in no uncertain terms that many of their problems are self created and perpetuated in their own communities.
Not anytime soon that’s for fucking sure.
Well said Sixdog. The “Don’t give a fuck” mentality has given the cunts room to take the piss so that by the time comes to actually “Give a fuck” it is too late.
The liberal cunts actually believe their own bollocks, that diversity is strength so the way to make society stronger is by engineering more division.
And yet when the silent majority at last stand up, e.g. Brexit and Trump, the liberals shills shriek the country is divided! Brexit has divided Britain! Trump has divided the USA! No, you dumb cunts! Brexit has not divided Britain. YOU divided Britain with your identity politics “Diversity is strength” bollocks.
I think I need a bit of a nice lay down.
Diversity is just a new word for apartheid… Except in Britain it’s blacks, migrants, muslims, pooves, transbenders that take priority over the British people who actually live and work here… A white working class person will be lucky if they can fucking vote here in 30 years time…
The BBC being the most guilty of this apartheid in reverse…Black actresses only auditions for Doctor Who… And no Bake-Off past winner ever got their own show and treated like a megastar… But that Nadiya cunt cops the lot… I know the beeb don’t play the national anthem at closedown any more (they probably see it as ‘offensive to foreigners’ or ‘Too British’)… But they might as well play a remake of the Bob & Marcia soul hit, with these new words…
Young,muslim and black
Oh, what a lovely precious dream
To be young, muslim and black
This is the all-new BBC
In the new BBC, You will see
There’s a million employees
Who are young, muslim and black
And that’s a fact
Young, muslim and black
We must begin to tell our young
There’s a world waiting for you
The invasion has begun
Sorry, just had a random thought. Just saw a video some snowflake posted about getting DNA tested, and people were surprised at their ancestry. Some had roots all over and pretty much they were all mixed race. The point was that we all have mixed ancestry through the generations. No surprise there, but our ancestors all settled in a country of choice because we felt comfortable with like minded people.
Point is, get the DNA test, prove you are a minority, then you can get away with any shit you want. Spout race hatred outside a mosque, you are fine, spit in baby’s face, no problem. Want to go to an industrial tribunal but can’t afford the near £1000 it costs to lodge the claim, just play the race card because you are a minority, you get to do it for free. £45 well spent! Develop a mental illness and you pretty much get away with what you want. Not sure who I am cunting apart from the dumbass snowflake who posted the video, and I could’t even be arsed to see his name.
I’ve got some Indian and 4×2 blood, so budbud dingding schmucks.
(and more)
Our DNA is 95% the same as a house fly and as homosapiens originated in Africa we all carry some of their DNA too. It doesn’t show we are all immigrants.
Ye cant mention that someone is black, gay, transgender, Muslim etc, but we’ve to celebrate it at the same time ?
I’m confused.
How come us veggies are still getting it in the neck ?
I demand vegetarian toilets.
I don’t want to smell meat scented shite .
In other news, the Lohan has claimed she was racially profiled when going through passport control.
She had her headscarf on, and was told to take it off.
Another cunt that doesn’t understand the word race.
She’s ginger with freckles, ffs.
I thought it was necessary to identify yerself at borders.
I cant wear a hat or sunglasses, so get a grip Lohan, you sexy, slutty, drives birdman wild, doss cunt.
Lohan’s just lucky that I don’t work at passport control,it would be the full strip search and cavity inspection… I like a bit o’ginger minge, I do.
I hate the cunt, but she’s just so fuckin sexy, the same with Mariah Carey
Even with the Lohans lip injections, that don’t matter when ye have tits like that.
Natural ones like an eighties page three model.
Best tits in slebland.
Just for you, birdman.
Personally I think all gingers are mingers. And just look how many of them there are around these days. Jessica Chastain, Amy Adams, Emma Stone, Julianne Moore, Debra Messing, Judy Greer, Bella Thorne, Deborah Ann Woll, Kate Mara. I could go on. Some of these aren’t even natural gingers but CHOOSE to be that way!
I’m proud to say I have never ever shagged a ginger and never will.
Apart from Christina Hendricks.
Access denied.
Is it the Playboy pics were she’s blonde ?
They’re excellent.
Cheers anyway Skidmark Eggfart.
I’ve been with one ginger. Curvy with big tits.
I rooted her a few times, but one time it was during the day. The sun was shining in through the window while we were in bed. I had white sheets and when I lifted them to start rooting, i caught the sight of what looked like a bonfire down there.
It was a fiery glow.
This was before every cunt shaved their cunts.
I’d still say she was the ride of my life, but I kept it to night time after that.
Michelle Keegan has the best celebrity tits, I reckon… Katy Perry (cunt though she is) also has a cracking pair…
Salma Hayek or Kelly Brook for me.
Some nostalgia here, birdman… Although she looks a state now (face fucked up by plastic surgery), 80s/90s pop singer, Belinda Carlisle, had a magnificent natural pair of norks…
Cheers Norman, forgot all about her.
No know how, she’s beautiful.
Gingers have no souls!, prove me wrong
The left wing media indulge and pander to these whinging fuckers giving them airtime for any perceived slight, remember the vegan cunts and the new £5 note? No one was asking you to fucking eat it.