Sadiq Khan [5]

Sadiq Khan is a cunt. His latest stroke of genius is to raise London’s congestion charge by a tenner for vehicles over ten years old. In other words, penalising drivers too poor to buy a newer car or punishing them for not buying new products.
The party of the working man…

Nominated by Mr Bastard

48 thoughts on “Sadiq Khan [5]

  1. Surely it makes sense to an individual to keep their car as long as possible. This does not make sense for the Car companies though, fuck loads of Cars are sold every year, there is not much space on the roads in Cities now but they keep selling the fucking things as it’s big business. It’s like Electronic goods, always being pushed to buy the latest crap because it does something slightly differently. I say fuck the whole lot of the cunts and their bullshit products. If you have something that works for you then keep it until it doesn’t. Cars are the biggest cons that are sold in the UK, at least with property you’ll usually make money. Car’s only cost you money to run and maintain, and fuck getting a car on finance as well. You get ripped off with the repayments and when you finally pay for the cunt it’s worth 25-40% of what you’ve paid out. Fucking joke.

    • There’s loads of sites in the UK where brand new cars/vans are hidden from public view, so no one asks why they keep making cars at a higher rate than they’re selling them.
      Ye used to be able to see one from the train when going by Milton, Dumbarton.

      I’m not for one minute saying that the car manufacturing industry should shut down, but they need to calm down

    • To birdman’s point, I remember seeing massive car parks from the train just before Gatwick Airport, absolutely full of brand new cars. Rows and rows of the things, most with that white plastic covering wafting in the breeze making it obvious they’re brand new and being stored there.

      I bought a new car once (in the UK) on Ford’s finance and was shocked to find out the cunts had charged me all the interest up front. When I went to pay it off in full a few years before the term of the loan, I discovered that I still owed 100% of the cost of the vehicle because what I’d been paying monthly up to that point was the interest alone. Absolute bastards.

      Brand fucking new car and the first time it rained I got a swimming pool in the driver’s side foot well. Lovely. Then after a few thousand miles I noticed the outside edge of the front tyres had excessive wear compared to the tread on the rest of the tyres. Ford can fuck off royally. Never again. And the sales twat who sold me the car made a mess of the finance paperwork and had to re-do it. I was away on holiday at the time, so he forged my signature so he could submit the paperwork in time. I kid you not! Cunts.

  2. A typical sly,devious muslim paki.
    In 2010 he was caught out,twice,fiddling his expenses,should have been immediately sacked,but walked away scot-free.
    Ran that cunt Ed Millibands leadership campaign.Fucking bellend,

    His legal career seems to have consisted of him taking action against the police,mainly in cases of “discrimination”,including representing that crooked sod Superintendent Dizaei. From what I can see, muzzies must have made up 99% of his clients.

    Just shows how far down the road to ruin this country is,when a fucking apologist for,and member of,the “peaceful religion” is Mayor of our Capital city. Won’t be long until they’ve finished turning it into some third-world shithole,ruled by bearded perverts dressed like refugees from “Carry on up the Kyber.” This cunt Sadiq Khan,is the “acceptable” face of their vile religion,and the cunt is sly enough to pull it off.

    Oh,and from what I’ve read,the cunt seems to have banned skimpy-clad women posters from the Tube…..proof conclusive that the man is an utter Cunt.

    • The cunt Khan made a move to ban adverts on the city’s transport network that promoted unrealistic body image, as he believes these can be regarded as demeaning, particularly to women.

      In light of this I expect the cunt to ban Islam and the bin bags that Muslim women are forced to wear to avoid receiving a beating….

      • Only trouble is J R, most Muzzie women are extremely hairy,and fucking ugly….better to keep them under wraps. It also helps to contain the odour.

      • Is this the same miliband who agreed on every word of Tony Blairts speech? his twitter is just pure cuntishness

        Also If I can’t wear my ku klan klan outfit why the fuck do haji birds get to wear their nib bibs, just saying equal rights is equal rights

      • Come to Spain.
        Every easter the street is full of cunts dressed in KKK outfits.

        When Muslim wimmin wear them, are they called the Klu Klux Khan ?

      • Fuck all to do with demeaning women it’s because of his cuntish religion. Being a women and a Muslim is about the most demeaning existence I can imagine; so why, if he wants to stop women being demeaned does he not have a crack at the multitude of fellow cunts in his religion that treat women like dogshit. I know because treatment of women is a big part of their mud age (pre Stone Age) book.
        He is a cunt with a magnitude greater than the ex mayor of Tower Hamlets but only by a gnats whisker.

    • Now then… this Khan cunt is due for a fucking good cunting from me. I hate the fucking bastard. How this slimeball and his fuckers were allowed to settle here in the first place is a fucking travesty. Lawyer? Yes he was a Lawyer for all the fucking carpet kissing, paedo, camel cock sucking arseholes who flocked to him in their droves. Trust me, this bastard will not rest until Buckingham Palace is the new Central Mosque, and Westminster is a centre for Islamic Study. I puke at the thought of this vile little twat.

  3. I’d love to know what all those taxi drivers and self-righteous cunts who own Priuses, etc., eill do when they’re ready to be scrapped?

    There is some really nasty shit in all those modern lithium-ion batteries which is a disaster waiting to happen if not disposed of expertly and carefully.

    Do the hybrid/leccy car manufacturers offer a free scrapage/disposal service for their old vehicles (the original Prius units must be 10yrs old or so by now)?

    If they don’t then decent folk will still dispose of them responsibly but I’m betting more than one “peaceful” taxi unit will be “stolen” and found “burned out” or dumped in some canal, pond or river.

    So to all you “look at me, I’m saving the planet by not using as much fuel as you” cunts, I’d like to say this: cheers for the massive hike in carcinogenic materials in the system! You cunts!

    • I drive a real gas-guzzler. I dont give a tupenny fuck about Global Warming and the like. I’m not pedalling around in some tinpot chariot to save countries like Bangladesh from getting flooded……In fact I think I might go and start the beast up now,and let it idle for a couple of hours.

      • Shit, you can only like something once!

        I’d have been hitting the like above like a morse key!

        Pissed myself at that one because it reminded me of a comment me Uncle said when asked if his old V8 420SE Merc was fair to the environment. This was some green party busy body in a Tesco’s car park doing canvassing of the locals. It was Manchester in the early 90’s. I still remember it to this day and why Dick’s post above got me giggling…

        “Is this your car sir?”

        “It is.”

        “Do you know how economical it is or what it’s impact on the environment could be?”

        “Er no, not really thought about it to be honest.”

        “Here is a picture of Fiji and the Easter Islands. Global warming is causing sea levels to rise which will affect nations such as these and pollution caused by cars is one of the biggest contributors to global warming, which melts the polar icecaps and in turn causes sea levels to rise which then threatens island nations such as these.”

        And the next line was delivered sincerely because it was exactly what was going through his head at the time: “Islands? Well, they’ll all have boats won’t they.” – and off he went, leaving the school teacher type open-mouthed.

        He didn’t have a clue why I was laughing all the way to the beer isle! Like I say there was no malice or sarcasm in his voice. It was stated as a fact. ?

      • One of my (2) cars does not have cats fitted the car also drinks fuel. Proud to admit I am a climate change cunt have been called such a couple of times, could not hear properly over the exhaust noise. The climate has been changing ever since there was a climate. One massive volcanic event (natural of course) and the last thing the cunts will be worrying about is polluting cars. Ideology over science again. Fuck em all.

      • America claimed it’s first”climate change refugees” last week.

        Some Cajuns living in some swampy backwater, are having to “flee” the flooding.

        They live in swamps ffs.

        Seriously, Climate Change Refugees.
        Its new to me, but i bet I’ll be hearing that description a lot in the next few years.

  4. I know politicians love to promote themselves in a certain light, but that cunt got a photographer to come down to the gym to take snaps of him being a “man”.
    I know a bit about boxing, so maybe I’ll challenge him to a charity bout.

    • You’d better ko the cunt , Birdman – cos if you ‘win’ on points , he’ll get a rematch and you’ll have to keep going until he throws the lucky old sneaky left and floors you..

  5. Had a letter last week, it said from the mayor of London. Apparently, I had parked in a bus lane, and the fine was £130. This letter was complete with a photo of the offending vehicle, with a time and date stamp. Busted! Well, no, because the picture showed a van, which I don’t own, with a number plate similar, but quite obviously not the same as mine. Also, at the time shown, I was having my dinner 200 miles away. The cunts must have contacted the dvla to get my details using their erroneous number plate info, but didn’t check the vehicle details. ANPR isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. All said, the most annoying thing was it was marked ‘from the mayor of London’. Get fucked, Khant……

    • I’m surprised that they didn’t want it in Sandw@g money.. paid into an account in Islamabad.

      Best pay up,Gutstick,the real vehicle is probably a rape-taxi owned by one of the Peaceful People,and they’ll send someone round to educate you in the ways of the prophet unless they get their cash.

    • I absolutely love it when officialdom makes a cockup like this. The sarcastic, condescending and blatantly contemptuous letters I write back are works of art. It’s one of the things I enjoy the most in life because they know they’ve been had and can’t argue to the contrary.

      I use phrases like, “It ceases to be amusing when paid officers of your organisation fail to perform even the most basic of tasks. May I suggest you refer to your local community college for courses in English comprehension”.

      Another favourite is, “I assume your organisation would not knowingly employ someone who is obviously mentally impaired and thus unable to fulfill even the most rudimentary of tasks. I therefore summise that you must be too young to know any better. Perhaps you should ask an adult so supervise your work in future”.

      I love this stuff – could do it all day. 🙂

    • One mildly sarcastic phone call has hopefully put an end to it. Useless cunts. What if the van was being used for crimes or terrorism, would I have been pulled out of bed at five in the morning, for having a vehicle that’s only shared feature is that it has four wheels? Thinking about that, I think I got off lightly!

      • In view of past knowledge you did get off lightly. So many people have been involved in massive cuntfests because the unfailiable system failed.

  6. I love sending emails to the cunts reminding them they work for me and I pay their fucking wages. Tea, one sugar. Cunt.

  7. We’re doing our bit at Chateau Dio!
    My wife’s car will be 23 this year and mine is 17
    My previous car was an XJ6 – guzzled gas, polluted the environment, pissed off the plebs at work. Perfect…

    Khan would have to pay me an extra £10 to get me to go anywhere near the shithole that is now Londonstan. Wouldn’t want to incur the Wrath of Khan (see how I cleverly worked in a Star Trek joke there. Geddit? Eh? Did ya?)

    • Hi Dio –
      Seen a few nuggets of mirth from your good self recently. Always makes me chuckle. Hope all is well with you and yours. Cheers – I.Y.

      • Hi – long time reader, first time poster (long time lazy cunt).
        Whatever happened to ANDZ?
        I used to love his delightfully rambling, poorly spelt missives.
        And the almost entire lack of grammar and punctuation were quite eandering!

      • Thomas,

        If you’re going to take the piss out of a fellow cunter for his lack of grammar, probably best that you make sure your spelling is correct first? Believe the word is ‘endearing’, and not ‘eandering’.

        But I concur, ANDZ musings were often entertaining.

  8. Not all of London is lost mate down here in the South and the south east of London don’t take any of that shit round here lol. Only problems i know of are the post code gang bullshit that’s started up again.
    There more integrated the ones we do have here , but i live with the common born and bred Londoners and they don’t take that ppl being cunts to lightly .

  9. I fucking hate modern cars, always bing bonging at you over something. Didn’t do up your seat belt, BING BONG! Open the door, BING BONG! Put something on the passenger seat without the seat belt fastened, BING BONG! Sat nav says there is a speed camera ahead, BING BONG!

    And now they all come with touch screen controls, fucking bollocks they are, completely impossible to use unless you are looking at it and driving very slowly of a perfectly smooth road.

    A pillars as thick as John Holmes’ dick making it impossible to see your way through a bend. Oh, but it is a safety feature, sir. Fuck off is it. I think being able to see where you are going is a safety feature. Cunts.

    • I’m right there with you, Skid. For someone who works in IT like myself, I do feel there is a balance to be struck between sensible necessity and technology for technology’s sake. The old adage ‘just because you can does not mean you should’ comes to mind. Cars are a good example of going way over the top.

      A car is a simple mode of transport. It’s not supposed to be an entertainment complex on wheels. Sensors and electronics to monitor it and tell you where it’s broken. Fine. Even GPS is OK given it’s related to completing a journey and is easier to use and more up to date than a map would be. However, the multi-media crap, lane drift assist, auto braking, you name it is completely unnecessary and basically achieves 3 things:

      1. Promotes distracted driving.
      2. Provides more things to go wrong and possibly make the vehicle inoperable when the issue isn’t even mechanical.
      3. It all bongs at you, like you said.

      Don’t get me fucking started on smart ‘phones. One of the many reasons why no Apple product is allowed in my house is because their fucking insidious bullshit phones are fancy dan, all singing all dancing, does everything of which one is the ability of make/receive ‘phone calls. Utter nonsense.

  10. I see they are going to introduce drone taxis in Dubai. The fucking filthy rich cunts will need to be careful they don’t get their drezzies wrapped up in the fucking rotors.

  11. Modern cars do my head in, look shit, full of crap gadgets. I love motorbikes because they are so minimalist, no bluetooth, no radio, no parking sensors and best of all no cunt scabbing a lift off you because most people are scared shitless by even the thought of sitting on the back of one.

  12. Good news, Cunters.

    According to a message from Pornhub there are 3 hot Milfs and several sexually frustrated 20 year old housewives living within a 1 mile radius of my home who are itching to have sex with me right now….well, form an orderly queue Ladies and once I’ve put my credit card details in,I’ll be straight over.

      • I hate those popup/sidebar scams when I was a bit younger,hornier I always wasted my time signing up to these cuntbag websites when googling for porn only to find out what a scam it was.

        Or those instant/private message things what a mindfuck that is, a total boner blocker

  13. If the Son of a Bus Driver and his New Labour pals are so concerned about London Air Pollution how come they are in love with the 3rd runway and how come they are doling out thousands of private hire licenses to Uber drivers, most of whom are camel drivers and shouldn’t be in the fucking country in the first fucking place. How come they are building even more fucking cycle “superhighways” to hold up thousands of vehicles with their engines running? It’s just another tax on the poor. By the time The Son of a Bus Driver has finished with us real Londoners we’ll all be riding around on fucking donkeys……..and paying a tax every time they take a shit in the street.

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