Peter Mandelson [3]


Peter Mandelson is a major fucking cunt. The serial resigner from the New Labour front bench popped up on TV over the weekend, urging everyone to “rise up” against Brexit – and, with a Spiveyesque flourish, to solicit donations to Blair’s ‘Open Britain’ (ie anti-Brexit) campaign. Apart from the cunt’s sneering, supercilious rejection of the result of a democratic referendum, what fucks me off is the way the media routinely refers to him as some kind of genius political strategist. It’s worth remembering that although New Labour may have won three general elections in a row, during this period the Labour vote actually decreased from 13.5 million to 8.6 million – which is hardly evidence of any kind of strategic genius. Yes, Corbyn is a monumental cunt too, but one thing (perhaps the ONLY thing?) that can be said in Corbyn’s favour is that he was never a fan of the EU and therefore readily accepted the referendum result, being one of the only Labour politicians to call for the early triggering of Article 50. And now we have has-been cunts like Mandelson taking time off from schmoozing Russian oligarchs to openly boast on TV that he is actively trying to undermine Corbyn primarily due to Corbyn’s stance on Brexit.

Mandelson has always looked like a shifty, creepy cunt with a closet full of skeletons and deeply unpleasant secrets. If that guy from the Antiques Roadshow (Eric Knowles?) had a brother who was a serial killer of young boys, he would look exactly like Mandelson.

Nominated by Fred West.

126 thoughts on “Peter Mandelson [3]

  1. Cunt got caught selling British passports in return for a donation to his millennium dome “faith zone.”

    If I was in charge all these New Labour cunts would be in prison.

    I’m in a bad mood this morning. I need to cunt someone.
    Today I think I’ll choose:


    What a bunch of arseholes!

    Don’t get me wrong. I actually like the Scots on a personal level. The Scots I’ve worked with and drunk with in the past were OK fellas but all they do is moan, moan, fuckin moan.

    They get a vote on independence and vote to stay in the UK even though pretty much everyone wants them to fuck off.

    Then they moan, moan, fuckin moan about England and vote for those incompetent, miserable lefty’s the fucking SNP just because they hate the English.

    We all know that the only reason that they stayed in the UK is because they knew that they’d be a bunch of bankrupt nobodys that would no longer be able to blame the English for their problems if they’d left.

    You hate the UK because you don’t want to be ruled from Westminster (you have a devolved parliament you cunts) yet you voted to sign it all away to the fourth reich.

    Will they give you powers over your own laws and tax? I think not.

    Will they give a shit about your fishing or industries? I think not.

    Will they put up with your constant fuckin moaning? Fuck no!

    And neither will I. I’m fuckin sick of Scotland and those lingering, malignant cunts the SNP.

    And Nicola Sturgeon! …what a disgusting, whining, deluded, super cunt she is!! Her cuntitude is only surpassed by 2016 isac world champion Tim Farron. Maybe …Blair. …Abbott. …Miller. …
    OK. There are bigger cunts about but not many!
    She was in the running and she wasn’t far off!
    She said that the brexit vote was about racism and xenophobia.
    Scotland is by far the most racist country in the world! …but I guess it doesn’t count if it’s against the English. (Yes I know the English don’t technically qualify as a “race” but fuck it).
    The only reason the SNP were ever voted to power in the first place is because of racism.

    I recently heard Alex salmond moaning on the radio about the brexit vote. How he chirped with delight “the pound has tanked!”

    Then sign up to the Euro, pledge allegiance to Junkers, Schultz and all those other cunts and FUCK OFF!

    …Oh. …but they don’t want you either!


    ….ahhhh that’s better.

    • Great bit of cunting.

      I have relatives in Sconny Botland and most of the SNP rallying, leave Britain, join Europe mob are Glaswegian (and the surrounding areas like Paisley where my lot live).

      Thing is the older generation don’t much like Europe, consider themselves to be Scottish and British. I’d say there’s a big switch in opinion between over 50’s and under 50’s in that respect in that region.

      The over 50’s seem to know what side their bread is buttered, the under 50’s like to cry “Freedom!”, get smashed, blame England for everything and then wake up in a pool of their own piss and vomit (repeat).

    • The majority of Scottish voters, voted to remain in the UK, so to say they all hate the UK is wrong.
      There’s also a large number of prods who would do anything for Britain and its Queen.

      As for Scottish being the most racist country, especially against the English, well that works both ways.

      I was born in Scotland and have a Scottish accent, but consider myself English.
      That doesn’t get me very far when some English people hear me speak.

      Its the SNP and their deluded supporter who are the biggest cunts up there, but people seem to think that the SNP and Scotland is the same thing.

      That’s just like saying England is Tory.

      • Spot on Birdman . For some Scots and Ulstermen Britishness is the jewel in our crown . To dissociate ourselves from our fellow Brits in England would be very , very sad and stupid.

      • PS. The SNP got in coz a large number of Scots lost faith in labour, the exact same way a number of Brits voted for UKIP.

        If labour weren’t a bunch of cunts, the SNP would not have got so many votes.

      • The Scots are serial victims, they relish their victimhood in the mistaken belief it is virtuous. They are dependent on victimhood, it defines who they are, it validates them. The only reason they voted to stay in the union is because they are victimhood junkies. It is a form of Stockholm syndrome where the victim becomes dependent on their oppressor.

      • Serial victims? That sounds like the Scousers…. I’m only sorry Wee Burney Krankie never met Maggie in her prime…. The Iron Lady would have bit her midget head off and got Tebbit and the boys to play football with it…

        Went out with a teacher from Scotland once…. She was one my better ones, but not as nice as the bird from Argentina I went out with… Still the best arse I have ever err… come across…

      • You’re right birdman, many Scots do love britain and as mentioned in my cunting I do actually like the Scots. Some of them anyway.

        However you must agree that hating the English is a national sport in Scotland.

        I have nothing but love and respect for the Scots in the armed forces.

        ..I was in a very, very bad mood this morning and with all the moaning going on lately the Scots are ripe for the cunting!

        Especially if the country will only vote labour or SNP.

      • A lot of Scottish do hate the English, and a lot of English hate the Scottish.
        The same as some Glasgow cunts and some Edinburgh cunts hating each other, Mancunian cunts hating Scouse cunts, Yorkshire cunts hating Lancashire cunts, Northern cunts hating Southern cunts and Isle of Man cunts hating everybody.

        Go to Ibrox, ye”ll find loads of England supporting Sevco fans waving Union Jacks and singing God Save The Queen.
        After that, go to the Orange Lodge’s and Masonic Temples, all over Scotland. The vast majority, if not all are pro Britannia.

      • Truth be told , there is a lot of anti-English sentiment in Northern Ireland on both sides of the sectarian divide. I never subscribed to it myself as generic dislike is a mind numbingly futile pursuit . You can’t compare a Cornishman to a Geordie anyway. Similarly, many English , Scots and Welsh just think of all Irish as Paddy , be they from Fermanagh or Cork , Prod or Taigue.
        You can guarantee that if a hardline Loyalist and a rabid Republican met up in a Spanish bar , they’d end up slagging off the Englishman there.

      • You are so very right to state that not all Scots fit the stereotype you have indulged us with. That would be like saying that all the English are wankers and live with their mum because a few of them , like you for instance, do.

      • Was the mum thing aimed at me?

        You’re right about the stereotype though. The regions of Britain are all have their rivalries and differences. Whenever I get together for a drink with anyone from Scotland, Wales or Ireland we always have a laugh. It’s a shame that the SNP get so much publicity over here coz they’re moaning cunts! So am I but I don’t go up there and piss them off so they should fuck off.

      • Glasgow voted resoundingly to become independent.

        And you’re right Birdman it does cut both ways. Imagine a kid with a Stokie accent turning up to one of the world-renowned Jock-Iti iced cream vans (basically mobile Costcos) and asking forra ’99!?!

        “Tha’ fuck ah you frae!”

        Luckily I managed to adopt a fairly handy Glaswegian accent pretty sharpish, as a coward it was my only defence.

        I just had to remember to drop the cunt before I got back home otherwise I’d get the same off the cunts in Stoke too!

        Even so, better times than this libbo/minority/everyone loves everyone bullshit the kids get fed…well into their fucking 20’s!

        Fucking education system! My mate’s daughter’s school had an LGBT awareness day. SHE’S NINE FOR FUCK’S SAKE! He knew nothing about it otherwise he’d have kept her off school.

        No the wonder we’re fucking useless at maths and sciences, pushing out dullards who want to do Beyoncè Studies as a degree!

        Hey junior and high school teachers, stop thinking about the final salary pension and do some proper teaching! Teach our kids maths and physics and engineering. They don’t need to know if a bird’s got a cock or a bloke’s got a vag – and certainly not at the age of NINE!

        They need to know that 1 + 1 = 2, not 1 + 1 = whatever YOU feel it is!

        YOU CUNTS!

    • I was on a flight one time from the US back to Blighty. Back in the days when flying internationally meant free alcoholic drinks. We’d only been going for a shortly while when the uproar occurred. Yep, you guessed it – a bunch of fucking Scots drunk off their heads. The usual progression with these louts is drunk – loud – more drunk – louder – even more drunk – abusive – drunker still – aggressive. By the time they reached the aggressive stage, the pilots had already informed the ground of the situation. Next thing we knew, the plane was descending and eventually landed in Atlanta. On came a bunch of big burly cops, grabbed about half of the cunts, cuffed them and marched them off the plane. And the crowd went wild.

      So thanks to these fucking arsehole Scots, we all had about 2 hours added to our already 10 hour flight. So the Scots can all fuck off. Cunts.

      • Good piece of logic there . So much so I have adopted it myself and see the world in a different light posdibly in a similar way you do. For example I noted that serial sex murdering nonces such as Fred West and Peter Sutcliffe are English ergo the Englush are a bunch if sex murdering nince scum. This new way if looking at things certainly makes life a lot simplier. I am forever in your debt.

  2. Mandy is a super cunt, like some fucking New Labour bond villain. This oily fucker has quit the government over dodgy loans and passports for shady Indian businessmen yet like a turd that wont flush just wont fuck off.

    • Yea you’d think after being disgraced and sacked (though for some reason they are always allowed to resign) they would just hide somewhere and stay out of the spotlight.
      Certainly stop lecturing everyone and giving us advice that we don’t need.

      They’ve got no shame whatsoever.

    • He still has dodgy financial dealings through various businesses. He epitomises ‘reptilian’ as a description.
      Then again, Blair and Mandelson joining in the debate can only be good for leaving Europe.

  3. Mandelscum is quite possibly THE slimeyest piece of filth ever to crawl from under a rock into the realms of politics and government. This cunt has had his palm, not to mention his ring, greased by so many corrupt foriegn officials in return for influence into the coffers of whitehall. A contemptuous piece of self serving vile scum that is so far removed from the real world of the ordinary working man. People say ‘idiots like him wouldn’t know which end of the hammer to hold’. Oh, this cunt does. He holds it at the funny shaped end while he inserts the thinny bit up the evacuation shaft of his chum. When he sits in an interview with the demeanour of a preying mantis, check out the similarity
    it’s beyond me how Andrew Marr etc can sit there without chucking up. I’d be sitting at least 20 fucking feet away from the cunt and held in the chair because all I’d want to do is knock the cunts lights out. He must have a hot connection to the likes of Vaz etc to keep informed of any Bum Fests or drugged up rent boy parties that are going on. Not enough words in the dictionary to decribe this cunts level of cuntihness. What a fucking CUNT.

    • Ha ha ha. Love the hammer comment and you’re right he is like a fucking praying mantis!


  4. Spawn of the Devil, evil beyond the comprhension of most of us God fearing souls. The times are dire we faithfull need to elect cuntfinder general’s to drive these abominations out from under the filth of sin in which they cover themselves so they can be struck down by the sword of truth while illuminated by the light of faith. Fuck all else seems to work nowadays so I thought a trip back to the 17th C may be the answer. This cunt Mandy like a duracell battery goes on and on. The other well I class him as a mega cunt grade 100. Did more damage to this country than the Luftwaffe.

  5. The ultimate political opportunist , with an uncanny instinct for self-preservation , Mandy flits from one political flame to another using all the duplicitous guile of the spin doctor he was and , at heart , remains.
    He is as slippery as a greased eel , as elusive as Johann Cruyff on speed , performing the Mandy shuffle.
    His legacy is like the reverberating echo of a door slamming in an empty house , sending out unsettling ripples. You know he’s been in the room because he always leaves a distinct aroma behind. “Peter’s been here,”.

  6. Mandelson is a serial cunt having to have been forced to resign from Blairs cabinet not once! But twice!!
    Firstly back in1996 was the the ÂŁ393,000 interest free loan?? From a ministerial colleague which the slippery fucker didn’t declare not only to the mortgage company on a house he was buying but he also failed to register it on the Commons list of interests!! Dodgy cunt!!
    Secondly as previously mentioned the cash for passport scam!! Dodgy cunt!!
    Mandelson has also been awarded frances highest honour of legion d honneur for services rendered to the EU !!, a sort of gold medal for quislings….
    TBH you could spend hours on this nasty dishonest treacherous cunt!! Let’s all hope after we leave the EU mandelson just disappears with not only his bottle of just for men but Blair too, they are a stain on British politics……..

    • Yeah a slimey cunt like him got away with all sorts and maintained rank in the Labour upper echelons when many others got booted for farting in the wrong key!

      Just makes you think of what shit this fucker has on the rest of the high-profile Labour twats of the Blairite era!

      • Rich old ponce, making a living out of sneering at other rich cunts for being rich cunts.

    • Good point Quislings.

      Not once but twice has Mendlecunt utterly abused his position (fnarrf fnarrf) and office.

      Any one else in any other walk of life would either be struck off, dismissed, fired etc etc… Yet it seems in plotics it’s an acceptable, almost expected thing do.. And yeah even get rewarded for it.

      There is no way on this earth this utter snake of a cunt should be in any form of public position, no seat in the lords and no effing pension to draw upon. As for giving the cunt air time on the beebistan broadcasting caliphate…to lecture us on Brexit and the EUSSR……. What the fuck do we pay a licence fee for??

  7. George Micheal Tributes need a solid cunting.

    If the cunt had so many friends when alive he would not have topped himself alone on Christmas Day.

      • George Michael’s boyfriend has revealed that he will put George’s ashes in a curry so he can dribble out of his arse one last time…..

      • Why stop there JR? why not have his ashes added to the mold of a dildo so his boyfriend will always be able to get fucked in the arse by him Is he actually still getting tributes tho? his music wasn’t even that good

      • I assume Chris Martin’s tribute ended with a George Michael classic…. by following someone into the toilet and start wanking….

      • George lost his sense of humour after ‘Club Tropicana’ and although he wasn’t without talent, he took himself way too seriously…

      • I always thought that if old Yog was going to top himself, he’d have gone to the top of the Empire State Building to toss himself off…

        I remember really enjoying telling a horrible little bitch (and a big time grass) I was at school with that Michael was a doughnut puncher… She worshiped him and didn’t take my news at at all well… She called me horrible and I pointed out to her that the recently released ‘I’m Your Man’ contained lines like ‘Wanna take you, wanna make you… But they tell me it’s a crime!’ ‘So why waste time with the other guys? When you can have mine…’ and the clincher: ‘Just use the door!’… She was a snotty little cow and it was funny as fuck… God knows what she did when that cop in the bogs story went public… Topped herself, with any luck…

      • Even tho George had a decent enough voice he had very weak material he wrote too many poofty songs. His whole faith album was basically one big coming out album, overrated album too although the title track kind of reminds me of Jeff Bucks Grace

        Jeff Buckley’s Grace was better, sounded better and wasn’t as gay obviously

      • Faith was cheesy and would sound very dated today, but Listen Without Prejudice and Older are two great albums.
        After them, he came out the cubicle and started making disco songs again.

        He did have the balls to release Wag The Dog.
        Not many of today’s popsters would have the balls or permission to do that.

  8. Emmanuel Macron appears to be as slimey as Manhandleson if that is even possible. Not only has the cunt been in London and New York attempting to persuade our top bankers, researchers etc to go to frogland so he can poach business from us like a filthy spiv the shit for brains prick has only been on a visit to Algeria and in a speech has said the his countrys colonisation for 132 years up to 1962 was ‘A crime against humanity’. This has cuased uproar back home in France so much that the snail eating cunt has had to make a grovelling apology to his countrymen. What a thick cunt. And the swivel eyed cunt is married to his former high school teacher. Wouldn’t trust this duplicitous cunt as far as I could throw him down a mine shaft. Tete de la Merde! Walk on Ms Le Pen.

  9. That cunt who complained about a Primark T-Shirt being ‘offensive’ and ‘racist’ is a cunt… Based on the Walking Dead TV show, the shirt featured the words ‘eeny meeny miny moe’ and a baseball bat… Now this knobhead (who also ‘complained’ to the papers to get mucho publicity) said that the shirt was basically saying ‘hit black people’… It’s not at all, and it’s cunts like this that keep racial agitation and antagonism alive… When I was a kid we used the ‘eeny meeny’ rhyme all the time during games, and never once did any of us (black or white) see or think of it as racist… It was just a childish rhyme, nothing more… In fact I have heard black artists like Muddy Waters, Cab Calloway and Nina Simone also use the ‘eeny meeny’ rhyme in song… What would Mr know it all ‘hate crime crusader’ think of that?… But there’s the thing… When Kanye West and his ilk shout ‘The N Word’ moaners like this ‘moral guardian’ don’t bat an eyelid, do they?… Yet a T-Shirt based on a TV show goes on sale and it’s righteous indignation… Such nauseating hypocrisy…

    • This is the sort of cunt who also finds ‘Black Jacks’ sweets, black shoe polish, Aunt Bessie’s roast potatoes (probably thinks Bessie is black), Tom & Jerry, and ‘Black Magic’ chocolates as racist…Oversensitive, self important, ‘I read books, so I know better’ snowflake fucking tosspots…

      • Indeed, Skiddy… What’s worse than a snowflake?…
        A God bothering snowflake… Before being a snowflake and PC became fashionable, this Lucraft scholng probably wrote to The Times regularly about ‘people not pulling their weight’ and Whitehouse-like complaints about ‘smut’ on the television… Now it’s ‘everything is racist’ and I bet the cunt loves ‘refugees’ too… What a wankstain….

      • He deserves a proper cunting, Norm. When you think about it he is not just being a god bothering race baiting little wank stain, his ridiculous bleating actually made a national clothes retailer withdraw part of their product range, probably at great expense. Not only that, but he is defining what people can wear because he thinks somebody else might find it offensive. And far from being told “There, there, never mind. Now fuck off” the cunt is actually being listened to and no doubt others will follow. Not only does race now encompass nationality and religion but it also includes inanimate objects like baseball bats. How long will it be before cricket bats, tennis rackets and golf clubs come in for the same treatment? Cunt, pure cunt.

      • Although I agree this guy is a prize prick and probaly has a secret of some kind which his public virtue signaling is designed to mask, I blame Primark in this case. All they had to do was refuse to give in to his ravings and expose him for the twat he is. Any half decent PR team could then have generated and used the publicity as the triggered wanker is invited onto every tv and radio station in the country to bleat his pish, to sell even more t shirts on the back of it. Thats how the music business do it.

      • The cunt claimed it offensive, and then said that in the process of the T-shirt being produced, that nobody understood the T-shirt.

        Make yer mind up.

        I’m offended by Derby Cunty shirts.
        Anybody know how to start this banning shite ?

      • Remember when John Terry was banned for supposedly calling Anton Ferdinand a black cunt.

        That came about coz an off duty polis was watching the match in the comfort of his living room up north, Liverpool i think.
        This cunt read Terry’s lips and reported him to the polis for racial abuse.
        The cunt wasn’t even at the game, in earshot or even in the same city, but his complaint got Terry banned and fined
        Surely it cant be that easy ?

        I have video footage of Danny Mills calling Robert Pires a “french twat”.
        I hate Danny Mills, do you think i can get the knowsfuckall cunt kicked off the BBC ?

        Ps. I know Terry is cunt, its the principle.

      • Glad to read someone else hates Danny Mills. The bloke is an obsessed Arsenal hater. Can’t wait to have a pop at any opportunity. Could it be anything to do with constantly being shown up by Arsenal players for the cunt that he is.
        For a shit player he seems to have all the answers when he spouts forth whenever I have been unfortunate enough to hear him.

      • The cunt hates everybody apart from Danny Mills.

        Remember before the Brazil world cup, him and some other knowsfuckalls went to Brazil to sort out the best way for England to succeed.
        He would talk about his importance without giving any secrets away.

        England went home after two games, and Mills never mentioned his secret mission again.

        I hate Danny Mills
        He’s a cunt
        He’s a CUNT

      • Greggs sell a baguette called “Mexican chicken.”

        It used to be called “Mexican bandit” but some snowflake cunt complained that it’s offensive as it portrays the Mexicans as bandits.

        Greggs should’ve just told them to fuck off but they’re cowardly cunts so they changed it.

    • Primark should have told him to Fuck off. How valid can your opinion be if you not only believe in fairy stories, but your job is to convince other gullible morons to believe in them too. Oh, and relieve them of some of their hard earned while they’re at it. I mean, the roof isn’t going to fix itself, and gold candle sticks don’t grow on trees you know……

    • It’s the way that the current main baddy cunt Nagen in the Walking Dead picks someone to kill in order to appease his sense of fairness if anyone of another group steps out of line.

      It has fuck all to do BLM bullshit and all that shite – which this cunt would know if they actually watched the programme rather than made assumptions about it!

      Oh and by the way – you snowflake, nowt better to do with your life cunt – had you watched it you would have also seen that the uber-evil Nagan character didn’t even use the ‘N’ word – which is where your faux sense of outrage stems – he used “Tinker”, you twat!

  10. would it be possible for a re cunting of Cheryl cole, I am so sick of hearing is she? ,isn’t she?…….who fucking cares the question should be has she or hasn’t she got a fucking brain?the stupid sounding fucking muppet

    • The cross-eyed geordie ex-school bully chav got lucky is now bringing another spoilt celelbrity brat cunt into the world, now she is ‘officially’ up the duff….

      Talking of celebritwat brat cunts, ‘photographer’ (snigger!) Brooklyn Beckham was in yesterday’s papers: posing for a photoshoot in ‘normal’ clothes and ‘pretending’ to washing up and other ‘chores’… Fucking sickening little twat…. Has – and never will – wash up or do any other sort of graft in his life… I bet he stared in wonderment at the washing up liquid…I would make the little cunt trumpet fucking drink it…

      • Wee shite is right, Simon… My grandmother scrubbed stairs for a pittance, and this little cunt is ‘playing’ at using the fairy liquid… Little fucker would probably pass out if he was asked to wipe his own arse..

      • A brief bit of undeserved, unsustainable fame, and we have to put up with these dreary z list cunts for eternity. The current generation of nobody celebs are even worse, all products of cheap TV made for brain dead twats. I sometimes wish I was in my eighties, sitting in my own piss, laughing at the state of the world I would soon be leaving.

      • Cheryl Tweedy, aye that family had a cracking rep in Walker…

        Anyway that Liam shite has almost reached puberty now and so I wouldn’t be surprised if the “famous for nowt” bint doesn’t go for a bit of Brooklyn action next, once she’s popped one out and her chuff’s like a welly-top!

        “How Brooklyn, seein’ how waz ganning steady leek, any chance o’askin’ yah Mam if sheh teks it up-tha’ cooncil grittah leek? Ash broke wor’s shite-box in soh yay’ll heh nee botha gettin’ thoo’s tadgah up wah!”

  11. Chinese ‘football fans’ are cunts….
    Clueless fucking knobheads who don’t know their Accrington Stanleys from their Arsenals, and class ‘supporting’ a team ‘online’ (ie: social cunting media) as being a ‘real fan’…
    The sort of clueless pricks who worship the likes of Wayne Rooney, but have to google Roy Keane or Eric Cantona to find out who they actually are, and don’t even know that Matt Busby even existed… This picture says it all… Absolute wankers and anyone who wants to go out with Phil Jones has to be either inbred or a mong… Maybe Morrissey (for all his faults) was right: maybe the Chinkies are a subspecies…

    • “Maybe morrisey was right…. maybe the Chinkies are a subspecies” Well mostly because alot of them eat dog and incest isn’t frowned upon but If I lived in a hardcore oppressive communist country I would be fucked up too, they are catching up humane wise and coming closer to a more quasi- communist half democratic system.

    • What I like about China is the fact there are so many of the cunts, which means sooner or later you’ll meet one who’s name perfectly fits their occupation.

      Later I’m spending the evening with a Chinese teenage prostitute…Sumyung Ho…

  12. Even though he is a scouse grief jacking lying cunt, I still hope Nutall wins the Stoke by election tonight. I guess the weather will mean a small turnout, which might be good as UKIP supporters are known to be dedicated while labour voters prefer to stay indoors and virtue signal on twatter.

    • panel consensus on qt was that labour had held on to stoke
      obviously it was a total coincidence that a 50,000 drop in net migration was announced just before the polls opened – had it been a rise of 50,000 it woild have come out a day later
      tories are more than happy for labour to keep stoke

  13. Ha ha ha ha ha.

    Jr you just made me spit beer all over the table.

    Now the whole pub thinks I’m a cunt.

    “Following someone into the toilet for a Wank!!”


    • My comment by the way was in reply to a post much further up by Jr but I couldn’t reply on that block.

      I haven’t followed anyone into the toilets for a Wank.

      I’m not Peter handle a man some.

  14. Surely the K in Gok Wan should be after the Wan ? I don’t believe old Wank has been cunted , but some of the above posts re masturbation and pointless celebrities turned my thoughts his way – not a pleasant experience.
    He does the male of the species a considerable disservice with his screaming queenery bollux . I think he makes a lot of those daft woman who watch his stupefying antics want their men to show just a little of the Go Wank in them.
    Also , he appeals to a lot of limp wrists who want to showcase their own brand of “look at me , I’m a madcap poof!” antics in a pathetic attempt to emulate their hero. Sad , sad , sad , sad ….

  15. Claudio Ranieri’s sacking is the worst ‘Julius Caesar’ style bit of backstabbing in football since Tommy Doc got the boot from United after winning the Cup in 77….

  16. WTF !
    Claudio Ranieri SACKED.
    WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF ???????????????????????????????

    WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK WHAT THE FUCK ????????????????????????????????


    Darkest day in Leicester City’s history.

    The fucked up thing is, I’ve already heard that his replacement could be Mark Fucking Warburton, Neil Fucking Lennon or Brendan Fucking Cunt Face Rodgers.

    I’ve been a Leicester City fan since i was the size of a packet of crisps, and I’ve never felt this low.

    • It is bad, birdman… I recall The Doc making United great and exciting again after relegation in 74… Promoted in style in 75, nearly did the double in 76, won the cup in 77… Got together with t physio’s wife (still with her 40 years later), and Busby and the board fucking sacked him…. Tommy was not sacked because the team were bad (best side since Best Law & Charlton), he was sacked because certain people (Morgan, Crerand, Busby) didn’t like him so the ‘affair’ was used to get rid of him… Two months after giving United their first major trophy in nine years… There followed Dave Sexton: the most boring and media hostile manager in United history… Diamonds like Andy Ritchie, Stuart Pearson and Gordon Hill were sold and crap like Garry Birltes and Micky Thomas were bought by Sexton…

      I fear Leicester will get a third rate cunt like Warbuton or Rodgers, or they will become another Watford or Leeds… A new manager every nine moths or so, with making cash taking priority over football and what the fans actually want…

      • Who the fuck do these owners think Leicester City are, Norman ?
        We’re not one of the “big” clubs, we are a small club who stunned the footballing world and over achieved.
        Claudio’s job was to keep them up and he only went and won it.
        If they want Leicester to be kings of England forever, then that cost billions and we’d just end up a plastic club.

        I’ve never liked Slimani and recently heard that a few players, Vardy especially, aren’t keen on the cunt either.
        Maybe him and the other well paid new arrivals who have done fuck all, fucked up the dynamic.

        I hope I’m making sense, coz my head is all over the place.

        Please, could my fellow cunters do me a favour.
        Before ye’s go to bed tonight, say a little prayer that Lennon, Warburton and king cunt Rodgers don’t get the vacancy.

      • You can have our ‘schoolboy haircut, unintelligible yes man’ Mauricio Pinocchio. The sooner he and that miserable money grabbing bastard Levy fuck off, the happier I’ll be. Cunts!

      • Do the owners really think they would be in the top 4 this season. If so they are deluded.
        Raineri seemed to me a decent bloke who did an incredible job last season on next to no real budget.
        Leicester deserve what they get this year because of their actions today. Mind you the owners won’t give a fuck as they will sell up and fuck off. It’s the fans who will be watching Championsip football (again) are the ones who will suffer.

      • Oh yeah, well the bookies make Shagger Pardew the favourite. Be careful what you wish for my friend.

    • If there was any soul left in football, it died today.

      This is honestly the first time in my life that Leicester have pissed me off.
      All them relegations and nearly going bust, has nothing on what i feel right now.
      I’ve still got some Bushmills left from new year, and I’m thinking of getting pissed.

      #Srivaddhanaprabha out.

      How the fuck can they sack Ranieri when we are in the last sixteen of the champions league ?
      Sad day.

      • Birdman – Sorry to burst your bubble mate, but the soul left football when the first know-nothing foreign owners bought an English club. That set the precedent and has been repeated over and over again. I’ve lost count of the number of foreign owners in the Prem. Shocking.

        It’s a sad day though. Always liked The Tinkerman and was disgusted at the way plastic Chelski treated him too. Kind of expect that from the Russian mafia though. Cunts.

    • Such is football, the only loyalty is from the fans. Nigel Pearson does deserve some of the credit for shaping the mentality of the players. I think CR was the right man at the right time. I also credit him with setting Chelsea up for their first title this century.

      If he wasn’t he man he is he would of walked away from the job earlier in the season when it became apparent the players believed their job was done and they could live of the title.

      The fact Wenger tried to buy rat boy Vardy on the strength of last season raises questions over his judgement, that’s another story.

      Thank you Claudio, you made football a bit more real for a while. I honestly don’t think that group of players would of won the title without you, you took so much pressure of them and focused the media on you.

      Leicester city board obviously made the calculation and hence a decision based on money alone.

      Maybe the fuckers should of appreciated they had a Frank Bruno moment, better to be champions for a moment and accept the hiding coming your way than never aspire to greatness.

      • 6DV – While CR’s influence and guidance cannot be dismissed, let’s be fair here. Leicester won the title fair and square. That’s fine, but the context was very few injuries/suspensions, no European fixtures, dodgy decisions seemingly went their way every other week, some average to good players over achieving on a regular basis and all the big teams having a mare of a season. CR took advantage of that, but Leicester are now where you’d expect them to be. I’m not saying that justifies sacking the manager. History shows replacing the manager this close to the end of the season won’t work. I think the owners have just signed their application for entry into the Championship next season. Agree with you 100% about Nigel Pearson though. If it hadn’t been his son involved in that stupid video incident, Pearson would have survived.

    • A thought on Lineker… Claims to be so anti-racist (and accuses anyone who disagrees with him of being racist)… Yet when Eric Cantona kicked that BNP gobshite Palace cunt, Saint Gary didn’t condemn known racist and violent criminal, Matthew Simmons… The big eared smirking prick blamed Eric and did everything he could to get The King banned for life… Yet now Lineker preaches about racism and spreading hate?…. The two biggest things I hate about Lineker?… His face…

      • I used to hate flash wanker Cantona until that night at Shithouse Park. Watching him leap into that toilet of a stand and stick a boot on one of those dirty Stripey Nigel cunts was totally fucking brilliant! The greatest Frenchman since Napoleon, who wasn’t really French anyway…… the shortarse little fucker.

  17. They should get Nigel Pearson back. It was him that laid the ground for the team that Ranieri inherited. Very very bad bad treatment tho of a man that achieved the impossible. They can never take that from him. Players need to look at themselves BIG TIME.

    • Pearson sounds good to me, but there’ll only ever be one Claudio Ranieri.

      I hope the fans get a giant statue of him put up.

      I’d always liked Ranieri, and unlike some Foxes, i was over the moon when he got the job.
      Then there was the uncharted territory he took us into last season, and then the triumph .
      I was pinching myself for months after the title win, now I’m down in the dumps, just coz a couple of non footballing business men think they know best.
      They know fuck all.

      One Ranieri, there’s only one Ranieri………

    • To your point, Kendo – it has really bothered me for a long time why players can’t be sacked for being crap. Dips in form, fair enough. But just being crap after having shown good form/promise – unacceptable. Cunts like Emmanuel Adebayor would not have had the money gouging careers they have if you could sack players.

  18. He’ll still always be a nice man though. A rare characteristic in these days of money grabbing couldn’t care less cunts that inhabit the football business these days. Having said that it’s not really unexpected when there is so much money swilling round they are gonna grab what they can. The fault is with the system that doesn’t distribute the funds on a fairer basis. Greed, greed, filthy greed.

  19. That Peter Coates, chairman of Stoke City and owner of bet365 is on question time. He is a thick old cunt. My a/c with bet365 closes tomorrow. Cunt.

  20. I was just about to say that Peter Coates was an old cunt kendo, reminds me a little of Bernie Sanders.

  21. Caught a smidge of Question Twat when I got in. Nice to see that hooky-gobbed cunt Carswell promoting optimism of UKIP’s chances in Stoke by gifting the result to Labour before even 1/2doz ballot boxes had entered the counting station!

    Well I hope Nutall does win Carswell – you cunt – just to piss you off! It’s only sour grapes cos no fucker wanted you as UKIP leader cos no cunt wanted a Tory ‘B’ Team under your watch!

    No doubt if your constituency starts to lean back towards to Connies you’ll be jumping back into the blue suit again eh, you fucking turncoat twat!

    • Carsewell was right, the MSM had already clobbered Nuttall fatally –
      plus stoke is 6% muslim so there’s at least a 1000 labour postal votes.
      kippers could have had QE2 (Liz) as a candidtage and the MSM would have dug up all the Nazi shit from the 30s

    • Yes the cunt (Lineker) was gushing like a whale over the fucker (Ranieri) tonight…

      “inexplicable, unforgivable and gut-wrenchingly sad.”

      …yeah a bit like your procrastinated stint as a pundit come TV presenter.

      Still, at least it’s taken his mind off tweeting about 40yr old “peaceful” children who should be put up in folks on minimum wage’s 2 bedroom flats if they’ve got a spare bed in a council estate a billion miles away from his predominantly white, upper class mansion!

      Well there’s no room in there once both he and his fucking ego are in there!

      Two-faced cunt!

      • Good stuff rebel,

        I think it’s time Lineakunt got a formal cunting (again). Regardless of what he’s commenting on, rapfugees, signalling virtue over the Calais jungle gimmegrants or his two faced views over Rannieri he really is showing himself to be an uber cunt worthy of recording in the annals of cuntitude for all time.

        And that face. Does he deliberately go out trying to look like a cross between a gurnning William Shakespeare and Guy Fawkes..

        Useless crisp advertising cunt.

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