Allow me to introduce to you Kingsley Manning first class snowflake, total buffoon and former head of the Health and Social Care information centre.
Next as to why he deserves this honour? Well let me explain a few minor information sharing points of the NHS, if you were to say accidently kill your wife and in-laws, up sticks to somewhere and register with your new local doctor, well they are bound to share this information with plod, Likewise should your child attend A+E with unexplained injuries on a regular basis they will wave a little flag for social services and plod to see (you recall Baby P the failing of the system).
So now try this on for size. Mr Kingsley Manning objects to sharing information with the home office about illegal immigrants registered with the NHS, furthermore he is shocked that they receive requests for information on 10,000 a year. I can’t see any rationality to his problem, the NHS claims to be underfunded and overstretched so surely it would be his obligation to his employer (and the Taxpayer) to help weed out the freeloaders.
I wonder what Manning would do if he were to come home and find a family of illegal immigrants camped out in his back bedroom and helping themselves in the kitchen? Probably shop them I would imagine but his social and professional standards differ because its not his money, which then puts a rather large question mark over his suitability to do the job in the first place. What an utter cunt, good riddance go and work for Amnesty International with your “ethics”.
Nominated by lord benny.
Maynard James Keenan is a dumb delusional cunt he recently criticised people for marginalizing moslems following Trumps wonderful terrorist ban. Now this is rich get this, For anyone who doesn’t know who this piece of dog shite is, He was a edgy tosser pisspoor singer from a crappy metal band called Tool.
Who’s whole fucking muzak career mind you was about marginalizing and making fun of christians and their beliefs even making fun of his mums beliefs. How’s about that for hypocrisy eh cunters?!
I forgot to put as emergency cunting* well not a emergency really but I definitely like to see it published in the next few weeks as I haven’t done a proper cunting in quite a while thanks
Didn’t realise there was so many tool fans here…. This whole time I thought it was a Lily Allen tribute band
Funny thing, sometimes you can simply look at someone and think cunt!! Top of this thread is a case in point, Kingsley manning looks what he is, a Cunt, Tim Farron, Hiliary Benn , Diane Abbott, Clive Lewis, corbyn ,Anna soubry, nick clegg, Ed miliband, juncker, tusk, Hollande etc etc look what they are… CUNTS..
It raises the question does acting like a cunt turn you into looking like a Cunt( facially) or do they think I look like a cunt so I will act like one?? It’s a modern day chicken/ egg scenario…..what comes first??
Not forgetting Banana Gob Miller… She really does look like a smug, self satisfied cunt…
Whenever I see a protest by the illiberal lunatic contingent , anti this , that or t’other , it seems to be creatured by strident lesbo and misandristic wimmin and anaemic androgynous ‘males’ who seem to crave said wimmins’ approval , thus validating their petty existence.
That alone seems adequate grounds for opposing these limp , insipid and stupidly spiteful specimens .
There’s definitely a strain of ineffectual , approval seeking ubermensch who are both vocal and stupid . They need to be bridled because I for one am beginning to find them deeply unamusing.
Sorry , I meant untermensch – not that I’m proposing euthanasia.
Precisely Norman …. ??
Q: What do you get if you put Banana Miller, Lily Mong, Gary Linekunt, Abbott The Hutt, Wee Burney, Tim Farron and Owen Jones in the same room?…
A: a fire (hopefully)….
These previously smug, self satisfied pricks have had it all their own way for far too long. The wheels on the gravy train have seized, the Remain engine has stopped and the fuel has run dry. Toys are all over the floor in SJW-land after being thrown from the pram.
Time to savour the moment as these SJW cunts are being shot in the arse one by one. Sit back with a glass of your favourite tipple and watch their unicorns trot away and the little snowflakes melt into obscurity. In the words of Clint Eastwood in The Rookie…”That son of a bitch out there is hurting, and I’m fucking liking it”.
And don’t you fucking tell me that for one micro fucking bastard millicunting second that their reason for all this a waillin an a whinin is because they are sooooooooooo
fucking concerned about the poorer part of the societys jobs and lives. They DO NOT give two flying fucks for the likes of them. In fact they are completely ashamed of that part of our nation and just seek to keep them cowed and silent. The only concern they have is for they own shitty spineless bend over backwards and slam my arse agenda so they can suck up to their equally obnoxious counterparts that are up front steering the EU Gravy choo choo. It’s funny now that Shultz is saying don’t blame me, same with Junkett and all the other stupid stupid jizz wallahs. History shows that if you continue to take the piss and flaunt it in front of the proletariat they will eventually turn round and nip you in the butt. Get nipping people. Payback time.
Came across this photo of Timmy boy wi his ma and da when he were a nipmong.
Even at that early age his political leanings were becoming apparent.
First those Beckham spunkbubbles, now this holier than thou lbtard cunt is in the firing line…
Couldn’t happen to a nicer cunt…
Has the gobshite tweeted a response yet ?
Its best we leave him alone, it’s probably our fault.
Soft cunt has got drunk on his own self righteous rantings without looking in the mirror and reminding himself what a cunt he is squirraling his money away from the tax man. Don’t get me wrong, we’d all try and pay as little tax as we could get away with but to start pontificating to every cunt puts you on a pedestal that some people want to knock you off of. So it’s no surprise the cunts been had up. Piss poor pundit, piss poor actor and now a piss poor unthinking cunt.
Let’s hope the Mail don’t let this go and keep nagging away at him.
What’s the betting his “people” even now are busily trying to agree a settlement with HMRC which ultimately will have a gagging clause attached. He is good at silencing the media.
Did anyone see the “fisticuffs” in the South African Parliament ?
I thought all their problems were sorted as soon as the black man gained power.
It was actually quite embarrassing, not one of these cunts could throw a punch.
Mandel achieved nothing yet is held up as saintly figure.
Same with Obama
Same with MLK
They all have one thing in common.
Yes that’s right, they were all gobshites.
I have seen it and previous ones too they happen alot more then people think . None of these things were happening when africa was colonized just saying….
I don’t know about you but I’m getting cunted off big time with the BBC and Sky going on about a “crisis” in the NHS and blaming it all on old people. One cunt on Sky today actually said to some old dear “You are taking up a bed in hospital that some one else should be in. How do you feel about that?” What a shit bag!
Obviously it has nothing to do with the 330,000 migrants entering the country each year. No, couldn’t be anything to do with that…….
Also the housing “crisis”. That is all due to old folks living in their family homes instead of going to live in a cardboard box under the flyover. Nothing to do with migrants either.
… I noticed that myself … and in the couple of BBC ‘special’ reports I said to Mrs BMP, I bet you don’t see a waiting room … sure enough I didn’t see any camera panning around any of the A&E waiting rooms. If they showed the waiting room at our local A&E there would be hardly a ‘local’ face amongst them. It certainly seems to be the ‘old folks’ angle on why our NHS is overladen.
Couldn’t agree more… Old age pensioners, who have worked and paid into the system all their lives, are being blamed, sidelined and treated like shite… While the BBC and Sky seem to worship these migrant filth who expect everything for nothing… Near where I work I was on my dinner hour and I saw a ‘migrant’ from Iran actually skiving out of ‘work’ (the Jobcentre put her there) with a ‘headache’ and the cunt demanded -and got -a fucking ambulance… I was later told by the manager of the place she ‘worked’ in that the ambulance crew seemed to know her, and that they had a ‘fuck me, not you again?!’ look on their faces… Turns out this w@g plays dumb (‘Me no speaky Engleesh!), does the dying swan act, gets the ambulance,i t goes down on record, and she pulls a sicky and ducks out of everything she’s given, and sponges into infinity…
Thing is, my dad waited seven hours for an ambulance when he was 70 years old and dying… And my mother, who had cancer, never got an ambulance at all… Fuck these fucking migrant cunts… Scum of the earth…
But Norm They are gonna pay our pensions tho lol. Even thou 80%of them refuse to work, desire to turn our civilized world into a hellish 3rd shithole with no go zones, attack our elderly and rape our women and children because of sexual emergencies and “ethnic customs”
I mean whats not to like? The people who run EU are pure evil cunts I hope the EU goes belly up with Burqa Merkel , Blair & Juncker being slowly tortured, the fucking heartless cunts!
Yep, me too. I said pretty much the same thing to Mrs Johnson a day or so ago. It seems the news cunts are working to the same script.
“Fuck it we have lost the Brexit battle, what can we do next. I know lots of stuff on the NHS but make sure it’s all negative and point the finger at the old cunts”
Fucking scum reporters (word used very loosely) and their libtard cunt bosses pushing the lefty agenda.
John Humphreys was churning out the al Beeb mantra on radio cunt four, how the NHS crisis is because people are living longer, same goes for the housing crisis, old cunts living in houses, when there are not enough to around. They NEVER ever mention the fact that every three years, a million extra people need these services. It’s not just the Beeb who bury their head in the sand, or willingly pump out their liberal propaganda, but the cunts remit is to be impartial.
And of course it is blaming the NHS crisis on the old as they are also the same old people that voted brexit and fucked up our utopian future for our young. Complete utter cunts. On a conservative estimate around 2.5 million net migrants will have descended on the U.K. by 2027 and no amount of money will build enough houses or expand hospitals to cope but the ABBC and Sky will keep bleating the same old stories as if just repeating it over and over will some how elicit an unexplained magic solution. Fucking hell sometimes I want to scream but then I see Ickle Timmy Fallon all crestfallen over Brexit and think nah fuck the CUNTS !!!
Totaly agree boys. This country will be unrecognisable in 20 years if we don’t get a grip. By then it’ll be too late. Our kids won’t have an NHS coz it’ll have been bled to death by all the unentitled cunts that abuse it day in day out. Not to mention the vast amounts of money wasted by idiots that are supposed to be running these fucking services.. They don’t give a fuck as long as their pensions are getting topped up year on year. Fucked I tell you.
Its already unrecognizable.
I’ve been away fifteen years and come back definitely once a year, sometimes twice.
I’ll admit that i get chauffeured around when I’m there, but the faces i see are different to the ones I left.
I haven’t been to my hometown in over twenty years, but i hear from from the cunts i left behind, that its full if Syrian refugees.
Fucking Syrian refugees in West Dunbartonshire.
How many cuntries in between Syria and Dumbarton ?
Fucking loads, that’s how many.
And where i live now, is full of Moroccans.
Everywhere you look its the same faces, and them faces are N.African or Middle Eastern.
The created a boulevard from the frontier, to the town center.
Something to make the town look better for tourists, and hide the plebs housing.
All its done is create a place for Moroccan and Eastern European cunts to loiter all day, and lord it up.
I’m scratching my head wondering why the Spanish chaval, English chav, or Scottish ned, is putting up with all this.
Got no balls anymore. We are being slowly emancipated by the MSM and PC into apologising for our past but worse than that our future. I’ve found myself at work apologising to my work colleagues for a remark which could be racist or when talking about something like mechanics for instance adding ” or she” because I’ve only mention guys doing a job. I work in an all white all male all Brexit voting company and yet the general tone of conversation has changed in the twenty years since I’ve worked there. I’d fight for what I believe in but how many others would join me I wouldn’t like to guess. Ask yourself this question ” if a terrorist attacked a pub in Central London would the armed police who see him running around with a gun shouting Allan’s Snackbar shoot on sight or give several warnings allowing him to disappear into the crowd “unfortunately I think the latter.
Lloyds Bank and it’s advertising needs a cunting as far as I’m concerned. It’s actually a double cunting, including Roland and Curt from tears for fears. My first gripe is Lloyds using “mad world” as their latest theme whilst using an anti establishment track to promote their brand. Via some posh cunt with his piano and some twatty hipster art directors in London Town at a big agency obviously. Secondly Roland and Curt should have told them to fuck right off there and then, when they asked for the rights. “The missus needs a new car” or a “new kitchen” no doubt. It’s all shit…
Has anyone seen or heard of vaGina Miller the last couple of days or has she finally packed her bags and sailed off on her banana boat.
Oddly enough she did Brexit a favour, the law lords confirmed that the devolved parliments have no veto on Brexit
Thanks Gina
I bet the cunt didn’t think that would be one of the outcomes.
I suspect that was the real reason for her action. If she won that point then the Jocks would have stopped Brexit for sure. Job done.
Quite rightly the Supreme Court decided that the Uk Parliament would have the final word.
If she has any sense she will keep her head down. Hopefully she will actually fuck off completely.
this is weird. type ‘feminism is’ into google. see what comes up.
picture of morrissey and hilary clinton came up for me. Two egotistic self serving cunts…. bloody wonderful
“the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes”
The salient words here are rights and equality. If any feminist can name a single right that men have that women don’t ( obviously in the civilised world, not rag head land ) I will gladly strip naked and run 10 laps of Piccadilly Circus with my arse painted blue.
Tara Palmer- Tomkinson was an old junkie slapper….now she’s a dead old junkie slapper.
Good riddance.
There was a time before her hooter collapsed that I would chanced my arm up there. Posh totty.
Proves that old advert was a load of bollocks…
Things don’t go better with coke after all…
The silly tart snorted so much fucking blow her septum nasi collapsed due to her out of control cocaine addiction (This is rare but does happen to extreme addicts).
Also she is related to royalty hence why shes a grade A cunt and was given such leeway being a socialite whore. Died under mysterious circumstances you don’t say? unpaid drug debt? rough & rowdy boyfriend perhaps,?…
You’re totally right Mike. Crush the natives. Horrible world to contemplate. Fucking glad I won’t be here. I’ve warned my kids. They think I’m going senile.
A few prize cunts on question time tonight.
Prize cunt Owen Smith has just done a Lily Mong in apologising on behalf of the British people. Well cunt, you don’t talk for me nor your own fucking constituents I suspect.
They should just rename it ‘cuntwatch’.
So is that socialist cunt silly bragg.
That cunt should be shot
Ann Widdicombe is still a snappy little thing
That slimy cunt Owen Smith is only doing the political rounds for the same reason bulbhead Farron, is that they are very opinionated losers. I hope both smarmy cunts lose their seats, and promptly disappear up their arseholes.
Spot on Mike, good post.
Just to add, the NWO agenda included a review of the worlds abrahamic religions, they needed only one to enhance, encourage and promot to further their ends. It did not take long for the religion of peace to rise to the top. A ‘religion’ that by definition keeps 50% of its followers down trodden and third class citizens was perfect for an organisation that just wants us all white western europeans to be subdued and ultimate destroyed.