Benderdict Cuntberdinck is a ginormous cunt… When asked why he hasn’t put his huge amount of money where his big mouth is and took in some of his ‘beloved’ ‘refugees’, what he said was hilarious…. Cuntberdinck said he ‘couldn’t’ because his ‘house (ie: mansion) wasn’t ready yet and it had no electricity’…. The cunt is a millionaire and could buy a whole street of ‘normal’ houses if he so desired… He could also pay rent and suchlike for a good few ‘refugee’ cunts if he wished to… Truth is he obviously doesn’t, but he expects everyone else to welcome these freeloading filth with open arms… Same goes for the human oil slick, Lineker, and Lily the singing spaz… There’s one thing worse than a bleeding heart cunt, and that’s a plastic bleeding heart cunt….
Nominated by Norman.
Who were the others who promised to take in refugee families? I’m sure Geldof was one – we need to get some updates as to which of these bleeding heart cunts has actually delivered on their accommodation offer. I’m guessing not a single one.
Nominated by Fred West.
That’s exactly it, Fred…. These celebrity knobheads don’t – and never will – have to live near these migrants… Cuntberdinck and Lineker won’t have to put up with these human rats jumping the queue when they go and see their Harley Street celebrity specialist… Lily Mong will never live in fear like the women of Sweden and Germany do now… And Geldof?… Well, what can we say?… He’ll do anything for them (as long as it’s other peoples’ money), except live with them, of course…. Yet these cunts berate and wag their finger at honest, decent working people and families for being ‘beastly’ to these ‘refugees’ and not wanting a mass of thieves, terrorists, welfare scroungers, fanatics, and rapists in their communities…The message to these celebricunts is simple: You like ’em, you live with ’em… Except they wont, and that just shows what liars and hypocrites these cunts really are…
Emergency Cunting. Emergency Cunting Emergency Cunting.
Tony Bliar.
As if this utter cunt of a cunt has not done enough damage to this once almost green and pleasant land and it’s (mainly) hardworking citizens, to say nothing of the illegal wars the cunt sent our brave sons and daughters to fight overseas for a worthless patch of shithole desert that even the locals won’t stay in… Now the fucker surfaces again to persuade the population to ‘rebel” against Brexit and for remainers to persuade the leavers to change their vote.
My god the arrogance of this deluded evil bastard really does have no end.
I can’t wait for a Remainer to attempt to persuade me, preferably on my own doorstep.
Ultimate stress release coming up…
Basically, we say to you all, regardless of whether you are pro or con Brexit, Do you really want to be associated with this lying, devious, underhanded, deceitful, dishonest, unethical, dishonourable unprincipled, immoral, unscrupulous, treacherous, duplicitous creature? ( verbatim from – and there’s more)
You’d think Geldof would have plenty of room,what with most of his family dying of drug overdoses.
None of the cunts will actually take in any of those parasites . The “stars” have done their bit by showing us ignorant plebs just how much more evolved and caring they are,now it’s up to the taxpayer to fund their bleeding heart ideas.
We should hang our heads in shame that were not further up the evolutionary scale,like our betters….Cumerbatch, Lineker et al.
Stop whinging Cunters, bask in their Magnificence,and just feel grateful that we live in the Times of The Superior Beings…. Now get your cash out and “Give us da fookin’ money.”
Indeed, while they avoid tax through dodgy schemes and plead ignorance when they are caught out.
I don’t believe that star spangled wankers like him are talking to you and me. This bollocks is for their fellow tossers to gobble up and regurgitate to any reptile journalist that will listen. They do very little that isn’t designed to get attention ,they drink it up,TV interviews ,magazines anywhere so we don’t forget them.
Sadly we are gifted with some of the worst press that ever failed to run down their mother’s leg.
Like his alter ego , Benzedrine’s ‘mind palace’ is fit only for abstract refugees who won’t soil his satin sheets. It’s surely enough that he is here to educate us immoral brutes.
Geldof is a righteous cunt and the only band aid I want to hear about is the permanent one stuck across this annoying cunts mouth!!
Geldof is a self righteous cunt and the only band aid I want to hear about is the permanent one stuck across this annoying cunts mouth….. ah that’s better..
Trolls will be awested!
I wiwl bwing you lot down!
stop twolling my gofumdme you fweemasonic twaths!
Look at the cunts eyes.
Very similar to Tony Blair.
Very similar to LIZARDS !!!!!
Does Bendadick Cuntersplat have the most variations of a cunts name on ISAC ?
Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch.
There was no way he was going to end up playing a mechanic in Coronation Street with a name like that.
I wouldn’t mind playing Kevin the mechanic in Corrie…every night would be bath night for Rosie and Sophie.
I actually fucked up there.
Kevin out of Corn Doagie (Scottish for Corrie) gave himself a French sounding stage name.
I haven’t seen Corn Doagie in years, so I’m not up to date with the tarts in it, innit
The cunt went to Harrow,probably where he developed his superiority complex and a taste for buggery.
Been thinking up some alt names for our fav sleb cunt.
Benterdick Cunterfuck
Phlemerick Mingingcunt
Mentalcunt Slumberbach
Slimeytrik luvviecunt
I could go on but you’ll get bored…
So I’ve settled on my personal fav to end…
Who cuntbersnatch??? ???
The only cunt to play Sherlock Holmes who has a more cuntish name than Sherlock Holmes…..
His mothers name is Queenie. ?
Get it?
Alright I’ll get my coat.
McDonalds customers are cunts….
They are probably responsible for 70% of the litter that seems to be everywhere these days. Some scum cunt has just finished his ‘happy’ meal, so the window of the chav chariot goes down, and the multitude of crap that his shit food has been wrapped in goes flying out the window. Never mind that there may be a litter bin ten feet from the car. This is why you never see a signpost for the place, all you need is to follow the brown bags, red fries boxes and fucking coffee cups, and you are there. Dishonourable mentions also go out to KFC and Burger King customers too, for keeping it real….filthy. Pick up your shit you fucking scummy cunts!
I’ll tell you what. I’m not loving it…..
Fuckin right .
Every evening, along the beach front, there’s cars with piles of shite lying outside their car windows, feet away from the bins.
The local council done it up a few years ago, and its nice, with a cycle path, trees, benches, lay bys, and loads of litter bins.
And these chav cunts arrive by car, empty shite out of car, and then leave by car.
Not once getting out to see how nice it was and putting shite in the bins.
It should be easy enough for the polis stop and fine the scumbags.
I was waiting outside the hash house the other week, and i had finished a can. There was no bins, so i held onto it.
A guy i know stopped to talk to me, and told me to just throw the can in the gutter. I said, its alright, I’ll put it in the bin later.
The cunt grabbed it out my hands, and threw it on the floor.
Right outside his house.
That’s just fuckin shameless.
Sometimes, I almost feel sorry for Labour. Then I remember that ALL their problems are entirely self inflicted, and I stop almost feeling sorry for them.
Today, I’m nominating Navid Hussain, an ‘activist’ for Labour. I’m sure we all know, but I’ll point out anyway that activist is actually political speak for ‘immoral, vulgar, crass, honourless cunt, who isn’t good for anything else’. Navid has been caught sending a text message to Stokes Muslim population, in which he implied that if they didn’t vote for Snell, they would experience bad things. He also said that a vote for the two Muslim candidates, one of whom was a Lib Dem, would be a vote for ‘Anti-Islam UKIP.
The text reads:
Aslamalaykam My Brothers and Sisters.
In this country, we must vote due to necessity/Majboori.
This does not mean we can vote for any Tom, Dick or Harry.
This means that in order to stop the far right, Anti-Muslim, Anti-Islamic UKIP Party, we must vote for the strongest candidate. If Dr Ali takes 500 votes and Yaqub Mirza takes 100 and UKIP defeat the Labour Party candidate Gareth Snell by 550 votes, then you will have succeeded in electing an Anti-Islam and Anti-Muslim MP. Okay, you will have made Dr Ali and Mohammed Yaqub Akram (Mirza) happy losers and you will have given a slap to our local Councillors.
But you will be able to answer for this in the grave and on the final day???
“I helped the enemies of Islam because….”
May ALLAH TALLAH grant us all hidayat,
There was also a Facebook post which read:
Stoke-on-Trent Central MP election on 23rd February 2017.
In my opinion, you must vote for Gareth Senll (poster’s spelling) the Labour Party Candidate.
Any vote for Dr Ali (Lib Dems) is the same as voting for UKIP.
There are only two candidates who stand a realistic chance of winning, the Labour Party candidate, or the UKIP Party candidate.
Is is (again, poster’s spelling) essential that you vote Labour.
Every vote matters.
This election could be won or lost by a few votes.
Every racist is voting for UKIP.
UKIP are a racist, divisive, far right party who hate Muslims and all immigrants, their leader who also their candidate Paul Nuttall hates the NHS ans (poster) wants to privatise the NHS.
Don’t be complacent, hundreds of UKIP supporters have been brought to Stoke-On-Trent to campaign for UKIP, they are spending massive amounts of money on the campaigh (poster) (which will be investigated afterwards)
Vote Labour
Vote Gareth Snell.
Naturally, Labour are denying all knowledge of the messages. The irony of this, is that it’s the anti-Democratic Limp Dumbs who have complained to the police about this blatant attempt to influence voters. And for once, I’m on their side. Trust it to be a Labour supporting camel fucker who disrespects the British people and our democratic system.
Calling people racist because they vote UKIP is fucking pathetic. I’m not a UKIP supporter, but I’m pretty sure that they’re neither Anti-Muslim nor Anti-Islam. They wouldn’t have Muslim members if they were. And since when did Islam, or Muslim count as a race? Never. If Labour had a decent leader, Hussain would be out on his arse without so much as a goodbye. Under Corbyn though, they don’t even have a leader.
I’ve said on many occasions that I don’t like Muslims. And here are more reasons. They are fucking corrupt, they couldn’t tell you the truth if you put a gun to their heads, they have nothing but contempt for OUR democratic system, and they certainly have nothing but contempt for the British people. They’re just…fucking dishonest, lying scum.
How dumb are they that they think they won’t get to meet the big A if they don’t vote labour, just because some cornershopian says so?
This says it all, Labour are the party of islam in the UK.
It is nothing new of course, remember Mohammad Lutfur Rahman? The former labour councillor was voted mayor in Tower Hamlets but was later stripped of his position as it came to light he was “personally guilty” of “corrupt or illegal practices, or both” i.e. electoral fraud.
I have always said this about the left, they are fanatics, almost like religious fanatics. They are so convinced they are right, that their way is the only way, that they will stop at nothing to get power. Just like ISIS.
Another classic example of people who don’t understand English. If you’re anti Islam you’re not a racist because Islam is a religion not a race.
Also being patriotic or xenophobic or putting your country first isn’t racist either. These cunts should learn proper English. The racism is coming from them. They hate Caucasians – and that is a fucking race!!!….
They hate anything non islamic. Hell, they even hate each other.
Another festering pile in today’s ” not so ‘independent……..
Apparently ” the UK will be a weaker place outside of the beautiful EU” who said that??
None other than uber cunt head honcho of EU Claude juncker, and if you don’t believe this drunken old federalist cunt give “back of the queue” Barack a call as juncker quoted him, so it must be true then?, Obama was a fuckin puppet of the bankers Goldman sachs, Morgan Stanley and co, who unsuccessful tried to get the UK to vote remain by any threats deemed necessary!!, when that failed over came Obama to threaten us ,the whole things a fix gone wrong for the elite, there’s a new blowing and they don’t like it one bit, look at all the anti trump hysteria!! He can’t fart without the BBC SKY or CNN jumping down his throat!!, things are going to get even dirtier…….
I want to hit somebody.
Paul Hollywood still owes you money.
Just sayin’.
He fuckin does, the cunt. His cunt of a dad actually. If he’s brown bread I’m gonna shit on his grave. Horrible money grabbing fuck wad with a cunt of a son.
I want to hit the Jack D ?
I can feel a Play Station game coming up. ‘Hit the Cunt’. Choose your preferred weapon, piece of wood with a nail in it, extra sharp wood saw or Dieanne Flabbys rancid jamrag and smash your chosen cunt of cunts to a quivvering pulp. Best time wins.
I see shitty shatty shatrabarti or whatever her fucking cunty name is, is on Question Time tonight.
Getting me house bricks stacked up now.
I better not watch that tonight, I am in a pissy mood now, 10 minutes of that vehicle for liberal left shite will push me over the edge
New Sinn Fein leader Michelle O,Neill is a cunt in a long line of fucking cunts.
The soppy cunt turns up to speak at memorial of 4 Provo cunts who were shot by the SAS after attacking a police station in County Tyrone, the fact that these 4 cunts and half her own cunting family were up to their fucking fenian eyeballs in terrorism and murder seems to not worry this cunt oh and all this happened 25 years ago for fuck sakes so much for moving on you shit cunt slag
Just saw the bitch extolling the virtue of the heroic four – reminded me of the 8 Loughgall ‘martyrs’ , so cruelly dispatched by the SAS in 1987 . when all they were doing was larking about with a JCB digger truck full of semtex at a police station – they were only trying to give the RUC men a bit of a fright. BOO HOO.
Thankfully, the rank of martyr is a title bestowed posthumously. Good enough for the cunts.
Pity is that it’s valuable currency for the IRA apologists who are now a ‘legitimate’ part of our democratic process , and an incentive for those evil Cunts who still yearn for past ‘glories’.
She might be a cunt, but I think we’d all give her one…
I’d give her one.
But I’d take my dog as well.
It might get scary walking out the deep forest all by myself.
Even armed with a shovel.
I’d bomb her fucking back door.
I keep saying I won’t watch Q Time again, ever. I always end up watching it though. Cunts
I saw the below and I though Eddie Izzard was looking a bit rough……
No wonder he looks pissed off, he has lost his pink beret.
The best of British. Two fine upstanding citizens. Makes you feel proud.
It’s Erasure.
Andy Bell on the left and Vince Clarke on the right.
That’s what they look like now, its bang on.
Thanks .Best laugh in ages…same face he had on when he faced Nigel…
Both look like they’re extras from a Hammer House of Horror movie. Just imagine meeting those two up a dark alley one night.
Bring back the death penalty for cunts like this. They have no doubt lived their entire miserable existence living on state hand outs and will now live out the rest of their existence costing the tax payer even more money. Take em down the local halal slaughter house, slit throat, hang em up to bleed out and then dump em in a pit full of lime.
Watching the news and Donny boy put down BBC reporter Jon Sopel and BBC by comparing them to CNN. BBC fucking cunts and Sopel is a smug looking turd. My blood pressure is going up and Question Time hasn’t even started.
Consider yourselves lucky cunts – I have to get through half an hour of our home grown political tomfuckery -fun and frolics at Stormont – before sampling the delights of sniffy Limpleby and little miss clitshine Chuckyerbatty.
A trip to Redifusion beckons.
You’re either born a cunt or you’re not. Lucky us.
Didn’t take long for Saint Jo Cox to get a mention
Of course it didnt!
Jo Cox, Hillsborough all the same. They fucking love blaming someone or something and wallowing in their own self pity. Grow the fuck up.
Saint Jo Suck my Cox MP saint of refugee cox sucking and virtue signalling
Saint Jo Of The Blessed Cox… Patron saint of snowflakes… The only reason that the libtard hordes worship Cox is because she cared more about the deodorant despising rapeugee filth from Bogo-Bogo Land, Syraqistan (all the same), and the Calais shitheap than she did about her actual constituents and British people… She didn’t give a fuck about her own kind…
If someone off the snowflakes ‘we don’t don’t like you’ list had died instead of Cox… Say, if it had been Farage, the cunts would give it the ‘Well, he did provoke people… He was racist… He knew the risks’ bullshit… The thing with these snowflake scum is their hearts bleed only when it is something that is ‘suitable’ or matters to them… They are vermin…
Question time on now fellow cunters!
So cunts in the SNP want independence from us whilst being in favour of being Junckers bitch.
If we gave the SNP everything they want in the negotiations they would still want another independence referendum.
Shit Mundell is fighting back haha.Dimbleby shouts too much.
I would like to cunt this fuckin HIVE shite they are plugging relentlessly ATM. You know that stupid fuckin thing where you can turn yer heating or lighting on through yer mobile. What the fuck for ? Classic case of technology for technology’s sake, just ‘Cos somethings possible doesn’t mean it’s necessary . Oh and it costs £9 a month.
That fucking advert with the cunt with the silly guitar boils my piss.
That’s it for me, if I watch another minute of cuntwatch, I am going to have a fucking stroke. Why is it when most of the young people open their gobs, a load of shit comes out? Mind you, there are no young people on the panel, and they are all talking shit.
I deliberately avoided it, I made a conscious decision not to invite toxic cunts into my living room tonight.
You made a wise choice. Same bollocks arguments going round and around.
Some Scottish people are as thick as some of the porridge gloop I have eaten and as disgusting.
D’ye want to know how fucked up a lot of Scottish folk are ?
I’ve seen cunts, family included, that get wound up if ye put sugar on yer porridge.
They call ye an English poof.
They take pride in putting salt on cereal.
Also, beans on a fry up, pisses them off.
Again,”yer an English poof”.
Also not pronouncing the “ch” in “loch” as if yer coughing up phlem.
Again, yer an English poof.
I have a mainly Scottish accent, but as i was brought up by English, i spoke differently to people from my town.
I pronounce loch the same as lock, and honestly, it really boils their pish.
So, i was always the English poof.
There’s no reasoning with cunts who think like that.
Shiity Chakribati is your typical middle class, shite talking, head in the clouds fuckwit. Goes to pilates once a week, sits on a couple of no mark commitees, goes to dinner with friends and all agree to put the world to rights, So far removed from the real world of everyday people but on the other hand condescend to bestow their virtuosity on us mere sewer rats.
Chuckyerbatty had the sheer hypocritical gall to accuse Theresa May of undignified behaviour in her meetings with The Donald , ie holding hands (more likely he made a grab for the prime ministerial pussy and missed) . Yes, the same Ms , now Baroness C….who time-served as whitewasher- in – chief on the Corbyn convened inquiry into alleged institutional anti – Semitism within the Labour Party. For this truly unprincipled behaviour she gets elevated to the Lords !
Cunters will recognise the career trajectory – rich , trendy barrister , Londoncentric Amnesty champion of oppressed oppressors , overnight Labour dahling and aparatchik and now Baroness.
Most significantly undignified , hypocritical , what’s the word , oh yes CUNT.
I have always loathed chuck yer butty. Not because she’s black or Muslim or female. Just because she’s so bloody supercilious…
Oh God aye . Nothing whatsoever to do with colour , gender or creed . As you say – supercilious , and just prissy and a bit up herself.
I laughed when she got all huffy and ultra defensive when Limpleby referred to her as Barrrroness – thinking he was taking the proverbial. Her automatic defensive attitude , a sniffy , ”I’m glad I’m allowed at the table ” , spoke volumes!