Alison Thewliss

Quick nomination for SNP MP Alison Thewliss

“SNP MP Alison Thewliss wants all football clubs in Scotland to declare their stadiums breastfeeding-friendly.
The Motherwell-supporting MP has written to all 42 league clubs, encouraging them to follow the example of Ayr United.
Breastfeeding in public places has been a legally protected right in Scotland since 2005.
But Ms Thewliss said a declaration by the clubs would break the taboo and let people know breastfeeding was normal.”

Because there are a massive amount of women who want to go and watch a game of shite football with a baby hanging of their tit. You fucked up waste of space, this is a pressing issue is it?

Fuck off, just fuck off.

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

48 thoughts on “Alison Thewliss

  1. Not really what most footy supporters meant when they were chanting: “Tits oot foh tha’ boys!” – when one of the overpaid fally-down boys’ WAGs would come on the pitch.

    Now the chant would have to be qualified with: “Tits oot foh tha’ boys! Unless it’s one of the blue veiny swollen things with a red raw nipple and a skriking brat attached to it!”

  2. Yeah that’s right, let’s get the important things sorted out first. For those who advocate more women in politics, this is what you get.

    • Has anyone from her constituency actually reported this as a problem? I bet it’s only one if that,who has no interest in football anyway. It seems to be that everything has to be visible and included at all times. There must be women that discreetly breastfeed all over the place with no problem. This cunt is just looking for trouble where there is none. Note to all feminists – do not speak for me and I do not want you on my side!!

    • Just have one thing to say about this soppy cunt and that’s FUCK RIGHT OFF AND STOP WASTING GROWN UPS TIME.

  3. Liverpool fans’ll love this idea,imagine how much more grief they could wring out of a few dead babies the next time they stampede into a crowd and crush their own “family”. The compo would easily offset the loss in kiddie-benefits,and I dare say it wont take their mothers long to replace them.

  4. I’d like to cunt Meryl Streep not just because of her hypocritical, condescending, self righteous , virtue signalling but because we now know why she did it. It turns out that celebs like her GET PAID by fashion houses to wear their creations at award ceromonies. Now how much a celeb can command depends on how much publicity and attention they can draw to themselves and thus the dress as a consequence of their appearance at the awards ceromony. I rest my fucking case. Cunt.

    • Schonker Streep is one of the biggest cunts from Twattywood… And for all her liberal ‘we the people’ bullshit, old concorde conk still thinks herself above ‘ordinary’ people like hotel staff, waiters, airline staff etc, and she treats them like crap… And most of these tinsletown slags get very expensive outfits, jewelry and lavish goodie bags for fucking free at these awards cuntfests, as well as getting paid for wearing designer shite… Greedy cunts…

      Speaking of which: anyone see that taxdodging Veruca Salt, Emma Watson, sulking like a baby because she was told her ridiculous dress was too long and unsafe?…. Shame the spoilt little cunt didn’t trip over…

    • Well actually it makes a lot of sense seeing how the SNP MPs are basically a bunch of tits!

  5. Jesus wept here we go again. Another right-on recognition-hungry virtue signaller wanting more integration “because it’s a natural act”. Next time I’m out in public and need a shit, I won’t bother using the public bogs. I’ll just drop my jeans and crimp a brownlength off in the middle of the high street because it’s a “natural act”. Unicorns are now at their strongest breeding-point than ever before. Christ alive just no.

    • Just remember to take a picture of it and post it on here. Will probably be more attractive a sight than Alison Thewliss anyway.

    • I can’t recall where I read it, but apparently envoys of the religion of peace, sandw@gs and desert dwellers have been practicing the art of shiting in the street for a good few years now.

      Just like Sadiq Kunt banning scantily clad women from tube posters, I’m sure this is another plot by virtuous lefty twats to introduce yet another ‘right’ and enshrine it in ‘law’. Breastfeeding at football grounds…. Right on, no problem, hence the thin end of the wedge, so to take its course to a natural conclusion….. Shiting in the street…. Carry on Mohammed, no problem. The thing is tho, when the peaceful cunts take over fully and the law of sharia is in place, then our little lady will not even be allowed out in public, let alone speak in a ‘parliament’ and as for exposing a breast. Well that’s death by stones, as the book of lies demands.

      • This is true. These unicorn saddling libtards are setting themselves and the rest of us up for a fuck-out of biblical proportions. They’re totally blinded by their fluffy cunt cotton wool agenda, but are failing to see the highly dangerous monster they’ve created in the form of a total sharia takeover. It’s hiding in plain sight, but they refuse to see it.

        Their ego’s prevent them from seeing the facts. The monster will turn on its creator in time, and when it does…these self serving snowflake cunts will shit breeze-blocks, panic and go into hiding and then play the old “it wasn’t me” card, before shuffling off back to Narnia.

        Give them an inch and they’ll take several thousand square miles. Over-tolerance to anything and a free pass is just an open door to the tsunami of shit that’s rapidly advancing before us. We’re all FUBAR.

  6. What kind of irresponsible no brain cunt would take a baby to a fucking football match in the first place? They should be arrested before they have a chance to get their tit out. I was in a pub one lunchtime and a baby started crying. Everyone was looking around because there was no baby to be seen. It turned out two young slags pissing it up had the kid in a sports bag under the table. Unbe..fucking..lievable!

    • You wouldn’t want to take a baby. Last time I went to a game there were enough of em running around on the pitch.

  7. Tell you what, Alison , let’s make mosques “breastfeeding-friendly” and see how that works out

  8. Just another politician in jockland trying to emulate her heroine Razorgob Krankie and get some attention . The Scottish Sun ,eager to get the word ‘breast’ into a headline to attract the permanently pissed readership ,prints this pointless garbage in the hope that a few readers will stop vomiting last nights catburger and 25 pints of Buckfast, long enough to read their shite paper.
    It isn’t news until one of our fucking useless cunt papers prints it.

  9. Either the munter has just been given a good slap or else she needs to learn how to apply blusher.

  10. I might lend an ear to her cause, if, IF, she can guarantee that not one kid in Motherwell goes hungry, or are being mistreated, ever.

    Get that done, Hen, and then ye can start yer shite.

    • She is actually the MP for Glasgow Central. I’m sure Glasgow Central must be a paradise on Earth with no social, political or economic problems what so ever.

  11. Talking about mosques………………..there was me thinking they were all kneeling down en-mass praying;when in fact they were looking for Abdul”s contact lens……………Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

      • Is that how you get those prayer bumps? alot of those muzzies seem to think of them as a 3rd eye or some kind bestowed honor… like what the cunt is that about?

  12. Is a place like a arena or stadium really a good place to be breast feeding tho? I mean your surrounded by barrel chested men guzzling ale, farting loudly and cursing at players like drunken sailors hardly the place to pull your tit out and begin feeding your baby but thats just my thoughts on the matter

  13. If breastfeeding in public is perfectly normal then so is having a good stare, possibly with a nice game of pocket billiards thrown in.

  14. A bigger cunt than even I thought she was, and I fucking despise the little cunt… Who do mean?… Ah, the true face (even uglier than the other one) of Lily Mong…. Referring to dementia sufferers and pensioners as vegetables, but lover of muslamist rapists and Calias shitheap savages… Here is what the spazmotron said:

    ‘come to the Alzheimer’s home my grandad and 100 other vegetables reside at. It’s truly miserable.’

    So, in the goggle eyes of the mong, it’s acceptable to mock the sick and be ageist, but its unacceptable to be ‘racist’ and anti-rapeugees?… At the League Cup Final tomorrow there should be a kick Lily Mong in the cunt fundraiser for Alzheimer’s research… It would raise a fortune…

    • Another quality foot-in-mouth outburst from the human train-wreck that is the Mongster. The arrangement of my shit in the toilet bowl before it’s flushed and scrubbed has more artistic merit than her “songs”. What a rhodium plated cunt.

    • That’s because the liberal left despise age and wisdom. If you read enough of their articles and the comments they post it’s plain to see they would like to terminate people before pension age, They would spend the money on importing more scum.

      • Insulting the elderly like that is like the lowest of the low in my opinion especially calling them vegetables… Funny cause I’d say the same about the people who listen to her terrible music.

        Want a top notch female artist? try Sally oldfield, Curved Air, Kate Bush, Sandy Denny, Annie Haslam, Clare Torry for good examples

  15. It’s an attempt from a swivel eyed, left wing uber-feminist to take over what is predominantly a male environment. I wish chairman of one of those clubs. I’d have a big banner made and put up out the front of the stadium that read, “FUCK OFF ALISON THEWLISS; YOU ARROGANT FEMINIST FUCKWIT!”.

    That would have her and her feminazi chums stamping their feet. They’d probably even stage a protest outside the stadium. And I’d have the groundskeepers spraying them with hoses.

  16. Probably about 10 years ago I was at my daughters school carol concert at the local church. She was probs about 8 then. I was sitting next to a bird who was watching her kid. She had a baby on her lap when quick as a flash out comes the titty and kid shoved on pronto. I must admit I had to do a double take. Wasn’t expecting it at all. It’s a fucking twat when you’re fighting with ya fuckin heed to stop it turning and looking down for a sly scope. I was only sorry I’d left me trick glasses with the springy eyes in me other coat.

    • And why shouldn’t you stare, brother Kendo? A perfectly natural reaction to a perfectly natural event.

      Maybe asking for a go might be pushing it a bit.

      • It’s a fucking good job I don’t believe. A bolt of lightning may have ensued. Probably had a quick five knuckler on it tho. When I got home that is!!

    • I was at a bus stop once and saw a lady stood there on her mobile with her tit hanging out.

      I didn’t want to be rude by disturbing her call so I just stood there having a good stare.

      When she finished I said: “Excuse me but do you realise one of your breasts is hanging out?”

      “Eeee, I’ve left the bairn on the bus!”


  17. How come when women are topless at the beach, they cover their tits when the stand up or go in the water ?

      • I feel like a perv, every time i go to the beach.
        Have ye seen what classes as bikini bottoms lately ?

        Females from teens to pensioners are wearing g-strings.
        Its a fuckin gauntlet going to the beach with the missus.

        One day, some cracking curvy birds went for a topless shower.
        The shower is by the road at the back of the beach.
        Ye should have heard all the cars beeping.

        I can still remember them two big fitted tarts vividly.

  18. Breast feeding at the footie? Damn fine idea. Breast milk is highly prized for its richness and delicacy in certain circles. Indeed have been offered breast milk cheese. Mild and tasty. Better than oranges at half time. Suck a tit me hearties.

  19. Excuse me lady but you have a Tampax behind your ear!

    Fuck me…..where ‘ave I put me fag?

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