I’d like to nominate The Supreme Court for a cunting.
They have ruled that the government cannot trigger article 50 without interference from everyone and their dog in parliament sticking their oar in!
The vote was a majority of 8:3 – so we have 3 loyal servants who agree with the people and 8 traitors who agree with some Guyanan cunt who doesn’t realise how lucky she is in being able to enjoy the freedoms of this country!
Tell you now if they think they can stop the Brexit Theresa May advised of last week (out of the EU, out of the single market, out of their laws and out of having to suffer every Tom, Dick and Stavros coming here) then the marches on London will make the ones against Donald Trump look like a card school in comparison!
I’ve never marched on anything in my life but I’ll be at the head of the queue on that one.
Utter, utter, traitorous cunts!
Nominated by Rebel Without a Cunt
Well I bet the Anti-BritishBroadcastingCompany is steaming pissed right now, donald trump just restricted illegal immigration from major moslem countries
Remeber Fred when you said this wouldn’t happen? well guess what Bane Trumpenfuhrer just did it and the Wall will go according to plan! https://i.redd.it/hr8x2eb031ix.gif
Awesome link ? spot on!!!
I see La La Land is up for a best picture Oscar, apparently its a fly-on-the -wall style documentary on the inner workings of the EU.
Contributers include ignorant retarded bint Lily Allen on how Britain invented slavery(one of the 1st to abolish it) , Bob ‘give us yer fucking money’ Geldof on foreign aid(UK biggest contributer after USA £12 billion+) and part time MOTD presenter & full time cunt Gary Lineker on child refugees.
Maybe they can collect their Oscar in Raqqa in Syria, sure that beardy billionaire tax exile Branson wouldn’t mind flying them over in his balloon. They would be on You Tube with their head on a pike before they could scream RACIST.
Any other whinging remainers with half a brain cell and a twatter account would be minced down for halal meat & sent as an emergency food parcel, courtesy of 17.4 million patriots…keep the faith.
Can’t argue with that…..
Calm down everyone, Brexit will happen.
I voted leave.
I have worked out that although Gina Miller is a cunt of the purest form she is a nobody cunt trying to make an name for herself after spotting a Government fuck up. The government tried to start the process of leaving without Parliament’s consent and although I agree Brexit should happen ASAP this countries law as a democracy state Parliament must have a vote to carry it through.
Imagine if the government (Tories) decided to bring in an law that said you can only have one drink in the pub that’s it. There would be uproar, which is why they would have to get Parliament to approve the one drink in a pub law. It’s the same with Brexit, the government tried to start the process without Parliament’s go ahead and that all about me cunt Gina Miller saw an opportunity to take the government to court to make a name for herself and also she knew she would win as it’s the way this countries democracy is set up.
I question why the government wasted the money going to court and then appealing the decision when it knew it wasn’t going to win. So we’re at a stage where Parliament have to vote for the triggering of Article 50, they will vote to trigger it and all the Farron cunts whinging won’t matter. This whole process of going to court hasn’t been one big waste of fuck knows how much money (could’ve housed a thousand British homeless no doubt) for what? All thats happened is Gina Miller is now a well known cunt with a book coming out some time soon, the government look like a bunch of clueless cunts who couldn’t organise getting high with a kilo of Coke on the table, and us the public aren’t listened to and told to shut the fuck up and see what happens.
Brexit will happen cunters and I look forward to it.
“Has been a waste” that should have said.
It appears the press are now turning on Miller… The Mail had a go today, let us hope others follow suit… If they can hound the late Graham Taylor for failing to get to a World Cup, they can hound this jumped up bitch for larging over 17 million people…
You are right B&W, if there was no prospect of it happening cunts like Miller etc wouldn’t be going to such amazing ridiculous lengths to stop it. I suppose it has occurred to these cunts that if things did go their way,it might be their own democratic vote that gets stuffed another time. When Brexit happens the Government should be seeking costs from anyone who tried to challenge it. And these protesting cunts should be charged with public order offences as well. The layabout scruffy waste of a skin cunts.
https://www.rt.com/uk/374860-lee-rigby-killer-compensation/ The cunt who hacked Lee Rigby Head off with a butcher knife wants 25,000 compensation because his teeth were kicked in
Seriously what a daft cunt I dunno if he was born in england or not but from the looks he seems somalian these somalian moslems are lazy and violent cunts They will kill your people, go live for free in your prison, then demand money from you unbelievable
Hanging’s too good for them!
I’d lock both of them in a room with a bunch of squaddies and leave em too it.
I would take the Flaxen Saxon approach and burn the cunts alive…
The inbred cretin is a Nigerian convert to pisslam
I would take the Flaxen Saxon approach and burn the cunts alive…”
Someone say fire?, I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE! https://youtu.be/eawL6aJ2nBc
Well,it is burns night ?
I’d only celebrate burns night if Wee Burney was put on the bonfire…
I’m fucking sick of paying extortionate prices for petrol – the hippy remainer who I work with blames brexit, along with high prices for food. It’s not brexit, it’s just greedy cunts taking our eyes out. There’s no need for the petrol to be that hight, why couldn’t that stupid Gina Miller of went to the high Court about petrol prices and did sumit useful to benefit us all instead of been a moaning about brexit cow.
Petrol prices are going up because of an agreement between OPEC and Russia, who are cutting production to boost the price of oil. Money grabbing cunts of the first order, but fuck all to do with the eu. Saudi must be going skint, poor fuckers. Where is the next gold plated Bugatti veyron going to come from?
Ewan McGregor is a cunt…
This shit soft bellend refused to honour an appearance on Good Morning Britain: because he didn’t like what Piers Morgan said about he ridiculous ‘womens march’ and Madogga in particular… What sort of a man is this shithouse?… Morgan is not my favourite Martian, but at least the man isn’t a filthy snowflake and one of the offended by everything PC mob… While McGregor spits his dody out because someone has offended his snowflake sensibilities and had a go at his luvvie cunt chums… Softarsed celebrity fucking tosspot…
And he was fucking shite as Obi-Wan Kenobi and all… Twat…
Ewan McGregor is indeed a cunt.
I saw him being interviewed on the orange carpet at the T2 premier.
What fucking accent is that ?
The cunts from Perth.
Even though he’s a cunt, i cant fucking wait for T2.
Even if it comes across as a remake, i don’t care.
My only problem is i cant decide to watch it in the cinema with a bunch of Gibraltarians, who clap at the end of every filum, or wait for the DVD.
Gibraltarians act like the cinema is a pantomime.
I saw Scooby Doo there (don’t ask) and the cunts shouted “where are you” every time Scooby Doo’s name was mentioned.
And you could hear the mopeds buzzing by outside.
That was the last time I went to the cinema.
Robert Carlyle owned the first Trainspotting film, no contest…
“Some cunts glassed that poor lassie and nae cunt leaves till we find out wit cunt dun it”
Probably the best hard man character in any filum IMHO.
He looks just as good in the trailers for the new one.
And it was Begbie who coined the phrase “doss cunt”, and i love calling doss cunts that.
Those thick Scooby Doo cunts, Shaggy, Thelma, etc. could have saved us all a lot time with a couple well chosen questions to the cunt who owned the mask shop….
I’ll wait till it’s on the Pirate Bay and watch it in the comfort of my own home in 1080P for nothing
the ridiculous ‘womens march’, that’s meant to say… Ewan is a cunt…
Trump is backing US jobs, building the wall and is restricting movement fron known terrorist incubator countries until “We know what the hell is going on!”
Fuck me, a President who is actually carrying out his pre-election promises!
Make a note in your diaries guys and gals because any President (or Prime Minister or MP for that matter) making good on any promise they made in order to get into power is as rare as unicorn shit!
Good on you Don!
There is something “unreal” about this situation. In recent history it is almost unheard of, that the promises made by a politician during the election are actually realized after the election I know he isn’t faultless or perfect but hes making some great progress Yet liberal shills and dem shills keep on attacking him
May has already declared ALL EU Law will be incorporated in to British Constitutional Law.
Hardly a Brexit is it!
No wonder they stalled with the legal challenge in the supreme court, it was so they could shore up dodgy deals and get as much EU legislation into British Law before any Brexit finally (if ever) happens.
FUCKING TRAITORS, get the rope boys….
Actually by doing this – to start with – it means that all UK products/services are still in line with EU law.
This makes it far easier to negotiate a trade deal because as soon as we leave the EU we still meet the legal standards for those products and services.
However once we do take control of our own laws – assuming democracy is served and we’re taken out of the single market after all of the traitors have had their say – then we can leave product laws as they are, and if it’s shit Europe will buy, align them with our laws but we get control back over judicial decisions/law making relating to how our country is run without having to play 2nd fiddle to some unelected twats in Brussels.
So yes we adopt EU law to grease the wheels on a trade deal (sensible) and once out we can start changing the laws that allow the EU to put their neb in where it’s not wanted (even more sensible).