Moby is a cunt…
This talentness tossbucket is the latest celebricunt to jump onto the snowflake express… The ludicrously named cockgobbler is going round saying that Trump ‘will be the worst President America has ever seen’….
Does he mean the recently elected President who hasn’t even started yet?.. I didn’t know the eggheaded twat had a TARDIS or was clairvoyant… These Clintonite mongs are fascists: not only do they refuse to accept a democratic result, they also won’t even give the winner a chance, and they refuse to listen to any opinion, reasoning or point of view if it doesn’t fit in with their own… Whether it’s Kippercunt Cyrus, Schnozzer Streep, that deviant OAP Madonna, or Moby, these cunts claim they are ‘liberal’ and ‘for equality’… Yet they have more in common with Mussolini than Luther King….
Nominated by Norman
The same cunt who got done for being a paedophile not too long ago? He’s a fucking bellend and needs to be nuked.
Lol yeah he does look a little bit like baldy Gary Glitter
The thing about Glitter is I don’t see the big thing with him. I tryed digging into his discography trying to see why he was so lauded as one of Glam Rock’s finest. To be fair I haven’t checked out Gary Shitters live stuff but I combed through a good chunk of his studio recordings
Have to tell you don’t see all the fuss there is with him at best a few decent singles but nothing as revolutionary as Bowie, Slade, Wizzard, Mud or T.rex interpretations of Glam Rock
But the kids loved him
“D’Ya wanna be in my gang?”
Err… no thanks
More like he loved kids He was such a sleazeball too have you heard his cover of the wanderer? creepy as fuck I find that he was lampooning paroding Elvis and 1950’s rock’n’roll but he didn’t really bring anything interesting to either genre. Just creepiness, cuntishness, sick sex filled songs, a overwhelming ego and noncey friends like saville and harris to boot
His song titles are pretty telling Songs like “Remember me this way” “Do u wanna touch me” has a sort of self admission bout it don’t u think?!
I always thought he was a dick.
And the cunt is responsible for that boring cuntfest of an album Play which every cunt, though not me, bought and bored everyone else to fucking death with it. You should have stopped at GO Moby you cunt
The title track for The Beach was shit too!
In fact The Beach film was shit as well. There wasn’t a pot of shrimps or Kiss Me Quick hat in site!
Fucking Odeon Cinema rob-dogs!
A boring untalented cunt trying to stay relevant by pandering to leftists and libertarians… nothing to see here and What is Moby even famous for?
I know hes a DJ mostly but what records is he even acclaimed for? That shitty one he did with gwen stefanny is all I can think of then again DJs aren’t exactly something I’m that well acquainted with altho I do know some of them
I don’t think libertarians are anti-Trump……. unless of course he is calling for bigger government and more taxation…….. which is the opposite of what he’s planning to do.
They are anti-trump because Trump wants to increase bong and pot prices and we all know a libertarian without marijuana is like a dog without a bone
Also they hate Trump because they don’t know who he is they are so stoned they couldn’t be arsed lol 🙂
Trump has already done one good thing: because Kilary didn’t win we’ve been spared her inauguration and the masses of cunts who would have ‘performed’ at it… So sparing us from twats like Streep, Goldberg, Cyrus, Perry, De Niro, Macca, Beyonce etc is a very good start for Old Don…
“Yet they have more in common with Mussolini than Luther King….”
Meaning these supposedly liberal celebrities preach diversity and equality (King); and they even have their own substandard King imitation in Obama… Yet these same liberal celebrities (very much like Gina Miller and the Remainers in the UK) hate anyone who dares disagree with them, ignore democracy, only want votes, elections and results to go their way, and attempt to incite dissent and trouble (Benito)…
Mussolini was a good guy if I’m not mistaken Dictator with the right heart. He took a country that was poor, had social unrest, Italian pride was lost, had lack of jobs, lack of education, lack of transportation
I view these celebrities in a way worse light then Mussolini The political leaders who replaced him were way worse then him
Mussolini was a Hitler ass kissing fucking cunt. Fuck him and fuck Hitler, two of the worst cunts to ever live.
Let’s not forget Stalin, the evil cunt of a dictator.
Celebricunts like Katy Perry: demanding that people ‘Take to the streets’ and start a ‘revolution’ because Trump won… If Nigel Farage ever said such a thing, he’d be hauled over the coals and the leftards would be calling for his head… The thick bitch probably learned to spout such crap from Russell Brand, another cunt…
The fact that these uppity showbiz cunts – on both sides of the atlantic – refuse to accept the result of a democratic election or referendum, and actually want another vote just to get what they want with no regard for anybody else or what working people want, and their ‘my way or nothing’ mentality reeks of fascism… If cunts like Gina Miller, Fanny Izzard, Lily Mong, and everyone on Question Time had their way, they would probably have all Brexit voters wearing coloured star stiickers to show everyone ‘what they are’… Bunch of sickening celebrity cunts…
Agreed Norman, if it was the other way round and the Trump supporters were acting like cunts the left would be shouting “It’s a democracy, and we won”. Same with the remain cunts. The problem is Twatter and Facecunt gives too many cunts a voice.
True, Black and White Cunt…. My dad hated Maggie… But him and his workmates didn’t demand a re-vote in 79, 83 and 87 just because she won… Mind you, people weren’t entitled soft bastards who thought more about Twitter ‘likes’ than actual human beings back then…
And while we’re on about snowflake gobshites on Twatter: Lily Ultramong is at it once more… The dribbling spazmo is now saying people should ‘pray for a messy Brexit’… I wonder, is she blind or does she just look it?….
That Lilly cunt, the less said about her the better. Giving it the I care about the world and whinging about Brexit, yet the stupid cunt was filmed making a joke about Gypsies. She really is a stupid cunt.
An ultra-opinionated fanny-fart that likes nothing better than to tell everyone how to live, what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, where to live, how to vote, what to drive, what and who to listen to, what to buy, how to piss, how to wipe your arse, how short to trim your pubes…….and why? Because he made some vaguely popular splinky-splonky, electronic “tunes” during a (continuing) period when the populace lost all sense of decent musical taste. Shut the fuck up, you insufferable, dictatorial cunt!
The worst president? Lincoln started an unnecessary war (most southern states were already having regular votes regarding emancipation, which was seen as inevitable), over a cause he didn’t believe in, killed more Americans than any war before or since, and economically destroyed half his country for a century. You’d have to go some to beat Lincoln.
Has Moby Dickhead ever heard of Richard Nixon or Ronald Reagan?….
George Bush Jnr? Got alot of people killed in an illegal war. Including 2 of my squad mates. Bush and Blair are the worst cunts around
Can’t argue with that… Bush and Blair are both eternal murdering cunts… And with everything else he did (open door immigration, a PC based media, the smoking ban, overspending, handing the job to Gordon Brown etc) Blair signed Britain’s death warrant…
I’d also say Blair invented Griefjacking: after the demise of Saint Lady Of The Blessed Diana: Cow Eyed Princess Of Hearts… But I think the Scousers beat him to it…
Nixon was actually a fucking good president who was just daft enough to get caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He opended up diplomatic ties with China, ended the Vietnam war and oversaw the racial integration of American schools. Likewise, America did well under Reagan. They’re gonna be begging for the likes of those two in around six months from now…
Great cunting!
Moby dick (head) is a typical snowflake twat that has most probably never done a real job in his life and actually thinks that making “music” is a legitimate job, essential to society!
I’m starting to think that maybe ALL musicians are deluded cunts with no comprehension of how pointless, worthless and pathetic their lives and music are.
Is Moby a musician?…Thats fucking news to me. The cunt creates sounds from a noise generator, cuts and pastes “samples” and generally fucks about. He IS ( as you say ) a typical snowflake twat. (is a real cuntsniffer too.( probably that of Lily Mong )
The oh don’t even get me started on that mong faced twat!
And you’re quite right. I’ve had a go on my mates decks before and it’s very difficult but having been a drummer and guitarist for years (ok I’m shit but it’s a laugh, and very rewarding) decks are pretty much no different to using a computer with some timing thrown in.
Learning and playing a musical instrument is a completely different bag.
…and much, much better if done right.
Listening to vivaldi at the moment. THEY are musicians. Not some cunt stringing samples and beats together.
These cuntz fit into a category of people I call ‘one way mirror cunts’. I have done and still do meet a lot of different people every week and you can quite often speak to them and guage their way of thinking. They cannot for the fucking life of them see the opposite side of their points of view. I think these cunts are only using a certain part of their brain. Maybe they physically can’t. So in my book that makes them a cunt. ??
Moby is a cunt, although I can appreciate some of his Electronic music production techniques. Not saying I love his music but as an electronic music producer cunt myself I can appreciate some of his work. The cunt.
, Brian Eno, 808 State, New Order, and LFO piss all over Moby anyway… Even that musical magpie, Fatcunt Slim is better than Moby… And Fatcunt Slim is shite…
Moby is so shite that even Eminem took the piss out of him…
A tisk-it a task-it, I’ll go tit for tat with anybody who’s talking this shit, that shit.
Chris Kirkpatrick you can get your ass kicked
worse than them little Limp Bizkit bastards, and Moby
you can get stomped by Obie, you 36 year old bald headed fag blow me
You don’t know me, you’re too old let go it’s over, nobody listens to techno
Brian eno is a fucking genius.
A flawed genius and a flawed musician more like, he gave up being a musician long ago I think especially after Roxy Music and his solo lp Before and after science.
His decision to become a producer made more sense, a shitload of money to be made and he didn’t have to go on stressed filled anxiety ridden tours and be treated like dirt by executives manager types. He had more staying power as a producer
What the libtards refuse to recognise is that what they sneeringly deride as negatively motivated populist opinion has resulted in a sea change achieved through democratic methods ,ie the electoral process. These arrogant ‘liberals’ operate within such narrow parameters that they have lost sight of what democracy means and have become the blinkered fascist cunts they claim to hate so much.
Norman was quite right – they have more in common with Mussolini , Pol Pot or Herr Hitler in terms of rejecting freedom of opinion amongst those they despise.
i thought this cunt was dead…..shame
The cunt looks like Greg Wallace with aids.
Moby Dick is a right-on prick,
Whose views are quite a farce,
I’d like to take a harpoon gun,
And shoot him up the arse.
Harpoon the cunt…..
Saw some online blurb that said: The Real Reason Why Hollywood Stopped Casting Mike Myers…
Because he’s a cunt?….
Those fucking awful Austin Powers film that ruined Bond forever.
Unfunny little cunt…
I agree… Doing a (already unfunny) ‘gag’ and stretching it out for minutes on end (the facial mole ‘joke’ the evil laugh thing) and also re-using the same lame shit for every film ( the ‘Sssh!’ crap from the first one becomes ‘Zip it!’ for the next one)… Also advertising stuff every five minutes in the Powers films was pure greed and cuntitude from Myers… And as for that fucking Mini-Me?… About as funny as VD…The fucking porn dwarf cunt…
It was partly because of him that Barbara Broccoli decided Eon Films had to become “serious” and “artistic” filmmakers instead of just making fun, escapist movies. So we get pretentious cunt directors like Sam Mendes and Marc Forster and a glum, wooden Bond who looks older than Roger Moore. Old Cubby wouldn’t have let those cunts hoover his carpet…
And cunts like Madogga, Adele, Allicia Keys and Sam Smith doing the theme song… I think Duran Duran’s ‘A View To A Kill’ was the last half decent Bond theme…
But you fine gents are forgetting that peter sellers ruined bond long before myers did
Myers just copied sellers and put a few gags in it . The 1st Powers film was less offensive and somewhat decent. Spy who shagged me and goldfinger on the other hand tho was absolute junk
Also I would argue Daniel Criag and the recent team of cunts in charge of Bond’s film & franchises are the real cunts here but you’re right mike myers is in fact a cunt
I loved Chris Cornell’s casino royal theme.
Soundgarden fuckin RULED!
You’re right. The rest were shit to the point of ruining the film before the cunt had even started!
Lindsay Lohan: one of the world’s biggest celebrity cunts (with one of the most overused cunts) has converted to Islam?!… This daft bitch is now going to be hated even more than she already was… Which is quite a fucking lot…
Maybe Li-Lo Lil will become an ‘IS Bride’?.. Someone should warn her that they have a downer on champagne and the devil’s dandruff… There’ll be plenty of fun for the Jihadi Jibbers though… There’ll be more roasts than a carvery…
Maybe she wants to be as hated as “Hanoi Jane” Fonda? She’ll regret it if she ever sobers up…
Will she ever sober up ?
I’d fuck her…
Just a marketing ploy to get the useless cunt back in the news.
Even those cunt won’t have her!
“Out means out!”
And the PM has stuck to that agenda. Good on you Tess!
First question given to the ABBC’s very own Laura Cuntsberg: “Oh so you’re going for a poorer Britain then!”
What a fucking ABBC socio-globalist liberal shill!
This was then echoed by some other meejah no-mark called “Robert” ewwww a poorer Britain!?!
It was very clear to me that the meejah had all of their questions ready long before they got wind of what was in May’s speech and certainly weren’t listening to the words I was listening to!
I’ve never felt more positive. I thought we’d get some half-arse pseudo deal but no Brexit means Brexit. If that means I take a short term hit in the arse pocket so be it but long term this will be the best thing we ever did to be away from the corrupt and power hungry cunts in the EU.
I just hope that our decision – and after this clarity that we are OUT – that other fucking EU states like France, Germany and Holland follow suit and fucks the EU off too.
The “Johnny come lately” states want to cling to the EU like some cunt clings to a rope hanging off the edge of a cliff because all of the shit like free movement all works in their favour as most of their lot look to fuck off to “Fantasy Island”. No more.
Immigration aids our workforce and service sector, and long may that continue, we want those doctors and nurses coming in, earning decent money and paying back into our tax system – magic.
What we don’t want is cunts turning up on the “off-chance” in a battered Ford Transit Van with RO on the number plate, the passengers therein flogging a couple of Big Issue rags and then getting on the benefits gravy train because some dumb cunt has decided to define selling the Big Issue as having a job! No, you lot can fuck off!
Professionals welcome, scroungers and layabouts FUCK OFF! Oh and stop shitting in public parks and fields you disgusting cunts!
And – with any luck – my cousin, who is the assistant manager of a department store, will not have to get out the air freshener spray every time these dirty stinking cunts infest her shop… Jesus Horatio Hornblower Christ… The smell…
And will Gina Miller shoot herself tonight?… As the man said: Hope springs eternal, Baldrick…
The Froggies won’t come out as long as that mardarse Hollande is in charge… They’ve always been Deutschland’s arse bandit, and they will continue to take it up the Gary Glitter from Merkel’s strap-on unless Le Pen gets in or the people have another revolution..
Trouble with the Frogs is that they talk a good game but when it comes to the crunch bottle it.
If they voted along the lines of what we hear as anti EU sentiment then they would be out but when they get to the ballot box they turn into the lefty peasants that they are and vote in some socialist cunt (again).
With Mutti Merkel and the Fatherland looking down at them they shit their culottes and have more of the same.
We can live in hope the frogs see sense and go against the grain, and history, but don’t hold your breath.
Trouble with the frogs is that they are by default LAZY CUNTS. Talk about living in the past. Shops closed at lunchtime including stores like B & Bastard Q. Closed on a fucking Sunday for christs sake. That’s why they don’t want change. Too fucking scared of doing a bit more graft. Idle garlic breath le cunts.
The French are a bunch of cunts. Hitler could have kept the cunts for me. I’ve been a few times to Paris,bad enough all the gollies,but the French themselves aren’t much better. They resent the British,and never miss a chance to do us down,of course they do it in sneaky ways, because they are mainly a cowardly,two-faced bunch of surrender-monkeys.
No1 Farron
No2 Farron
No3 Farron………….
No50 Farron.
3-49 Farron, and for good measure , make it all the way to 1000 ( he’s a cunt )
This is why we put Farron in the Deadpool, he is an utterly vile cunt.
And then the first person they (fucking ABBC) interview after, why Little Timmy Farron.
What a useless cunt he is. Now saying that he was “never on board” for leaving the single market – like his opinion counts for ANYTHING. Then spouts some lies about removing ourselves from the EU means we remove ourselves from selling in Europe.
No, no, no Timmy! You really ought to try harder – even though we make allowances for your deficit in the cranial capacity stakes – you really should listen and take heed of the independent economic opinions of those around the world.
Timmy, Timmy, Timmy…are you familiar with the term “trade deficit”? And do you know who sells us more shit than any other EU Nation – well that would be Germany Timmy. And – as we all know but I’ll repeat it for your benefit Timmy – Germany is essentially holds EU’s purse strings.
Now if the EU wants to play hard-ball, which Mrs May states “…would be a mistake…”, then they’ll get as far as it starts to hit the arse pocket (to the sum of billions annually) of Germany and then the EU will basically be told to shut the fuck up and to do a deal.
Timmy, Timmy, Timmy the ABBC only interview your non-entity presence because it suits their soci-globalist liberal agenda, and in fact that’s a poisoned chalice to their standpoint.
You being the voice of “Remain” will have as much negative impact as having Rolf Harris as the head of the RSPCC. So why don’t you slink off like snivelling toad you are and manage your handful of MPs because after your tenure as Leader (in the very loosest sense) I would imagine you’ll be able to count the LibDem seats on the fingers of one of Ranulph Fiennes hands! You cunt!
Just listened to some crying bitch on the radio how the older people in this country have fucked up her kids futures. Her son is desperate to go to Deutschland to study now he can’t blah blah cunting blah coz he’ll have to get a visa and show his fucking pissport. If that’s the limit of your reasoning to stay in the EpUke I say you selfish small minded cunt. For your info you thick cow there are more fucking yanks than Brits that work in Europe. People worked in Europe long before any shit club was set up. We travelled on holiday without any fucking problems. So if you can’t muster any sort of coherent argument I suggest you get back to your fucking pilates and french classes and go chatter with your similarly blinkered cunts at Costa and leave the important things to people that can see further than the end of their dicks. It’s the like of you that are the little Englanders. Cccccccccuuuuuunnnnnnntttttsssss!
I fucking love that cunting !
Man that cunting was a work of art!!
Nice one kendo!
Love it!
And rwc was a great one too. Nick farron should be strung up!
Fuckin arse kissing, eyebrows always raised, smarmy, weak, geeky, powerless, deluded, gets dildoed by his wife, cunt!
I don’t think there’s anyone in the world right now that I hate more than farron.
Utterly superb piece. This should be on the front page of every paper in the morning. Fantastic cunting of the country’s number one CUNT.
That weasel faced little piece of shit actually gave an interview saying Theresa May had waved a white flag to Europe and was an insult to business and a theft of democracy !
I came as close to putting my foot through the tv as I ever had.
Theft of democracy. At least we have some democracy to steal. What about the lack of democracy in the EU ?
This cunt just doesn’t get it at all. With each new pronouncement he digs his political grave. Let’s just hope it’s not a long drawn out illness.
He is quickly making himself Cunt Of The Year just 17 days in.
I saw the prick on sky news! I think that was the one. Not sure as I was swearing my head off at the TV for most of it!
I shut down the office just so that I could watch the speech, then this cunt turns up and ruins my day!
Apparently the vast majority of the country want to stay in and Teresa may is going AGAINST the will of the British people.
..maybe this cunt never learned to count.
Madame May should have him arrested for high treason…
Or listen to anything other than the voices in his head. Fastest rising star in the world of cunt. Hope he goes out wanking, with a bin bag on his head.
Patrick Drake needs a cunting,
Who the fuck is he? I hear you say, well I didn’t know his name until I spent a couple of minutes on Google. He the stupid gurning cunt on the HelloFresh adverts, after a bit of investigation he is the Head Chef for Hello fresh who you pay some money and they send you a box of shopping with recipes to match. He is an over acting cunt who smiles with every word he says. He needs a kick in the bollocks. Fucking irritates me every time the advert comes on, bet the cunt doesn’t even eat the crap they sell. Let that cunt knock my door promoting this bollocks and I’ll beat the cunt with a carrott.
And no doubt only at double the price of even the most expensive supermarkets (M&S and Waitrose)!
Fucking gullible cunts!
“And this is how you boil water…”
Good for May, except I don’t believe that is it. She is just manoeuvring as she should because there are thousands of bits to be fixed in order to get us out.
Merkel’s kaks are full of deutchescheisse now that the Donald has fucked her off and told the car makers about a fucking great tax on their cars made in Mehico. Everyone in the world except the luvvie cunts think Merkel’s immigrant policy is sheer fucking lunacy but it took Trump to slap the bitch down.
So now great streams of piss from the EU knickerwetters as they try to say anything conciliatory to Trump who obviously thinks they are cunts.
Top thinking from the Donald ,they are all gutless nosebrowning wankers that have achieved the square root of fucknothing.
For me, Big Don bitch slapping Merkel is the highlight of 2017 so far
Right on… they should make a fucking movie of that and screen it every christmas! ( will put a smile on me face before all the fucking bills come in )
I’d like to nominate Pigeons if I may.
Living in an older house that backs onto some trees and a field (posh its not) I’m sick and tired of fucking Pigeons and their cooing which has just started again. Five o’clock, every morning in the winter, half three and all day in the summer. I get respite for three months whilst they are raising their next brood, then it’s business as usual. I work shifts and start early, so these cunts have me frothing at the mouth before I’ve even got out of bed. Proper inconsiderate cunts. I counted 12 last year in one time on my fence and in my tree last year. Fucking twelve. As I’m not allowed to shoot them I keep sending the old cat out. Arthritic old boy cant be bothered anymore, so he’s a cunt too.
What would you rather have. Mickey pigeons or Muzzas. Pick one.
As I have both, and am swamped by both I’d choose the bird. There’s not much in it though. That’s how much I hate pigeons.
Move house,move immediately and don’t look back.
The Muzzie across the street caught me burning a copy of the Koran.
He screamed at me “I’ll burn your house down”
Jokes on him.
My house is full of Korans.
I love my pigeons.
I have encouraged about thirty of them to eat and drink on my kitchen window sill.
In this world of madness, it gives me pleasure.
And they shite on my muslim neighbours patio.
I was looking down today, what a fucking mess.
C’mon the birds.
Most birds are great, Birdman. I encourage birds to feed and drink at my gaff. Songbirds especially. Fucking Pigeons however.. hoover up all the crumbs from the food I put out, and and bully the tiddlers. Then they sit in the bird bath and shit away after they’ve splashed all the water out. It’s that half stop at the end of their song that gets my goat particularly. Proper hogging inconsiderate fat cunts they are.
Pigeons are flying fucking rats.Only bird I know that nests in its own shite. Sorry, Birdman,but pigeons are one of the few things that I shoot,.They are the pikeys of the bird world.
Spot on and rock on Mr Fiddler. Shoot a couple for me eh pal?.
Pigeons or Pikeys? I’m up for either.
Well at about 5.30am you’ll find the pikey in the tree trying to catch breakfast. A good blunderbuss should bag you two for one. Godspeed and all that.
Forgot to wish you a Merry Christmas cunters.
Looks like a recipe suggestion for one of our cannibal cousins – he can supply the white sauce….
Haha little late BWC? Have you been smoking the christmas tree too? Only 3 weeks late no biggie mate I’m actually getting ready to celebrate easter later today… kidding obviously
To be fair the orthodox christmas was actually january 7th so 12days late also so you missed that too lol
I always thought I was behind the times.
Enough of bird killing talk, schools asking for money every week is a cunt.
Today my daughter said she needs €120 for a deposits for her school trip in May.
She needs it by tomorrow.
Luckily i can pay it, but I’m sure there are parents who cant.
Tomorrow, not next week. One days notice.
Also if they are having a school do, i have to pay for whatever costume the teacher decides she wants them to wear.
We used to make stuff at school , now the cunts demand parents pay for it.
We even had to chip in money for a “school designed” xmas tree. The teachers had entered a competition with other schools to see who could design the best tree. Just put up a plastic tree ya cunts.
Next week the kids are doing a dance show and I’ve to buy my daughter yellow trousers and a yellow t-shirt.
Why cant they make or dye clobber for a show instead of parents having to fork out money ?
When I was a kid, we used to bring pulses in for a food drive, these cunts now want money.
Give us a fucking break.
I’m thinking of handing my wages over to them every month, and they can take what they want and just leave me with some pocket money.
Ps . the teachers won the xmas tree completion.
Every cloud and all that.
My lads school wanted £450 quid for a school trip, they gave a weeks notice that a £100 deposit was required and a further £350 within a month. Luckily I could fund it but it isn’t the point, lots of people can’t.
Its just another example of the schools teaching the kids that its a coca cola world out there.
No worries, everyone’s happy and no one has money problems.
Hey, teachers, ye teach the kids fuck all.
I can’t believe that’s all the notice they give. What about people who can’t afford it? Then there kids get picked on about it. There will be a school loans company set up soon charging 3476% Apr.
That was the price of the trip, on top a passport frim him and one for me in case I have to travel out there and then a recommended £100 spending money. Then there are the odds and sods he needs for the trip so there’s another £300 on top of what’s basically two nights away.
I get this shit too.
I have no love for the LibTard cunt teacher’s at my lad’s school (where – you won’t be surprised – the RE teachers are the biggest cunts of the lot) but, and I have to say but…with my goldfish minded pair they give me 1 day’s notice but only because the teacher reminds them that day that the money needs to be in tomorrow.
Alas there is not date of issue on the permission slip but they’ve always got at least a fortnight’s worth of bag wrinkling on them.
That said, I did almost come “this close” to shouting down one of the RE Stasi and telling them that there’s two halfs to the Bible: the first bit which has a modicum of truth/semblance of historic relevance to it and the second bit which is basically stories and hearsay.
Needless to say the cunts only seem to teach the second bit when it’s the first bit that’ll prepare them for life more!
Old Testament: Everyone is a cunt. If anyone is not a cunt then that’s a bonus.
New Testament: Everyone loves everyone and no one is a cunt. When most folk prove themselves to be a cunt in one shape or form then you’ll be devastated.
Way to set the cunts up for a fall when they leave school you cunts!
“At least a fortnights worth of bag wrinkle on them”
Fucking hilarious, nice one Rebel.
I’ve never allowed my daughter to have R E classes.
She gets seperated from the class when they have it.
There are about ten other kids with her, and it rises every year.
Good to know atheism is flourishing.
Think I’m gonna have to board up me doors and windees in anticipation of the tsunami of shite that’s gonna be pouring out of the remoaning cunts mouths. Good on ya Mother Theresa. The speech could have done with a few ‘cunts’ and ‘fucks’ throwed in but it’ll do for starters. Old Clegghorn’ll be over in Brussels begging Junket to blurt in is face to make him feel better. Wimpsters.
I was looking at Theresa May today, she always looks hungover , or in need of a bag of slag.
“Bag of skag” that was meant to say.
Maybe she does need a bag of slag, i do.
You should copyright that one Birdy. “Bags of slags”. Open a club. Bit like a principled Stringfellow outfit.
Haha, yer right, Ernst Stavro Cuntfeld.
If i was walking through a red light district and that was above a doorway, that would be the one i’d choose.
I saw the top of a hip flask in her sky when she were giving the speech.
Talking of Rats extremist cunt (by which I mean he takes being a cunt to the extreme) Tim Farron is now saying that Brexit is the theft of Democracy and and an attack on our economy. The duplicitous cunt has done nothing since June 23rd except attack democracy and a real attack on our economy involves voting cunts like him into parliament and possible power. As Clegg proved the LibDems would sell their own kids to get a seat near the table of power.
What a vomit inducing piece of work he is….the cunt
Can someone please remind the cunt that the question was
“Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?”
Leave or Remain, most voted leave so we are off.
In fact tatto the question on his head, so it reminds him in the morning
actually just tattoo the word TNUC or his head, make it simple for the cunt
I have somehow managed to miss seeing Farron on tv,but am easily persuaded by all on here that he is a total cunt. What amazes me is that there is still a LibDem party. They remind me of the People’s Front of Judea in The Life of Brian (one old bloke sitting on a bench looking bewildered) what is the point of these hopeless cunts?
Personally I wish they would make like the Martyr Brigade in the Life of Brian……
More like the peoples front of Judas bastard cunt party
Thanks for that,made me fall about like a busted welly!
Just seen your post. Did my own (above) a few minutes ago on same thing. Couldn’t believe what the cunt came out with.
Can we change the name of this site to (Farron) Is a Cunt.
I need to nominate Nicholas Boyle, a Professor at Cambridge University. He recently had a comment published in the New European “news”paper, which ably demonstrates the complete inability of Remainers, particularly those on the left, to construct a coherent, factual, logical argument with which to debate those who disagree with them. Here’s what he said:
“The referendum result does not deserve to be respected because, it is itself disrespectful of others, our allies, partners, neighbours, friends, and, in many cases, even relatives. Like resentful ruffians uprooting the new trees in the park and trashing the new play area, 17million English, the lager louts of Europe, voted for Brexit in an act of geopolitical vandalism.”
Wow, that’s an enormous case of butt hurt, isn’t it? This guy seriously needs a proctologist. In point of fact, FIFTEEN million Brexit voters were English the other 2.5 million were made up of the 52% of Welsh voters who voted Brexit, and the 40% of Scots. I don’t have a number for Northern Ireland. Anyway, it’s becoming a source of irritation now that nearly SEVEN months after the referendum, we STILL have people whingeing about losing and hurling insults at those of us who democratically voted to leave the EU.
To say that the vote should not be respected because, in his mind, WE did not respect others, is beyond pathetic. It’s called ‘Democracy’, or, as it’s all known, ‘Majority Rule’. That means whoever gets the most votes wins. In case your wondering, Boyle is a Schroder Professor of German, and fellow of Magdalene College. So you’d think there’d be some kind of intellectual capability. But no, there’s only hatred, resentment and stupidity. This guy actually manages to be slightly more ridiculous than Farron and his “theft of democracy”.
….Even more sad, this is a Cunt that probably lectures to scholars … presumeably right from wrong, how and why things are as they are etc……
I sincerely hope that a nutty, uneducated, knows fuck all, six foot, fourteen stone brexiter pays the cheeky cunt a visit.
Drives a fucking Volvo no doubt. Smeggy Terwatt!
I voted out. I have 3 A levels, I was also a Royal Engineer for 6 years. That heap if shit doesn’t know bollocks about the people who voted out.
I have worked since I was 16, never claimed benefits, and never broke the law, apart from two speeding tickets in 40 or so years of driving.
I am not a ruffian, nor uprooted a tree or trashed a “play area”
Or drunk lager for that matter.
I still voted out
What this clever clogs know-all cunt has failed to understand is that people who voted to leave did so because they were fed up of being told by the EU to shell out and shut up, he would obviously prefer to think that we were give mind-altering drugs on the day of the vote. I expect the cunt is one of those eternal student cunts who has not done a stroke of real work in his poxy life. My cousin Clive is one such specimen and is coincidentally also a massive cunt.
I am, I believe, not unintelligent, have worked all my life and I don’t drink lager.
I voted out.
Boyle is clearly a cunt.
Marvelous, Marvelous cunting!
Haven’t checked the validity of it yet coz in the mood I’m in, if this cunt is as you say he is, I’ll probably have a fuckin aneurysm or something.
What a class A cunt!!
He’s only saying that because MY wages are taken from me and given to him and his twat mates so that they can look down on the rest of us and think that they’re “elite”.
We’ll find out how elite you are when you’re removing my boot from your arse.
Great cunting qdm!
I voted out and I drive a Volvo. All those Liberal Elite types who buy a Swedish Housebrick because they believe them to have been built under the “supremacy” of a Socialist economy are no doubt unaware that the Car division of Volvo has been owned by good old Capitalist Ford since the mid 1990s.
Tim Farron, like all these other remoaner snowflake arsewipes can DIAF for all I care, they are a bunch of whiny, arrogant, vile, pathetic, worthless, lack-wit, contemptible wankers who can’t get over the fact they most regular people completely reject their shit-ridden liberal world vision. A vision that is totally detached from reality and common sense. Globalization is a fallacy, borders exist for a reason yet these delusional bastards, who all get high on their own sancitmony and self righteousness cannot and will not comprehend this.
I’ll say this for Trump – he’s been more effective before he’s even in office than Obama was in 8 years. As for all these wanker luvvies who say they are boycotting his inauguration (many of whom weren’t even invited in the first place), I say thank fuck for that! We won’t have to see these smug self-satisfied shits polluting the screens like we would have if their Dear Leader Hilary had won.
Why is this world so badly infested with such useless disgusting cunts?
Orange is the new Black..
I can’t wait for Friday. 5,000 bikers are going to form a wall outside the inauguration and get in the way of the left whingers. I mean come on, left wing snowflakes against BIKERS, many of whom are ex-military. I’m not putting money on the snowflakes.
Timbo’s at it again. Yesterday young scrotal sac was unequivocal that we must stay in the single market. Today he bewails that Treze is waving the white flag and giving up on trying to reform and argue for our terms of staying within the cartel.Bit of a shift old goal posts there Timbothy.
If the soft shite continues pissing into the wind what else will the plonker come up with in his utter desperation to have any small tie to his percieved motherlode. Maybe offering his donut? Conscientious objector if ever I saw one.
Farron’s problem, apart from being an intergalactic cunt, is that Cameron made a show negotiating reforms in the EU 12 months ago. What he came back with was such a steaming pile of dog shit, you could smell it on Mars.
His other problem is that he thinks that MP’s, and ONLY MP’s should make decisions that the affect the country and the British people. Well, we tried that when Blair was elected, and we’ve ended up with a country that has whole areas of our towns and cities are now occupied by people whose first language is not English. The Brits are a very tolerant people, but we have our limits. And that limit has been passed.