Debra Messing

Debra Messing is a cunt…
This (very shite) actress and self proclaimed ‘activist’ (Ha fooking Ha!) now wants a ‘virtual march’ to show solidarity with migrant parasites and rapeugee scum…. This is what the daft bitch tweeted: ‘I join the Virtual March in solidarity with Muslims and Immigrants’…

Virtual march?! As in a march that doesn’t exist?… A march where nobody actually marches?… I also notice that this cunt was nowhere to be seen at the actual marches that happened last week… But a virtual fucking march?! What an airheaded botox filled clueless fucking mongtard of a cunt…

And that celeb filled faggotfest, Will & Grace was fucking shite…

Nominated by Norman

115 thoughts on “Debra Messing

  1. Willie & Gays is making a comeback, and so is this boring little pointy nosed cunts self importance.
    I saw her in an episode of Law and Order, other than that, nothing.
    But she was in a gay themed shitcom, so just like every other faghag, its the gays that keep her star shining.
    Just like Madonna.
    If yer a female actress/singer, get the gays on yer side, they never leave a fafhag behind .
    Even though they may be utter shite, the gay never leaves a faghag behind
    Gloria Gaynor
    Lady GayGay
    Shirley Bastardy
    The Streisand
    All still making money coz some limp wristed cunts who try and dry tears by waving their hands in front of their eyes, will not stop worshipping them.

    • Messing is an undoubted cunt, but even she wasn’t the worst cunt in Will and Grace… That screeching mincing overdramatic fruit picker, and that irritating as fuck squeaky voiced tart were the worst….

      • I get where you’re coming from Norman, i never watched it but was aware of the annoying screeching mincing over dramatic fruit picker.
        It turns out he’s not gay, and when I’ve seen him in other roles, I’ve found him quite funny.
        Especially in My Name is Earl, where he played a redneck nut job.
        Have you ever watched Perception with the boring cunt that played Will ?
        An utterly shite imitation of Elementary.

      • What the bleeding hell is a virtual march?.Are the cunts too lazy to even go protesting now?.I bet they have ‘virtual’ jobs and ‘virtual’ baths as well,the shiftless lefty waster cunts.

      • I’m supporting the Donald and Brexit so I guess at the moment I am virtually winning?

      • A virtual march is a social media platform designed to raise the profile of the virtue signalling egotistical cunt who suggests it. This it is hoped, will bring them fame and fortune . Simple as that really.

  2. I’m a big fan of virtual direct debits and virtual bill paying….especially with those cunts from the revenue…

    How come when I’ve overpaid tax, they’ll subtract it from the next bill, but when I owe’s pay it now, and the interest?…

  3. Christ in a gondola, I’ve heard some SJW sleb shit…but a virtual march? What in the name of weatherbeaten wanking dusters is a virtual march? A “virtual march” is about as relevant as a cordless parachute. Christ God just no. It’s just an upmarket hipster way of saying “I’d rather apply my SJW warpaint online, because I don’t want to physically march with the plebs..because I’m a radical thinker and brim-full with self importance”. What a load of grunt. What’s next? A Virtually Virtual Virtuoso?

    An organised search and rescue party for commonsense would be a good start, because rational people need to know if it’s still around?

  4. I know its been mentioned before, but its fucking hilariously annoying , all these female slebs showing solidarity with Muslims.
    I mentioned the other day about Muslim “wimmin” having to eat at a different table to the “men”, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
    They have the info on how Muslim tarts are treated, but would rather ignore it and point the finger at white men over forty who don’t have beards or turn ups, or bow ties.
    What about the Muslim women who, after being raped, are ostracized and left to live on the outskirts of African villages to starve ?
    What about Muslim girls forced into marriages with older men ?
    What about Muslim girls that get treated like shite by their parents while their brothers get to act like they want, and get what they want ?
    And what about the Muslim women who are stoned or whipped or beheaded coz their sack of shite husbands claim they disrespected them ?

    Surely it not all my fault ?

    • And that decrepit virtually kaput cunt, Madogga has also said that we need to ‘Show love to Islamic State’… Now I reckon that crabby old zit, Madge, would love to get roasted by a load of unwashed muslamic savages… But somebody should warn her about the beheading afterwards… Actually. maybe we shouldn’t tell her that bit…

      • I have suggested Madona and Lily fucking Allen do a benefit concert in Calais for the gimmigrants They would have great difficulty putting a set list together since any one of their songs would probably get them flogged or stoned as harlots.

    • There’s a video on YouTube of one the anti-Trump wimmin’s marches in Germany. One ugly gobshite is standing on the steps of what looks like a memorial shouting “ALLAHU AKBAR” through a megaphone to show solidarity with muslims.. Talk about thick.

  5. Well considering soros probably payed this virtual march cunt, this doesn’t surprise me globalists endorse celebrities and use them as propagandists. Amazing how motivated these celebscunts get when they have money fanned in their face right?! Not like the tax dodging cunts need it!

  6. Virtual march? What a lazy cunt. As for her defending inbreeds, I would suggest she goes to a country like Pakistan with no security and see how long she lasts before she’s raped and killed.

  7. All this ‘womens rights’ bollocks is a load of cunt and a vehicle for every time they don’t get their way… Today I got a late Xmas present through the post from an old mate who now lives in South Africa… Said gift was the 2017calendar of some South African model name Genevieve Morton… Jesus. H. Corbett, it is shit hot, but it’s not allowed up on the kitchen wall (the song and dance would rival a Buzby Berkely Production!), so it’s going up in the upstairs office room, which is my domain…

    Anyway, what’s a calendar of a fit bird got to do with ‘womens rights’ and why are they so hung about shite like that?… Baffles me… Anyroad, here’s one of the pics of the lovely Miss Morton:

  8. Caught a quick look at The Sun front page in the shop yesterday (without buying the shit rag of course) and they were claiming that a popular and well known celebricunt has been caught up to his anus in crack cocaine and rent boys. Presumably due to an injunction, The Scum weren’t able to name said celebricunt but I was wondering if anyone could give any subtle, or indeed not so subtle, clues as to the identity of the bum fun/charlie enthusiast?
    I can think of a few I’d like it to be…

      • Sadly I’m none the wiser. Football ignoramus I’m afraid and not seen MOTD since the 70s when me Dad watched it on Saturday nights.
        Saint and Greavsie on ITV were funny though…

      • The cunt who does crisps commercials and calls anyone who doesn’t want ‘child’ refugee men in the UK ‘racist’….
        That cunt…

    • I used to slag off The Sun, but lately I’ve found that its the only rag i don’t scrunch up into a ball whilst biting my outstretched tongue and hissing and slavering.

      • It’s like Piers Morgan.. Used to hate the cunt, but now he’s a beacon of common sense in a sea of snowflakes and cunts… And the way he slaughtered Madogga and those ‘wimminns marches’ was marvelous stuff..

      • I’m kinda with you there Norm. I still hate the smarmy cunt for having a face you just want to punch and for supporting Woolwich Wanders, but he’s been spot on lately. Calling out the hypocrisy of the left is always fun and he seems particularly good at it. At least at the moment.

      • Has Ewan ‘ privileged posh privately ecucated ‘ MacGregor cunt been cunted yet ? If not I would consider it a privilege to nominate the cunt myself. I hated Trainspotting because for all his acting skills,him and a few others in the cast ( not all of them) just came across as privileged posh privately educated cunts playing working class characters. Very unconvincing. Anyway the cunt clearly used Morgans perfectly reasonable comments about some of the fascist haridans who participated in these mass hysteria tantrums as an excuse to garner some street cred points from the luvies in the entertainment industry on which his career depends. An industry I should add which is infested by rapists, thieves, snake oil salesmen, paedophiles ( like Polanksky whom MacGregor supports) , and all that is bad in human nature. Oh when I say ‘street cred’ its not any old street but one of those posh streets that the little people like you and me could never afford to live in. Choose life, chose to ignore the hypicritical luvie cunt, choose to not go to see his fucking movie ‘cunt spotting2’.

      • My old Dad still gets the Mirror, (I suppose out of the last traces of misguided loyalty to a labour party that doesn’t exist any more) and when I go round to see him I’ll flip through it whilst exclaiming “Pffft!” “Bollocks!” and “Horseshit!” every couple of seconds. In fairness all other newspapers along with TV and radio news broadcasts have roughly the same effect on me as well.

  9. And The Sun are spot on about that snowflake hypocrite cunt, Ewan McGregor…. Offended about remarks concerning the misandrist marches?… The cunt worked with Roman Polanski…

    • Polanski and McGregor have a lot in common, in that every movie that either have been involved in has left me cold (and usually asleep!)

      • Have you ever seen Men Who Stare At Goats ?
        It McGregor and George Clooney.
        Excellent filum.
        But let me add that McGregor is still a cunt.

      • Ewan Mcgregor is offended by Piers womans march comment but has worked with polanski?! What a bloody twit

        Well in that case I’m offended of him influencing kids to take drugs especially heroin from his trainspotting film. His film no doubt helped fuel to the fire of widespread addiction

  10. I have no idea who this cunt is either!

    Fuck me, either I’m getting Alzheimers or all these libbo slebs are purely headline grabbing as a cheap advert for their skills (loose description) to be picked up by some other libbo director/writer??

    Thing is, most LGBT actors are shit at playing LGBT roles but half decent at straight roles: Zachary Quinto, bent as a hair grip, decent straight role actor. I saw that TV flick “Beyond the Candelabra” with Michael Douglas as Libercè and Matt Damon as his long time lover, not my cup of tea TBH, but it was actually pretty good. Both straight guys (I think) doing a good LGBT role.

    So when you see these libbo cunts coming out with this shite you just know the Hollywood phone calls have dried up and this is just a means of drumming up a bit of business for themselves.

    “Virtual March” that sounds like what me Dad used to say about his brother-in-law, me Uncle Tommy: “Aye Tommy is a great bloke. Do anything for anyone…just so long as it doesn’t involve doing anything!”


    So todays big ABBC story:

    I have one! Starts with a ‘C’!


    Anyway I’m off to have a virtual “candle vigil” in protest of the Supreme Court’s decision on Tuesday.

    If anyone cares to join me I’m at: http://www.virtualcandleinthewind.elton.cunt

  11. I think it’s such a shame that slebs have to come out and nail their political colours to the mast. Why can’t they just do their job of entertaining and leave the rest out of it. Utter cunts. As for that slag Madonna lipping off about wanting to blow up the White House. I thought if you made a direct threat to the President, then the FBI just nick you. Plain and simple. So not only do these slebs have fucking big mouths, they obviously think they can say what they like and get away with it. Cunts.

    • I was thinking the other day that until about the middle of the last century, these cunts used to be just the”entertainment”.
      Then celluloid came along and turned them into gods.
      Just sing or act or dance or cook or be a kardashian and if yer lucky we might, might applaud, after that, be on yer way.

    • Very true I.Y. The main problem with Madogga, is that she’s still trying to desperately prove that she’s still edgy and controversial by publishing fuckwitted comments. Times and cultures have moved on. We’re now in the era of “sadistic bad shit on tap 24/7” with online content being an open free-for-all and people are now more desensitised than ever before.

      People just find her outdated and boring now. What was considered shocking about 30 years ago is now as lame as dead Enid’s colostomy bag. Another sleb dinosaur headed for extinction. I look at her and her antics and think “seriously Madge…you’re way too old to still be doing this shit. Just retire”.

      • The stupid attention seeking slag was a joke even 20 odd years ago… She thought her ‘Sex’ project was so big and clever, but saying ‘Fuck me, Daddy!’ and simulating rape is neither… Also, seeing Madogga in the rick wasn’t a pleasant experience… Looked like a rubber chicken from a joke shop… Awful cunt…

  12. I would like to give celebrity endorsements a massive cunting. I have just returned from an overseas job and have had an unexpected bonus paid into my wages, I know, I’m going to treat myself to a flashy new watch I thought. Looking at the first “luxury” brand site the first face I see is George fucking Clooney. Now because this utterly pointless bell end wears this particular brand that should somehow make me (a mere mortal) want to buy one. On further inspection another cock called Eddie redmay also wears this brand. Who the fuck is this person? I have absolutely no idea. And why should these two twats make me want to buy a watch? Am I missing something here? These dicks are given a fuck load of cash to pretend they wear this brand, I know this, they know this, they know I know this, I know they know this, so what is the fucking point? Fuck the lot of them, I’m spending the cash on hookers instead on my next overseas job.

  13. Had to laugh when the LBGT “community” turned on Lily Allen after she tweeted “Fags hate trump”. Not only were the unhappy about that, they told her not to speak for others.

    I await the teet from Lily about being abused by a Gay taxi driver………

      • I wonder what they have to do to become gay person of the year ?
        Suck and be fucked by as much cock as they can take ?
        Where are the finals ?
        Hampstead Heath ?
        Are condoms performance enhancing ?
        Whats the prize ?
        A rubber ring and some fishermen’s friends ?

    • The usual Twittermong overreaction and offended by anything hysterics..
      But, that said, any shit that Lily Ming gets thrown her way – however nasty – can only bring me joy… She will get herself hung one day, I hope….

      • Lily Ming?! The spazmotron isn’t in Flash Gordon..
        Of course I mean Lily Mong, naturally…

  14. Fucking Knackered myself this morning. Last vitual sleb shagathon I go on I can tell you.

    • I need to work on my top 10 virtual shag list.

      At the top is Nena, she was shagable in 1985 and still shagable now

      • Think I’ll try that virtual humping with a 1980s Kate Bush, a 1970s Cheryl Ladd, and a 1960s era Raquel Welch tonight…

      • Call me a old fashioned , but it’s got to be Gay Ellis in a purple wig bent over the dildo the front of a UFO interceptor

        Umm wife is away tonight, be back in 15 mins or so lol

      • All with a proper 1960’s,70’s & 80’s full bush. None of this shaven paedophile bollocks.

      • Top ten virtual wankbank
        Michelle’s nylons
        Josephine James
        Abi Titmus
        Charmaine Sinclair
        Kathy Lloyd
        Shannon Whirrey
        Sally Taylor
        Vannah Sterling
        Nina Hartley

      • In no particular order:

        Scarlett Johansson
        Daisy Lowe
        Tanya Roberts
        Katy Perry (she’s a cunt though)
        Janet Leigh
        Vicki Michelle
        Chris Evert
        Karen Gillan
        Jill St John
        Sophie Marceau
        Donna Ewin
        Roberta Vasquez

      • Thank for reminding me of Tanya Roberts, Norman.
        She was topless in Beastmaster and still looked good in That 70’s Show.
        Beastmaster , American Werewolf in London and Gregory’s Girl were my favorite filums in primary school.
        Good filums, but it was probably all about the tit.

        Gregory’s Girl remains my favorite filum to this day. There’s a gag in practically every sentence.
        And Claire Grogan’s in it.

      • Dee Hepburn and Clare Grogan… Great stuff…

        Nicola Bryant of Doctor Who probably had the best tits in the history of British television… Apart from Julia Breck from Spike Milligan’s ‘Q’ series..

      • Dear me , I forgot Jenny Agutter in Walkabout, the giver of my very first hardon

        It was on the telly and I was rooted to the floor. Seem to remember my dad had a grin on his face

      • Jenny Agguter , American Werewolf in London, shower scene, short T-shirt with no bra, nurses uniform.
        Gorgeous then, and still one of my favorite memories, but she’s really rough now. Shame.

        Walkabout has been mentioned on here a few times. I don’t know the filum, but from what i hear, i need to give it a geez.

  15. Can I cunt Doctors Receptionists

    Particularly one cunt I had the misfortune of dealing with today

    I’ve been away on business all week, so the wife dropped off repeat prescription for me, Tuesday. It’s now Friday.

    Just been to pick it up. After waiting in a queue for 30 minutes or so, since most of the third world seems to have come down with a cold today, I met the ugly bitch.

    Me “I’ve come to collect my prescription”
    Bitch “Your blood tests are overdue, we are going to withhold the prescription”
    Me “ I have no medication left, I left it a bit late, but I have been away”
    Bitch “We are entitled to withhold medication if you have not had your blood tests”
    Me “What I have does not tend to go away. Can I have my prescription please?”
    Bitch “It’s not been signed because your blood tests are overdue. Shall I book you in ?!
    Me “Now listen up for fucking cunt. Im diabetic, if I don’t have the fucking medication, I fucking die. Can you grasp that ?”
    Bitch “Shall I book you in for some blood tests”
    Me “No I want my prescription please.”
    Bitch “You cant have the prescription till I have booked you in”
    Me “I want my prescription, If I don’t have it I die. You could try taking some blood from my cold, dead corpse, but I’m unsure what use they would be to me. In the meantime prehaps you could see if you could get a prescription to cure stupid”

    So still no prescription. It’s friday.

    I’m just writing a massive letter of complaint and I am going to go back up there at 2 to see whoever is in charge.


    • Pharma nazis are in fact cunts some of them are alright but I didn’t know they could withold medication like that especially diabetes medicine

    • My doc’s is the opposite. Since I turned 40 the cunts must send me a letter every 6 months or so asking me to go for a check up.

      What the fuck am I, an Aston Martin which needs constant servicing or summat?

      I never go. I avoid the fucking place like the plague! In fact you’re more likely to get plague by visiting the surgery in the first place!

      Maybe they’re short of business. In one respect being in the far reaches of the North of England has the bonus of not having been transformed into the Middle East, Africa or former Soviet state…yet!

      Besides, if I did go, they’d probably condemn me and pay for my ticket to Dignitas to save a bit of money in the long run!

      I was amazed how many folk are on pills for all sorts at work even ones who are as fit as a chip and can give me 10yrs in age.

      I’m on fuck all – which is just how I like it. I’ll take a couple of paracetamols if my temperature spikes with a bit of cold/flu and a sore throat is best served with a toddy made from manuka honey and whisky (it probably does fuck all but I enjoy drinking the cunt)!

      And besides, who the fuck gives some receptionist bint the right to say yay or nay on a prescription! Cunt!

      I do know – from other’s experience – that our receptionists are also cunts who think they are doctors.

      My neighbour told me of an incident when he’d taken a knock to his knee playing footy and it hadn’t sorted itself out after a couple of weeks:

      “Hello. Can I make an appointment to see Dr. X please?”

      “And what’s the problem?”

      “Er, I’ve hurt my knee and would like the doc to have a quick look at it just to be on the safe side please.”

      “What kind of knee injury is it?”

      “Well I was playing football and……actually, do you know as a fully qualified doctor yourself, you are being completely wasted as a receptionist answering the phone.”


      Anyway he got his appointment and saw the doc during which the quack actually said: “You know we take a dim view of insulting the reception staff you know.”

      It took him a few minutes to work out what this “insult” could be and after being sorted (anti-inflammatories prescribed) he said: “Well maybe you should ask the reception staff not to pretend to be doctors or trying to diagnose people over the phone without any medical training whatsoever!”

      I’d have stuck a “CUNT!” on the end of that too but then again, I’m a cunt! ?

      • I had to go into the Dr yesterday (The job mandates a check up when I have been away) and now I have turbo plague. Fucking typical, only just got home, loads to do, desperate to meat plow the Mrs and forced to spend the day in my wanking chariot sweating like a fireman in a spelling test. I have discovered that if you neck a double dose of lemsip and some other random tablets out of the “out if date tablet box” you can virtually guarantee 8 solid hours of kip and a pillow glued to your face with snot when you awaken.

      • I’ve tried the double or triple dosage. It feels similar to speed and made my cock and balls disappear.

    • Totally agree with this. All the doctors receptionists I have encountered have been smug jobsworth cunts. And they all seem to wear glasses on a chain, which is a sure sign of being a cunt.

  16. Are these first world wimmin born with genetic victimhood? Cos their sense of grievance has fuck all to do with their current , privileged , status . Their fellow feeling and vicarious sense of injustice at truly disenfranchised and shat upon women rarely seems to extend beyond self-promotional virtue signalling and feel good fuckwittery.

  17. Eh? Mr crisp likes boys? Surprised this hasn’t had a bigger reaction. If it’s true he’s finished. I find it hard to believe personally.

  18. Fucking hell I’m outta shape! Just did a 10 minute jog had a glass of water then preceded to do 20 minutes of weight lifting and a few stretches. Felt like I’ve been beaten with a 4×4… so out of breath

    • I used a machine in the local gym once for an hour and I was sick as a chip afterwards!

      Yeah after 3 bags of crisps, couple of kit-kats and a cherry coke I was glad when the kids came out of their karate lesson! ?

  19. Yeah Mike why isn’t female mutilation considered muhsoggyknee?! or beating your wife to death because she did some minor offence? Why is honor killing and violent islamic cunts something lib dems want to encourage and shield from criticism?

    • Why are they calling Teresa May a soft core porn actress ?
      I have been a fan for years and she may just do nudity now, but before she was definitely hard core.
      Amazing natural tits and beautiful all round.
      I mentioned last week that i got a shock when i first heard Theresa May was in the Tory party, thinking it was the slutty one.

      • Best music video ever.
        And at the end, it turns out that its a tart that’s been groping her.

        I had a look at Google images of her earlier.
        What a beautiful pair of tits.
        Also looked her up on xhamster, quite a few hardcore scenes there for later on.
        That’s if i can be arsed, I’ll see how i feel after the Derby/Leicester derby.
        Its not looking too good and maybe, just maybe I’m losing faith in Ranieri.

      • Without Pogba and Carrick, my lot would have been fucked last night… And Rojo and Smalling are shite..

  20. I got a new hero. Ted Malloch, maybe the new US ambassador to the EUseless. On This Week last night when he was axed about Jean Claude Junkett he sez
    ““Mr Juncker was a very adequate mayor I think of some city in Luxembourg and maybe he should go back and do that again.”
    Go Ed Teddy boy. Stick it to the man.

      • Ok make it easy for you

        The whole of the “Country” called “luxembourg” comprises a “city” called “luxembourg” and a few fields

        Do you understand now ?

      • Last time I looked, Wales was a principality…

        So is Luxembourg and Monaco but unlike Wales they’re independent not part of a larger country. The Welsh didn’t want their own parliament because they like taking money off the English too much. Cunts…

  21. In fact on qeustion time last night I nearly choked on me cocoa, Diane Flatbott says she thinks it is absolutely right that labour votes for Art 50. Anything else would be anti democratic. Is right. However she then reverts to type about migrants blah blah zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz blah.
    Eye rolling cunt.

  22. Never heard of this Messing person but from what I have read here she is clearly a right cunt.
    As for “virtual march” I have never heard so much bollocks. How about an actual kick in the cunt for her.

  23. Right. I have another cunting. Don’t hate me for this one. I’m in a house share with a cunt that has 2 dogs. I tip toe around like a fuckin ninja (even though I’m the highest rent payer in the house) and I’m the bad guy coz they bark when I come back from the pub.
    They’re fuckin animals! …fuck them!

    Dog owners

    OK I know this is  a controversial one but fuck it!

    Dogs are cunts!

    Not half as much as dog owners though.

    Every dog owner says the same thing “yea dogs smell but mine don’t.”

    Bad news cunt. Your dogs fuckin stink like the arse end of a dead skunk!
    Your house, your clothes, your car and your whole fucking life stinks like the arse end of a dead skunk.

    And another thing! Your dog is not the cute, lovable, benevolent, sweet, adorable little baby that you think it is.

    To the rest of the world your dog is an annoying, gut churningly smelly, loud, obnoxious, mouthy, hateful, disgusting, malignant cunt!

    Dogs are cunts.

    But not half as much as their owners!

    Sorry. Sometimes the truth hurts.

    • Totally agree, I’d never harm a dog or see one mistreated but why the fuck anyone would like to pick up warm shit, have hairs everywhere, the smell of piss, a dog standing Barking constantly in front of the telly baffles me? Not forgetting vet bills, walks and been devastated when it dies, it’s something I couldn’t be arsed with. It’s bad enough having to keep the Mrs Balls happy with having a dog to look after aswell

      • Ha ha. Yea baffles me!
        Never picked up warm shit (or cold for that matter) but recon I’d chunder if I did.

        Before I moved in the smell had been gotten rid of somehow and I was assured that they never bark and the standard dog stench was just other people’s dogs.

        Every time I come in from work I hold my breath until I get to my room or I’ll gag.

        And the fuckin hair! Urrrgggghhhh. IT’S FUCKIN EVERWHERE. Especially the washing machine.

        I don’t hate animals. I hate people that don’t think of them as animals and don’t accept that they’re disgusting.

        They’re not people. People out rank animals.

  24. I’m cunting Australians again. WHY TJE FUCK is that Adam Hill making the same old unfunny quip that he has one fucking foot, I’m Adam Hill… I have one foot…. Laughter…. Hilarious!! Who gives a shit, a mate of mine had one ball and one nipple and didn’t need a blue badge and a TV show in England. So whys adam hill on with other disabled people? Are we meant to laugh or not laugh? Fuck sake this country angers me daily.

    • Not as bad as all the Comedy wops that come on reminding us they are all from Iran though.

  25. And the Cunt in the tatty blue Ford Ka on the A19 at 3:30 today, you need to indicate and not push in into the fast lane almost causing a pile up, in future if you want to give me V signs do it to my face, if you did I’d snap them off your hand and stick them down your bell end. You must of been about 18? Ive got socks in my draw older than you. Your a fucking cunt, driving like you do you’ll not see you 21St. The mood I’ve been in today if I’d got hold of you I’d of ripped your bastard head off.. Cunt!

    • Was the cunt driving an audi by any chance?

      …it’s amazing how these whimpy cunts become so hard when they’re in their car.

  26. No it was a shitty 52 plate blue Ford Ka with a pale looking 18 year old driving it with a set of BBS spoke alloys on it and a ugly girlfriend in the passenger seat, cheeky cunt had the cheek to tail gate me, give me the V sign.
    AUDI drivers are fucking cunts, just go on YouTube and type in Audi drivers. Surely Audi drivers must be able to take some sort of medication to help them with the German car syndrome which displays classic signs of a psychopathic driving, no indicating and driving up your arse.

  27. No one bullys my 10 year old Suzuki Alto! It’ll be on the road longer than some of the crap cars that are about now, especially french cars, or keep fit cars as you spend a lot of time pushing a French car.

    I’m pist for a change, listening to the the Drunken Sailor by the Irish Rovers, anyone no any good drunk songs to listen to whilst pist? One of my favourites ‘shearer is a wanker’ by Sunderland fans singing about Alan wanker Shearer.

  28. I would like to nominate “The Big Spell” for a cunting.

    Yet again this trite reality shite has been imported from the states except there they call it a “Spelling Bee”.

    Basically you get a set of kids of a certain age and ask them to spell words. If they get one wrong they’re out and the words increase in difficulty and length until the last man’s standing (or child as the case may be).

    Ok, my problem with this stems from my own childhood at age 11 – prior to going to “Big School” – we were given tests to decide what class you’d end up in in high school ranging from the brightest in group 1 to the remedials in group 7.

    At age 11 I had a reading age of 15 but a spelling age of 7. They even had me Mam up to have a word – like she could do anything about it – soft cunts. I spelled stuff as it sounded but I was able to discern the differences while reading, i.e., I could parse what I read but couldn’t reproduce it when writing it out.

    I was basically a lazy cunt but a summer of cribbing up on my phonetically challenged spelling saw me as good as my peers when I did enter high school.

    Ok – to get to the cunting – a girl in my street, and she was lovely, a really nice girl, could remember anything. She was truly gifted in that sense, but, she was as thick as day old porridge. However because she had this savant-esque memory she could spell anything.

    My issue with this shite is this: what’s more important, knowing what a word means or knowing how to spell the cunt?

    I was asked to spell “immaculate” and got it wrong. The girl breezed it, I’d missed an ‘M’ out. As I was feeling “shammered” (to quote a Stokey expression) I did say: “Yes and what does it MEAN!?!” – a little unfair because it was the teacher who’d gotten on my tits.

    So the teach retorted: “Well what does it mean?” to me and as quick as a flash I said: “Clean, pristine, spotless.” to which the cunt said: “Ah yes but can you spell those as well?” – cheeky cunt! That one burned in me for years! Cunt teacher – but I still liked her as well, I suppose.

    Anyway what is the fucking point of knowing how to spell something if you don’t even know what it means? Any cunt can parrot learn swathes of text/literature but what use is that if there’s no understanding of the sentiment/semantics of that text?

    Fucking pointless if you ask me – hence the cunting.

    • Fucking worthy of a cunting that is!! what the fucks all that about? Kids should be taught how to cross roads, respect your elders, manners etc, the amount of kids that walk out in front of cars near me have a death wish.

    • Fucking right Rebel. So a kid can spell. Who gives a fuck. It would be far more entertaining if they just took a load of thick kids and got them to try and spell words in front of clever kids who could shout insults and throw things at them. That would force the little cunts to learn. Or they could revive the old public school game of ‘jizz on the biscuit’. Group of lads in a circle with a biscuit in the middle all having a tug. Last one to mess the bikkie up gets a pasting. Compelling viewing.

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