Dead Pool [52]


Congratulations to Fred West (me) who correctly predicted that Elephant Man John Hurt would be next to pack his trunk and say goodbye to the circus. Off he went with a trumpety-trump, trump, trump, trump. So it is time to move onto Dead Pool number 52.

Here are the rules (pay special attention to the first one):

1. Nominate who you think is the next cunt on the way out. You can have up to five choices. List your nominations in the comments of this post. It’s the current Dead Pool. Comments not in this post (e.g. in the previous one or other posts) will be ignored!

2. You win if your Cunt dies first.
Then the slate is wiped clean and we start again. Of course, you can always be a really annoying cunt and steal someone else’s dead cunt candidate from the previous pool (like Black and White Cunt frequently does).

Any cunt who tries to cheat by nominating the World’s Oldest Man or Woman is a cunt and will be ignored. Any anonymous cunt who can’t be bothered to make up a name for themselves will also be ignored. Oh, and the usual “Our Blog Our Rules” thing applies.

So nominations are now open on this post only. Good luck.

Fred’s Nominations:
Clive James
Denis Norden
Leslie Phillips
Bruce Forsyth
Brian Cant


70 thoughts on “Dead Pool [52]

  1. Donald Trump
    Rupert Murdoch
    Tom Courtenay
    Bill Clinton
    George Soros

    well picked Fred – I thought John Hurt looked a bit unwell

  2. Top job, Fred. John Hurt was a legend. Spent a very enjoyable night in a Kensington night club with a thoroughly bladdered Hurt and Alice Cooper on mineral water – not what you would expect from a theater luvvie and the rock n’ roll prince of darkness…

    Michael Caine
    Vivienne Westwood
    Franz Beckenbauer
    Jimmy Greaves
    Tommy Steele

  3. Well done Fred.

    Rose West (sorry)
    Yoko Ono
    Brian Blessed
    Robbie Coltrane

    • Good shout with Ono. She looked and sounded decidedly gaga at the premier of eight days a week. During the interview she was accompanied by a handler and at one point confused John with Paul.

  4. I’m trying to stick to my same cunts but some cunts keep nicking my cunts. 3 new cunts from me…

    Nobby Stiles
    David Prowse
    Lord Peter Carrington
    Gord Downie
    Denis (It won’t be alright tonight) Norden

    • Sorry. Didn’t see Norden and Downie had already been taken. No worries, they sound like a firm of solicitors anyway.

      Instead I’ll go for that bloke who plays for Spurs and the bald one off the telly. I don’t think anyone has picked those yet.

      • Need the names though please as I can`t be sure who on earth those people are with any certainty.

  5. Did any bastard cunt have Brunhilde Pomsel? I had her as a regular in me noms but not this one assuming that cunt Shaun of the Dead had her but I have a horrible feeling that was in the previous pool. Double fuck and bollocks!!!!!!!

    • ‘Fraid the old Nazi’s had the last laugh on us all, Sir Limply.As soon as her nomination lapsed,so did she.

      • Bugger these last remaining old Nazis. All obeying orders to the last – God fuck ’em – to die on the quiet and cheat us orf our little bit orf fun.

      • Bugger these last remaining old Nazis. All obeying orders to the last – God fuck ’em – to die on the quiet and cheat us orf our little bit orf fun.

      • I picked her last time round but the Nazi bitch decided to die the day after I dropped her.How bloody rude!

  6. All the Prog Rock giants are dying it seems 1st Emerson then Greg Lake now John Wetton! Better known as the singer bassist in Asia then King Crimson but I prefered him in the latter

    • Unless I have missed something Carl Palmer is still breathing (Emerson, Lake and Palmer but without the other two)

  7. So old coke sniffer (or do I mean cocksniffer?) Tara Palmer Tomkinson has snorted her last at 45. Had her a good few pools ago and she has been picked up by other cunters since. Anyone have her? Saw her acrorss the room a few times whilst circulating generally dusted in white powder. Filly must have been a martyr to dandruff.

    • Nope no one had this time as far as I can say.Apparently it was a brain tumour.

  8. Alan Simpson, co-writer of Steptoe & Son and Hancock’s Half Hour went today…
    From the days when the BBC employed proper writers, instead of cunts like that pube headed cunt who’s destroyed Doctor Who and all the other ‘diversity’ obsessed cunts who now work for them…

    • And of course those BBC scum thank him for his work for them by making Tiara Palmolive-Thompkincunt the ‘headline death” on today’s news… Cunts…

  9. Richard Hatch of Streets Of San Francisco (great show) and Battlestar Galactica (not so great) also died today…

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