The High Court is a cunt for perpetuating the corrosive drip drip of institutionalised cuntery .
The whingey-whinery of uber cunts like Gina Fuckface and her fellow travellers is beneath contempt. We supposedly live in a democracy ; the antics of these airy-fairy cunts illustrate perfectly why we want to escape the tyranny of an unwieldy, homogenising, bland Euro dictatorship which is championed by those fuckers sucking at its teat.
Nominated by: Simon de Cuntford
I’d be more for the cunt courts if they stuck up for the little man like me, getting made redundant next March, I’m fucking skint and want to take my workplace to court! Looked into it and as always the skint little man like me hasn’t got a leg to stand on due to greedy cunt solicitors fees, the gamble if I didn’t win with court fees etc…. Apparently it pays to work in this CUNTry, well does it fuck, it will always be us and them or lower stairs / upper stairs. Nothing has changed since victorian times, the courts, legal system does fuck all to help the poor, it’s all wrong!
The Establishment rules for the establishment…….no shock there. That is the main reason we cannot let brexit be denied. If the establishment overturns Brexit they win and we are locked into a millennia of LabCon, EU, Globalist NWO domination.
Brexit is much bigger than leaving the EU, people sleepwalk with the MSM feeding them a living dream that is so far away from reality it is obvious if people open their fucking eyes.
Most High Court judges are a bunch of arrogant,senile,out-of touch,dozy,overpaid, self-opinionated,Establishment old farts who have no idea how real life works.
Come on! Tell us what you really think! ?
Afraid that the moderator blows a gasket if I give the unadulterated version !!
I never blow a gasket but we do have to stay a little bit this side of legal ?
Mr dioclese, im a new cuntributor and I think I might have acted like a cunt – I only read the rule after posting a few cuntributions…sorry?! 🙂
Apology accepted.
The main issue with this decision is that it licences the likes of the Labour Party and (what’s left of the) Liberal Democrats to shove their oar in where it’s not wanted.
The Connies aren’t much better but with a slightly more right-wing view sovereignty over our own laws and borders – they know – is the main deal breakers as far as the electorate is concerned, not to mention a backlash from their own right-wing core if they dare dilute the implied brexit intentions from the electorate (the Tories have a majority but it’s a slim one and they can’t afford to piss off too many rebels within their own ranks).
The Labour mob (a’la the appeasing feminist representative on this week’s Question Time) and Nick Clegg (flapping his chops yesterday – shut up you failed cunt) also say they want brexit to happen – because that’s what the people have mandated – but they want a brexit where we get a shit trade deal, still have to be governed by EU law and still have to let every cunt and his dog into the country without so much as a by or leave. That’s what *they* want.
If that’s the case then there’s no point in invoking brexit because if we go the Labour/Libbo way then we simply end up with the same shit deal we have now with the added bonus of an even shitter trade deal (which the French and Germans would absolutely love).
Every financial/economical forecast that the remoaners said would happen (unemployment, house prices, stock market collapse) simply hasn’t happened and in all 3 of those instances the reverse has been true (unemployment down, house prices up, FTSE up) – not that the Al-Be-Be-Cera could be arsed to report any of those positives, choosing solely to focus on a weak pound (and even then failing to report how that has increased exports because the pound is a little weaker). Even the pound is now recovering (against the dollar) but even that is paid lip service by the ABBC as a 2 second statement at the end of a 1 minute business segment before spending 10 minutes interviewing some cunt who’s ran 401 marathons, big news that!
That’s the end game for the Labour/Libbo cunts, to make the brexit deal so piss poor in the eyes of the electorate (and mainly the 52% racist, idiot masses – utter cunts for compartmentalising ME in that way) that we say fuck it! Might as well just stay in then.
That’s what those cunts (Labour/Libbos) want because they can say they wanted to leave, and agreed with the democratic decision to leave, but had their way in fucking the whole deal up so badly that WE decided to remain – and that way they can retire to their £300k a year EU gravy train while us ordinary folk have to watch our country turn to shit and watch our average earnings driven down to Sophia and Bucharest levels. Utter fucking shitbag cunts!
Given there was no reasonable brexit info on either side before the vote I did my own research and one bloke who came up time and again was Brown University’s Professor of Economics Mark Blyth (a Scot teaching in the states). He makes no bones about his own political views being left leaning but he talks a lot of sense and from an economical perspective (for the long game) brexit is absolutely the right thing to do. Short term pain for long term gain.
Unfortunately the Labour/Libbo cunts didn’t get that memo, either that or they just want to feather their own nests with EU gravy while giving two fingers to the rest of us (which is *exactly* what it is – cunts).
Here’s Mark’s latest talk about “Global Trumpism”. Worth a watch, if you can be arsed.
Excellent , reasoned cunting ; instead of the cunt led prevarication over Article 50 ,
we should be embarking on a golden opportunity to realise our global potential.
The would be Iron Lady ,haha , is off to India next week with business leaders in order to further the post Brexit business possibilites .
I just hope the atmosphere created by the insular , fuck-wit , militant Bremoaners doesn’t scupper our chances.
What fucking chances? We’re free of the EU therefore a whole new opportunity exists from all those people dying to trade with us ?.Bollocks and double bollocks.
Most of the people who voted Brexit didn’t understand the question and even if they had a fucking glimmer in their thick heads they certainly wouldn’t have understood the ramifications of leaving.
The court merely said what was there for the saying. Parliament runs the country , if you don’t like that go change it. The cunt Cameron should have firstly said at lease 65/35 to go before we do and secondly explained that it has to go through Parliament. But the flabby tosspot didn’t but it is still true.
“but we have our country back” Jesus fucking Christ on the bog.
Trouserbulge, there was a vote in Parliament prior to the referendum. MPs voted 5 to 1 for the referendum to happen and to accept the result. What the cunts did not expect was the voters to vote for Brexit, because they think they know better than the people who elected them. That is why there is such strong feeling against the judgment, As it will allow MPs to vote against leaving the EU, contrary to the wishes of the voters. There is stupidity displayed by the Guardian and Independent where they say only 37 percent of the electorate voted leave, so the result is void. They never mention only 35 percent voted Remain. The 3 judges know they were stirring a can of worms when they gave their decision so they ARE cunts. I rest my case.
“The act made no provision for the result to be legally binding on the government or on any future government. , . The act did not specify any specific consequences that would follow the result of the referendum”
So Parliament has to decide, rightly so, we don’t do mob rule in this country.
We have a highly paid pack of Parliamentary cunts to do that .My guess is that they will make very difficult for the govt. who should never ,IMHO, ever have asked us to decide something so incredibly complex. So fuck ’em ,sort it out.
Since when exactly was 52% in a referendum redefined as mob rule? I’d call it a democratic majority by plebiscite…
I understood perfectly well the ramifications and opted out. If that makes me a cunt then so be it.
When you realise that the EU’s end game is to make every country in a federal Europe the same economically (which is great if you’re in an evolving economy but not so good if you’re an established economy) – with the exception of Germany which bankrolls the EU in order to protect their “manufacturing powerhouse of Europe” status – it doesn’t take a genius to realise how shit a deal it is for the UK being part of the EU.
Basically it’s great if you’re a Romanian (or other poorer EU country) because your lot is getting better and better as average wages rise, whereas in the richer countries like the UK your lot is getting worser and worser as average wages stagnate (through deflation).
The trade deal we have with the EU is totally unbalanced because we buy a shit-load more from them than they do from us. If it was the other way around then we wouldn’t have a leg to stand on but it isn’t, and £19bn a year in car sales from Frau Merkels mob alone would permit us some credence in negotiating directly with Germany and once we have that in place the rest will follow. And, as Germany effectively bankrolls the EU, if Juncker started to get up himself and try to interfere, I’m sure Frau Merkel would slap the cunt down and tell him to shut the fuck up, otherwise they’ll withdraw the euros which props the EU up in the first place!
The EU also does its best to be as obstructive as possible when EU members attempt to agree trade agreements outside of the EU with protectionist rackets like tariffs and quotas, all so those monies eventually get fed back to the EU high command.
The EU is the most economically corrupt and morally bankrupt group of unelected toads anywhere in the world. They want absolute control over everything in Europe without having to go through any of the compromises that comes from an election. How do they get their jobs? By in-house voting which basically ensures that the power behind the EU remains firmly in the clutches of a select few former globalist bankers and lawyers.
It’s basically legalised corruption on a continental scale and we are better off not being part of their game/master plan.
More than happy to work with Europe on trade, immigration, etc., just not the totalitarian bunch of cunts heading up the EU.
If it was just still the EEC then none of this would be relevant but the nature of the EU and the direction it is heading leaves me cold. Alas I am selfish wanting the UK to stay rich and improve my lot over and above my European neighbours. You find me one person who will happily have their lot downgraded so that some cunt 2,000 miles away can have a better one and I’ll show you a liar (or some benefits cunt who has fuck all in the first place)!
All the best from the “Thick Head” known as Rebel without a Cunt!
…Let’s say the Brexiteers didn’t know what they would get from an out vote … I’m certain that many of them voted out because they certainly knew what they DIDN’T want by remaining to stay in.
I certainly voted out because of what the EU had become.
65/35? Apply that at a general election and you have no MPs at all. Maybe not such a bad idea but at the end of the day a majority is still a majority.
Which bit of 52% do you not understand is a majority?
52% is only a majority in a very narrow pedantic mathematical sense. In the SJW moral outrage sense 48% is a majority.
Parliament runs the country? Who for? It is increasingly apparent not for or on behalf of the citizens. If parliament had immediately implanted article 50 would you as an obvious remainer be shrugging your be shrugging your shoulders and saying so be it? I doubt it.
Since 1973 the electorate has not had the option to vote for a party that wanted to curb, stop or reverse the integration with the EU as a political entity. All of which took place with a mandate parliament insisted was granted by the referendum on ECC membership even though the EU bears no resemblance to the economic bloc we voted to join at the time.
If the referendum to join the ECC is good enough to take us into ever deeper unification in your eyes the vote to leave the EU should be even more valid.
you’ll have to save up so you can pay for some lobbying
Mr Dioclese – I just apologised for cunting a fellow contributor having cuntingly posted before reading the rules of posting, yet this cunt is cunting all brexiteers as being thick cunts. & it gets worse below….
I & everyone I know voted out and I consider myself intelligent enough to know what out implied – cunt remainers …
“Most of the people who voted Brexit didn’t understand the question and even if they had a fucking glimmer in their thick heads they certainly wouldn’t have understood the ramifications of leaving.”
OK then, clever fucking cunt, enlighten all us thick headed leave voters; what exactly are the ramifications of leaving? Regaining control of our countries borders? Regaining control of our countries laws? Being able to make any trade deal we want with anyone we want? Avoiding being dragged into a EU army? Untethering ourselves from the second lowest growth economic area on the planet, second only to Antarctica? Affording ourselves at least a modicum of protection against the mass migration of Africa to Europe? I could go on.
But come on, Oh Wise One, tell us what it says in the Guardian or BBC.
I think you summed that up quite well…
So sensitive you gallant Brexiteers. Happily cunt everyone who voted remain but can’t accept the teeniest criticism yourself.
I don’t take any notice of the BBc and would not read the Guardian but I think the flag waving foreigner hating bollocks that many leavers spout to justify their decision is pathetic.
I believe you have set this country up for a very big fall and no amount of cunting can disguise what is already beginning to show.
Asking us ,the people to make a decision of that complexity which will vitally affect our future in many ways was cuntish to start with because few of us have any real expertise to justify a decision. So much of the vote was emotional, fucking brilliant way to run a country, not.
We are leaving the EU with a mandate from the majority of the British people. You insult people based on the fact they voted contrary to your view.
In the view of many the EU is falling economically and will in time come crashing down bringing down member stakes. Their are principals involved that go way beyond short term financial discomfort but you it seems know better than 17 plus million adults.
We are leaving and we prosper, despite the best efforts of people like yourself with your divisive and defeatist attitude who it is obvious would rather see Britain fail than admit they maybe wrong and work along side their fellow Brits to ensure we succeed.
The toxic remain attempts to derail Brexit and undermine democracy for their own ends are the most damaging single issue currently undermining all of us.
As stated above, there was fuck all information of real use provided by either side during their emotive (and destructive) campaigns respectively and so I did my own research from non-biased sources across a myriad of platforms.
When I weighed up the checks and balances I decided that out was better for me and mine and so I selfishly opted for out.
When you made your decision you obviously thought the reverse and opted to stay in for the magnanimous good of “the people”.
It was an officiated, balloted vote. Consigning either group – whether remain or leave – to be “too thick to understand” is a little conceited and more than a little arrogant, don’t you think?
Time and again I have provided reasonable justification for my decision (to this forum and a number of others, and in person within groups of people with differing opinions), and yet when I state these things as well as providing references to the articles I used on which I based my decision, the most intelligent retort I have received from anyone in the remain camp is that I must be a “thick racist”.
Glad to see you’re doing absolutely nothing to assuage the stereotypical image of the archetypal remoaner. Pity.
I can take criticism but not from some cunt who doesn’t know me and doesn’t know why I voted to leave.
I am not a clever fucker but I know enough to get by. I also have seen over the past 40 years what the EEC has become and what dictators those pricks in Brussels have become.
Nobody had all or even most of the answers as nobody had been in this position before. However 17.4m of us knew enough to say we want out. Why that makes us thick etc I don’t know.
To use your point you could easily argue that none of us have any real expertise on economics or defence etc to allow us to vote in a general election. That would of course be bollocks as is your argument.
I honestly do believe that , free of the constraints imposed by EU membership , the UK has the potential to thrive in an ever evolving global market. If I prove to be a delusional dickhead then so be it . I took an educated punt and , being a gambler , hope to be successful.
I feel it does a disservice to a large swathe of the electorate ( I refer to those who voted Leave ) to refer to them as thick and politically illiterate.
I would hate to think that I adhered to a viewpoint founded on a monochromatic , xenophobic , little Englander / Islander attitude . Fortunately , for my own peace of mind if nothing else , I believe that , along with the vast majority of my fellow Leave voters , I voted for a rational , cohesively formulated option.
I was fully aware of the constitutional status of the referendum and realised that a Leave vote would trigger judicial and parliamentary response. That’s okay , I believe in the sovereignty of the British parliament.
I do not believe that David Cameron was unduly duplicitous in the prelude to thr Referendum vote . Nor do I believe that the Brexiteer proponents were disingenuous . I do feel that many of those representing the remain camp seemed to believe that the Leave advocates were basing their opinions on non nuanced and even malign ideas. There was bombast and bluster on both sides , but where politics count , when isn’t there ?
Voting for leave or remain was not a black or white issue . Remainers had sound reasons for remaining . Similarly Leavers had sound reasons for leaving.
It’s called Democracy.
Very grown up of you , Simon, very mature.
Also very wrong.
The remoaners have shown themselves to be cretins. I have yet to hear one yet who doesn’t bring up the 350 million a week which was supposed to go to the NHS. “This was a lie!” they shriek as if that alone was enough to invalidate the brexit vote. Well maybe it does in the la la Lilly the musical mong land, but not in the real world it doesn’t. Remainiacs cannot even understand a basic concept like,
; if we didn’t have to give all this money to the EU, we could spend it on what we like.
Equally disgusting is this utter cunt, supposedly employed by the NHS at GOSH who said on this week’s QT that she wished leavers’ children would become sick so then they would have to see what Brexit means. Why hasn’t she been sacked already?
No, sorry Simon but remoaners are not only thick but they are disgustingly vindictive too.
While I do believe there were individuals who legitimately believed a Leave vote would be to their personal detriment , I do believe wholeheartedly that a leave vote was in general a positive result for the country.
The main concern I had locally was the effect that a vote for brexit would have re a possible ‘hardening’ of the NI/UK border and the possible security ramifications.
However I did find that in pre referendum debates , the remainers , in the form of political representatives and wheel-on luvvies tended to adopt a pious , sanctimonious and quite often spiteful attitude in trying to enhance their agenda . Spiteful in the sense that they implied that pro brexiteers were ill-informed ignoramuses.
I hate to think that all remainers are like that. Hopefully that hideous cunt in the QT clip was not typically representative. As I said , there was bluster on both sides , but in any debates I heard or saw the pro-leavers were generally calm , objective and addressed the issues rather than levelling accusations of personal naivity or lack of empathy against their opponents. ( To wit Nigel Farage and Eddie Lizzard.)
Pre-emptive nuclear strike on mainland Europe tomorrow, just pass it off as a firework gone wrong
Fuck it
Do France, Germany, Sweden (Sweden because of all the ‘migrants’ and for not helping us fight the Krauts during the war)… That’l l do…
I would imagine that the ordinary people in those countries are equally perturbed by the way the EU is going and the insurgency of “peaceful” cunts.
Now if their governments only had the balls to give them their vote and then we could watch the cat really get amongst the pigeons!
Oh and if there’s a tactical nuke going spare then we should let the ordinary folk of Brussels know so they can exit stage left begore we lay waste to the palace of Juncker!
Just a thought – is this Juncker related to the Nazi Junckers who made bombers in WWII?
They were Junkers but I suppose they could have changed their name after the war to attempt to escape detection.
In out in out shake it all about call each other mongs as much as you like but rest assured cunters whatever happens our parliament will never get fuck all right.
Especially if Labour are involved.