Many orf these fillies are Rumanian, indeed quite a colony orf ’em and they range from the decrepit to the well worth thinking about or at least getting a supply orf antibiotics in from me quack. Fly in the ointment is that the prozzies are not self employed if you get me drift. They work under the aegis orf some Rumanian cunt who tours the area in a battered Merc towing a caravan in which to offer the necessary. Must admit I orn occasion turn a nice few quid orf the cunt by allowing access to me barns and stables and hiring oit riding crops and leather saddles and such like.
Problem is el cunto is as dodgy as they come and I know he is robbing me blind. The cunt is connected and half the county depends orn him and his mates for a steady supply orf field labour so we have to take it. Did I hear you say Plod? Bollocks to that. All deep in the cunt’s pocket. Anyway you cunts depend on such arrangements for your meat and two veg. Gangland extortion in rural England shock horror.
Roll orn Christmas.
Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke
These cunts are about as low as ya can get they would sell their own fucking mother,and sex them out most are fucking inbrebs proper fucking sickos ,these cunts should of never of been aloud in this country,these do need to been shown the exit and fast,they fucking get married at the age of ten,they knock me a fucking sick they be cunts.
The cunt in the pic looks a like hes just getting ready to breed with one of his family members,the cunts love picking pockets,the fucking hungarians hate em,and i for one dont blame them.
They hate frogs just put a pic of a frog in your window and they stay the fuck away,some shops do it,or some store have one of them frog machine outside just in the door way you know the ones you put 50p in and it goes up and down,frogs are very bad luck to them,prob why they dont want to stay in france.
In Spain, its full of eastern European cunts acting the scumbag. But I always put it down to the amount of gypsies here.
It breaks my heart and makes me irate when cunters report on it happening in Britain…………..
Romanians and Remianians, I don’t have much time for either, at least there is a chance Romanians may fuck of some time soon.
Romanians are parasites.
There’s an old, fat female one that sells the Big Issue in our town. There the grasping bitch is every day,while her “minder” lurks nearby,smoking and spitting.I asked the minder why,if they’re having such a rough time in this country, him and his granny didn’t fuck off back to Romania. Excellent reaction from the soap-dodging pikey,shouting that I was racist…. I was shocked that he could think that I could possible be racist towards the thieving,cheating,disease spreading,daughter-pimping scum…but luckily I managed to cover my distress by laughing in his face and telling him to go fuck himself.
Same in my town, big fat Romanian bitch selling the Big Issue.
‘Big issuue’
‘Big issuue’
Oh do fuck off, still plenty of soppy twats buying it. I thought it was supposed to help people get back to earning a living after falling on hard times, rather than another outlet for scrounging bastards.
Just tell them you get yours delivered.
Flummoxes the cunts every time! ?
When our fantastic legal system proclaimed that selling the Big Issue was “self employment” and so entitled you to various benefits etc that was it. Romainians took over, driving out most of the English sellers of said mag. Even here in this tiny town the week before Christmas is blessed by the Romanian sellers of the big issue. The Big Issue was designed to help people get a step up, from what I saw it worked. Now, I’ve yet to meet a native seller of said magazine they are all cunts exploiting our obsession with the curse of mankind PC and a good dose of cuntishness. Another good idea fall’s foul of the cancer that ruins our contry
at £2.50 a shot now it’s not really worth the money
at the least they should put some topless shots and puzzles in it
They should be a selling inbred weekly.
Perhaps the Berlin Wall falling wasn’t the best thing that could happen to the west.
Correct, Gut stick Japseye.
Anytime the Berlin Wall coming down is getting discussed, i’m forever telling anyone who will listen that a lot of bad things have happened in Europe since its fall.
While certain groups were celebrating, years of hatred between certain nations has caused wars and tensions up to this day.
One country i fear is Ukraine.
I don’t fear them as an enemy, i fear them being friendly.
And dragging us in to their problems…………
“Not Your Ukraine , MyUkraine” -Putin 2016 while playing fallout 4 showing gorbachev how to destroy a Mythic deathclaw (actual source)
cheeki breeki m8’s