All those workshy, hard left, socialist worker placard waving dirtbags, hanging around outside Byron Burger, moaning about the cooperation the owners gave in uncovering illegal immigrants with false documents working there. Most of the scruffy looking cunts protesting were probably vegan anyway.
And do they spare a thought for all the other people working there, which no doubt a lot of them will be legal migrants, will lose their jobs if the protest is successful and shuts down the chain? Do they fuck. All they care about is their cause of the day. In one photo, you could see a gaggle of these pricks, and they were all looking at their iPhones (no cheapo Samsungs for these little bean warriors), probably checking to see if they and their pathetic little protest was trending.
Tomorrow, they will be off protesting about transgender toilets or some other nonsense. Free Palestine, Tory cuts, Brexit, on and fucking on. Me? I’ll be in work, doing a job I despise for shit money, getting rinsed by the taxman so he can give it to these cunts to stand around with blue hair and nose piercings moaning.
Generation cunt…..
Nominated by : Gutstick Japseye
Sorry to be dull but it’s time nominate the Islamist Broadcasting Corporation yet again.
I’ve sent in a second complaint this year about the extreme anti-American bias in the IBC’s programming. I’m not particularly pro-Yank but I find the anti-American bias exhibited by some of the IBC’s programme makers nauseating . If these biases were expressed about any other national group then I have no doubt that that IBC would make apologies, questions would be asked in the Commons and the Twittermongs would be whipping each other into a frenzy of righteous indignation.
Unfortunately, it seems that hatred of and prejudice against Americans is now IBC policy. I previously complained about the programme “United States of Hate – Muslims in Danger.” This ludicrous programme found the most unpleasant and fringe groups imaginable and attempted to portray them as mainstream in modern America. My complaint was dismissed by the twats at Jimmy Seville House and my opinions were treated with arrogant contempt by the paedophile who replied to my email.
The IBC has decided to double down on its anti-American racism and xenophobia with the ridiculous programme “America’s Hate Preachers.” Once again, fringe groups were represented as mainstream and all Americans as somehow responsible for the distasteful views expressed by the religious bigots featured in the programme. The programme maker had little to no understanding of American law or of the First Amendment. If the IBC finds the views expressed by these American Bible literalists to be distasteful then may I respectfully suggest that it does not need to send one of its “researchers” to Arizona. Hate preachers spouting exactly the same revolting opinions can be found in the same city as Jimmy Saville House. However, I assume this would not fit in with the IBC’s anti-American and pro-Islamist agenda.
If the IBC truly wishes to condemn “hate preachers” may I suggest the following programmes:
“London’s Hate Preachers”
“Paris’ Hate Preachers”
“Saudi Arabia’s Hate Preachers”
“Egypt’s Hate Preachers”
“Pakistan’s Hate Preachers”
I am not so naïve as to expect the IBC to make the above programmes but one can dream. So glad I live abroad so I don’t have to fund these cocksuckers through the Poll Tax Licence.
And, with apologies to Cato the Elder: Ego puto etiam hoc, et in SNP cunts sunt.
(How’s my Latin, Mr Dioclese?)
I second this nomination. BBC cunts!
Beautifully cunted.
BBC are disgraceful anti western cunt.
BBC are also incredibly anti-british too. They should seriously change the name because british broadcasting corporation just doesn’t hold up or make sense
I fucking hate the BBC with a vengeance, bunch of self-important, publicly-funded, child-abusing, Pro Israel cunts.
They have not made any decent TV since the 1980’s (guess they were too busy raping children) and they employ fucking scum.
Their so-called News is merely verbatim reports from AP & Reuters and screen-grabs of Tweets from Twitter.
If I gave a fuck what Rio Ferdinand had to say on a subject I would go on Twitter, I don’t expect it to be included in a fucking News report.
They make Fox News, CNN & Sky look impartial in comparison.
Too True boaby well said In the 80’s the yanks called anything the russians did propaganda nowadays they just call it news…
My lad told us he was too ashamed to tell us about the school trip to the BBC and that’s why he lied and told us they’d be spending the day at Kings Cross selling drugs to prostitutes….
I really hope the BBC loses its rights to football coverage, then no fucker would watch their crappy Saturday night schedule… And why do the MOTD/Final Score presenters and pundits always look like scruffy bastards?… They don’t wear suitsm they all have crappy v-neck jumpers on and shirts with no tie and the top button undone… And that gorilla, Martin Keown, never shaves either… At least Stelling, Souness, and Co on Sky Sports wear suits and ties…
And I don’t want to sound Spiveyesque, and I have no time for or interest in The Great Cuntish Bake-Off… But would it surprise anyone if it was discovered that the whole fiasco was engineered, so Berry and that lot would fuck off and their pet abdab superstar, Nadiya, would be handed everything on a plate, including the show itself?… This Nadiya will become the Victoria Beckham of television… Always in our faces, never out of the headlines, and somebody we will never ever be rid of now…
Hang bacon like mistletoe, it’s like kryptonite to the fuckers?
That Nadiya cunt will be presenting the news next.. She will also probably do Match Of The Day, be the next Doctor Who, and even do The Queen’s Xmas broadcast…
Last ever great BBC show was Life On Mars, and that will probably never be shown again, because Gene and the lads were so un-PC and it was set in the big, bad, now forbidden zone that was the 70s…
Watched motd 2 today.
I was genuinely shocked.
Hadn’t watched in a while.
4 presenters.
Dean Saunders, another bloke and some young presenter bint and a middle aged woman.
Fuck knows who she was but wtf do they know about football.
You could tell the fellas had the brakes on regarding banta.
They looked very uncomfortable.
Zero chemistry.
Very little worthwhile input.
Al been are hell bent on polluting everything with PC shite.
There will be a black disabled transexual presenting motd soon.
I’ll be shocked if there isn’t.
Anyone see tonight’s nauseating top BBC story about the “children” in the jungle who all have “family” over here?
The presenter was talking to a “13yr old” who was a foot taller than him and was adorned with the obligatory hoodie and scarf round the face combo.
Tell you now if that cunt’s 13 then I’m off over tomorrow to sign the cunt as his promoter for the NBA in America cos by the time he’s 18 he’ll be 7’2″ at least!
Go fuck yourselves BBC cunts! No one believes your bullshit about these 20-30yr old surly cunt male children. The only family they have here are the ones who will promise these cunts a few dozen virgins in the afterlife just so long as they take out a few British folk minding their own beeswax, doing a drop of Xmas shopping, etc., in the local centre.
You – the BBC – are traitorous cunts and when even one of these cunts cause any form of atrocity – whether that be rape, murder or terrorist attack – then that’s on YOU, YOU CUNTS!
Oh and when it does happen, and it will if we allow the cunts to come in (when it’s fucking Napoleon Hollande’s problem of his own doing), don’t try and describe them as misguided or misunderstood, or Norwegian, or any fucking other label to avoid calling them Muslim Terrorists because that’s what they are and YOU – BBC and your fucktard ilk – will have facilitated it with your false stories of hardship and pity.
Well I don’t feel sorry or pity any of these single 20-30yr old male “children” and if it’s so much of a fucking hardship to them then they need to fuck right back off to wherever the fuck they’re from (I truly don’t give a shit where), pick up a fucking gun and FIGHT to make their country a better place. As opposed to worming into MY FUCKING COUNTRY and making the place a damned site WORSE!
BBC you are CUNTS!
What part of illegal dont these cunts understand?No human is illegal according to them so how many countries can I get into illegally and how many would turn a blind eye if I did so successfully.Very few if any I bet.Upholding border law is not racist as countries all over the world do it.
They are wasters and ponces. not very bright, give them a placard that says ‘ fuck me up my socialist worker’s arse for a shilling’ and they will hold it.
We never see these soldiers of the left interviewed because they are dense as a truckful of spam. They grunt their mantras and will never stop as long as they are fed with new slogans.
Pitiful wankers, dense, sad, bottom feeding morons. BBC footage chaff, one small step intellectually behind the Corporation editors and program makers.
I went there for a burger (on protest of their protest) in Milton Keynes hoping the fuckers would try and stop me so I could give them both barrels and explain exactly *why* I was supporting Byron Burger and their patriotic decision to dob in as many illegals as they could. Good work lads (even though you were forced to do it for fear of a massive fine).
This was around 8.30pm and there wasn’t one of the cunts there! I’d clocked off around 7pm, gone back to the digs, shower shit & shave and then out wi’ me mucka for a burger and hopefully a bit of SJW “owning”. Walked straight in!
So these SJW types operate from around 12pm when they wake up to around 4pm when the have to fuck off back to their communal hovel, or mummy & daddy’s 5 bedroom house in Woburn or summat, to skin up and feel great about their hard day’s “work”.
Not only are these SJW types cunts they’re lazy fucking cunts too. Like Shaun says if they weren’t lazy cunts they’d be out doing a job with no time on their hands to be all concerned about shit which doesn’t involve them!
As an aside: the burger was very nice but fucking pricey for what it was.
Quite right about what time these cunts knock off. I went to dismantle and fell a dangerous beech tree only to discover a gaggle of these hippy types and a few nosy old cunts standing around it when we pulled up.
Now I’ll admit that I’m not the most patient of people,but when you’re paying 4 wages,traffic light hire and cherrypicker hire,only to be stopped by a load of naive wankers,it does tend to set the piss boiling. The fact that the tree was a danger and the council tree officer was there cut no ice with these cunts. Things got a bit heated and the police turned up,although sympathetic, they said there was nothing they could do to shift the cunts,but at least ignored the bastards tales of my “intimidation”
We were forced to sit until dinner-time, when we packed up and fucked off,only to return at six,when the “guardians of the green” had presumably gone home for a nice lentil stew.
The pleasure I got the next morning when the cunts turned up to find the tree stripped out and the stem ready to fell was immense. The best was when a couple of them actually started to cry,while others lit candles in jam jars and sang songs. Being the cunt that I am,I offered to sell them some firewood,but was rudely rebuffed.
Oh, happy days,
Didn’t know your proclivities extended to being a lumberjack Dick. Sex on the beech and all that, whilst being lightly beaten with birch twigs and playing with yer conkers then after, back home in yer tranny……..
My curious habits are pretty tame compared to some of the buggers I’ve worked with Alan. Forestry pays the bills since my Gigolo business failed to take off due to my foul manners,gross looks,personal odour problems and micro-penis. However my Piers Morgan impersonator business is a roaring success.
I’d never heard of Byron Burger before this, but if it’ll upset this bunch of loony left sociology student cunts, I shall dine there whenever I see one.
Good on yer Byron Burger, fuck ’em off back to whatever shithole they came from.
I will join you Duke. Don’t know where the nearest Byron Burger is but will find it and go there.
The protester cunts haven’t got a fucking clue. The workers should not have been in the country, had made or purchased false documents and had basically lied.
If this is not a problem for the lefty do gooding wankers then they live in la la land.
By and large it appears that immigrants can pretty much do whatever they like but the rents mob cunts will make excuses for them and blame someone else.
Absolute cunts.
Did those SJW cunts ever get charged? mongy bastards should be in prison, didn’t a few of them set loose a bunch of cockroaches and other assorted pests into the store in hopes that it would ruin bryon burger forever and for what?! just because the company were honest and cooperative with the immigration police?
I forget what happened but they supposedly did a shite load of damage, stupid dull bellends! fuckers should be sent abroad and they can try that no human is illegal bullshit in durka durka-stan. Bloody commie cunts!
“No human is illegal” Hey moron! You fucking MORON! People are not illegal, but they do illegal things, like rape and murder and paedophilia. And being in the UK without the proper authority is termed “entry without leave” and is illegal under section 24 of the immigration act 1971. It is a summary offense, meaning it does not have to go to court and carries an unlimited fine and/or up to 6 months inside.
So what these cunts are saying, or were saying as I very much doubt the cunts are still protesting, is that it is OK to break the law so long as you are a foreigner or in any other case if you just don’t like it. I have news for you, it isn’t. It is a principle of English common law as set out as far back as 1215 that the law applies to everyone, even the monarch. Now fuck off you cunts.
Why moderation?
I have never heard of Byron Burger. Question is with so many unemployed and no shortage of “legal” immigrants how did they end up with so many illegals on the books? Accidental or business decision? Byron burgers are cunts.
The lefty cunt protestors missed the point as usual, it ain’t the fact that Byron fessed up and got rid of illegal parasites that’s the problem, it’s that Byron used illegal labour to undermine pay and probably conditions of legitimate working folk.
That’s what Labour was founded on, standing up for the rights of workers not social justice, multicultural and LBGT bullshit.
Is that really what labour was founded on? workers rights?!
I thought they were founded on the notion of flooding perfectly peaceful countries with violent brown people in hopes of killing off the evil white devils
Yeah thats a party I wanna vote for…. Corbyn and his retarded fat jamaican pet should piss off
I don’t think Byron Burger employed the illegals deliberately. The illegals, being criminal scum, lied and showed false documents to gain employment there. It’s very likely that many other businesses which employ low skilled immigrant labour are also unwittingly employing illegals too. Byron Burger is only the tip of the iceberg. We need to be spending some of the money we will save by not paying the EU £350 million a week on weeding out the scumbags.
Thats another reason to cunt the protesters; for every illegal immigrant who gains employment illegally it is one legal immigrant who doesn’t get a job. I’m not too keen on immigrants of any sort. With 1.63 million British people unemployed I don’t see why we need them. But I’d sooner have people who have done the right thing, who we know about and who are paying into the system than feckless illegal scum.
The UK is fraudster paradise cos we have no id cards. When a national insurance number is issued to a legal EU migrant it is just a letter with a code number no photo no expiration date …there are over 180 million in action circulation. When a Spanish or Portuguese EU citizen goes back to their country after improving their e flush and working in a low paid service job the often sell their national all insurance never to a Latin American citizen (that don’t need a visa but ha e no right to work in the uK) that’s why lo don is chocolate a block with Brazilian dagos. Such fun and games is impossible on the continent as as you tax code is an I’d card with photo, address registration and expiration date.
Well said mate.
Oh so true!
Fuck me I’m hungry now, I’ve never heard of this place either? I’m glad I live 350 miles up north from London away from protesters who get dropped off around the corner in Mummy’s Audi Q7 and get pocket money to go and by a veggie burger and if the worst happens and one of these workshy society arse wipes get locked up by the pissed off plod, all will be ok cos daddy’s a solicitor.
And the BBC are ‘keep everyone one happy ‘ organisation. My good pal Alan Partridge said they are all on the BBC Gravy train, how true he was, the BBC must have boxes to tick to show how multi transgender disabled gay ethnic sex offender friendly it is.
The way they shamelessly auditioned ‘black actresses only’ for the new Doctor Who sidekick was disgusting… People thought this was dreadful and outrageous when it was done in Alabama or South Africa, so how come apartheid and segregation is suddenly acceptable?… If the cunts had said ‘white actresses only’ it would have been ‘Lordy Lord! You dissin us, bro! You is racist innit!’
As much as I rate Capaldi (though Eccleston pisses all over him as the modern Doctor) I will not be watching the new series.. They can shove their anti-white and heterosexual prejudices up their arses…
Don’t care for the doctor , but i do know that Eccleston pisses over every other actor in UK……….
Bollocks. Tom Hardy is your man.
Fuck off, it should be Paul Bettany,
Every country on Earth has a border and there are no land areas on Earth that do not belong within those borders. Ever wondered why that is?
It all stems back to something called in-group bias. This goes under various names in various different disciplines such as psychology, sociology etc. but what I’m talking about is in-group bias as it applies to evolutionary biology.
Humans have evolved as a species to form groups based on similarities between members of the group. On a small scale there are families, then clans, tribes and nations. These groups are called in-groups and it is an essential part of evolutionary biology to be biased in favour of your in-group. Evolutionarily it is very novel behavior to favour those outside ones own group, and with very good reason. Any group which gives its resources to an other out-group is likely not going to survive very long.
So in-groups become larger to occupy territory until the group encounters another group. They may assimilate this out-group if there are sufficient similarities between the group. If not a border is formed between the groups. Often these borders lie along some kind of physical obstacle, like a river, lake, sea or mountain range.
So that is why every country on Earth, without exception has a border. It is hard wired into us biologically. Not just us either, all territorial animals exhibit identical behavior. Silly cunts like Merkel and Clinton want to break down borders and the dozy fuckers protesting outside Byron Burger believe the pseudo ethical bullshit . The uber cunt George Soros also wants to break down borders but in his case it is so he can make billions out of the ensuing chaos.
National borders are a biological necessity, all part of Mother Nature. Don’t fuck with her.
I’m in with the In-Crowd. Anyone outside is a cunt.
A vary astute explanation of the obvious skidmark.
Lateral thinking.
Never stopped to think of it like that.
No borders=
No harmony=
fucking chaos and war.
The so-called ‘Burger Protestors…’
The usual daddy’s paying, Glasto attending, soap dodging, WKD drinking, turquoise haired, ‘aren’t we zany?’, pierce nosed, silly named cunts who have never done a days graft in their lives… They go around with ‘We Love Wogs’ on their placards, yet they won’t share any of their posh flats or trust funds with them though… I wouldn’t either, but I’m honest about not wanting the cunts here in the first place…
Look at that cunt in the header photo. I would have to tell him that I was enjoying my burger more, knowing it was pissing him off. If you hate the western world so much, fuck off and volunteer in some backward shite hole, and help these people you seem to be obsessed with at their point of origin, where you might actually be able to do something positive. Then again, that would involve real commitment, hardship, and something these cunts find completely alien, hard work and discipline. Not in my name, cunt.
ITV (or should it be ITN) are cunts…
When I was younger ITV always had the better news programmes and better newscasters… News At Ten was ‘the’ news programme back then, it was the biggest, the boldest, and the best… ITN should get back to the television news that they used to be famous for… It would be great to see real and direct news coverage without any PC agenda, no pro-muslim-bias, nor anti-British bullshit, and just telling things like they are and how they actualy happen (a Muslim terrorist should be described as exactly that)… If ITN did a proper and honest news programme they could blow BBC news out of the water and put a nail in the muzzie loving corporation’s coffin…
I don’t think it’s likely though… They’re more concerned with those conehead cunts, Ant and Dec’s jungle bollocks and licking Cowell’s arse… Shame…
A video from 2008 has surfaced of Lily Allen making jokes about “Gypos” and consequently the Meejah is screaming for the daft little cow to apologise for her “vile racism”.
It really doesn’t get any better than this, what a beautiful day…
‘Et Tu, Mong’ as old Caesar might say….
Now let us watch this media whore sunshine bus retard squirm and spaz about at our leisure… Splendid is the word that comes to mind….
That stalker (which Lily Spakker naturally milked dry for her own publicity) should have done the musical mong in when he had the chance… Now that’s what I would call knighthood material and services to the British people…
He must have been insane though… Who would be infatuated with an ugly as fuck gobshite mong?…
Probably a ‘hired actor’
For a mere £60 a day plus expenses hire your own stalker, think of the money you can earn from TV interviews and appearances, endless interviews in the newspapers and of course the holy grail, an full interview in Hello orr Take A Break.
I’d say that was a wise investment.
I may even start my own agency, “Pay-As-Go Stalkers”
The height of Lily’s ‘talent’ is rhyming ‘Tesco’ with ‘Alfresco’ and actually thinking it was clever… Still, not bad, for a mong…
Along with Wee Burney Sturgey effigies for Guy Fawkes’ Night, I reckon Lily Mong dummies would also be a flaming success (cymbal crash!)…
Since when were pikeys a fucking race? Who the fuck gives a shit if pikey scum find it offensive? Anybody remember the thieving gypsy bastards from Viz?
They got taken to court over that one, but as it turned out the principle complainant, a Gypo was later found guilty of handling stolen goods.
I used to live near Hackney marshes long ago and had a view over some playing fields and a cricket square. One day a bunch of pikeys turned up and made camp. Within 30 minutes of arrival they were doing dough-nuts on the cricket square. Just wanton vandalism. And they wonder why no cunt likes them. Try paying your road tax, you cunts.
There’s a new shampoo specifically for pikey’s…..’Go and wash’…
If they’ve got no cash I’m sure the DVLA accept travellers cheques…..
I enjoyed the cut out and keep apology that viz did for the pikeys, back when it used to be funny
Dear Gypo and Pikey cunts,
I would like to sincerely apologise on behalf of Lilly Allen and the derogatory comments she made about you and your way of life.
No this does not mean that I want you anywhere near my town, schools or playing fields, for you to shit on, destroy and terrorise.
Nor does it mean that I want my driveway doing with 1/2 an inch of tarmac you nicked from your road-digger cunt cousins (who are all getting smashed in the pub at 3pm even though Balfours charge HM Gov to 5pm).
Personally I agree with everything she said I just thought I’d repay her cuntishness for apologising on my behalf to the cunts in the Calais Jungle when I actually hope they *are* living in sub-human conditions so that they get fed up with winter coming and fuck off back to where they come from! Economic migrant cunts!
The thing is that the two-faced twit will probably apologise herself within 24hrs and will no doubt dedicate her next album to your plight of being a bunch of workshy thieving cunts.
She’ll probably donate 10% of her total sales to some bollocks charity to do with your lot – so make sure you spend that £10.57 wisely, it’ll be good for a couple of bottles of Glens vodka.
Best regards,
Agree 100% about the gyppo ‘white wog’ scum…. But it gives us a chance to mercilessly savage the musical mong and hang her out to dry… Although actually hanging her would be better…
Gypo/Pikeys are cunts. In the 90s it was my misfortune to rehouse some of these cunts through the local authority. They couldn’t hack the caravans with the onset of winter. One old thick Mick came in and said “Gimme a house I want a feckin house,” On further interrogation as to his needs he said “I want a bungalow but I don’t want one upstairs.” You couldn’t script it. Sometime later I was called to a vacant property that had someone inside it. Two of us confronted a twelve year old little cunt named Rooney who had stripped out every door handle in the gaff and dismantled them, bagging them up into brass, aluminium and steel. He exited sharpish through a first floor window. When the weather improved in Spring sure enough we got called out to abandoned properties one of which allegedly had a python in it so the chippies, sparkies’ plumbers etc wouldn’t go in. I entered to find every bit of metal stripped out. No light, fittings, no switches, no door handles, no wiring, no piping, no boiler, no sink, fuck all metal was left in it. All I found was the spare room badly converted to a reptile house and python skin on the floor that I thought initially was bubble wrap. Now the council paid stupid money to a Travellers’ Lisison Officer which was supposed to make the cunts conform somewhat. Nice but desperately hopeless bint who just took the money and did fuck all especially when the cunts fucked off with massive arrears. The financial cost of NOT discriminating against these Irish/Gypo/Pikey/Tinker/Diddicoy/Traveller cunts was and is fucking ginormous. Even the local plod referred to them as TGBs thieving gypsy bastards. It’s like Roy Walker on Catchphrae, say what you see. What I saw was complete cuntery from absolute cunts. But who were the bigger cunts…….?
PS the pikey debate, I well remember two of the fuckers moving up the hill out of the window of my office like a fuckin pantomime horse. They’d nicked the fruit machine out of the bookies in the precinct in broad bloody daylight. Then their was the gypo kid who dropped his trousers, again in broad daylight whilst squatting on the fire escape balcony of the social services building and did a shit off the top. Say what you see. CUNTS
PPS I grew up on a council estate, lived on a council estate and worked on just about the worst council estate in the city In the 90s it was full of poor whites the type who’d fly tip beds and sofas on common parking areas the cunts. There was the odd, outnumbered, suffering Paki family (ahh shame I hear you say) and then came the caravan dweller cunts. Now, I hear, it’s a no go area full of Somalians……..
I’d rehouse them all, in the nice warm furnace at the local biomass power plant. It would be the first time a gypo had contributed to British society
I ordered a burger in the cafe of supermarket that had allegedly sold products containing horse meat.
The waitress taking burger orders asked me if I wanted anything on it?
I said “a fiver each way”
She replied “there’s no horse meat in our burgers”…..then asked how I would like it cooked.
I said….”medium well”
She looked at me puzzled….then said “Oh! mean good to firm”…
LOLOLOL – comment of the day!
Haitians are a bunch of stinky ,sweaty ,thick, looting,ungrateful animals. Whilst looting a UN truck of supplies ,they got tear gassed. Rather than admit they’re stealing and move on ,the cunts start rioting ,with one Haitian scumbag telling the cameras that Haiti doesn’t need the UN’s help and they should leave adding only God can help them.
If i had a voodoo doll the shape of Haiti ,the world would smell a little better.
Didn’t the fuckers get a shed load of aid in 2010? Wonder what happened to that.
The place is a money pit, like quite a few of the big charity run crap lumps. Fuck them, petrol is going up, so we are going to need all our cash to pay for fuel to get to work and back. Nature doesn’t want them there, and who am I to argue?
Hispaniola is an island in the Caribbean one half of which is Haiti and the other half Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic has the 69th highest GDP, Haiti is 140th. They both get hit by the same hurricanes and the same earth quakes but one is a total basket case shit hole and the other is mid league. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions.
the clintons nicked it
I looked at the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation website today and noted that Steve McQueen had been given some luvvie cunt honour. Funny I thought, as I opened the story, he’s been dead for fuckin years. Turns out this is a black cunt, still alive, who got the mong gong for 12 Years A Slave (a lifetime a cunt?). The fucking ant-white guilt trip rolls on. I did a quick shufti (Arab sand nigger word) at Wikipedia and found that the cunts were enslaving each other prior to Europeans arriving to take them on what was likely a holiday to Jamaica by comparison. This past week Google has had Mary Seacole (child of a Jamaican holiday maker) as it’s doodle. A black and white first world war herbalist who has been elevated to the stature of Florence Nightingale, and a statue of said herbalist is now, or will be, outside St Thomas’s Hospital, to which the Seacole cunt has no connection at all whereas our Florrie does, but no statue. Both Seacole and the 12 Years a Slave cunt were “forgotten histories” which means they are insignificunt cunts in history, exhumed by leftard Miliband senior type Marxist revisionists. Now if I were in battle and dying in Egypt like my Dad (thank fuck he survived, just) the last thing I’m going to need is a fucking voodoo herbalist. Get me a proper doctor and nurse or fuck off cunt. In any case the modern slavery I’ve read about has been perpetrated by wogs and gyppos not white people and I ain’t guilty so stop fucking going on you IBC luvvie muzzer and wog loving cunts.
These right-on brutha Seacole is God revisonists also like to demonise and dumb down Nightingale at every opportunity… All that crap about how Florence was the nasty one who did fuck all and Seacole was a saint who didn’t put a foot wrong… Total bollocks of course…
As for slavery… A mate of mine lost his girlfriend of over ten years in a car smash, he went to pieces and lost his longstanding job… He was met with no understanding whatsoever from Duncan Smith and McVey’s wolves and was ordered to work for six months full time in a dump for JSA basic as well as sitting in front of PC in their offices for a whole day a week like a naughty schoolkid… But who gives a fuck about that? Oh, yeah, he’s white and English…. Silly me…
It’s been black history month on the Beeb. Even Morgan Freeman got annoyed at this whole black history shit, as he said isn’t it just part of history as a whole? Fuck the BBC.
I know it’s only fiction , but Robinson Crusoe was enslaved by north African cunts . i never new that until i read the real book when i was older ,rather than the Disney /ladybird shit i had as a kid.
The talk of the slave trade will never go away as long as it’s whitey who’s getting it in the neck.
As i hinted a few days ago ,being a slave might not have been the nicest thing to be ,but they are where they today because of it.
On an other note ,what about all them Africans in supposed civilised cuntries like Kenya and Nigeria who chop up their neighbours if the vote different to them.?……….
PS. Robinson Crusoe the book is boring as fuck………
It’s true. The Barbary slave trade along the Mediterranean coast of most of North Africa was active until 1830s and is estimated to have enslaved 1.25 million Christian Europeans and 700 Americans. You don’t hear much about it because it was run by the Turks, who are peaceful people and as such can only be victims.
The slave trade is alive and well today and living in the Middle East. Qatar, UAE, Oman, Bahrain and our dear old chums in Saudi Arabia could not function without slaves who they get from India and Philippines. Its slightly different trade today than in years gone by. These days the slaves come willingly with stories of riches to be made. When they arrive they have their passport taken away from them and are told they have to work off their debt for the flight, accommodation, agents fees, even food. Its called indentured labour and is supposed to be illegal.
It is also still present in many of those posh rabbit hutches, built by a certain high end developer.
More that once have we been asked to install a fold down bed in a boiler cupboard for ‘the staff’.
Having seen ‘the staff’ and their owners, I can say with confidence that muslim pieces of shit with a few quid are keeping the slave trade alive and well in Knightsbridge, Kensington and Belgravia.
Perhaps the BBC would like to do an exposé?
No, thought not.
Talking of boring books ,” who was “? ,i was . a few years ago ,I was going on holiday and my boss thrust Terry Waite’s biography into my hands and told me to read it as he had read it on his hols and thought it was great. Fuck me, i got a couple of chapters in and that was it . every paragraph was basically “blindfolded ,chained to a radiator and remembering times gone by..fucking dreadful. When i returned to work the cunt boss was all over me wanting to discuss this great book and had to nod along as he basically told the whole story in daily segments…….
That interfering God-bother deserved everything he got.
I’m seriously thinking about going to live in Guyana…..if I have to live in a shithole of country where blacks and Asians get all the jobs….it might as well be where the weather is hot all year round so it don’t have to pay for a gad bill and the come is dead cheap.
Don’t have to pay for a gas bill and the come is dead cheap *
I plan on living in the UK.
I’m going to get a cheap day trip to France. While in France, I’ll bin my passport and tuck myself away in the back of a Brit-bound wagon. When safely back in Britain, my musky odour,lack of manners, thick accent propensity for rape,selfishness,ignorance,bigotry and all-round cuntishness should be enough to convince Customs that I’m actually a 15 year old refugee…..Might even get a ride off that Lily Allen..nice.
As long as you put a bag over her head….
And one over mine,in case hers splits.
Preferably a plastic one…
filled with horse-shit and tightened with a noose
Coke* word predictor is a cunt
I really wouldn’t. Tropical climates are a cunt and in my experience of 3rd world shit holes it is only cheap to live there if you live like a local. If you want to live a western life style it will likely cost you more than in the West.
This last wikileak drop is bloody Huge, we all know how bankers/insurance groups tamper,corrupt and influence politics this last drop will finally silence those who mock conspiracy theorists really this is fucked up shite
I don’t give a fuck about Barry and his cronies, I want the shit they have on Killary out there now before it’s too fucking late!
Everyone thinks Trump will be bad for democracy, well ladies and gentlemen of the good ole US of A, Ms Clinton will fuck ordinary folk over a thousand-fold compared to Trump!
If I was in a room with a grumpy fucking rattlesnake who was shedding it’s skin I’d trust it more not to bite me as I repeatedly flicked it’s nose with my finger than I would Killary not to bring the planet to it’s knees!
She’s living proof that Satan can manifest itself in human form!
Did you not read it?! It was a list of a pre determined presidential cabinet handpicked by citigroup(stuff like this will definitely affect the upcoming elections this is rigging plain and simple).
Also citigroup got the biggest bailout during the financial crisis this is no doubt the biggest drop out of the podesta emails and hopefully this could ruin citigroup
how the fuck did they get that past goldman sucks
She’ll deny any knowledge of it and will get away with it because she’s teflon coated.
For a Democrat she dun’arf act a lot like that Republican “Tricky” Dicky Nixon.
We need direct shit on her which allows no wiggle room. It will exist, it’s just if Assange et. al. can be arsed to use it *before* the election.
Too true RwaC.If that evil woman gets in, get ready for WW3.
when the population start to question the zionist jewish central bankers we always have a war to deflect attention.
Welcome to the Jew World Order
Can I cunt women’s magazines?..I did a lot of travelling last weekend and forgot to bring a book so had a look in WH Smiths. Christ on a bike, what unmitigated shite these magazines are!. You’ve got the ones that cost about a quid and have cover stories like “My baby’s got two heads” or “My husband’s a ghost!” And every issue is the Sex issue! Like no-one was doing it up until now. Then at the other end of the scale, you’ve got the ones that cost about four quid which tell you how to get a man,please a man and bin a man i the space of about ten pages. Jesus wept who reads this shite?. I thought lobotomies were illegal now. .what a monumental sack of fetid cunt.
Good cunting, I love the segments like:
10 ways to please your man
1: Go out leaving the fridge full of beer and the laptop homepage set to
2: invite your sister over for a threesome
3: stop fucking nagging about painting the spare-room
4: get a fucking takeaway as your cooking is shite
5: fuck off to your mums for a fortnight
6: stop watching fucking mindless trash on TV
7: suck his dick like you are enjoying it for once
8: stop buying fucking scatter cushions
9: get a fucking haircut and make an effort
10: let him use your arse more than just on Xmas, his Birthday and Valentines Day
And they usually have fat z-list bitches like Colleen Nolan, Denise Welch,or those Birds Of A Feather cunts on the front of them…
I also have noticed that piece of mockney toejam, Natalie Cassidy, is no longer whoring herself to these wimmin’s magazines… Must be a clause in her new NeverEnders contract….
Then you get the “lose two stone by next Tuesday” diets for the delusional but some of the best bits are to be found in the horoscopes ” you will meet a stranger this week, wear green on Friday etc” and also the quizzes ‘ what kind of friend are you” or similar bollocks.The answer should always be thick cunt. Mind you, I think Dick Fiddler would make an excellent agony uncle, especially for those with sexual problems!
Apparently Mr Fiddler went through a period of being a bisexual necrophiliac……he’d fuck anything that didn’t move…
I heard Dick was trysexual. He’ll try anything once…..
There was an edition of take a break with some bint on the front, with the headline “dad raped me wearing stockings and suspenders”. I don’t know about you lot, but if that was my sorry predicament, the last thing I would do is go tell a fuckwit women’s magazine, that is displayed at checkouts in supermarkets. Dregs.
I agree, Gutstick… The hypocrisy is also sickening… Lads mags get covers put over them, in case any snowflake finds them ‘offensive’ or ‘sexist’ (notice that it’s usually mingers who make complaints about sexism), yet wimmin’s magazines with headlines about rape, incest, murder, and torture are on open display, and usually near the till where kids can see them… The poofter publications like Attitude are also displayed freely.. But it seems magazines for straight blokes featuring attractive women are now a crime…
Men’s mags are crap these days though… If it’s not a luvvie tosser on the cover (Benedict Cuntberdinck, Daniel Craig etc) it’s that Delevigne slag for the umpteenth time…
Moazzam Begg has a programme on BBC four, blaming the west in general for Islamic terrorism. Nice one BBC, we can always count on you to inform and entertain. I didn’t watch it all, I would have smashed my tv. Cunts…..
Don’t remember anyone in the west saying kill the non believer……pretty sure that paedo Muhammad’s got the copyright on that one….
Sorry to my fellow cunters to keep on banging the same old drum, but this is how Killary is going to steel the US election.
Protesting lefties are as dumb as a sack of rocks. They never show interest in hobbies which require a three digit IQ and a long attention span. Oh, no … They seem to think that to actively change the world all it takes is a display of concern for the things they know they can’t possibly do anything about – except publicly protest in an effort to make themselves look like really upstanding citizens. I reckon if they got an haircut, took a bloody shower once in a while and made a conscience effort not to look so scruffy they’d stand a more realistic chance of getting the seething masses behind them. Even if they could make the required change they seek they probably wouldn’t have a go anyway because they’re lazy cunts.
Agreed, walking down the street with a placard saying “save the NHS” is akin to walking down the street with a placard saying “the end is nigh, embrace Jesus”