Dead Pool [39]


Congratulations to frst time winner, JR Cuntley, for correctly forecasting the demise of young Frankenstein and Willy Wonker – Gene Wilder.

So we wipe the slate and move on to Dead Pool 39…

A reminder of the rules (especially the first one):

1. Nominate who you think is the next cunt on the way out. You can have up to five choices.
List your nominations in the comments of this post. It’s the current Dead Pool. Comments not in this post (e.g. in the previous one or other posts) will be ignored. Please wait for the reset when a pool is won and we move on. That way, we all know where we are!

2. You win if your Cunt dies first.
Then the slate is wiped clean and we start again. Of course, you can always be a cunt and steal someone else’s dead cunt candidate from the last Dead Pool.

3. It helps admin if you nominate one name per line, no numbers in front or comments afterwards. Comment what you like after your five names! A request – not a hard and fast rule – but it speeds up the list making if we can do a straight cut and paste to a spreadsheet.

Any cunt who tries to cheat by nominating the World’s Oldest Man or Woman is a cunt and will be ignored. Any anonymous cunt who can’t be bothered to make up a name for themselves will also be ignored. Oh, and the usual “Our Blog Our Rules” thing applies.

I’ve received a couple of emails and some comments at my place informing me that the site was down earlier this evening and you couldn’t post. This seems to have been resolved.

In the meantime the following nominations were received by email and other psychic means (all as last time around) :

Dioclese (me!) :
Herman Wouk, Kirk Douglas, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Olivia de Havilland, Billy Graham

Fred West :
Clive James, Denis Norden, Leslie Phillips, John Hurt, Liz Smith

Sir Limply Stoke :
Ken Dodd, Robert Mugabe, Doris Day, Giscard d’Estaing, Brunhilde Pomsel

So nominations are now open. Off you go and good luck

91 thoughts on “Dead Pool [39]

    • Was just dogsitting for my parents who were at a Ww2 music evening and my mother said “Jesus Christ the boring old fart presenting the show was as boring as Denis Norden”.When I told her he was still alive at 94 she said oh shit I hope he doesnt snuff it now.So hopefully her guilt will work in your favour fred:p!

  1. Billy Graham
    Tony Booth
    Zsa Zsa Gabor
    King Michael of Romania
    Clare Hollingworth

  2. For my first attempt.

    1. Hillary Clinton

    2. Pele

    3. Clint Eastwood

    4. Peter Starstedt

    5. Bernard Cribbins

    Only the first one is a cunt, mind.

  3. Congrats to Jimmy Riddle Cuntley. Tried to post this earlier. Had Gene Wilder many pools ago but he, in the classic phrase, failed to oblige so moved orn. Bugger. Hey ho. A personal note. Had dinner with the mugging cunt and his wife once. Was frail then. Total mirth free zone. Had to fart to start a conversation.

    • I had him when I 1st started the deadpool. Well I knew someone had him thats good finally the deadpools are starting to move at normalish speed instead of 3 months apart

  4. Russell Brand
    Liam Gallagher
    Bob Cuntdorf
    George Galloway

    Unlikely any of these will go first but fingers crossed

    • Michael cunting Barrymore. Now there is a cunt who is well worth cunting.
      Arse bandit and killer and one of the most unfunny cunts in living memory. Close run thing between him and Brand for that accolade though.

  5. Same 5 cunts for me please Dio.

    Tuheitia Paki
    Hone Harawira
    Titiwhai Harawira
    Len Brown
    John Minto

      • He has had a stroke but apparently his life isnt currently in danger and his Doctors are cautiously optimistic.

  6. Good morning-

    Jeremy corbyn
    Barbara Windsor
    The Queen
    Lindsay Lohan
    Michael J Fox

  7. Prince Mikasa Takahito
    Dobri Dobrev
    Clifton James
    Mary Wilson
    Charlie Munger

    That’s Mary Wilson, Harolds wife, not the supreme!

  8. Sepp Blatter
    Michel Platini
    Jerome Valcke
    Jack Warner
    Chuck Blazer

    Fucking FIFA cunts. Congratulations to JRC, pity about Gene Wilder.

  9. Ricky Gervais
    Keith Chegwin
    Tim Westwood
    Robson Green
    James Blunt

    Same annoying cunts as usual please…

  10. Sidney Poitier
    Arnold Palmer
    Kenny Lynch
    Norman Tebbit
    Pam “fucking” Ayres

  11. Lenny Henry
    Dawn French
    Richard Cuntis (Curtis)
    Benderdick Cunterpatch
    Angela Merkel

    This time I had a dream it would be Richard Branson, but sadly the cunt had his accident and survived so no point nominating him, My dream was the night before his accident mind you. But sadly old Gino was still alive then. 😀
    Still waiting for Carol Vorderman to cark it, one can live in hope….

  12. Bobby Charlton
    Adam West
    Honor Blackman
    Sean Connery
    Roger Moore

    Come on Bobby do me proud old boy, im rootin for ya.

  13. Anthony Armstrong-Jones
    Lord Carrington
    Marcia Falkender
    Shirley Williams
    David Owen

    • Fuck me. Are any of these still around? I thought Forkbender shuffled off years ago.

  14. Arnold Schwarzenegger
    Morgan Freeman
    Leonardo DiCaprio
    Johnny Depp
    Michael Douglas

    Steroid induced cardiomegaly (heart failure)
    Heart failure
    Drug overdose
    Aortic Aneurysm

  15. Hello, the following dead please

    1) Clive Anderson
    2) Keith Allen
    3) Lily Allen
    4) David Blunkett
    5) Ruggero Deodato

  16. Sorry, just saw the bit about no numbers –

    Clive Anderson
    Keith Allen
    Lily Allen
    David Blunkett
    Ruggero Deodato

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