Joleon Lescott


Joleon Lescott is a prize cuntflap.

Aston Villa were relegated from the Premier League yesterday and Lescott, who “plays” for Villa, apparently said this regarding their relegation, “Now it’s confirmed, maybe it’s a weight off the shoulders and we can give these fans what they deserve, some performances”.

What a fucking cunt! Have the players heroically not been giving performances in the dimwitted hope that the club would stay up? And now that it doesn’t matter are they thinking of actually winning a fucking match? Footballers in general are dislikable, lynchable cunt-towels but this twat and his bizarre double-forehead has somehow managed to lower the bar even further.

Nominated by: Galted Asas

Lilly Wachowski


Lilly Wachowski is a cunt….

Again, coverage and publicity for yet another being a look at me circus freak… Silly me, I meant transgender personage, than for any actual work or achievement… Andshe/he/it looks like one of Worzel Gummidge’s heads…

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: in the future even men and women will cease to exist…. There will just be a world full of these cunts… Like Planet Of The Apes, only with trannies….

Nominated by: Norman

Oz Clarke

Red Wine

Why hasn’t Oz Clarke got his own page?! Surely he’s a big enough cunthole.

Anyway Oz (Robin) Clarke is so hated he’s been banned from the area of Champagne!

Watch the drink progs with James May or Hugh Dennis and you can tell they’re only doing it for the money and not the company of shit for brains Clarke.

His only redeeming feature is he’s a real pisshead if his pisspool eyes and slurring is anything to go by.

A cunt I’d fuck right up with a punch in his wrinkled mush.

Nominated by: Donkey Kongs Balls

Linda Papadopoulos


That psychologist cunt Linda Papadopoulos deserves a good cunting.

The self-proclaimed psycho-dermatologist (lol) who pops up on TV and who is always bleating on about women’s rights and magazines exploiting women’s vanity with airbrushed pictures.

She is a hypocrite, she sell over-priced beauty products which she claims can improve mental health, because if your skin looks good you feel good.

She also bleats on about the sexualisation aimed at kids on TV, in films and online (fair point, I agree) but then the dirty old tart turns up to a kids awards wearing next to bugger all!

Double fucking standards or what!

Nominated by: Boaby

Nicola Sturgeon [6]


Krankie Macmerkel can fuck right off.

She is one of those cunts who are ugly inside and out and need to pass their misery on to as many people as possible. A less ambitious cunt would have settled with being a traffic warden or such, but lucky us she decided to go all out. It takes a lot to outcunt her poisonous miget in arms Alex cunting Salmond but she does it with aplomb.

Evil tripe sucking witch.

Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye