Acronym users


People who use fucking acronyms deserve a good cunting.

You know the types, “like O M G” or “L O L” or even worse use a website name “You’re”

They should all be rounded up, forced to work for nothing, fed on Iceland Turkey Twizzlers and treated to endless repeats of TOWIE until they die live on TV – we could call it “I’m a fucking retard, get me out of here and bury me now”

Presented by Ant & Dec of course!

Nominated by: Jimmy Savile’s corpse

Slugs and snails


Slugs…and snails too… are right proper cunts.

Fuckers chomped their way through two of my courgette plants last night.

Don’t even get me started on ants.

Nominated by: Fleaboy

Slugs and snails, and puppy dogs tails
That’s what little boys are made of !
“Sugar and spice and all things nice
That’s what little girls are made of!”

Corbyn and Harman come to mind. One right out of two ain’t bad…

Nominated by: Dioclese

George Lucas [2]


The only Star Wars movie that matters is The Empire Strikes Back (the original version ) not that shitty special edition where george “shitebag” lucas decided it would be better to take a crap on it throw CGI on everything.

I don’t know why he was allowed to do that considering he had nothing to do with Empire(besides co-writing) as Irvin Kershner directed it. George Lucas is a fucking fat cunt who can’t take criticism and he ruined the prequels those movies are shite. If I was Disney I wouldn’t have bought the rights to the franchise, cause they can’t make it any better or outdo Empire. The story has to many plot holes and to much going on. And Jar Jar Binks.

Wow that Mr.Lucas is a Fucking Cunt.

Nominated by: Titslapper



The term ‘Legend’ is now ludicrously overused…

At Fleetwood Mac’s recent O2 gig, every time Lindsey Buckingham took to the mic, some gobby pissed up cunt shouted, ‘E’s a legend! A fackin’ legend!’ every 30 seconds or so…. Mac may be legendary musical figures (be it the Peter Green vintage or the Rumours/Tusk lineup that did the O2)…. But you don’t pay top dollar to see and hear a top line act and listen to some lagered up tosser shouting it in your ear…

The thick fucker couldn’t even get Buckingham’s name right… He also kept shouting, ‘Lesley! Lesley!’ I expected him to shout ‘Nice one, Steven!’ at Stevie Nicks…

Frigging riff-raff…

Nominated by: Norman

Jools Holland [3]


Jooooools Holland

This pretentious fat hunched back lisping cunt has been doing the same act on the BBC for at least three decades. Has showcased more than his fair share orf paedos and old musos on their last legs. Always the same production style as he lisps introductions at the camera as it pans with him across the studio taking in cunts various pretending to do sound checks. He will then join one orf said cunts on the piano which is the only excuse for him being there. Only change over the years is he now dresses all in black to try and disguise his gut. You always know when a crap has been has a record to plug when they turn up on his show.

Elvis Costello, Bryan Ferry and yes Florence and the Fucking Machine. Not to forget the mindless roots music and those ghastly New Year shows (How come this cunt has taken over from Andy Stuart?).

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke