Dead Pool [18]


* * * * WE HAVE A WINNER! * * * *
Congratulations to Shaun of the Dead who correctly predicted that Simpsons creator, Sam Simon, would be the next dead dude! Simon died after battling colon cancer at the age of 59 and spent most of his money from the Simpsons on animal welfare charities – so the good do actually die young.

Well done, Shaun. Yet another fresh face on the winners’ podium.

So the slate has been wiped clean and everyone gets to pick a new ‘dead cunt walking’ as we move on to The Dead Pool 18.

Here’s the rules :

1. Nominate who you think is next on the way out.
You can have a maximum of five cunts each. Leave names in the Comments.

2. You win if your Cunt dies first.
Then the slate is wiped clean and we start again. Of course, you can always be a cunt and steal someone else’s dead cunt candidate from the last Dead Pool.

Any cunt who tries to cheat by nominating the World’s Oldest Man or Woman is a cunt and will be ignored. Any anonymous cunt who can’t be bothered to make up a name for themselves will also be ignored. Oh, and the usual “Our Blog Our Rules” thing applies.

108 thoughts on “Dead Pool [18]

  1. 1. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (one can only hope a slow and painful one)
    2. Queenie
    3. Kirk Douglas

  2. 1/ Sepp Blatter
    2/ Sepp Blatter
    3/ Sepp Blatter
    4/ Sepp Blatter
    5/ Sepp Blatter

  3. Same again please

    Gary Glitter
    Pope Benedict
    Rolf Harris
    Roger Moore
    Sean Connery

  4. 1)Queen
    2)Stephen Fry
    3)Barack Obama
    4)David Cameron
    5)Richard Dawkins
    6)Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
    7) Ginger Baker, i don’t want him to die but hes looking like a corpse lately

  5. Patrick McNee ( for the hell of it)
    BB King (hopefully not)
    William Shatner (time for another star trek reunion
    Ian Huntley (in the prison laundry with a cheap home made shank)
    Richard Addams ( by a warren of psychotic rabbits)

    But I truly Wish Odin’s Balls all the best in winning with that piece of excrescence
    Jihadi John

  6. 1. George Alagiah
    2. Rupert Murdoch
    3. Anyone with knowledge of BBC/Parlimentary pedophilia
    4. Peter Andre (car crash on March 20th)
    5. Andrew Marr

  7. Posted on behalf of Cunta McCunto (who is having problems with the spam filter like QDM)
    Angela Lansbury
    Lionel Blair
    Bobby Charlton
    George Bush Sr
    Joao Havelange

    All noted, but I’m afraid George Bush Snr has been taken
    (I’ve mailed the Eye re the spam problem. We know you’re not a spammer!)

    Anyone else hitting the spam message when trying to post please mail me direct or let the Eye know. I’ll post any comments on your behalf until we sort it out…

  8. Sir Limply also hitting the spam block problem. He’s carried over his noms form the last pool…

    Christopher Lee
    Helmut Schmidt
    Ken Dodd
    Mohammed Ali

    Also nominated Leslie Philips but someone beat him to it…

  9. Fuck, I’m late to the table, anyway here are my dead folk. After seeing a recent pic of Roger Moore, I’ll have him together with my regulars:
    Nobby ‘bites your leg’ Stiles
    Richard O’Sullivan.
    Shawn McGowan
    Miley Cyrus

  10. I’m going for corrie actors again. Bill Roach. Barbara Knox. Malcolm Hebden. Thelma Barlow. Johnny Briggs and Julie goodyear if you please.

  11. Ray Reardon
    Johnny Vegas
    Brendan Foster
    Gerry Adams……hopefully in massive pain and very messily
    Bob Hawke

  12. No cunt had Shaw “Keep ‘Em Peeled” Taylor then?

    Oh, and you might want to let Fleaboy know that Claire Rayner died in 2010.

      • Profound Buggeration. Will nominate Jerry Lewis again as me final cunt.
        On another note Shaw Taylor was known as “The “Whispering Grass” in criminal circles or “The Whispering Arse” to those orf that persuasion.

      • Note that a day before the 40th Anniversary of Paul Kossofs death, that former Free bandmate And Fraser has died.
        Sad news.

      • Free – now there was a band!

        I was a great admirer of Kossoff – right up there with Clapton and Peter Green in my book in my book of great blues guitarists. The guy had a fantastic feel for ringing the maximum emotion with the minimum of notes!

        If only I was half as good as him I’d be happy

      • Ooops…What an out of touch cunt I am! Please substitute Robert Redford for the already expired Claire Rayner.
        Much obliged.

  13. Sad to hear about Andy. A fantastic bass player (‘Mr Big’ being his showcase). Free were a great band and Koss was briilliant. Free were gifted in all areas. Whereas these days you’d be lucky to find a new band with even one member with that sort of talent. I can’t even think of one…

    • Modesty forbids – and I’m not dead yet ๐Ÿ˜‰

      If you’re looking for bass players Noel redding, Mark King and Jack Bruce come to mind – and of course my old mate John McVie. I was never a bass player. It’s harder than it looks!

  14. Agreed on all the above, Chas… Plus John Entwistle, Chris Hillman, and John Paul Jones… And although I know he is not everyone’s cup of tea for various reasons, McCartney was a very good bass player. John Lennon once said: ‘He (Paul) is an egomaniac about everything, except his bass playing. He is coy about his bass playing.’

    John Mcvie was a huge influence on Peter Hook of Joy Division and New Order… Hooky loves the Peter Green era Fleetwood Mac and he continued to look up to McVie as a bassist… The bass on Joy Division’s ‘Shadowplay’ was very McVie circa ‘The Chain’

  15. So Cynthia Lennon has passed away… By all accounts not a cunt.. Unlike her superstar hypocrite of a husband…

  16. Typical griefjacking cunts all over the demise of Richie Benaud (just like the fucktards did with Phil Hughes)…. English cricket fans with flags and banners saying ‘Thanks Richie’ (thanks for what?!) and ‘We’ll miss you Richie’.

    They probably never gave the old chap a thought unitil news of his passing got around…
    Sad that Benaud has shuffled off and all that. But these cunts would go into collective mourning if they discovered the wickets at The Oval had got woodworm…. Fucking grief lemmings… I fucking hate ’em….

  17. A state funeral for a cricket commentator? How very Scouse.. but then the Australians are mostly descended from Scouse convicts…

  18. A fitting tribute to Ritchie Benaud would be if England and Australia started playing for his ashes henceforward donchathink.

  19. And may I respectfully suggest that any sportsman on the look out for a cunt to nominate could do worse than researching old aussie cunts that have spent too much time out in the sun.

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