Meghan Trainor


I would like to cunt that Meghan Trainor for inflicting that “All about that bass” tripe upon us, it is played several times a day and is almost unavoidable, seriously I have to control my anger like never before whenever I hear that song otherwise I’m going to end up taking it out on some poor unsuspecting bystander.

Nominated by: Mr Cunty Pants

Lyrics? What lyrics? She’s all about a lack of lyrics. If she didn’t endlessly repeat the title the shit would only last about 3 seconds. What a vast improvement that’d be.

Nominated by: Kiwicunt

Who the fuck is Meghan Trainor? Looks like a typical, soft core, peado loving, talentless, yank, gobshite, arsehole cunt to me…

Nominated by: Dioclese

279 thoughts on “Meghan Trainor

  1. Right that’s it I’m not playing, the dummy’s out, that’s gone right over my head and I must accept defeat “cunt” !

  2. I’m the real troll. It’s been fun reading all of the pathetic posts over the last few days.

    I don’t know how many scum are posting Real Dave this and Diluted Dave else, who gives a fuck.

    The job of trolling has been complete. The only thing you fools can do is imitate me. The irony is lost on all of you.

    For the final time, go back to your cesspit you scum.

    • Ignore that cunt who posts as Patroller. I am the original Dave and the REAL Patroller and I will continue trolling the cesspit until it is taken offline by the police, the security services or my contacts in the dark net. My mission will not be complete until my master Wadders deems it so. Continue imitating me all you like, but it’s not funny or clever – you only succeed in demonstrating how inferior you are to me.

  3. Funny how all these “dave” posts seem to bear the same juvenile banter. Rather similar to the crap which appears on cunts corner. Give it a rest knobheads, the troll is long gone

  4. Time to get back to cunting again. I put before you:

    Cilla Black

    Reports of scarse scrubber and Livverpoool luvvy Cilla Black being completely deaf. Explains much. Add to that completely tone deaf. Never found our Cilla a lorra lorra laffs. Back in her heyday me old mellow valve wireless could never do much with her excoriating upper register. Bugger knows how the old cow has managed to build a vastly lucrative career on a two note range, one sharp and one flat, while almost single handedly destroying any fond memories of the Livverpoool sound.

    Only saving grace is she is now too knackered to appear ont telly any more with those crap Livverpoool lafia alleged comedians like Jimmy Tarbuck who are now mostly dead or awaiting a trial date for having been caught with a hand oop ar kids arse. Little home remedy tip. If afflicted by a build up orf ear wax try playing “You’re my World” full blast. That’ll clear it.

  5. Yes, Cilla deserves a cunting, if only because she comes from Liverpool and is a Ginger to boot. ( Some might argue redhead, but I believe her to be of the coppertop persuasion).
    Her Banshee like voice traumatised me as toddler growing up in the 1960’s and imbued me with a deep sense of distrust for all things scouse.( On reflection, it is perhaps Liverpool that requires a whole scale cunting for being the cesspit that spawned her.)

    • Cilla is a superb choice. Not naturally red or copper – dyed. Her hair is as fake as her affected Liverpudlian accent (look at early newsreel clips and hear her speak with only a tiny trace of scouse). And I’m told she’s one of the most difficult and hated women in the entertainment industry, along with Elaine Paige and Maureen Lipman.

      • Spot on about the Thatcher loving bitch, Cilla. The only person in the world who can sing flat and sharp at the same time… The scouse thing is for effect. She goes on about being a ‘Liverpool lass’, yet she hasn’t been to the fucking place since the 60s. Also, how can you have a Scouse Tory? the woman is horrendous…

        I have also heard that Julia Roberts and Meg Ryan are the most despised women in the industry across the pond… With Cameron Diaz not far behind them…

  6. God alone knows why, but I actually searched you tube for Meghan Trainor.

    Lez is right and now I hope that she does do a quick scan of this site, discovers that she is the most cunted cunt of all time and subsequently tops herself.

    It would be the kindest thing to do.

  7. In all the interruptions by the troll, the wretched woman has escaped the cunting she so richly merits. I was woken this morning at the ungodly hour of 7am by builders next door singing it (badly). turned on the radio and heard it, wife then started divorce proceedings by humming along to it.
    Now its going through my head and I can’t get rid of it.

    • Possibly the most evil and crappy single release since ‘Agadoo’ by the Satan’s fart that was Black Lace…

      • Or indeed ‘superdog’ by none other than übercunt Simon Cowell. So awful was the song that the cunt demanded that all copies be removed from circulation.

        Look it up and decide for yourself if the cunt Cowell should ever be allowed near the music industry again.

        Oh yes, and that pile of steaming shit gangnam style. That demands a cunting all of its own.

      • Cowelll (and his control of the popular music industry) is the musical equivalent of Hitler winning World War II. People go on TV and actually beg for this cunt’s approval… The knobhead behind Superdog and Sinitta’s ‘Toy Boy’. The music industry is in this fuck’s hands…. A cultural dystopia…

        I briefly saw a bit of Ant & Dec’s Christmas Show. Featuring the two aforementioned coneheaded cunts, that cunt Simon Cowell, that Amanda Holden slag, and the human oil slick that is Piers Morgan… My only thought was: Imagine if a bomb went off in that room…

      • Have they been cunted? I recall some rumors that one f their ex-members was charged or accused of kiddy-fiddling

      • I recall one of Black Lace (the one with the mullet and the shades) was in the papers for shagging underage girls…

        I also remember the musical stench that was Superdog (Ruff Mix). The cunt even appeared on TOTP with it… To think this prick now virtually runs the UK music industry… What the fuck has gone wrong?

        Let’s not forget that Cowell also put up Jonathan King’s bail… Pervs look out for each other, eh?

      • No shock there then. About time Cowell was given a vicious cunting for his crimes against music and paedo supporting

  8. Nick Clegg is a gargantuan cunt…
    He is now moaning about how Gideon Osborne’s latest plans won’t work…
    If it wasn’t for Clegg dropping his keks and giving the Conservatives his arse, the twat Osborne (and the rest of them) wouldn’t be in a position to make any such plans…
    Clegg still believes he (and the disgusting Lib Dems) are still a political party in their own right… The little fucker got into bed with the Tories just so he could be Deputy Prime Minister for a bit… Any integrity and standing the Lib Dems had (not that they had much anyway!) is shot to fuck, and Clegg is a collaborating, self serving, deluded little cunt…

  9. Oh yes. More austerity on the way, with reductions in just about every public sector service imaginable. All of which I suspect is a ploy to the Tories making themselves unelectable, simply because they cannot clean up the mess this country is in. Doubtless the plebiscite will elect Labour, hoping that they can wave an economic magic wand like Tinkerbell.
    The Lib Dems have had it, UKIP might make a few gains at their expense but the sad fact is that Labour will recycle the Tory austerity policies and claim they were their own idea all along. Say goodbye to the NHS as it collapses under the tide of a European invasion and asylum seekers. (If you thought that muppet Cameron was throwing cash wholesale at international aid and the EU, just wait until Milliband gets into power.)
    Only difference is that they will bend over even further to be metaphorically buggered by the EU and open the floodgates for even more immigration, benefit tourists and stamp the boot of Anti-discrimination even harder on the indigenous population.
    Nick Clegg need not worry however, a golden future as a high class rent boy awaits him..

    • Agree with you Lez, apart from the bit about “Doubtless the plebiscite will elect Labour, hoping that they can wave an economic magic wand like Tinkerbell” – I think anyone who votes Labour is just sick of Bullingdon Boys like Dave and Gideon protecting their friends and wants “fairer financial policies” which obviously translates as “squeeze the rich rather than the poor”.

  10. The cunt Clegg knows he faces annihilation so is trying to fuck the country as much as he can before he and his toxic party get the boot like Hitler in his bunker. Leaving behind him foul farts in the room like putting into law the requirement to spend 0.76% of GDP on foreign aid. Weasel faced cunt.

  11. Which reminds me the cunt Osborne’s obsession with austerity fetish though now associated with the Tories, was once a hallmark of Labour. The landslide Labour gov after WWII was done in by its obsession with rationing and austerity so the mugs in the UK could go on supporting the economies orf Europe and Russia. And borrowing money from the yanks to do it. In fact we only finally paid orf that loan a couple orf years ago. Life’s grand.

    • Indeed Sir Limply, I’d forgotten about the post-war Labour led austerity and that was when they were still singing the “red flag” at their conferences. Amazing how the Japs and the Krauts reinvented themselves in the post war years, whilst British industry was still held in a stranglehold by family retainer values, which of course accounted for the death of our once great Car and Motorbike manufacturing.
      to allocate 0.67% of GDP to foreign aid and to submit to EU financial bullying when foodbanks are becoming an established part of the British society is mindless stupidity at best and callous indifference at worst.
      In answer to Fred’s comment, it is true that the electorate ( or more accurately the 56% who actually bother voting), do so as a knee-jerk reaction, rather than a sober analysis of the economy.
      Politicians are such self-serving cunts, no matter the colour of their rosettes anyway

      • As I recall Churchill returned as PM in 1951 on the promise, amongst other things, to bring an end to rationing which had already been reduced in stages. The final end still did not come until 1954 when the Holy Grail, meat, was available on the free market. I still have some ration stamps for the children’s orange juice which we were saving to barter for for a drop orf whisky.
        The main issue here was the fucking yanks. They provided food and armaments and loans to us to keep us going through the war but always at great cost. Churchill used his family connections to extract yankee cashola but by God they led us a merry old dance at a time orf extreme crisis. Their underlying aim was to destroy our Empire and to grab all our markets. They have been top dog ever since.
        It is the cost of two world wars that has crippled our finances to this day. Servicing those debts has bled us dry. Albatross around our necks. As I said previously the principal WWII debt to the yanks was finally paid orf in 2006. Usual story orf flogging orf assets at rock bottom prices to do it.
        Main problem is we won two world wars so no writing orf orf war debt for us, not with the yanks as our bankers. On top orf that we ended up paying for the rebuilding orf europe with money borrowed, you guessed it, from the yanks. That is how largely the economies of France, Germany and Italy bounced back so rapidly and kicked the shite out orf us.
        All orf this crapola about Brown torpedoing the economy has some truth behind it but the size orf the national debt is historical. And behind that are the yanks and our desire to keep the Empire afloat. No bigger cunt than a yank cunt.

  12. The other cunt that’s grates at the same level as Cilla is Helen Mirren. Who had been cunted prior but is deserving of multiples.

    • Miranov is seen as a British ‘National Treasure’. When she is about as British as Kaiser Bill’s knob… Made it to where she is by getting her norks out at every opportunity… Sure, a lot of actresses do this. But when it comes to establishment luvvie, Dame Helen, it gets conveniently forgotten about and she is put above others…

      George Formby was an iirritating little cock. And apparently he was a right cunt too..

      • Genetically speaking Kaiser Bill’s knob is rather British actually. It runs right through the Royal family. The main reason why Charles is always going around half cock.

        Dame Helen is celebrated rather for getting her tits out on stage. Perhaps you missed her classic portrayals orf Shakespearian characters in the 1960s. She would want me to emphasise that she only liberates her breasts for reasons orf artistic integrity when she feels that to do so reveals a layer of complexity and truth within the character. And certainly not because she goes all moist when she flashes her bristols. Is that ok darlings?

      • Like the artistic integrity in Penthouse magazine’s film production of Caligula? I’m not sure about her these days. But I bet she went at it like a rabbit…

      • Out of sheer curiosity, I checked out photos of the young Mirren that SLS referred to and was rather impressed by her wabs.

      • Definitely worth checking out a late 1960s film called AGE OF CONSENT that co-stars a young Helen Mirren (around 22 yrs old when it was filmed) and features much Mirren nudity. Not quite as thrilling as the scene in WALKABOUT where an 18yr old Jenny Agutter goes skinnydipping, but pretty damn close.

      • I shall check out this film (in the interests of art you understand), to see if the young Mirren compares to Miss Agutter

      • The best film Mirren was in was called Savage Messiah… She uses her (cough!) talents well in that one…

  13. George Formby used to like to play the part of a happless, working class, unlikely hero, but in reality he was from a well to do family and a spoiled little mammy’s boy that could never match the talent of his father.

  14. I used to like Benny Hill when I was a kid so I watched him on youtube recently. What a pile of shit. He must be one of the most unfunny cunts ever. I can’t belive I used to watch the daft cunt. The only thing good about it is the half naked philly’s prancing about, now I know why my dad never missed an episode. Strip away the sexist humour and it would have been tea time tv for children.

  15. Not even the little bald fellah on Benny Hill who gets his head slapped isn’t funny any more….

    Conservative peer Baroness Jenkin of Kennington is a right cunt… She has apologised after saying “poor people don’t know how to cook.” This silver spoon up her arse Tory bitch should live on a working class or council estate for a month. The old trout would top herself… All these Tory cunts and total snobs… We should do what the Froggies did: and bring out the guillotine…

    • The Tory bitch apparently has a 4p serving of Porridge for breakfast. No doubt one of her lackeys prepared it for her.
      What the dim-witted (and very raddled old slag) fails to comprehend, is that in most working families, convenience foods are the order of the day when both parents need to go to work to maintain a half decent level of income.
      I’d like to see her living on one of the depressing council estates in my area and see whether after a 10 hour shift, the old harridan has the strength to muster up a “wholesome” meal. Better still, give her a council house where the gas has been cut off for non-payment.

    • What depressing times we live in Norman. You may find this surprising but I am genuinely appalled by the rise orf the new governing class that has never done a day orf real work and comes from a background orf privilege via Eton and Oxford. Social mobility has been in reverse gear for over a decade and as a society we are more unequal now than at any time since WWII.
      I care because the survival orf the aristocracy depends upon the survival orf the working classes. We are very labour intensive and trying to find a half decent servant these days is a fucking nightmare.
      So many orf the old families are being supplanted by this new breed orf johnny, arriviste lap dog sons orf bastard bankers and the like and the old estates are going to wrack and ruin or flogged orf to some fucking oligarch.
      Yes old heart, let us have your revolution so us old aristos can have a go at guillotining the people.

  16. Good point, Sir.Underneath this wretched coaliton, everyone is going to be buggered. So the real villains should be targeted… Guillotine the Tories the Lib Dems and Milliband’s lot… Oh, and Farage and UKIP (and Russell Brand)…

  17. Modern football fans need a massive cunting…
    Ever since the English game went global, an array of online, social network, and plain clueless knobheads have infested the world of football… Some twat from Malaysia calling himself a “Lifelong Man U Fan” who has never been to Old Trafford. Yet he is singing nothing but praise for the corrupt Fergie and the Glazers. Then there are the wankers that wear the half/half scarves (even United/City or United/ Liverpool ones!). And this bellend takes the piss… He calls himself Mohammad Gerrard (after LFC’s Steven Gerrard), and he is the epitome of the modern nu-footie online fan. Tosspot… Foreign fucking tosspot…

  18. How many more times so we need to see that cunt WILLS on a junkit with his wife KATE in the US. What the fuck are these cunts good for?

    • Agreed. Nauseating to hear that William and Kate had dinner with Jay Z and fat arse Beyoncé… Royalty having dinner with those who think they’re royalty… A proper gathering of cunts…

  19. Notice he gave a speech in which he was quoted as saying.
    “one of the most insidious forms of corruption and criminality in the world today”
    Thought for one minute he was talking about the Royal Family, or the Government, or The EU commission in Brussels or even the BBC, but no.. turns out he was referring to the illegal wildlife trade.
    A subject he knows a lot about, seeing as his Pappy and Grandpappy have slaughtered most of the Wildlife around Balmoral.

    I’m waiting to see if the latest royal sprog is ginger haired too

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