Harry Styles


Harry Styles – A complete and utter cunt.

Sings like a cunt, Has the hair of a cunt, Looks like a cunt from a band full of cunts,

Fucks two bit E grade Celb slut cunts, who cant get a fuck anywhere else

This cunt alone is reason someone needs to seriously off that king of cunts Simon Cowell, who let him out on all of us.

Nominated by : Bloke in Holland

3 thoughts on “Harry Styles

  1. This Harry bloke actually looks likes a cunt nancy boy. Something should be done about him. I suggest a good fisting.

    • Looks like the photo of the sweet boy was taken in flagrante delicto (“caught in the act” as it has said on many of my charge sheets cunts). ie while being taken up the arse by Simon Cowell.

  2. Harry Styles is in the same league of cunts as Justin cunt Beiber and that Miley Skank. Another fucktard who cant sing but as long as he can look pretty, he will make a fucking fortune from 12 year olds who have no fucking sense. One Direction were cunts, X Factor is full of fucking cunts and its all ruled by the same King…..King Cunt himself, Simon “Im a rich cunt and ive done it selling other people’s souls to the devil” Cowell. Cunt, Twat, Bollocks and Cunt to the lot of them!!!

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