The European Union


The European Union is an organisation of first rate cunts.

They have systematically destroyed the lives of millions of people in the name of cuntish ideology. These self-serving bureaucratic cunts don’t give the slightest fuck about democracy or the harsh cuntish realities they are creating.

These cunts are destroying Europe and should be fucked off into the political wilderness.

Nominated by : Alf Garnet

22 thoughts on “The European Union

  1. The Cunts who run the EU are truly monumental cunts. But the Cunts who worked so hard to give our country to them must logically be considered greater Cunts than even the EU Cunts. Truly awe inspiring, 100% proof, infinite cunts who should be covered in tampons and the Lisbon Treat and burnt to a cinder. Therefore with the deepest conviction and from the centre of my soul I would like to nominate the LIBLABCON sold our Birthrights and Freedoms to the EU Cunts. These include all the Cunts who backed out of giving us a vote on our nationality Cunt Brown, Cunt Blair, Clegg (no need to add prefix of Cunt on name) Cunt Cameron and Cunt D Milliband for signing treay. Cunts

  2. I nominate Max Keiser

    Max (short for Maxwell –that name rings a bell) Keiser, zombie faced freak eyed co-presenter (with his embalmed looking missus Stacy Herbert) of the Keiser Report for Russia Today. This failed actor and commie mouthpiece cunt yank ex stockbroker and journalist looks like he is wearing Harriet Harman’s muff on his head. How he likes to toe the party line.

    Keiser is the modern TV equivalent of Radio Tirana celebrated for its cold war broadcasts by a wierd androgenous Rosa Klebb soundalike denouncing all things capitalist. Well old Maxie spends a lot of time denouncing the Cyprus cash grab for Moscow and is celebrated in leftie green cunt circles for his exposes of financial shenanigans. Trouble is his true interest lies in wanking and arse licking those pillars of virtue, the Russian Mafia Oligarchs.

    Go shag Stalin’s corpse you card carrying commie capitalist cunt. Or are you already married to it?

  3. The EU, or EU-SSR Land and its Euro-Marxist twats of Brussels Politburo, are like a pile of turds. You can polish it as much as you like, however a Turd is still a Turd. As for the EU-SSR Lands blue piece of cloth, if you are caught short, its something to wipe your butt on!

  4. Sorry for all the pure shite we have given the UK but because we keep losing wars with you it was the only way we can get revenge

  5. EU is fucking rubbish but Scotland should stay in just because Cameron wants out and I am a tit!

  6. Des EU sont Merdes, Alles nich in ordnung. Des Politburo des Merdes in Brussels und Strasbourg sont a whole pile o shite. Yes, and Ich bin true in alles ich sagen… yer!

  7. Anna Soubry’s daughters were crying at the way the referendum went, she tells


    They would have been crying even more as conscripts in Baron von Junker’s

    EU army. Anna should have stayed in TV ( Central Weekend Live) years ago!

  8. Four million petitioned for another referendum to reverse the democratic vote
    of the British People…….so you are quite happy to see your country being
    ruled by a bunch of unelected , unsackable Euro Cunts are you?
    Hitler would have been proud of you, you traitors, & friends of the bankers who
    are all in favour of the EU too, & who you commie cunts despise!

  9. The EU is run by cunts and supported by even bigger CUNTS!! It’s rotten to the core, the amazing thing is how many people still support it!, thru ignorance ,fear or blind hope, the population is being controlled by a corrupt elite who treat them with utter distain.. how could anybody who truly believes in democracy support a body of unelected CUNTS??. Imagine trying to explain to a British soldier in Ww1 or ww 2 that the democracy he was fighting for would be given away so readily by a FUCKIIN bunch of weasel worded liberals he wouldn’t have believed you.. That Britain would be pushed around by countries like the mighty Belgium and Luxembourg!! Let’s all hope Brexit is the beginning of the end and the EU is consigned to dustbin of history!! Utter CUNTS

  10. Tragic!! Squealed EU rent boy cleggers, followed by various out pourings of anguish from fellow EU fanatics!! , the guardian said ” it’s a disaster for Brexit negotiations!! ” what had caused this outrage?? Sir Ivan Rogers Uk ambassador to EU had resigned, jumped ship, the guardian then went on to explain that this was the man that had helped?? Cameron in his tricky EU re negotiations before our referendum, and how his experience and expertise would be missed when we trigger article 50. We do indeed owe him a big thank you as Cameron coming back with nothing gave a huge boost for the leave campaign and showed the British electorate how unrefomable the EU had become… May needs to ditch all the dead wood europhile mandarins she can and go into negotiations with people who believe in Brexit and not sly remainers posing just to keep their jobs. Let’s not forget sir Ivan had earlier stated it could take 10 years?? To do a deal with the EU, it’s going to be tough enough without carrying these negative types who actually want negotiations to fail so they keep their jobs and Uk in the EU… Bon debarras as the French would say…. good riddance ?

  11. Clegg is a cunt farron is a bigger cunt but that champagne socialist kinnock is the biggest cunt in the universe and the cunt is ginger

  12. Mega cunt Uncle Adolf wanted a United Europe, under Kraut leadership, & that’s
    what he got.
    Also wanted expansion into Eastern Europe called Lebensraum to give them
    ‘living room!’…….got that too!
    Who would want to be in this Forth Reich!……All these Lib Dem cunts, Tony B. Liar.
    Lord Rudolf Hess…..eltine, & all the other Quislings.

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