13 thoughts on “Susan Sarandon

  1. I wish to fuck that the owners of “isacunt..” use any other template, YOUG VFTFYTRE CUNTS is its fucking useless

    Kil me if you dare, moherfuckrs.

  2. Am nominating the driver of the New Hampshire car with plates ‘ASOXGRL’ ’cause she texts when she drives and endangers others and is an stupid cunting fuck…JACKSPLAT

  3. Alex “scotch cunt of the century” thinks scrote-land is better off without “they english bastards”. Fuck off you cunt ? There are 8 million cunts in scrote-land and 90% of them are either on the sick or on the dole. That would be the sick and the dole paid by the 60 odd million English who work and pay taxes. Taxes that go to the unworthy , racist, lazy sick bastard cunt Scottish. Fuck off Salmond. Time for the English to kick you cunts into touch, you fucking ungrateful, whinging,Scottish Cunt!

  4. I fucking hate Alex Cunt Salmond, because I had the misfortune to not be represented at Westminster by that Racist Cunt, while I lived in Aberdeenshire doing a job not Scot could be fucked doing. Salmond is a cunt. The SNP are complete cunts, and Scotland is full of of cunts who live off the the English, who they hate. Fuck those cunts. Get those cunts out of the UK. They need to be disunited, the total cunts. Fuck off you ungrateful scotish bastard cunts

  5. I hate that cunt Alex “cunt of the fucking English speaking universe” Salmond, because he is a fucking racist English hating bastard.

  6. Bonnie Prince Charlie was a sad useless inbred cunt. A fine hero of the Scots though due to his tendency to shag his cousins and get his arse kicked off the English. Fuckwitted Jacobite cunt of the first order.

  7. I used to work for Susan Sanandran and I can verify she is a full blown Cunt. And a privileged idiot who needs to keep her wrinkly mouth shut.

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