Those Fucking Incompetent Fraudulent Assholes (F.I.F.A) are top-of-the-class, thieving, horrible, pocket-lining, take-any-bribe, 100%, robbing-us-of-a-world-cup, our-fucking-game-anyway, giving-it-to-those-qatari-cunt-sand-dwellers, french-led
C U N T S!

Fuckin 8.9 on the cunter scale.

Nominated by adz williams

21 thoughts on “FIFA

  1. There’s a lot of talk about the cuntishness of m.p’s on this site but what are the consequences of a broken system; David Charlton of ITV1’s Strangeways documentary is a prime example. He is a lazy, fat, obnoxious, dirty protesting, needs to ‘fuck off’, Geordie cunt. Product of society maybe, massive cunt most definitely.

  2. So will our own F.A. cunts withdraw from F.I.F.A. until they have cleared out their Augean Stables of filthy cuntitude? No,thought not, cunts.

    On the subject of Cunt Contests “Eurovision” proved themselves to be cunts once more by sashaying (not even fucking European) Azerbaijan into pole position though, to be fair, their plagiarised song is better than our own piss poor effort from unknown soon to be desurected (new word!) “boy” band ‘Blue’ who, incidentally, are also cunts.

    Euroasianeareastvision, nope, does not work.

  3. Lars Von Trier is a shit film making, big mouth running, Danish Cunt.

    The Nazi Cunt.

  4. Id like to nominate God for being the beard wearing, pestilence sending, plaque manifesting, war starting inconsistent lord of all cunts. Have a day off ‘cos you’ve finished? You lazy good for nothing cunt. Get back down here and finish the job off. What a supremely omnipotent cunt.

  5. Nigerian Mobile Phone Companies are useless cunts. The “this phone is switched off”, wanky random reception, poor line quality, SPAM sending, dodgy banking, £4 a minute recorded message cunts. Whats the point? Its quicker to fucking walk. Cunting cunts.

  6. Prince Philip is a cunt, parasitic, interbred Greek, Gobby old bastard !!! Get a Job yer fucking old CUNT !!!

  7. People living in Warickshire are all cunts. Just because that boring playwrite cunt Shakespeare doth nobly hail from there and they have a big ass cunting Castle with a fire lobbing trebuchet they think they are better than the rest of us. The M40 corridor, London commuting, property price watching cunts. Nigeria is much better – we’ve got oil. Parochial cunts.

  8. @Lady Ver Fart Teller. Exactly – people from Oxforshire are not cunts. They are in fact the opposite of cunts, in stark constrast to people from Warwickshire. Especially those who live just over the border in quaint fucking sandstone houses; the parish council bothering, polar bear killing, dog owning cunts.

  9. The entire cast of Made in Chelsea are a cuntcophany of absolute cunts. Especially the two poncewit blokes with the long hair who probably get it on off camera in a secret gay tryst involving Roman Centurian outfits, whips, oils and a borrowed stallion from one of daddy’s stables in Buckinghamshire. Obviously the horse wasn’t consenting, but I’m cunting him too for being involved in the whole sordid business.

  10. Mark Hammond (EX PCS President) is a lying two faced snidy fucking cunt. Useless tosser with a fucktarded Haircut, total cunt.
    So is his sidekick Sue (FatMong)Kendal, a right cunty old fucking boiler

  11. Che Guevara is a murderous commie dead cunt. It doesn’t matter what your fucking t-shirt says you student communist cunts.

  12. Ryan Giggs may or may not be a secretive cunt about an affair he may or may not have had and who may or may not have run off to court to get an injunction. But the mystery soccer player known only as CPT certainly is.

  13. I nominate Harold Camping, the daft auld Americunt evangelical broadcaster who predicted that last Saturday would be Judgement Day and who now says he miscalculated and Armageddon will be upon the Face of the Earth on 21st October 2011 which is TWO DAYS BEFORE MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY you daft auld loon. I have laid in caviare and champagne and pre-paid whores and everything at great expense so if he is right I’m going to sue the daft auld cunt. And fuck only knows why this is going in as Anonycunt, I’m logged in as Blind Pugh and all but fucking shite cunting computers are fuckall use, who programs these fucking dickwad piles of shite.

  14. Yes Harold Camping is a cheating,lying, mountebank, who steals the money of
    religiously deluded American simpletons with his so called mathematical analysis
    of the holey babble.
    He’s now fucked up twice already with his cuntish calculations.
    And still silly Americans have not the ability to recognise him as a dyed in the wool CUNT.
    Maybe someone could wire him this website page?

  15. Mehdi Hassan is a goat loving, lunatic ranting, lefty, all non muslims are animals claiming, New Statesmen editing, stupid facial haired fucktarded loudmouthed cunt.


  16. fifa’s ethical comittee found fifa not guilty. what a shock… wait, no, I mean the opposite. what a set of inbred corrupt cunts.

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