56 thoughts on “Alex Salmond

  1. He is a cunt, but he is our cunt, you have plenty of your own cunts. The royal family spongers, all the tory bastards, all the labour twats and the liberal homo’s across that border, you are all cunts and you should do us all a favour of jumping in the north sea or indeed the english channel, if you choose the channel, at least you will be near the French who are as big cunts as you fucking English, Welsh and the cunts from Ireland, fuck you all you shower of cunts

    • Wise words from a quarterwit who’s country’s greatest gift to the world is fucking porridge. Skirt-wearing fuckpig.

  2. Chris fucking Patton. The cunt who takes responsibility for fuck all. In a sector where complete uselessness is the norm this cunt takes the fucking biscuit.
    The BBC are ‘they’ not him. The fuck ups are nothing to do with him, the useless, time-serving, incompetent cunt.

  3. Yes, he’s a total cunt. And Nicola Sturgeon is a hoor. The only hope is that if the Independence Referendum is a resounding NO vote then there will be no point for the SNP and they can all retire and die. The Scottish Parliament is a pumped up town council run by cunts who can’t get jobs elsewhere.

  4. In reply to any Scot who bangs on about the oil revenue contrebution to the UK read this.

    There were a number of poor harvests in Scotland in the 1690s and Scotland’s economic position was then drastically worsened by the ill-fated Darien Scheme to create a Scottish colony in Panama. Scotland lost 25% of its liquid assets. The Act of Union undertook to pay 400,000 pounds in compensation to those who had incurred these losses. This was of course blatant bribery as the people who were to benefit from this compensation were amongst those who voted in favour of the Union.

    If you want independence Salmond pay back the money plus 1 percent interest per year compound and take into account inflation and you owe the UK £118,804,000,000

  5. So he doesn’t want to take any of the uk debt,but wants to keep the currency? Talk about a fat fucking bagpipe playing wankstain trying to have his cake and eat it. Go then salmond and your band of piss-wise dildos. You’ll be broke in fifty years when your only source of income apart from skank runs out. Let’s hope we build the fucking wall a mile high so they can’t claw back over

  6. What the fucks that Nicola sturgeon about? Did she used to be called Alan? She’s like a bad jimmy krankie.

  7. I dont think this is a very nice website. My name is being trashed by narrow minded bigots that just go to show how much better off Scotland will be without you all.

    Nah, just kidding, IM A CUNT!!!!!

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