3 thoughts on “James Purnell

  1. He is a cunt for many reasons. Mostly for leading the most pathetic rebellion that ever nearly happened and allowing Brown to hang onto power.

  2. Purnell is a photo-faking cunt ( who got caught )

    Voted moderately for a transparent Parliament.
    Voted moderately for introducing a smoking ban.
    Voted very strongly for introducing ID cards.
    Voted very strongly for introducing foundation hospitals.
    Voted strongly for introducing student top-up fees.
    Voted very strongly for Labour’s anti-terrorism laws.
    Voted very strongly for the Iraq war.
    Voted very strongly against an investigation into the Iraq war.
    Voted very strongly for replacing Trident.
    Voted moderately for the hunting ban.
    Voted very strongly for equal gay rights.
    Voted moderately for laws to stop climate change

    Not too much of cunt really, especially as he sows discord amongst the socialists, 5/10 on the cuntometer.

  3. To call him a cunt would be to accept his humanity. He’s nothing more than a tumour leeching off mankind.

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