3 thoughts on “Chris Moyles

  1. What is it about Beeb Radio DJs that they all have to be lardy vast mouth cunts like Moyles and the other one ?

  2. Thanks for posting.

    He is such a cunt. I hate him with every fibre of my existence.

    He is so much in love with himself, despite the fact that he is a fat, talentless, loathsome piece of shit. Who receives great wedges of my telly tax.

  3. From HurlingDervish.

    Now I called this cunt on his radio show on the phone and called him a fat cunt on air before they cut me off. What can you say about this arsehole. Hmmm, fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat egotistical fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat cunt fat fat fat fat big gobshite fat fat fat fat quadruple chinned cunt. In fact, he’s got more chins than a Chinese phone directory. If the planet Jupiter were a person, pound for pound, it would be the same size as this fucking heffalump cunt. I bet the prick couldn’t run more than 500 yards without a heart attack. Cuntish cunty cunt.

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