Border Farce, Polis and Serco

Emergency rubber dinghy size cunting for the Border Farce, Polis and Serco, who are all complicit in bringing 100s of illegal migrants to our shores everyday then shipping them quietly off out of Dover to house them in hotels all over the country.

U.K. Patriot was arrested yesterday at a car park in Dover for filming one of these fine fellows going about his work ushering the gimmegrants into the bus.

It’s a fucking silent invasion and no one in power in this poxy government is doing a fucking thing to prevent it.

Nominated by ?????????

(edited for unacceptable racist language – Admin)

92 thoughts on “Border Farce, Polis and Serco

  1. What I want to know is what is in it for that Claire Moseley and all the others of her ilk? Just what are they getting? Are they being ragged silly 3 at a time in the Calais camp, or getting paid by the illegals or what?

    Be worth setting up a business over there selling them dinghies with slow punctures.

    • The Calais Jungle camp was closed down to prevent virtue-signalling celebrities visiting wearing jeans and beanies, and stroking their chins and nodding earnestly while their pr filmed it all.

      • I am sure most of this current flotilla were never anywhere near the Calais camp, this lot have money, most of the dregs in Calais had fuck all.

  2. I was reading somewhere the other day a piece by some sailor cunt who seemed to know what he is talking about. He was going on about ebb tides, currents and shit, the dangers of a very busy shipping lane, the need for a very powerful and expensive outboard motor and some considerable seafaring knowledge and experience.
    His conclusion was that it was impossible for so many people to attempt that crossing without untold gimmigrant bodies floating in the water. He says the whole thing is a stitch up between the British and French governments, all part of the globalist plan. What we are seeing on the telly is a scripted and well rehearsed drama.
    Now i’m no sailor so I can’t argue with the technical bollocks but i’ll just leave this here.

    • He is right about the channel flow, high and low water times and the currents but I maintain if people can swim across then a dingy should be an issue in calm seas, I did go sailing years ago (with an experienced sailor) in a 27 ft sail boat and it’s a piece of piss however on our return we were hit by a force 6 to 7 and that wasn’t fun at all, fucking dangerous.

  3. Great choice of header picture Admin. The French really do control our border.

  4. If benefits-claiming contractor Serco (with Nicholas Soames’ brother Rupert as CEO) is involved, dont expect any Tory to do anything about it. Same with G4S and Crapita.
    Taxpayer hand-outs and cheap labour for Tory boys.

    As conservative as Blair.

  5. Nuke Syria!
    Nuke Libya!
    Nuke France!
    Nuke the BBC!
    And I hope Soros cops it fucking agony.

    Navy, my arse. If that gutless gobshite fat judas cunt Patel orders the RN boys to get stuck in, then I am getting a titjob off Hayley Atwell tonight (which I, sadly, fucking well am not!).

  6. Our brave boys in World war 2 repelled Adolf and his chums.Our lot can’t even deter a bunch of free loading Carpet riders.Shame on you Johnson.Shame on you Fatty Patel.Sling your bloody hook.Quit now

    • We shall go on to the end. We shall let them come over from France, from all over on the seas and oceans, we shall let them come with diffidence and waining strength we shall not defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall let them come on the beaches, arrive on the landing grounds, wander in the fields and in the streets, we shall let them roam in the hills; we shall surrender.

  7. Don’t we have a navy anymore? If we do, what’s it for? Certainly not defending the nation from invasion.

    This might sound a tad harsh but once a few of these boats had been ordered to turn round and failing that sunk by gunfire the problem would cease.

    These refugees are vastly fighting age young men. They’ve travelled across many borders of safe nations getting to France and they ain’t our problem.

    Legitimate refugees don’t enter nations illegally and they don’t get to choose which country gives them refuge.

  8. Went to the local plumber merchants this morning and outside it looked like Kurdistan. There must have been twenty turks, kurds and turds hanging around outside. The guy in the shop said they hang around the hassle plumbers for a days work. So much for enriching this country with diversity. This pile of shit has nothing to offer us.
    Give em their dues, more of these fucking cunts got across The Channel than the fucking Nazi’s ever managed.
    As Nigel said during the referendum this is a fucking INVASION.

  9. Dover Watch update:
    Sky TV’s AS55 helicopter’s been sniffing round the Straits but has just fucked off. The Bristow AW189 used by the Coastguard is now heading for the area.

    This level of airborne activity, slight as it is, is unprecedented.

    • RAF b350 intel platform, callsign Snake 47 (43c2b3 hex) is back again today, now circling over Dover @16000 ft. Could be listening for mobile phones. Coastguard chopper landed at London Ashford (Lydd)

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