Hardcore Feminists

Feminists (especially hardcore ones). Pretty self-explanatory this one.
They want women to be treated the same as men, yet also want us to respect their differences, and want to reserve the right to hate and belittle and bully men without it being a crime (men doing that to women is a crime). The hardcore ones are very open and honest about their abject hatred of men. They care more about that than actual women’s rights. While I advocate freedom of speech, I don’t like that they can bash us, yet we cant bash them back.
Nominated by DiabloLordOfTerror

98 thoughts on “Hardcore Feminists

  1. I’ve been reading a book, ‘Who Stole Feminism?’ by Christina Hoff Sommers. It’s very interesting.
    I wholeheartedly recommend it.

  2. I have to comment on my own nomination! Haha. Interesting picture being used, did you google ‘stereotypical feminist’ for that? I am all for equality, but I get complaints when I dont hold a door open for a woman, and complaints when I do! The latter must be the feminist, then again the first could be too. They just need to make up their minds, do you want to be treated EQUAL or not darling? Hardcore feminists ‘all men are cunts and we are superior, without us you wouldnt be here’. True, love, but without US you couldnt have a child, so shut the fuck up!

  3. Just needs a fucking cock rammed up her arse at full speed – job done!

    • She’d say ‘get that nasty thing away from me, I only fuck girls’. Its not terrorists, nukes, viruses or wars that will destroy the world, its hardcore feminists. They will do away with men, then realise that they wont be able to reproduce. Reminds me of those religious nuts who say ‘no sex, even when married’.

  4. If feminists ruled the world, we would still be sitting in a dark cave watching women combing each others hair.

  5. Once saw a man walk into a McDonalds in front of two women. He didnt see them behind him, so didnt hold open the door. One woman turned to the other and said ‘look at that, there’s no fucking gentlemen left in the world, is there?’ So, I shouted out ‘I’ll show you a gentleman when you show me a lady.’ She was quite miffed, but her mate was almost on the floor with laughter! Just thought I’d share that story.

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