Nicole Lyons

A strong and independent woman who only remains at large thanks to female privilege and a weak-as-piss judicial system.

This aggrieved forehead suffered the trauma of knock down ginger – the game where kids rings someone’s doorbell then leg it. Her response? To threaten to kill the kids at the top of her lungs, get into her car and deliberately run them over:

Apparently, the courts regard threatening to murder children and deliberately driving your car into them with the intention to harm as fairly minor, if you’re a woman with a previous conviction for drunk driving. Claims she was only going slowly, but quick enough to break one of their legs. Found guilty of grievous bodily harm, dangerous driving, assault, failing to stop and failing to report an accident, but not a day in prison.

Either there’s something rotten in our legal system or her lawyer’s got Jedi mind powers.

Nominated by Dr Shagga and His Cunt Munching Machine

93 thoughts on “Nicole Lyons

  1. No, I have to dissent on this one. Knockdown gingrists have targeted me from time to time, and my sympathies are entirely with Ms Lyons. Little cunts (or, more usually, 14-16 y-o cunts with parents who don’t give a fuck about their neighbours) and while running them over might not be entirely appropriate – though it shows willing – a fucking good kicking would be. And I give not one single fuck that they may have been white and she wasn’t.

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