Jo Swinson (4)

“I like ’em this big!”

So, after the recemt parliamentary debacle, Ms Swinson (or as I prefer to refer to her, ‘that stupid deluded cunt’) “can’t wait” to take Boris on in an election… Well, Good fucking Luck with that one, love. Go with it and let the proletariat decide, we’re quite keen to show what we think of non-democratic cunts like yourself, by voting you into fucking obscurity, removing that tidy little income (well, not so fucking little actually) that you receive by not representing the people.

You, as a typical LibDem, non-representative cunt, are supported by daft old wimmen, testicle-neutral semi-men & think you have a mandate.

Seriously, give us a chance and we’ll show you what we think about your anti-Brexit stance, you cunt.

Nominated by The Stained Gusset

Today the cunt that is Swinson said this:

She adds: “It seems that Jeremy Corbyn has thrown Mr Johnson another lifeline this morning, as six white men met to discuss pushing through a Brexit deal which will wreck our country.

The hypocrisy of identity politics in all it’s naked glory.

If it has been six BAME women she would of said fuck all. Even if it was six women, Jo would of said nothing.

Her agenda is blatant and it’s unacceptable.

People in possession of intellect and not driven by a discriminatory agenda can see this is the absolute antipathy of anything resembling a genuine wish for equality.

Are you saying that women would of done differently, that would mean women are inherently different to men, it’s a strange road you travel Jo.

I cannot believe you have been elected on your own merit, you have none.

What a cunt.

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

88 thoughts on “Jo Swinson (4)

  1. This ‘white men this that and the other’ nonsense has to be stamped out NOW.

    If we tolerate this, our extirpation will be next.

  2. Simply cannot believe that this deluded woman actually believes she can be the next prime minister.
    The lunatics are running the asylum…

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