Owen Jones (14)


Apparently some right wing extremists beat the shit out of Owen Jones.

This is not because he is a self opinionated, loud mouthed gobshite. It was politically motivated. Set up by people who object to him telling the truth about everything and pointing out that everyone else is wrong.

I personally don’t believe this was politically motivated. I believe it is because he is a self opinionated, loud mouthed gobshite. But because I don’t agree with Owen Jones, I am obviously wrong.

Probably why the Guardian won’t publish my articles?

Nominated by Dioclese

76 thoughts on “Owen Jones (14)

  1. I couldn’t see a single bruise on his face when he appeared on TV a few hours later to cry about it. Given that this would have demonstrated how violent the far right are, I am sure even Owen would have fore-gone being touched up by the make-up man, to show how bad they are/he was.

    He seems to ascribe every bad act to the “far right” I would love it to be proven he was sloshed by some pansy Blairite – in any case it was probably a case of handbags at dawn..

    These dreadful events took place in Islington – perhaps he would have had an even gayer time in Tower Hamlets or Walthamstow

    • Tower Hamlets? Bring him up to Fiddler Towers and set the hounds on him. By the way Mr. F, when is Jason coming to visit?

      • I believe that there is a charabanc booked to bring my many ISAC friends to visit. Jason had better book his seat quickly,demand is quite high apparently….not too sure why they’re all bringing clubs,there’s no golf course near me.

      • Have you been debarred from the village pub(s) after the ‘unpleasantness’ or will the Towers be laying on entertainment?.

      • Well the trouble is that it’s meant to be a surprise party apparently. I only found out about it when the chara. company mistakenly rang me saying that they hadn’t seen such an unpleasant,ill-natured and rude crowd gathering to board since they transported footy hooligans in the 70s. As the mob were all chanting ” Nab him,grab him,stab him,jab him…Fuck that Fiddler now” the bus company believed I was holding some kind of orgy (all tastes represented) and told me that I would be billed for any and all staining of their upholstery.

        The fucking nerve of it.


      • I think we could have a very enjoyable evening. I suggest we start off ( to get us all in the mood up and dancing) with a few jaunty Stockhausen numbers. Next Bertie and Percy the parrot would entertain us with a rendition of the Birdie song. Then to slow things down a bit-an interlude if you like-Komodo showing slides of the Blairs on the their recent visits to different parts of the world. Jason next with Krav, Mince Pie Guy-a fashion show- complete with catwalk. To the music of Justin Beiber. Miserable next. He will provide Northern culture with a stirring recitation of – ‘On Ilkley Moor bah’tat’. All leading up to me and Nurse Cunty’s radical new interpretation of Beckett’s ‘Not I’. Words by Fiddler and Frog. (Is there a raised dias in the Great Hall where this could be performed I wonder?) Security would make sure there were no ‘animal lovers’ allowed in.

      • Will Mrs Plastic be accompanying you or shall I bed up the stable? You must promise not to frighten the horses,Miles.

      • Mrs Plastic has already gone out Mr Fiddler. I am sat here forlornly thinking of ….no I can’t say her name. It’s all too raw.

      • Good to see you’re still an ‘animal lover’ at heart Miles…

        Evening gents.

      • Evening Mr Fiddler, I was going to mention keep the Fiddler Amber Room locked, as Black and White Cunt will know ’nuffink abhaaat’ shiny trinkets going walkies.

      • I honestly don’t know how I’ll get B+W Cunt past the hounds…they’re dreadful bigots…..perhaps he can climb up the ivy on the wall?

      • Ohh,i love a party!
        Will there be a hog roast?😋
        Make sure youve plenty of good ale in mr Fiddler!
        Whos DJing?
        Get some strippers in! Loads of scrubbers around newcastle, ill have a whip round, get a bloke in for the bandit cunters as well!
        Dead excited!
        Not formal dress is it?
        I look like lurch in a suit….

      • Oh Dear,this is slightly awkward….I’m afraid we will be using cutlery,glasses and plates when we dine….you may be slightly intimidated?….perhaps I can leave you a black-pudding butty and jam-jar of Boddy’s at the Tradesman’s entrance?

        You are aware that there’ll be no bingo or karaoke?

      • No! Dont be daft Dick, i can fit into any social occasion, from discussing debusy in a knightsbridge dinner party to sharing a can of special brew in warrington.
        Im naturally charming and ok, might use the fishknive to pick my teeth,
        But once ive done a few magic tricks, told a few naughty jokes?
        No let the wine flow and the music play, fiddler!
        Be a wonderful night!

      • Would the “magic tricks” involve my valuable objets d’art disappearing?

      • Of course not! Im not black!
        Black pudding butty? Haha
        Had a row with a south African in a lovely B&B in Castleton Derbyshire over black pudding,
        Me mrs miserable & all the guests were sat having breakfast in the dining room, and i said how black pudding was english, made in Bury!
        ‘No theyre german’
        No theyre not, english!
        They are german! Germany invented black pudding!”
        ‘Did they eckers like! English all day long, england invented everything on the planet! Including black bleeding pudding!
        He stormed off the mardarse, an mrs miserable kicked me under the table.

      • To be honest LL i would have put my life on the line to defend black pudding against this boorish boer!
        Got a bollockin off mrs miserable though!
        ‘Showed me right up! Arguing wi him,
        Why didnt you ignore him?!
        No sense of national pride her.

      • Its like saying we English invented skewered sweet n’ sour zebra bollocks or whatever passes for food over there. They wouldn’t stand for it.

      • Exactly the cheeky cunt.
        Know some blokes on ISAC have lived in south afrika,
        Dunno what they make of the Boers,
        But few ive met havent any sense of humour!
        Descended from the dutch arent they?
        Weird, i like the dutch, cant see a resemblance.

  2. If you disagree with Jones you’re either homophobic or a far right nazi.
    And that is that as far as this annoying loud mouth cunt is concerned.

  3. Owen Jones is a national treasure in that he is a gift that just keeps giving….Bless him.

  4. Acts like a silly little girl who fell over and grazed her knee, then blames her enemies for her misfortune.

    Unbelievable the police get involved with something so trivial and without any proof whatever.


    In this clip the pathetic weed many times refers to the far right for all of his troubles. A bit of advice Owen, don’t dish it out if you cant take it.


    Where’s Judge Judy- she would see through the bullshit in seconds.

    • His story is about as convincing as that of the blonde trollop who got “stuffed” in a suitcase.

      Maybe Moaning OJ will end up inside a tasty Lewis Vweeeton number, with Thames fishes swimming in and out of his Fingal’s Cave.

      Ludicrous little cuuuuunt.

  5. Fuck. I couldn’t get a handle on this quickly. Either I was drunk when perusing or the cunt is a non-entity. So he got a boot to the chops. Who the fuck motherfucking cares?
    I tell my boys: I spawned four of them: “Get the Fuck up. Shake it off. And donk the knobend hard.
    Life is tough. you get what you get and you don’t cry about it.

  6. Has Owen been doing his George Michael/Miranda Blair impersonation and been partaking in some toilet bum fun,but picked the wrong bloke?
    Dirty cunt.

  7. He’s done remarkably well to work out his attackers’ political ethos so quickly. If I was suddenly getting a kicking off 3 blokes after I’d had a bellyful of beer and brayed my views to all and sundry, I’m not sure that I’d be quick-witted enough to work out just which bunch that I’d offended were attacking me…I’m guessing Owen Jones,due to his proclivities, may have a similar problem.

    Of course,I know who I’d blame.

      • Heart of London, no cctv?
        How queer!
        Only place in uk with no cctv coverage,
        What are the odds of that?

      • Evening Mr dPF-F, are you aware of any evidence that the little ci$$y Jones wasn’t heading across Clapham Common when he received his “injuries”? Perhaps he fell foul of an engorged, tumescent Kevin Spacey who had sniffed an entire bottle of poppers? Not that I know what poppers are, don’t let the moustache fool you.

      • Probably heading for that “Gobbler’s Gulch” area where my male “family values” Tory MP was caught doing a George Michael.
        Sodom and Gomorrah, Mr Cunt-Engine.

      • There’s such an area in the rugged wilds of Northumberland, Mr dPF-F? Have you taken the opportunity to bundle the woofers into the back of the Hilux and go roaring through the cottaging area at top speed with the dogs barking encouragement? A most amusing mental image.

      • I should add that you’d be driving the Hilux AT the gaylords! Probably should’ve mentioned that first…

      • A while ago there was a piece in the local paper reporting that a family of holiday-makers had seen two ghostly moaning apparitions one evening at a local beauty spot. The paper even sent a reporter to keep a straight face and interview the family knowing full well that the area was a local Gay “hot spot”….it’s just outside Ponteland if you’re considering going “ghost-spotting”

      • I should hope that the postcode of that area isn’t under “favourites” in your Satnav, Mr dPF-F…

  8. Probably a stitch-up!

    He asked a couple of his bestest mates to look “well hard and extreme right-wing” and pretend to beat the shit out of him. Thus giving us the old “victim” bollocks and blaming the right for this heinous crime!

    Clearly desperate for the attention, and to demonise the Right so as to brainwash the weak-minded twats on the Left.

    • No probably about it Technocunt.

      The only witnesses were his mates. Islington (the borough in which he was attacked) has the 9th (out of 33) highest number of CCTV’s in London apparently caught nothing on camera.

      All I can say is that if anyone did want to attack Owen Jones for his political beliefs, I rather suspect he would come away with more than a minor graze.

      Owen Jones, not a stranger to violence, especially when inflicted on the Far Right.


      Little shitstain.

      • I find it very odd that after a good kicking, he appears about ready to do a “Because you’re soooo worth it !” make-up advert.

        Most photos of victims of thuggery that I’ve seen have one or more eyes / lips stitched up, and a general appearance of overripe damsons and black grapes about their faces.

        He just looks as if he’s squeezing a small rodent between his butt cheeks.

  9. I reckon he had a bit of banter with some guys in the pub and was his normal smart arse self so one of them decided to give him a little bitch slap.

    If the ‘far right’ wanted to give him a real kicking they would have waited until his 4 or 5 mates had fucked off before delivering the message.

    The cunt is talking bollocks!

    • The real far right wouldn’t have bothered waiting at all, probably taken all his friends out too, simply for being cunts by association.

    • I call bullshit that it was an organized attack. If this was organized there would have been around 4800 people waiting in line to give him a slap. Much like that scene in Airplane.

  10. Off topic but seriously cunty. My co-op has fucking Christmas chocolates. There’s gonna be blood.

      • Think i read that on noms page bit back, think co-op started with good intentions originally, started in Rochdale.
        Think my ‘vikings’ noms gone down the shitter as well.
        Took me ages as well, full 10minutes working on it.

      • You are correct, there is a Rochdale Pioneers museum on Toad Lane, I used to frequent the pub next door, the Baum

      • It should, the Co-Op are greedy grasping bastards, as expensive as Waitrose but with added chavs

  11. Must be the only boozer in London that doesn’t have CCTV either inside or outside. You’d think some enterprising journalist would take a trip down there and found out why.
    Don’t hold your breath though. The cunt should be charged with wasting police time but I suspect Mrs Strap-on might have something to say about that. After all, she is heavily in debt in favours she owes to the Establishment.

    • I said that only place in uk without cctv! But in moderation, used a naughty word..again.

  12. If real “Far Right Extremists” really had had a go at the little mincer he would be in for a long stay in hospital, because they would have made a much better job of giving him a proper shoeing.
    I smell a rat…. (or a little twat)

  13. In that photo above it looks like he is encircling the Incredible Hulk’s green bellend and quickly moving in for a lick and gobble.

  14. Will you cunts stop taking the piss! The reason that Owen hasn’t got a mark on him is because he is a black belt in Tai Kwan Bullshit. He used ancient skills of self defence to see off the Nazi chappies, don’t you know. He just hasn’t bragged about it because he’s not the sort of bloke who likes to be the centre of attention. So stop doubting poor little Owen you bully boy cunts.

  15. My dear wife says that the little tart’s a shit stirrer who deserves a boot up the arse. Thing is, he’d probably enjoy it.

  16. Police say the list of possible suspects reponsible for the attack has been narrowed down to just over thirty five million…

  17. Bad news! Hot weather is expected this weekend!
    This is from abroad this is!
    Sweaty, humid, hot tropical weather,
    And whats the goverment doing about it? Nowt!
    Crosses over here unimpeded, this should stop after 31st october, get back to where you come from you big orange bastard!!
    Dreaming of revenge and a arctic front❄☁⚡☔
    Have a good bank holiday cunters!

    • Good Bank Holiday! What about poor old B&W cunt who lives in Notting Hill? Have you no feeling for your fellow cunters? Just because he’s got a touch of the tar brush that doesn’t mean he can’t get stabbed up. In fact, statistics show that he is more at risk than pasty faced wankers like me.
      However, knowing that sly bastard he has probably boarded up his property(ies) and fucked off to Spain for a week.
      Taking it easy and ting innit bredren?

  18. He has Down Syndrome you know, you really ought to feel sorry for him. What he doesn’t have Down’s? Omfg you could have fooled me.

    • Who has downs? B&wc or me?
      Either way yer wrong!
      Ought to be careful with you manners you fuckin little puff

      • WTF are you on about MNC? I must be missing something here.

        Good morning 🌞

      • Morning mate, that cunt calling me a mong!!
        Hold on, Sorry just got up, did he mean owen Jones?
        If so sorry for calling you a puff,
        Admittedly in morning im a bit downs,
        Oops my mistake.

      • Your joking! Oh no!!
        Cuntologist my apologies madam,
        Thought it was a dig at either me or B&wc, feel a berk now,
        In my defence im tired from work, not a turn the other cheek type,
        And was defending B&wc as well.
        So sorry😘
        Rtc stop grinning, its unbecoming…

      • No apologies needed MnC. Takes me about an hour and 2 coffees after waking to function.

      • Thanks Cuntologist, appreciate that,genuinely sorry, thought someone having a go,
        Quick to anger slow to think..
        Good job Rtc is a sensible and alert type eh?👍👍😁

  19. Bury FC ripe for the kncakers yard, yet the Grauniad goes on?
    There really is no fucking justice…

    • Bury FC ripe for the knackers yard, yet the Grauniad goes on?
      There really is no fucking justice… Cunt…

  20. How come it’s always Far Right this or Far Left that, why dont the Far Center ever get a mention….

  21. In spite of the 35 CCTV cameras operating that night in that area. none record any evidence of any disturbances of that nature descibed by Mr Owen, ( Source, Met Police )

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