Heidi Allen

I want to nominate that ultra- remainer, thick lightweight Cameron- babe, Heidi (“Cunti”) Allen for a cunting.

Cunti’s speciality, apart from being as thick as two short planks, is denying reality and forgetting things.

After the referendum Cunti said she would honour the result as she did not want to live in a “ banana republic” that ignored democratic votes. Now it seems that she would like to ignore the referendum after all and is only too happy to live in a banana republic. It seems Cunti has conveniently forgotten her previous remarks.

She recently denied on Twitter that her conservative constituency members were planning on deselecting her for her opposition to Brexit. Oh yes they were ! According to the Telegraph, one of Cunti’s incisive constituents has got her nailed down to a tee as a “ghastly self- promoter forever flicking her hair on late night tv when she should be representing us”.

And then there’s the tweet she sent to Guy Verhofstadt – “would you give us an extension Guy if we secure a second referendum please?” For this creepy, sickening tweet, Cunti frankly deserves to be hung, drawn and quartered at Traitors Gate.

Victoria Derbyshire on her BBC show asked the gob smacked Cunti, “ why should anyone trust what you say after you said you would honour the referendum”. Cunti responded, “that’s a good question “. Yes it is – so what’s the answer you daft cunt? It seems the answer is a deal that would satisfy Cunti and the rest of the village idiots at Change Nothing UK. And we all know the only deal that will satisfy them is staying in the EU.

Cunti was at it again last week saying that the Brexit Party had failed and Change Nothing had been a huge success !!!! Prior to that she ratted on her colleagues ( who we all cunts anyway) and told them to vote Illeberal Democunt instead. This while she is acting as leader of the Change Nothings!! Now her and Sourberries are scratching each other’s eyes out.

Heidi Allen is a demented, mad cow, lightweight, self promoting, thick cunt. She needs to get back to washing dishes, doing the school round and fingering herself all day. She is incapable of adding anything of substance to this country and it’s governance.

Fuck off.

Nominated by Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine



98 thoughts on “Heidi Allen

    • What’s with these cunts who speak with their hands? Is it supposed to make them appear more sincere? Ever fucking cunt on TV is at it and it just makes me hit the off button.

      • I think Bin Laden set the trend. Worked well for him, right up to being perforated.

      • They fucking get taught hand gestures by media coaches! And nodding for when somebody says something they agree with. I once worked for a firm whose chief exec sent regular morale boosting conversation videos to all staff. We ran a sweep on the number of exaggerated nods and gestures, otherwise nobody would have watched. Sheikh Mohammed is a cunt as well. Just thought I would mention that.

      • We have a Sales Director who excels at drawing squares and circles during his presentations.

        It’s genuinely astounding how many he draws, literally hundreds in 5/10 minutes.

        He also uses proper cunt phrases like ‘we need to turn up the dial….’ and ‘lets take their lunch’.

        He’d make a great politician and that’s not a compliment.

      • Hilarious Lord Cuntingdon. Excuse pun but we seem to have been living ‘parallel’ existence ‘cos that’s exactly what I’ve experienced as well. I’m currently working on an MoJ shit show where the so called requirements team can’t keep a simple list of fucking requirements. Not that I care for requirements, I’m apparently in Agile where requirements don’t matter. My head feels like a washing machine of jumble.

      • BBC ‘S female newsreader Jane Hill with the constant head nodding and with the raising and lowering of the eyebrows does my fucking head in.

        One more reason not to renew our TV licence at the end of the year.

      • Best guy I ever saw with the expressive hand gestures was the late Dr Magnus Pyke.

        Completely eccentric but a clever sod, and most watchable.

      • I don’t even bother hitting the on button these days Cupid.

        Simply cant be arsed with the stupid wankers. Have heard the Remoaner bollocks for several years, they have nothing new to say and I cannot stand their pathetic attempts to thwart Brexit and destroy democracy.

        Every single political “debate” has one or more of these Remoaner cunts on (one too many in my opinion) but in the interests of “balance” understand this is deemed to be fairness.

        On the odd occasion where there is a one to one interview with a leaver, the interviewer is more often than not completely 100% bias towards stopping Brexit from happening (such as the Andrew Marr “interview” with Nigel Farage).

        Either way, political “debates” now days make my blood boil so in the interests of my health prefer not to tune in.

      • One of the first cunts I remember going over the top using his hands was Teflon tony b lair!
        It’s coached body language, nowadays you see every political cunt waving their hands around like a second hand camel dealer at a Persian bazaar!
        Allen’s hasn’t got an original thought, a political parrot just endlessly squawking the same old fucking nonsense that’s shes heard from every other bleating remoaner
        She like soubry umunna and co had delusions of her own importance in the British political landscape, a third rater who will soon slither over to the lib dums when the thick cunt realises she won’t cut it as an independent…

    • Fuck me, Sir Nigel would make mincemeat out of this dimmo.
      But why would he bother? Who the fuck does she think she is?

    • Jesus, watch that with the sound off and you could be forgiven for mistaking it for a trailer for a new Kung Fu film.

  1. Turned up to open our village fete last week. Slunk around looking like a guilt-ridden fish out of water. Ladies of the village didn’t have a good word for her. Assume she got the gig as she is pally with the virtue-signalling Illiberal Non-Democrats running the local council. And just for good measure…next time you’re in the church don’t sit their shovelling a burger down your fat face. And for equal good measure…stop using black boot polish to dye your hair.

    • Dunno who she is? Looks bit like Diane keen! Remember her? Cuckoo waltz in 70s, fancied the arse off her, looks bit like a down syndrome version of her.

  2. What this bitch, and all the other remoaners, really want to say is………you thick cunts, you’re too dumb to vote on shit like this so me and my posh mates are making the decision for you. Now shut the fuck up and go back to watching Cunts Dancing.
    Advising cunts to vote for a party other than your own is not unique these days eg Campbellcunt, Hezzelslime. It shows how vitally important the EU is to these fucking scumbag traitors. This whore will be gone at the next election and most of the other remoaner shite.
    Never forgive, never forget.

    • I think it’s even more basic than that Freddie.

      Most of these cunts have never really done a proper job.

      You only have to look at the age of these bastards to see that.

      There aren’t many that have had a long career in business then retired in order to give something back to the country.

      No, most of the modern day so called politicians have a career in politics and the EU gives them an opportunity to continue to live handsomely of the pan European public purse once they’ve been royally fucked off by their own constituents.

      Jobs are a plenty in the staggering beaurocracy that is the EU.

      And whilst on the subject of proper proper cunts, I heard on the radio earlier that there’s a march in Leeds today to launch the so called Peoples Vote North.

      The guest speaker is Denise Welch???? who will tell the crowd that the North will be hardest hit in the event of a Hard Brexit, which is the only form of Brexit incidentally.

      Denise Welch, actress, played a soldiers wife in Soldier Soldier, and a barmaid in Coronation Street and loves a bit of nose bag.

      Jesus fucking Christ….., just as you think they’ve scrapped the bottom of the cess pit they hit you with Denise Welch. Who attends a rally in Leeds to launch a People’s Vote campaign, certainly not bigoted Brexiteers like me.

      I’d like to challenge this old fucking slapper to debate me in my garden. Why the fuck do these cunts just play to their own crowd?

      Just get to fuck.

      • Not political commentator and economic genius Denise Welch? That old spunkbucket?

      • Yeah, we need to get these thick northern cunts back onside so let’s wheel out some old tart from Corrie.
        What’s next?……..Gail Tilsley on the Irish backstop?
        Ken Barlow on the dangers of no deal Brexit?
        Fucking hell.

      • Yeh, dead right. Also Miserable Northern Cunt on “My life living as a miserable northern cunt in the southern Islamic enclave of Peterborough!

      • Dont worry BSC itll be in my pending autobiography! Foreword by political genius Denise Welch, and a guide to building bridges with those of a peaceful persuasion!

  3. It must be difficult doing the family shopping with Heidi “Loyalty Card” Allen. Standing in Tesco she decides she wants to go to Aldi. After parking and entering she says she prefers Sainsbury’s. Now we hear she wants to do a deal with Waitrose but possibly because it’s next to Marks & Spencers.

    “What do you want for dinner, Heidi?”
    “Oh fuck off.”

  4. Why do Remainer maniacs all seem to lack a sense of humour? I bet she didn’t even laugh at Jimmy Carr’s jocular gag about dwårves.

    • And that little midget cunt, Warwick Davies, with his sudden scruples regarding the short-arses.
      I actually thought he was alright and willing to partake in funny digs at dwarfism in the name of comedy, you know, with his last salaries being made from shows based around laughing at dwarfs and all.
      Yet again, it’s just another hypocritical, virtue-signalling cunt like all the rest of them.

      “We appreciate comedy is a matter of person opinion, however in 2019, people with dwarfism should not have to live with the consequences of being the subject of someone else’s humour.” **

      **Unless it’s his mate Ricky writing the jokes.

      • Yeah he lapped it up then, as well as the cash from the Leprechaun horror films.

        Perhaps it’s because Disney keep offering him different Star Wars-related gigs in their desire for wokeness.

  5. Shortly after she jumped ship to the Change crowd, I heard her being interviewed on LBC one evening, courtesy of Ian Dale. I think Ian Dale is pretty fair, a ‘leaver’ yes, but can still ask awkward ‘squirmy’ questions and knows a fact or two to correct folk when necessary …. it had to be worth a listen.
    Every question, by Dale or the phone in public that put her on the spot and made her look a Cunt … she gave it the … ‘ That’s a very good question ..’ reply, so did she answer any of the ‘very good questions’ … did she fuck, not one ‘very good answer’ … the fucker just shot off in a bazaar tangent with an answer, or at least statement, on a completely different agenda that suited her.
    If anyone was in any doubts, before the interview, that she was an air-head well out of her depth, certainly by the end nobody had any doubts. If there was ever a case of someone getting up in the world … through the back door … and I’m not saying which ‘back door’ … it’s got to be her.
    … and cue a flick of the hair ….

  6. If give her one but she’d have to keep her mouth shut.
    I’d have to borrow her phone when she’s asleep and send Guy Verhoftstadt a message telling him what I think of him….

    • Me too, although I’m confused how that could happen, with her mouth shut. Unless you’re one of the few, with such little regard for your manhood, that you’d venture into the lobster pot.

  7. Her shocked expression and hand gesture in that photograph is a typical reaction of many girls who’ve had the honour of me flashing the sausage unexpectedly in front of them.Its sheer length and girth as I’m jerkin the gherkin induce a trance like state in most unsuspecting females.
    If there’s a bigger cunt than me I’ve yet to come across him/her/it.

  8. If Heidi (suspiciously Kraut name) is having rows with Sourberries I can see her jumping ship for the Lib Dumbs and joining old Chucky.
    Even the Lib Dumbs wouldn’t let the Sourberries through the door.

  9. She like all the other remoaning cunts saying exactly the same, ‘we know so much more now, so much has changed’

    What we NEVER hear is The Fucking shit EU hasnt changed, its still the same self serving waste of money it has been for decades!

    Allen is cunt of the worst kind, if she didnt like the result to leave she should never has stood as a conservative MP in 2017.

    Fuck off you entitled bitch!

  10. I have to admit, I really am a sucker for full-figured brunettes. She does look extremely fuckable, despite being an absolute twat.

    • ….and there was I, believing that I was the only cunt in here that would get medieval on her flaps……

      • Didnt want to seem gentlemanly but yeah, id fuck some sense into her as well! Even treat her to a chippy after .

      • Well then you can hold our fuckin pants till weve finished! Dont be so selfish!

  11. just been watching the first hustings. Johnson didnt do too badly. although he refused to answer questions about last nights’incident’.

    • I think it’s the right strategy Richard.

      If he engages with them on it then the story goes on.

      As if some posh filly shouted ‘you don’t care for anything because you’re spoilt, you have no care for money or anything’.

      Fucking laughable, let’s hear the tape then.

    • I’ve just been watching Boris live at the first Tory hustings. He’s not doing himself any favours. It’s not looking or sounding good. In fact he’s making my piss boil already! The Tories will rue the day they eliminated Raab. And Leadsom.

      I’m off to build a bunker in the garden.

      • The Grauniad have reported on this disturbance at his girlfriend’s house. To quote them they said :-
        “a neighbour had told the newspaper they heard a woman screaming, followed by “slamming and banging”.
        Isn’t this just what you would expect from any ‘young’ couple in love?

    • Fuck the hustings, load of bollocks…..

      Watching womens world cup much more interesting, Germany v Nigeria, some nice young fillies on the German team.

      Also nice to see both teams with Zero Diversity, all white v all black, As it should be!

      • Any politician concerned about their ‘image’, ‘body language’ is a sign their not their own man. Hunt had his sleeves rolled up, supposedly ‘used’ the stage to connect with the audience. Oh fuck off with that.

      • Aw! No. That’s shades of B.liar. Any real man like you and myself Miles, would not be concerned with such triviality. Substance over image would be our mainstay!

      • Trouble is, neither of them have any substance. And they’re both incredibly IRRITATING!

        Arlene Foster for PM!

      • Good evening RTC. Arlene floats my boat! She’s consistent, doesn’t keep changing parties and is a model for championing womens’ causes.

      • Arlenes the fuckin spit of Ron Dixon from brookside, was bugging me who she reminded me of? Its him but with a oirish accent!

      • Not having a tv and unable to watch poor man’s football (thank the Lord) does it have the team names at the top like this:

        NIG – GER

      • Come on Captain! The official PC abbreviation for Nigeria is NGA. You racist!

  12. Heidi. Maybe they’ll make a book of her life like the original. There are similarities. She’s an orphan. So is Heidi Allen politically. Heidi has her ‘Wandering and Learning Years’ will our Heidi learn anything? Heidi has a terrible bout of ‘homesickness’ half way through. Will she return to the Tories? Finally Heidi puts into practice ‘What She Has Learned’. She helps Clara to walk again with goat’s milk and fresh mountain air. That’s Heidi and Anna getting together repenting of their actions and respecting the vote. No, that’s where the similarities break down.

    • Maybe that’s why Heidi is such a cunt.

      Fiddled to fuck by ‘Grandad’ and ‘Goat Peter’.

  13. Gentlemen

    Get your cuntings in now…..after the next election, she will be assigned to the dustbin of history.


  14. I’ve not a scooby who she is but the picture alone is enough proof of cuntitude. Shove a cock in it and shut it up.

  15. Angela Merkel has said Germany must rigorously fight rightwing extremism after the murder of a prominent politician.

    The arrest of a man with suspected far-right sympathies over the shooting this month of Walter Lübcke, a regional ally of Merkel known for his pro-migrant views, shocked Germany and prompted calls for a more proactive government response to anti-immigrant extremists.

    Apparently Walter Lübecke told the German citizens that if they were opposed to immigration they were free to leave.

    Understandably and somewhat predictably many Germans have not reacted favourably to these comments, and some have taken matters into their own hands by taking drastic action.

    Merkel and her EU masters have a lot to answer for, would love to see them all get their comeuppance.

  16. The childless monster Merkel was born and bred to destroy the content of Europe in the way her fore-fuhrer didn’t complete. She is the single most evil woman evil on the planet today. Her eyes give her intent away. She and Killary Clitoff are actively working for the complete destruction of Western society for it to be taken over by one hegemony in which FUCKING ISLAM runs amok amongst the general population, but their elite gets to live in their gated communities having ‘spirit cooking’ parties with the Podestas and McCanns sacrificing and raping and eating children. I would love it if she would die in the most unexpectedly violent way possible, like run over by an articulated lorry or something. I’d love to see her corpulent body literally burst into pieces. Then I’d love to go to her grave and piss and shit on it.

      • Not at all Willie.

        I wonder how long she’ll be able to cover up Parkinson’s by saying it was hot and she needed a glass of water?

        What a pile of shite.

        It wasn’t lost on me that she was the only cunt shaking like a shitting dog in the ‘heatwave’.

        Go on Angela, book your place in the home a liquid diet awaits you.

        And if you’re really lucky a lovely Syrian or Afghan bloke will nurse you in your final days.

      • No you’re not a bad person for wanting the single most evil woman on the planet to die in the most painful and prolonged fashion imaginable. For god’s sake this is woman who has deliberately and calculatedly allowed an entire content and multiple cultures to be overtaken by the filth of ISLAM. As for the shaking at least she knows now what it feels like to be a German woman who has to go out unaccompanied after dark wondering whether they’ll at best be raped by a MUSLIM if they make it back home at all. The pits of Hell will be too luxurious for this beast I don’t think there’s a torture devised in the history of humanity so far that is sufficient for what she deserves.

      • How did Germany go from hundreds of years of obsession with their Fatherland and even their supposed ‘Aryan’ race to allowing millions of Turks and other foreigners into their country?

      • I don’t buy it I’m afraid Cuntologist. And I’m suspicious of too much Jewish influence in the world. Just not to that extent.

      • Ive always seen the Kalergi ‘plan’ as more of a simple observation. I dont remember him giving a timescale. However i dont think genetics works that way, either. White people are everywhere in the world now. The genes for caucasian skin will keep popping up in populations, just as ginger hair and blue eyes has done and will continue to. Blue eyes are a mutation that occured in the baltic region 230,000 years ago and the gene has crossed the globe since then.

  17. I would let Heidi luxuriate me with a lubricated sausage sandwich. I would happily smash away on her and finish with blipping my fish yogurt in her Remainer face.

    I am a colossal pervert.

    • Didn’t ever imagine that the word “perv3rt” would put my post into moderation.

    • I’ve had a few completely innocuous posts that have gone into moderation and been refused/removed recently too. Does make you wonder exactly why.

      • GCHQ mate, when we’re all in the dock together you better stay strong! No coping a deal or grassing! Saying that im too nice looking for prison, and got a promising life ahead of me! Think one of you should take a bullet for the sake of us all! Whos oldest? Should be him!?

      • Then Bluntspeakingcunt should step upto the plate and admit its all down to him, not unreasonable he’ll be back on the street in 10yrs! Morally obliged isnt he??

  18. Time a lot of these none-too-bright female MPs were deselected. Unfortunately my constituency elected one a few years ago.
    They seem very light on facts, or the ability to retain them, and very quick to scream ‘harrassment’ when someone disagrees/has a gentle pop at them.

    Ive seen it across all parties. Spoiled little girls promoted far above their ability who get upset when called out for not doing their job; serve the interests of constituents. Add to that the hysteria ovet non-existent rape and death threats and it’s not a great surprise the lower house is regarded with such disdain.

    Sexist? yes, but then i’m beyond giving a fuck.

  19. Sad that she’s such an airhead I quite fancy her she’s quite sexy but she knows it and plays on the fact nuff said

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