Caster Semenya

A testosterone-fuelled cunting incoming for Caster Semenya.

Despite producing more natural male hormone than your average, er, male; despite having a voice deeper than Barry White hitting the low notes; despite being irrefutably tested as having the male XY chromosome (thereby fulfilling medical classification as a man); and despite looking like Didier Drogba in drag – scrub that, despite looking like Didier Drogba – Caster Semenya as the media would have you believe is 100% all woman.

This cunting admittedly would probably be better addressed at the bleeding heart liberal intelligentsia festooned shitrags like the Graun, as well as the indoctrinated pundits and ex-athletes at the BBC. But it takes a special type of cunt who knows deep down (or at least finds out) that they are a man, has the gall to still participate in races against real women, beats said women by ridiculous margins and does this in full view of the deeply sceptical public who remain untainted by the rightspeak of the left.

Gender-bending has become a real issue in sport and is repeatedly rearing its ugly head in American college sports. Often, it seems men too shit to cut it in legitimate competition suddenly declare themselves ‘transition’, and appear to get a free pass to whip the women who, like it or not, are as a rule physically less able than men. Taking advantage further of the now equal pay lunacy, these ‘men’ are ultimately aiming to win the same rewards but by taking on lesser opponents.

Part of me thinks this is just desserts for women; for so long now we have been lectured at that ‘men and women are equal’, deserving of equal rewards, and now these precious little flowers are all upset that individuals like Caster Semenya are demonstrably proving that gender equality in sport is largely a stupid philosophy.

Caster Semenya has just won a verdict awarded by a Swiss court, over-ruling the previously set IAAF rule that women must not exceed a certain level of natural testoserone to compete in light of her own manly excesses. So thanks to this cunt, you will now be seeing all kinds of freaks, deviants and bruisers call themselves women across sports, all because the left have cowed the Universe into being afraid to offend.

Semenya, you absolute, utter fucking abominable cunt.

The Empire Cunts Back



102 thoughts on “Caster Semenya

    • Saw this earlier. Degenerates and Mudslimes have already ruined this country far beyond repair, and one can only hope that the inevitable war between those two forces of cunt ends up wiping them both out.

    • I think you may be forgetting that proms and similar toxic septic cuntery represent marketing and branding opportunities for global corporations, increase Growth ™ and are altogether essential to our economy. Brexit will jeopardise the valuable Celebrate Ur Negligible Triumphs (CUNT) industry, because…because…sorry, must rush.

  1. I apologise Admin. After a few red wines, I truly resemble my avatar. I shall resistant posting in the future in such an inebriated state.

    That’s why I don’t do the night shift.

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