Mark Carney [6]

Mark ‘doom and gloom’ Carney. How he ever became the governor of the Bank of England being this negative is beyond me.

I fucking hate this cunt, maybe as much as he clearly hates Brexit. He must have a lot of EU/UK stocks in his portfolio to be this against leaving the EU and most of his gibbering at first glance seems legitimate, until you think about it for 5 seconds and realise it’s bullshit.

For the past 12 months this cunt has ramped up his scaremongering about the slow rate of growth, the possibility of increased cost on living and the great escape of businesses from the UK. His most recent is pointing out that the economy growth will be down to 1.2% from a predicted 1.7% this year. And this is obviously down to Brexit, now this I do agree with, but only because we’ve fucked about with this shite deal for so long. Instead of being such a Remoaner bore, why don’t you say, actually growth would be better if we’d just decided on no deal and given UK businesses the heads up and time to adapt. The economy only ever shrinks during instability and uncertainty, if we’d been straight down the line with no deal, we’d have had none of this because businesses would have had some certainty on what was happening.

He also likes to quote things like “there’s a one in four chance the country will slip in to recession”, which initially sounds pretty bad, but apply a little junior school maths and you realise that’s only 25%, anything less than 50% means it’s less likely to happen than happen. So why even bring it up. On the weather segment of the news, they don’t state all the conditions that might not happen today, what the fuck use is that to anyone.

I think I hate him more than most because he speaks to the great unwashed like we’re all a bunch of fucking retards. As if he’s doing us a favour by spelling things out to us. Well guess what Mark, I can do fractions just as good as the best 9 year old mathematician.

He rather reluctantly conceded in a story on the BBC that unemployment was at a record low of 4% and wages were rising because of the competition for businesses to employ talent, he didn’t however link that to the slow growth of the economy, even though that would clearly hamper businesses being able to grow in such a competitive market. Also, if so many businesses were leaving the UK, wouldn’t unemployment have shot up?

I don’t care if this actually makes it to the actual cunting front page, but it makes me feel better I got this off my chest. Fuck you Mark, you Droopy look a like cunt.


Nominated by Elboobio

59 thoughts on “Mark Carney [6]

  1. As per a post on another nom I’m ready, willing and hugely qualified to take over from this cunt.

  2. For far too long, if fact since the result of the referendum all we hear is about bringing the country together.
    This was total bollocks, in a yes/no or in/out vote there is a winner and loser and so once the it has been decided there is no point in trying to appease the losing side.
    The message should have been to everyone (especially the losers) get behind The UK, but no, the media and politicians have conspired to try to put Britain down and frustrate Brexit
    Its been obvious from the start and this cunt Carney is one of the many who have made it clear that we the public got it wrong.
    I would like to see the ‘Banks’ analyisis of what the financial position would be if Corbyn won an election.

  3. I do find Canadian pronunciation extremely irksome and jarring, in particular the “ou” dipthong [phonetic: aʊ] as in “about”
    [phonetic: əˈbaʊt]. Whining nasals and hideous rhoticity (think BBC übetcunt Lyse Doucet) and its all over YouTube.

    • The Canucks fail to pronounce that diphthong every time. “I’m going oht and aboht for a while.” Furthermore their only question tag is “eh” instead if “doesn’t it/do you/won’t it?” etc. This is as inelegant and as unsophisticated as the Yanks’ “right” which swiftly makes me feel a bit stabby.

      Oh, nearly forgot that Premium strength cunt Carney. Suddenly he has a “road to Damascus” realisation. What a pathetic lick of a man. The Canadian cunt-joined twin of Philip Hammond. If he were in any other industry he’d have been booted long ago but it was a political appointment all along. I hope he finds blood in his urine.

      • Or, more broadly, albumen/protein of any kind, & failing that, sugars (per our dear PM).
        The offending [aʊ] diphthong in Carney’s pronunciation (and most Canadians’) is a little bit like a Bolton, Lancashire accent (Peter Kay: “sound as a pound”), but more clipped, and infinitely more annoying.
        It’s all over the Internet.

      • They have the Canadian accent take-off to a tee on South Park. They also portray all Canadians as having flip top heads.

      • Not seen that one, sounds promising… link? To my ears, the phonology of standard Canadian “English” is already a parody, and that’s without the help of, eg, Lyse Doucet’s parculiarly varietal. Rather like John Bishop’s “Scouse”, it rarely fails to incense.

      • There was a formula some time ago I heard, the difference twixt Canadians and ‘Muricans without a word said.? Watch how both of them go out dressed for cold weather, it’s easy. Canadians are a dour bunch with very few saving graces. A sibling of mine resides there and I am happy to report that we have even dropped the courtesy of swapping Christmas/birthday cards long ago, as soon as I realised the enormity of his cuntishness. I do occasionally check the hatch, match and despatch in his local Brokeback Moosebothering weekly online periodical who report “headlines” like 22 stone unchipped uncollered mountain dog found rummaging in locals bins, collect from woodies eatery on Main Street Hicksville if you lost him. Unless his grabbing Cunt of a wife has disappeared taking his not inconsiderable pile of cash with her without announcing it I assume he is, still sadly, breathing. Does anyone else have siblings they are consciously detached from?

      • I don’t mind the old Moose-fuckers but I wish they’d decide a version. They spell all adult-like (English English) but then go and roll their Rs, pronounce Can’t’ like “ken” and say daft shite like “My bad.”

        They’re moose-fuckers, eh!

  4. Cunt has always skewed figures and predictions the Whitehall way and has never been right yet. To do this cunt justice a cunting would be book length. War & fucking Peace.

  5. If this cunt is genuinely concerned with the economy why doesn’t he advise us all to buy British?
    Stop buying from EU countries altogether and see how quickly they turn up wanting a deal. We can trade with the rest of the world. Our friends in the Commonwealth, China, the USA, and Japan to name a few.
    Come to think of it, there’s fuck all in the EU worthwhile anyhow. What would we lose out on by not buying Greek? Olive oil perhaps. And what do we get from Romania, Bulgaria, Malta, Slovenia etc, etc.

  6. Economic theories. Loads of them and mainly bollocks so let’s go back to the tried and tested “The Wealth of Nations”. You are good at something – then you should export it. You are crap at some other thing which some other fucker is good at – well then you import it. Easy innit.

    So why the fuck are we importing cunts ? In terms of the quality and quantity of our cunts we are up with the very best and we should be exporting lots of them – to the centre of the sun ideally.

    I particularly detest this Canuck cunt – and do not look at his salary because it will upset you a lot.

    • I love that, we are the leading nation in producing grade A cunts. The problem is, we exported cunts like Piers Morgan and the yanks sent him back. We tried to export B.liar to Europe but he was sent back on a pro EU pilgrimage. Every time we manage to flog our cunts somewhere abroad, they’re returned quicker than a faulty Argos appliance. Watch what happens when we try to export Treason May and Catweazel.

  7. Nothing good has ever come out of Canada.

    I would, however, love to come all over one particular Canadian

    The Bieber.

  8. Or, more broadly, albumen/protein of any kind, & failing that, sugars (per our dear PM).
    The offending [aʊ] diphthong in Carney’s pronunciation (and most Canadians’) is a little bit like a Bolton, Lancashire accent (Peter Kay: “sound as a pound”), but more clipped, and infinitely more annoying.
    It’s all over the Internet.

    • Oops sorry, newbie at the controls.
      I am a cunt
      I am a cunt
      I am a cunt
      I am a cunt
      I am a cunt
      I am a cunt
      I am a cunt… (50x)

  9. Brexit is 3rd-4th uncertainty on the list of reasons for economic slowdown.
    The main reasons are China-related, and there’s another Eurozone crisis looming.

    Carney, the BBC and other remoaning outlets (the new-look Daily Mail) are sanctimoniously wagging their fingers at anyone who voted leave and saying ‘look at what you plebs have got us into’. Theyve still not learned that Project Fear doesn’t work and the media are alienating their once loyal audiences through repeated lies and scaremongering.

  10. Carney’s remit as Governor of the Bank of England is to ” promote the good of the people by promoting monetary and financial stability” He has been derelict in this duty. A Crown servant, nominally appointed y the Queen but in fact by Cameron and Osborne, his salary is paid by the British taxpayer. His is not a political post. His remit does not include making public comments intended to influence government policy on Brexit. He has regularly done so, consistently advocating the UK remains in the EU. He has never been sanctioned. He could be dismissed by May or Hammond but of course they are remainers too.

    He is the first non-Brritish national appointed to the post. He accepted after Osborne eventually agreed to his avaricious demands. In 2016 his salary was £844,000 including a £5,000 a week housing allowance. May’s salary was £144,000. His predecessor Mervyn King was paid one-third as much.He presides over a Court of Directors. I’ll name a few to illustrate the privileged background and elite education of the arrogant, patronising and hubristic cunts that determine your “good”. Carney, (Harvard, Oxford, Goldman Sachs); his deputy Broadbent ( Harvard, Oxford, Goldman Sachs); Baroness Harding ( Oxford, Harvard) Noble ( Oxford, London, Harvard) You get the picture Noble was CEO of the CDC Group.which funded overseas development projects using taxpayers money. She was investigated for ” diverting British taxpayers funds from beneficial international development into projects that enriched CDC managers”

    One more cunt Director, Sir John Cunliffe, said ” the banks are too big to be allowed to fail” He dreamt up the idea of the ” bail-in” using private funds to keep them afloat.He was chief economic advisor to Gordon Brown (snigger). Cameron and Osborne knew the banks were in danger of collapse but also knew the public would not tolerate more of their taxes being used for bail-outs. Through the B of E they put Cunliffe’s idea into practice. It works like this;

    The B of E sets an historically low Base rate of 0.5% which megacunt Carney further reduced to 0.25%. It makes cheap credit available to the banks (quantitative easing). The banks lend at low rates, say 5%. The banks make 4.5% profit on ” money” that’s been conjured out of thin air. The government makes 0.5% on ” money” it effectively printed for itself at no cost – it’s not borrowed from anyone. Initially millennial cunts are happy. Easy money for house, car, phone… But wait! What about the coffin-dodgers? Being prudent and sensible they’ve saved to supplement pensions. Where are the savings? In the banks. In 1990 £100,000 would have provided an income of £5000 p.a.In 2019 it’s more like £1800 p.a. without taking inflation into account.

    B of E fiscal and monetary policy is only one factor. Unrestricted immigration has driven down wages, pushed up house prices and increased the cost of healthcare. Local authority funding has been cut raising council taxes. Big business is uncontrolled charging excessive prices and evading tax.Every time Carney opens his gob the value of the pound falls increasing the cost of imports.

    Carney, his Directors, the Conservatives, big businesses, banks and financial institutions have the distinction of, within a decade, impoverishing large sections of the British people whilst lining their own pockets. Even the pig shit thick millennials are beginning to realise that disaster not Utopia awaits them. All this while billions of pounds are handed over to the EU to keep their basket case economies afloat and line the pockets of their bureaucrats. Carney is a condescending mendacious cunt who should have been dismissed years ago. Coffin-dodgers please hurry up and die so we can save NHS costs and grab more of your money – unwritten Conservative government policy.

    • Thanks for that well-considered and absolutely true account, F. That NHS scam gives and gives. Cut access to the NHS, more people die and don’t need it. So you can trim a bit more off the NHS….continue until everyone who can’t afford BUPA is dead. Get sinecure directorship off BUPA or big pharma…

  11. I’ve never liked this cunt.

    I take issue with a fucking Canadian running this country’s financial show and then preaching to the masses about what a disservice we have done to the UK economy by democratically voting to leave the EU. If I wanted his opinion, I would ask for it

    The arrogance of anyone who is not British by birth passing judgement and telling us where we are all going wrong and what we should and shouldn’t do, frankly makes me livid.

    Here is an idea: Why not go back to Canada then fucktard, if you really feel that the UK is doomed post-Brexit……do us all a fucking favour.


    • Oculi omnium in te sperant Domine:

      Tu das iis escam eorum in tempore opportuno.

      Aperis tu manum tuam:

      Et imples omne animal benedictione tua.

      Sanctifica nos, quaesumus,

      Domine, per verbum

      et orationem, istisque tuis donis, quae de tua

      bonitate sumus accepturi, benedicito

      per Christum Dominum nostrum,


      • Sorry NC, not perhaps for universal consumption, and the context wholly unclear: it’s a Caius/Jesus//Cambridge thing.
        A prayer for deliverance from our sooncome buffeting.

      • Latin goes right over my head, I’m afraid.

        At my ‘alma mater,’ English was barely mastered, let alone Latin.

      • 1000 apologies, Sir Monitor

        Just off to Asda on my Road Ace, immediately prior to nightfall, to reinvigorate my supplies of Aspall’s, Rizla la Croix, and hors d’oeuvres, pending a celebratory piss up tonight.
        I’m now getting bullshit from local dealers about ridiculously priced machines. Chance cunts.

      • Fuck the elasticity of supply and demand. What’s the elasticity of Victoria’s knickers? In Latin please Caughtspeddind

  12. Such virulent anti-Canadianism on display today. I’m surprised CW hasn’t waded in. Those poor, persecuted people.

      • caughtspedding. I want it to give weight to a Nomination I am writing. I am looking for a Latin tag but can’t find it. The words in English are ‘nothing comes from nothing’.

        Ovo ab ovo or something


      • I never knew calling out a Canadian cunt on the internet, would lead to me learning Latin.

        The only Latin phrase I knew before now was “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?”

        Which is also pretty apt for this topic.

  13. Good nom Elboobio. The cunt spouted on about predicted GDP growth rate falling from 1.7% to 1.2%. Brexit to blame of course. He forgot to mention Germany – down to 1.1% on the back of falling exports.Also forgot to mention falling demand in China ( govt. policy) and slowdown in global trade because of the tariff spat with USA and China. Also used GDP growth rate without other indicators. Bit poor for a Harvard/Oxford boy. Government debt as a percentage of GDP is a better indicator of economic health – Greece 180%, Portugal 140%, Italy 135%, Spain 120%, France 98% UK 90%. ( Blair/ Brown legacy) Figures are “abouts” – haven’t checked recently.. There’s a mountain of unserviceable debt in the EU for which Germany will pick up the tab when UK leaves. That’s the real reason they all look so glum.It’s going to collapse sooner rather than later.

    • This cunt, along with many other remoaner MP’s, pick and choose which ‘facts and figures’ to share with us poor, uneducated, plebs. I’m surprised they even bother with any ‘supporting evidence’, if you look at Mr Grayling’s track record of faux pas as an example, surely they might as well just end every statement they make with, “because I said so”.

      Their predictions only ever come true because they make them so. The only reason the remoaners have any legitimate argument left, is because our horrific excuse for a government has made such a hash of the article 50 and negotiation proceedings, that the predictions of Brexit carnage have come true. If we’d have ploughed on with a no deal mentality from the start, the outlook would be considerably clearer.

      The reason Carney Cunt can make these predictions and get away with it, is because if people don’t play his game he can fiddle interest rates, or grease some big business palms to fuck over anyone who questions him. He’s also paid a fucking insane amount of money, so sacking the twat would incur an exuberant amount of compensation.

      And this is why I can’t stand this fucking full weight arsehole cunt. There’s hard working people out their, who will live on a knife edge, working 60 hour weeks for 50 years and at the end of it, this bellend will tell them there’s no pension for them, because he’s had to bail out his bank buddies again. Fucking cock.

      • And the ‘threat’ that he would leave. And all the ‘negotiations’ around his salary. To keep him in place. As though he was fucking indispensable.

        I’m no economist. But he doesn’t fill me with confidence when he speaks. He’s too wide ranging in his forecasts. I just don’t believe in what he is saying.

        But it’s his straying into politics I really don’t like. In the press conferences he seems always to include his political assessment. Or, he’s not unafraid to factor in the political situation. Totally inappropriate for a Gov. of the BofE.

  14. He is a plant from Goldman Sachs. Goldman infiltrate government with edx directors to make sure their agenda is fulfilled.

  15. I have said this before the only good thing that this cunt has ever done is brought me to this site. I googled Mark Carney is a cunt and hey presto. It is the first site I check every day and without it I think I may just have crumbled. If there is a god to bless you may he/she LGBT bless you all fellow cunters.

  16. This bloke is a proper doom and gloom merchant He hates Brexit and. all it stands for every comment and prediction He has come out with has been proven to be absolute bollocks My advise to you Mr Carney is if you don’t like the Referendum result bugger off back to Canada.

  17. Always amazes me that-supposedly- we have the best universities in the world and the City hoovers up the brightest talent in the country.

    But then Osbourne picks a Canadian to be the Governor…and then Hammond extends his contract “as there’s no serious alternative contender at this critical stage in the nation’s economy”.

    FFS !!!

  18. Forgot to say apart from suffering Cliff Richard syndrome (large head and very small body) Mark Carney is a complete and utter cunt

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