Gum Gobbers


‘Gum Gobbers’
We’re all well acquainted with the problems posed by anti-social behaviour. We’ve waxed lyrical on ‘IAC’ on a range of such behaviour, from cunt cyclists to litter louts, through to druggies. I hereby nominate another category of anti-social fuckwit to the list, who, for want of a better term, I’ll label ‘gum gobbers’.
Gum gobbers are tosspots who chew gum then spit it out wherever they happen to be; in the street, a shopping precinct, the underground etc and so on. You see gobs of this shit everywhere, stuck like superglue. It paints a disgusting picture, but beyond that, it’s environmentally unfriendly. Being made of a form of rubber, it’s extremely tough and durable, and takes a very long time to degrade. Just try getting a lump of this guck off your shoe, and then imagine being in the position of a local council, trying to remove literally tons of it that have been deposited in public places every year, at a cumulative cost of millions to the nation.
Manufacturers of this crap are as culpable as the wankers who spit it out. They claim to have tried to create a biodegradable alternative, but that this hasn’t proved possible. Oh really, or are you just not prepared to put enough of your vast profits into a real search, Mr Wrigley? I’d love to see a levy put on your product to help pay for clearing the mess you help to create in Britain, so put that in your corporate pipe and smoke it.
In the front line of this cunting however are the gobbers themselves. The thick arsewipes are too lazy to dispose of their shit responsibly, and instead deposit it, with a glob of their spit, onto the pavement by the cartload. I’d make all of you fuckers get down on your hands and knees and scrape your muck up with a spoon. Then I’d make you eat it while an army of paid enforcers kicked your arses. It would be money well spent, you shitheaded cunts.

Nominated by Ron Knee

22 thoughts on “Gum Gobbers

  1. Corporal punishment is an essential tool to deal with gormless cunts who fuck up public places. When there’s a chance of 30 Strokes with the cane they suddenly do have skin in the game. Works well in Singapore.

  2. Gum is particularly fatal to animals, especially dogs who will try to pull it from the ground and chew it and potentially choking on it.

    Anti social cunts in general should be made to scrape this shit off with just a small trowel, a bucket and no gloves. Embarrass the bastards and piss off the do-gooder cunts.

    • Totally agree NCFOM
      The only thing I would add to your punishment is the perpetrators should be made to wear an orange jumpsuit with the word CUNT emblazoned across the back…….

  3. Actually, for a second there I thought the subject was “Cum Gobblers”, and all of a sudden Katie Price entered my head (as opposed to giving head, yikes!)

  4. I’d extend the beatings to all cunts that spit…..
    Unbelievable how many cunts that have no shame and think that it’s ok to go phlegm all over the pavement.
    Sow their fucking mouths up. Dirty cunts.

    • Footballers too and even some managers. Wayne Rooney´s style was to screw up his horrible little face, stick out his tongue in a camp limp-wristed way way and shoot out a sputum ball like a chameleon targetting a praying mantis. He was better at spitting than football. Snot flickers also annoy me. They know the camera is focussed on them but it doesn´t stop them snorting out their nasal excrement. Every heard of a lace hankie you shitheads? Just tuck it into your sweatband or jockstrap or sports bra that I saw a Wolves player flaunting after yesterday´s hammering of Spurs.

      • Spot on FF. Footballers gobbing and going full on with the Paki Rocket is nauseating, particularly as like as not, they’ll be fucking rolling and writhing about it in due course.

  5. There’s a fat woman in the village shop who sits behind the counter chewing gum. She always puts me in mind of a heifer chewing the cud. The same vacant,lethargic look.Her dugs are about the same size too and probably also graze her hocks when unfetterred.In fact the only difference is that I don’t mind sticking my whole arm up a cow to help it when it’s calving,but I wouldn’t want to stick any part of my anatomy up her slop-box.

    Fuck Off.

    • And is the number tagged through her ear her telephone number Dick?

      Get yourself in there mate…

  6. I read the title of the cunting wrong… when I first saw it thought it said cum gobbers but yeah can’t said gum chewers always flicking their disgusting chewed up gum over the streets and walkways, always the usual lowlifes doing it too. Singapore and the koreas have the right idea about gum gobbers 4 year minimum sentence in the gulags and up to a 10,000 fine

  7. Littering of any kind should be punishable by summary execution. In London, I didn’t let littering get to me because it is the norm. But I’m enraged to see it in the Highlands – the most beautiful landscape in the world spoiled by detritus thrown from car windows. You must be morally bankrupt to do it. Part of the Scottish dependence on the state to wipe arses.

  8. Never really got the hang of gum. It tasted quite nice for about a minute, then was just a fucking nuisance, best quietly deposited in the hair of the cunt sitting in front at the pictures. Spent ALL my pocket money in 1964 on Beatle bubblegum for the cards alone! Still have them somewhere, worth about a ton apparently.

  9. In some Asian cities like Bangkok and Singapore, they fine you for spitting gum or even depositing a ciggie butt in the street. It’s a money-making scam but it does the trick.

    • How do they actually enforce it, Cap’n, do you know? Some sort of warden system or is it down to having loads of cops about?

  10. A brilliant and overdue cunting.
    I fucking despise people who litter and gum gobber.
    It takes zero effort to hold on to your shit for a couple more minutes until you find a suitable receptacle. unwelcome aliens and scratter cunts from shitty estates are usual culprits. Fucking disgusting cretins, all of ‘em.

  11. Spot on Cuntflap and seeing as a high percentage of the culprits are our cultural enhancing, aspiring architect types, a good wacking with a knobkerrie would make the shitstain cunts feel right at home back in Africa.
    Cunts. Swallow it you dirty cunt or ram it down your japs eye and stop having kids.

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