Social Services

After they were mentioned in Monsieur Knee’s excellent cunting on snowflakes earlier I decided it was high time social services got an uber cunting of their own.

Far from protecting vulnerable children and adults from abuse, as they are supposedly obliged to, they instead focus on harassing innocent families with a religious level of zealotry over the slightest of mishaps. Dirty plate in the sink or unmade bed? Filthy house and poor living conditions! Bruised knee from a playground fall? Routine neglect and abuse! Can’t find any evidence of child porn on the computer (despite the neighbours’ claims)? It must’ve been wiped! Look again! Scratches on hands from a severely autistic brother who’s incapable of knowing any better? Children aren’t capable of doing that – it must be the parents! There’s no evidence but we’re social services – we can’t possibly be wrong! We have to cook up a case!

And all this kind of shit at the expense of helping genuinely vulnerable children like Baby P, Trae-Bleu Layne and Rio Ross. It genuinely makes me sick to my fucking stomach and I hate these people just as much as I hate Bliar, perhaps even more so – and coming from me that’s fucking big.. So fuck you you quasi-Soviet cunts, for not only putting my own family through hell but also many other innocent families as well, all whilst ignoring those poor kids who actually needed your help.

Nominated by OpinionatedCunt

22 thoughts on “Social Services

  1. I know this cunting is a bit heavier and more personal than a lot of my usual fare but somebody had to take the cunts down a notch. They are rotten, evil, vindictive scum who should be subjected to numerous thorough investigations into their activities and be subject to complete reform.

    • Sounds like they’ve given you some grief, OC. I had contact with a few in the course of my working life in housing. The problem I found is that they often become utterly hidebound by some ideological dogma prevailing at the time, and view every incident with utter inflexibility; the dogma says this, so it must be so. The tragedy was that they would act with good intent, but so often make a given situation much worse through their own narrow minded, almost bigoted, rigidity.

      • Well, without going into too much detail my mother still hasn’t fully recovered from our own ordeal. She’s not insane or anything but it did make her a LOT more paranoid.

    • Commiserations OC and I don’t say that lightly or condescendingly.
      SS (its no coincidence its abbreviated thus) are a law unto themselves and act accordingly. Many have “suffered” in the past and think that doing an OU course or pursuing a career in the SS will somehow absolve/cleanse/purge their own miserable past. Its like the local landlord advising an alcoholic or a betting shop manager advising gamblers – the vested interest versus the evangelising of the evils they are purveyors of and it never ends well.
      Note the past history – have a drive round any sink estate at any time of day or night and the feral cuntish youth in need of such services are ruling the roost terrorising the locals – the parents of these wild bastards couldn’t care less, the fuzz even less and the schools even lesser than that. Are social workers actively involved in rounding up these fuckers and extolling the virtues of the services they “provide”? Are they fuck – they are usually found in meetings or case reviews or training / indoctrination courses, all designed to pick off the single mother who is struggling or the feeble minded (again, that is no slight against poor souls who suffer) who the SS believe are in need of their “help”.
      When a failure comes to light like the awful Baby P case and the sheer weight of evidence that the poor little cunt was going to end up dead they trot out the same bollocks – lessons have been learned, we have updated our policies etc etc always ending in the cuts to services and the overbearing workload of the “unnamed” social worker involved.
      Like the taxman, once these cunts are on your back you are marked for life. A pox on the cunts – the SS are the Pied piper or the childcatcher, there are no winners when these ubercunts crash into your life. I hope your situation has a happy ending OC – sincerely.

      • Thankfully it ended a while back but the whole year and a half ordeal left my mother especially (who’s one of the more feeble minded people you mentioned) a paranoid wreck and gave me a deep hatred of the cunts, as well as nearly getting me expelled from school multiple times as one of the reasons I was such a nasty cunt at the time was down to difficulty handling the stress. Can’t speak for my dad or sister because I don’t talk to them about it much (for obvious reasons) and I have no idea what my brother thinks of it either because of his disabilities.

      • Jeez mate,
        For a young lad that is some weight you are carrying there. Take it easy lad – make the most of happy stuff. As yet nobody has come from the other side to tell me what a great time they are having so count it as one shot. Nobody your age should be humping that kind of shit around with them.

  2. The majority of Social Workers are useless, verging on the dangerous. In my long experience,I have only met a couple who I would trust. Many of the dodgy ones have had troubled upbringings themselves and carry the mental scars. I would not trust them to look after members of my, or anyone else’s family. It is a cunt of a “Service” predominantly staffed by inadequate, useless CUNTS.

  3. I can understand your frustration with these cunts, but I would be hesitant in publishing names without a big “allegedly” afterwards.

    I am no legal expert, but I’d be careful.

    • Agreed.
      People who are obsessed with some dodgy dogma usually have access to the swankiest legal eagles…

      • Yeah I realised my mistake as soon as No Cunt pointed it out and went into my administrative account to remove it.

  4. The big problem with these cunts is they are to a man left fecking wing and with that comes the overwhelming feeling of superiority and all knowingness that being a lefty entails, you cannot argue or reason with the feckers you would have more success knitting a coat out of soup.

    • I didn’t realise it at the time (this was in the period when I was 12 and 13 so my understanding of politics was appalling) but you’re absolutely right.

  5. Years ago I had a regular customer who was a social worker. To say that this woman was unhinged would be an understatement , she lived in a fantasy world and was totally unfit for the job. She wanted me to fuck her , I ran for the fucking hills. She ended up getting sacked , then tried to kill herself.
    Fuck knows what damage she caused to her unfortunate clients.
    Good afternoon.

  6. Plus there’s no real accountability in social services. Shoesmith oversaw catastrophic failure and received 600k for being scapegoats . Has even written a book on ‘blame because it’s all about her apparently.

    15.99 on Amazon if you want to read it

  7. Of the two that pursued my family (who I named in a comment earlier which I later removed after advice from No Cunt for Old Men) one has a perpetually angry cat look and the other looks like a hambeast /like one of those big, fat, ugly German women from old-timey fairytales and animated films.

    • Sounds familiar. Did the angry cat also have closely cropped hair, a bit of a weight problem, and a butch look, by any chance? Not to mention an attitude…

      • She had fairly short hair, an attitude and a butch look yeah. Strangely no weight issue though – she was very short and skinny

  8. In my childhood, there were no Social Services. We knew of the “Cruelty Man” (NSPCC) and that was the only one. People sorted their own problems as the family units were tightly entwined and neighbours rallied if needed. I remember being fed by aunties and so on when me Ma had fuck all to give us.
    We were poor but happy. None of this fucking shite they have nowadays. Dr Barnado’s was a charity, and it was the church and the health visitor who made all arrangements.
    That was then. When this country was white. When we were all together. Kids died of things like Polio, Diptheria and dozens of diseases that were eventually defeated. Life was tough.
    Now. This country is anything but white. In my latter years in practice I saw on a regular basis Leprosy,Tuberculosis,Lasser and every conceivable and imaginal horror reintroduced to this country. We waste vast sums on trying to teach some fucking Darkie to shit in a pot and not outside. The social problems have always been there.My point is , then we were a stronger more able people.
    It is the twats of today who have become dependent upon all services, as they lack the skills, the wit or the want to stand on their own two feet! And as for the Sand, and Punka Wallah’s. They will suck up every bit of whitemans free of cost hospitality and yet make neither contribution or effort to attempt to integrate.
    Social Service s are the Hallmark of a failing Society.

  9. You have my sympathy Opinionated Cunt. Not directly related to social services but one of my businesses was investigated by its fierce regulator due to a “whistle blow” from a former employee ( one we looked after above and beyond but that’s another story). The Investigators very much like social services turned up — started by telling a few secretaries on the qt to “look for another job” before the shite hits the fan. Three years later and god knows how much stress ( we could have been shut down – game over) they found one Uber minor accounting error ( it was clearly an honest mistake that was corrected two days afterwards and months before the regulator cunts even turned up) which they fined us £300 for. They came looking for a Sunday Roast and found half a soggy chip that was accidentally dropped from a table. Anyway my point was that they did not find anything because 20 years of honest business suggested there was likely nothing to find. However they put us through hell and simply fucked off without so much as a err… sorry perhaps we went in a bit too hard. I guess your situation was worse because it was about family but the similarity here is power corrupts and if anyone wants to know what direction we are all heading then read “the Crucible” by Arthur Miller ….. it’s going to get worse before it gets better.
    Anyway as I say I get your pain O. C. and all the best.

  10. The only sure fire way to avoid the pc social police is to become a peaceful nonce, by doing this you become “blessed” and no matter what you do, you can get away with being a filthy nonce ponce for at least 10 years until the pressure on the authority’s due to vote loss and public scrutiny becomes to much and you get sent down for a few years and your skanky family get more benefits. Can you believe that one of the kids being nonced was offered classes in Urdu so she could communicate better with her “boyfriend” never seemed to worry the ss that her “boyfriend” was 27 and she was 14. Bet none of those see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil cunts lost their fucking pension. I include the police , council and any other fucker who knew what was going on and said nothing. In all honesty I hate them more than the inbred nonces.

  11. CUNTS TO A MAN / woMAN / fluid fuckwit etc etc
    Social “ worker “ what a fuckin laugh that title is !!!!! ( oxymoron imho)
    Anyways normally cunts that couldn’t get a degree in fuck all else ( or a ride )
    As the Donald would say
    Poor very poor
    As I would say
    Clusterfucks !!!!!

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