? Thhhe Siimmp-sons ….?

Didn’t this series use to be a comedy?

No, no, you can’t have a person of colour doing a menial job. All the menial shit and stupidity must be done by thickie white (or in this case, yellow) men. You cannot show an Indian running a QuickEmart convenience shop as it stereotypes them. Nonetheless, you can show a white man doing it.

You can show the white man (not woman) being moronic over and over, bashing himself, being splattered, being drunk, randomly falling asleep, being overweight, being bald, having a repetitive, dull, low-paid job, and having no respect from his peers or neighbours, but don’t take the piss out of the person-of-colour, even if it sterilises the funny characters and sanitises the programme’s humour.

? Thhhe Siimmp-sons ….?

It used to be a comedy.

Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

32 thoughts on “? Thhhe Siimmp-sons ….?

  1. TV is now overseen by snowflake agendas, this morning the BBC is pushing the new radicalisation story line in Hollygoats. Bout time this subject was dealt with by the MSM we say? But wait, this is the far right radicalisation we all encounter daily.

    Wherever we go there is some right ring extremist trying to radicalise us, right?

    Wrong, what breeds radical thinking is the establishment ignoring the peoples concerns, when the government ignores the will of the people the people get uppity, some take extreme views.

    The Simpsons and Hollyoaks are both examples of the fences being built around us by the thought police. Any surprise that the seams are begging to burst?

    Any politician that attempts to listen and act on the will of the people is branded a populist, an evil cunt that undermines democracy by listening to and acting on the peoples concerns.

    Who’d of thought it, listening to the people is an extremist anti democratic act!!!!

    Brexit shows us what happens if you give the people a real say outside of the one party two faces system we actually live under.

    Fuck me I’ve just outed myself as an extremist probably, well I am fucking not!, I merely want my vote to count and my opinion to be heard.

  2. This steaming pile of bollocks should have been put to pasture a decade ago. I’ve never bought this crock of shit, not even as a kid. It’s always just been a bastardization of everything in popular culutre with added celebrity cameos. Like Saturday Shite Live really. And fast becoming just as fucking politically correct.

    To be honest, whenever I see grown men fawn over animated nuclear family shit like this, or Family Dad, or the other fucking heap of shit clones, I immediately consign these people to the cunt basket. The only animated show in this vein which was remotely funny was King of the Hill, and even that was for wankers.

    The Shitsons warranted a cunting even without the Apu debacle – now it is a bona fide institution of cunt.

    • Noticed the BBC running an article about the fashion industry culturally appropriating other cultures clothes.

      What the ones that used to walk around bare arsed and now wear Nike and Kappa, this comes after another article telling us that not dating people because of racial preference may mean your racist……..

      • I saw that headline too, appropriately just as I was vacating my bowels.

        And if we are going to talk about ‘cultural appropriation’, why not talk about the darkie she-boons who go for soin lightening products and all strive to wear those comically ill-fitting wigs featuring hair of a typically Western texture and style?

      • Just imagine if Western blokes tried to appropriate Middle Eastern fashion.

        Tesco, ASDA and Saisbo’s would be out of bed linen in a flash!

  3. Since the Jap nuke power plant problem Mr Burns has not had much air time, fuck I’m not racist, the fact that the cartoon plant operators are all yellow is a coincidence?

  4. Never watched it. Always thought the characterisations looked weird and poorly drawn. Also, hasn’t it had guest cunts like Blair on it? Not for me.

  5. Give me South Park every time!

    The Simpsons has been utter bollocks since the turn of the century; and it wouldn’t surprise me if we get some new touchy-feely “right on” characters come on board like a trannie, a feminist-lezzer, a poofter, and the token black bloke

    • South Park has peaked as well though. Seasons 7-9 were definitely the peak. Really wish they had got drawn Mohammed shown and not let Comedy Central get all pussy about it.

      • You know, I don’t think it has. The latter part of season 20 and season 21 were both inconsistent but this season has been utterly fantastic so far. Last week’s episode would’ve been considered outstanding in the previous season yet it looks weak compared to the others in season 22.

      • I agree, OC. South Park still has some legs. That episode a few weeks ago about Catholic priests didn’t pull any punches.

      • Oh that one was brilliant. I enjoyed the Mr Hankey (‘look at the PC babies!’) and Dead Kids ones as well.

      • There was actually a clip where they showed Mohammed, he looked like their version of moses but without a face.

  6. Isn’t the Groundskeeper Willy character as much of a stereotype as Apu? Doesn’t matter though, because he’s white. Apu is a poor, innaccurate representation of Asian characters. His wife isnt even his cousin. I guess having a sense of humour is a hate crime now? Fuck the Simpsons anyway, it’s utter, utter shite.

    • grounds keeper willie sterotypes Scots as drunken dolts. doesn’t matter cos he is white. shit program now.

  7. I gave this puerile crap a few moments of my time donkey’s years ago. Thought it was unfunny shite then and can’t believe they’re still making it. Same with that utter bollocks South Park too. Who watches this stuff? Jeez!

    In other news, I’m giving thanks that Yank Thanksgiving is over for another year. That time of year when Americans celebrate and give thanks to their forefathers for the ethnic cleansing of Native Americans who had enjoyed the land for generations before whitey showed up and nicked it off them. And now it’s Black Friday. Oh the joy.

  8. I found myself watching this show one day completely by accident. A woman neighbour comes into his house and says “I’ve got no knickers on” and he says “It’s ok, we can throw that chair out.” Stuck in my mind for some reason.

  9. The whole show may as well be cancelled if Apu is a racist stereotype. FFS it’s a cartoon that’s been completely all about stereotypes since day 1.
    The useless husband
    The dutiful wife
    The rebellious son
    The perfect daughter
    The incompetent police chief
    The evil billionaire
    The corrupt politician
    The Italian gangster
    The has-been entertainer
    The comic book geek
    The sanctimonious Christian
    The chain-smoking teacher

    Feel free to add any I’ve missed….

    • I agree with Opinionated Cunt. It was once funny and the scriptwriters were skilful appealing in the early days to young kids with the double meaning wit going way over the kids heads making the parents – even grandparents ( my old man was a fan when my kids were watching it) have a good old titter /chortle ( choose which as I would obviously hate to cause offence to those finding “titter” rather sexist………not!). Rosie and Jim was utter boring bollox by comparison. But it’s not a patch on what it was now that the PC snowflakes and assorted scum are in the driving seat.

  10. There’s an early episode of Big Bang Theory where a character mimics an Indian accent. Somebody tells him that’s racist.
    He says “he’s a lovable character in the Simpsons, how can it be racist?”
    That was then, this is now.

  11. It seemed to be groundbreaking at one stage but has succumbed to PC nonsense. How is doing an accent racist? Disappointing but not surprising.

  12. Other than cunting Apu and the minor token Dr. Hibbert, there are zero characters of color. That should indicate how much they regard nonwhite characters of any intelligence.

  13. Evening Cap’n.
    Will have to go with your nom. on this one, and that’s good enough for me, for the simple reason that I’ve never seen a single episode of this programme.

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