The SNP (5)

Another cunting for the SNP.

The fuckers walked out of parliament. Why? Well as far as I can make out the Mickey Mouse Assembly in Edinburgh seems to think it can vote to stay in the EU or something. Being overruled by the Government has upset the fuckers.

I thought that Scotland was part of the UK and furthermore voted to stay that way. Also aren’t the devolved assemblies or gravy trains for the unemployable as they should be called subservient to UK government except in agreed areas?

God help Scotland being ruled by this set of cunts.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

49 thoughts on “The SNP (5)

  1. The SNP can walk out of parliament and fucking stay out if it was left up to me.
    In spite of the fact the majority of voters wanted to remain part of the UK, and then again to leave the EU, these fuckwits want to overturn both verdicts.
    It should be clear then that none of these cunts believe in the democratic outcome of an election so why keep clamouring for another.
    The SNP is a boil on the arse of the UK.

  2. Like the Flabbopotomus they’ve got a surprisingly low number of cuntings. Then again I suppose the amount Nicola Krankie alone has more than makes up for it…

  3. The SNP never ever had the interests of the Scottish people at heart, and have consistently displayed lack of principal at every quirk in politics. Independence for Scotland meant the transfer of dependency from Westminster ( the hated English ) to the Halls of the 4th Reich in Brussels.

    The SNP never had any intention of governing an independent nation ( Scotland ).
    If they had, they would also be voting to leave the Reich. They won’t.


  4. Have to admit, it was encouraging to witness the SNP walk out last week. Good to see their bench empty, if only for a few hours… Fair warmed the cockles of my heart.

    Shame they don’t fuck off permanently… like fellow nazis Sinn Fein.

  5. The reality is Fat Boab Salmond and Nicola ‘Lego hair’ Sturgeon are both so blinded by their hatred for England that they are more than happy to blithely trade Westminster for Brussels. If a second referendum determined they would leave the UK and then if the EU allowed Scotland to join them, their ‘Wee pretendy Parliament” at Holyrood would quickly become obsolete.

    A perfect case of turkeys voting for Christmas. They can stick the SNP right up their braw keysters. Cunts.

    • I’d best not get started about that bunch of ignorant, clueless cunts otherwise I’d be typing all night. Thankfully, in spite of all their noise they’re increasingly looking like a busted flush.

  6. The SNP allow their hatred of all things English to dominate their whole way of thinking. They profess to love Scotland and only want the best for it’s people,but they give the impression to me that they would accept Scotland going down the shitter,just as long as they could crow that they had beaten the hated English.
    Their petty,childish stunt of walking out of parliament the other day just gives the impression of a group of spoiled brats not getting their way. Nobody gave a shit that they’d gone,why should they? Perhaps they hope that eventually the English will get sick of pandering to a bunch of intractable bigots and agree that a parting of the ways is the best thing for all concerned. The SNP will then have “won”,they’ll have thrashed the enemy,thrown off the yoke of the oppressor…but the trouble is,it’ll be the ultimate in Pyrrhic victories,Scotland cannot stand on it’s own,and the EU wont accept them,never mind subsidise them the way that England has for years.
    The SNP leadership would see Scotland sink just so that they could gloat at beating “The Auld Enemy.” Mrs. Sturgeon and her swivel-eyed acolytes would have ended the 300 years of oppression and tyranny that they like to imagine has been inflicted on the Scottish people. The fact that she will have condemned Scotland to a very uncertain future,either responsible for it’s own financial stability,or as a very small and unwelcome part of the EU won’t matter,they’ll have their victory,and that’s what counts.

    Fuck them.

    • Gary Lineker resembles a Muslim taxi-driver, it’s not just the tan,it’s the facial hair that has more than a whiff of spring-lamb fancier about it. The man is a Cunt.

      • It’s hard to decide out of Lineker or Aluko who’s the worst pundit.

    • As usual – top class repost Dick. I wouldn’t mind if wee Jimmy Krankie and that shower of cunts in Wasteminster were consistent. The West Lothian question still has not been addressed and the English hating cunts want out of the Union but be in bed with Europe. I cant figure that one out. So great are they at forecasting how awash they will be with whatever currency they will be trading in, the cost of Hollyrood (a fucking talking shop) was priced between £10 and £40 million by John Smith (the last Labour man I ever had an ounce of respect for). The end cost? £450m. I have many Scottish mates, although all living in England, they hate the fucking sight of Wee Jimmy and the mention of SNP. Which reminds me – whats in a name? Scottish National Party, respected and approved. Welsh National Party, respected and approved. British National Party, hated, despised and considered a right wing racist party which it largely is, but has never been given any room to improve its image because the media are quite happy to demonise anything “English” – even having the cross of St George on your car brings its hate. I saw a guy in Morrison’s car park almost in tears – he had a flag on his windscreen for the world cup and some cunt had scratched “Racist Bastard” on his drivers side front and rear door. Right down to the bare metal. Maybe the swivel eyed lunatic will attempt to erase the word England if there are enough stupid cunts to vote him in. Londinium – with counties given numbers as they do in France – that sounds more Orwellesque. We really are fucked Dick – whichever way we go.

      • You’re right, Cunto. The demonisation of England and the English seems relentless and almost Orwellian. When I was at school,the history we were taught was of a proud,belligerent,self-reliant,determined England which,overall,was basically benevolent,although not faultless. Now it seems to be that every aspect of both us and our history should be reviled,and I just don’t understand why,or even when,we allowed this sneering and twisted revision of history to take hold. Most younger people seem to swallow this idea that we should be ashamed of our past..ashamed of resisting the likes of Napoleon or Hitler !..still I suppose they were the ultimate example of wanting a truly unified Europe under central control,so no surprise there.
        People seem to be forgetting that we have often stood alone,without help from our European friends and neighbours and done quite well. I suppose the sooner that these memories and actions can be treated as another “unpleasant” facet of the British psyche,the sooner the population will be convinced that we need Nanny to direct our lives and remove any need for independent thought or action.
        I agree with you, Cunto,we are fucked. People today lack the moral fibre,physical strength and downright British awkwardness to turn the tide. I fear that the game is up. Time for us older Cunts to pull stumps and quietly disappear so that the younger generation can create the “great big melting pot” Utopia that previous generations have been to stupid too recognise and embrace. I’d wish them “Best of British”,but that probably wouldn’t be welcome.

        Fuck them.

      • Great analysis Dick. This anti British history /heritage poison has been drip fed to successive generations of impressionable minds by a predominantly white, self hating, leftist educational system – teachers and university professors – since the early 1970s in my experience… probably initiated under ‘progressive’ Labour ideology that dominated following the war.

        We’re now past the point of no return, imho… the brainwashing is complete.

    • Scotland on its own would not qualify for EU membership. If nothing else, their budget deficit is three times higher than that allowed under EU regulations. And would Germany want to take on the subsidy currently bourne by the English? I think fucking not.

      • Presumably they hate Labour and the Tories even more!

        Most hated 1 – 5:

        1 SNP
        2 Labour
        3 Green
        4 LibDem
        5 Everyone else

  7. More like the Anti SNP SNP is fake nationalism peddled by globalist puppets like nicola sturgeon also what kind of scottish cunt parent names their kid Nicola? Nicola sounds fucking czechoslovakian, russian or something what was wrong with Nicole or Burney…


    What a load of cobblers this is. A massive shit-storm has been created over Evra being “condescending” to that Aluko broad who by the way has been cunted in here before. Maybe he was patronising or maybe he wasn’t. Either way it’s pretty irrelevant and shows you how triggered and sensitive these snowflakes are. Especially the Twatter lefty mafia.

    • Don’t ever bother to suck up to cunts like that….
      All they want is to be the centre of attention and to be applauded, as soon as they get the applause that they’ve been bitching about for all these years they’ll turn it around on you, the ungrateful cunts.
      You can’t win so just call her a fat cunt and cut her off when she starts to talk.
      Stupid moany bitches.

    • I either change the channel or mute the volume whenever that professional victim bitch comes on. Shame she has to ruin a lovely face by talking absolute shite.

  9. I opened a business right in the middle of an Italian neighbourhood in London.
    Wasn’t long before some heavies turned up, making us an offer we couldn’t refuse.
    Opened a second branch in Glasgow, slight difference with the heavies there.
    They made us an offer we couldn’t understand….

  10. Has some goat shagger tried to blow up Southgate Stn,? Candles on standby. Who will be releasing the single?

  11. They urged a once-in-a-lifetime referendum and were eventually given it. They lost. Now the little transgender Krankie wants another once-in-a-lifetime referendum. If they were to have it and subsequently lose again, would they campaign for another once-in-a-lifetime referendum?

    What a farce. Carry On Scotland starring the two pathetic pisces of piss-takes, Salmond and Sturgeon.

    • Funny… the EU referendum was meant to be a once in a lifetime, no turning back vote….
      Undemocratic cunts seem to think we’ll put up with it. We’re not French for fucks sake.

      • Exactement, mon ami.

        How’s fares it oop North, DPS? Have you purchased any whippets yet?

      • Ha ha no not yet cap…

        It’s great. Driving to work in the morning through the Yorkshire countryside is so much better than sitting on the m4 or the a1 into London.
        Cost of living is so much cheaper and really loving the Pattie and chips….

        Going well so far, got a new job so gotta get settled, learn the area and sort new digs and all should be well.

        How u doing mate?

      • Not too shabby. Kentish countryside used to be pretty but they can’t build enough houses over it. Might join thee, don a flatcap and move t’God’s cuntray.

        ‘Ow do.

  12. It’s all a facade….
    Independence is their one and only goal and these cunts will do anything to get it.
    They know full well that the EU will use them to fuck the rest of Britain and then tell the Scots to do one, it’s obvious. They don’t seen to mind being verhovstadt’s biatch though.
    The EU wants to destabilise the UK so that we won’t get angry and fuck em up, and the traitorous SNP are quite happy to oblige.
    I don’t think that the SNP give a flying fuck about being in the Reich.
    They’re only doing it to piss England off.
    They took the vote to the Scottish people and they decided to stay in the union. Their only hope now is to take the vote to the English. They think that if they keep pissing us off we will then call a vote to expel the Scots and they will get their dream.

    Well bad news. We want to keep Scotland in the UK. There are a few reasons but the biggest one is that it upsets the SN fucking P so fucking much, which makes me very happy indeed.

    • But they do give one about being in the Reich. They still think the EU will subsidise a small, unproductive country. They need to go and talk to their bank manager. That’s the Bundesbank…

  13. There’s no way wee Sour Tits wants another referendum, she fucking knows she won’t win.

    But agitating for a second bite plays well with her ever dwindling coalition of English hating nats/ trots/ greens/ socialists/ union activists and all round serial losers.

    The bastard SNP are making a real dogs fuck of running Scotland’s public services, after years of blaming Thatcher, Westminster, Rainy Days on Sundays, Early/ Late Easter’s, Britain’s Empirical past, the lack of daylight during winter time…….. blah blah fucking blah you name it they’ve got the excuse just waiting on the shelf ready for despatch but they’re now finding that running a Government requires much more than shouting from the sidelines.

    The hubris that has accompanied the SNP’s rise to power has been hard to watch but with all meteoric rises there comes a fall.

    The fantasy politics these bastards have bathed in for the past 10/15 years is now fully exposed.

    Accountability is a wonderful thing.

  14. If you hadn’t provided the link I would have assumed you were fucking about…….a poor attempt at humour.
    SERIOUSLY!!! Have these fucking morons got nothing better to do?? Upskirting equality ? If it’s going to be a major crime to upskirt women and Jocks what about trannies and gender neutrals? I hope the House of Lords can be relied on to go over this Bill with a fine tooth comb just like they do with anything to do with Brexit. If so I fear it may be a long time before it becomes law and we may be subject to a huge crime wave by the wicked upskirters.

  15. Completely stage managed stunt!!! They would do far better trying to sort out the mess they have made in Scotland instead of using misdirection to keep blaming Westminster for all their woes!!
    Kranky is an utterly useless

  16. So 1 year on from the ‘lone wolf’ terrorist attack by Darren Osbourne, a fucking serial cunt that gave the left the cheer leader they so craved it appears there’s been an ‘incident’ at Southgate Tube Station.

    What struck me was the fact it wasn’t really being reported but as we live in an age of social meeeedja and tin’ternet you can’t really enforce a press blackout, just ask Tommy Robinson, if he gets out, alive…

    Now forgive me, reading the various reports it appears the entire anti terrorism division of the Met was mobilised and clearly a major incident response was enacted.

    Despite the fact Al-BBCeer and Sly aren’t reporting from the scene they are confident a ‘battery short circuit’ caused the ‘explosion’ that came from the top of the escalator.

    That got me thinking, how the fuck does a battery ever power an escalator, even in an emergency.

    These fuckers weigh a ton and double, triple, quadruple that and the rest with passengers.

    I’m no battery scientist but I can’t for the life of me imagine a battery big enough for this job.

    Having had a cursory look at various elevator manufacturers websites I’ve failed to find a single one that incorporates a battery into its mechanism?

    The following is a typical example technical drawing from Mitsubishi.

    I fucked if I can find the battery compartment but just in case I’ve missed it please point it out.

    • No, of course the Duracell bunny doesn’t run the escalators – latest reports are that it was a drill battery. Man arrested on suspicion of doing something likely to cause an explosion, now released pending enquiries. ‘Small’ explosion, and in any case not a detonation, consistent with overstressed lithium battery.

  17. The heroic Suck Dick has tweeted the incident was ‘non suspicious’.

    He added ‘did I mention Daddee wuz a buz driver’? OK, I may have made that last bit up.

    • If they were Marxists, they’d at least have a clue about economics…that term is very loosely applied. Leninists, now, maybe.

  18. Padden

    I could have wrote that myself being a fellow cuntryman. All spot on. Good to know there’s many out there id like to go for a pint with

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