Banksy [3]

I note that Banksy hasn’t been cunted for over two years and is back in the news making a cunt of himself again. Talk about a one trick pony and the arse has well and truly been torn out of the trick. Same old stencilled shite that looks exactly the same as the ten that preceded It, accompanied by a slogan of vaguely subversive lefty bolleaux. Which, of course, his army of simpering, clueless disciples lap up as though it were a proclamation from God himself.

If I woke up in the night and found Banksy vandalising my property, I’d stove the cunts head in, I’ll tell you cunts that for fuck all.

Nominated by Mecha-rigsby

52 thoughts on “Banksy [3]

  1. Well said rigsby.

    There’s a difference between art and vandalism.
    Maybe someone need to set some dogs on him or something next time he vandalised someone’s property. The cunt.

  2. I always thought mainstream British art couldn’t get more cuntish than Tracey Emin and Damien Hirst. But Wanksy supersedes the aformentioned cunts, and then some.

    A classic case of media hype and overblown reactions to his 6th form shite, causing cunt critics like Will Gompertz to fill his wank flannels in constant rotation – to this day I will never understand how that art-school shite is valued so highly. Supposedly a ‘cultural and social snapshot of modern British sentiment’ or some other wank. No, just some opportunist one-trick profiteering cunt furiously milking the liberal zeitgeist like Nina Hartley at a 1991 gang-bang.

    I suspect the ‘value’ of this cunts output is largely to do with his (increasingly diminishing) anonymity. Assured that when this cunt is irrefutably ID’d, his stock will go through the fucking floor. Not that it will matter of course, because the cunt has made a ton of money from absolutely fucking nothing.

    As per OPs sentiments, a fitting end for this cunt would be getting caught by an irate building owner, henceforth receiving multiple sickening tolchoks to the head via a blunt instrument, until the cunt is reduced to a drooling vegetable. Maybe then his artistic talent would actually be improved. Fucking seismic cunt.

  3. This arrogant wankstain uses someone else’s property to paint his crap. Because he is lauded as a great artist, his work is called art and not criminal damage.
    That can now be claimed by any fucking chav with a paint can. “Its art..innit ”

    The only fair way to stop cunts like this is to poke their fucking eyes out.

    There. Sorted.

  4. If i caught the cunt round my house he would end up loosing his fingers, His only option then to make a living would be to paint with his toes and join those cunts that send you water colours at Christmas .

  5. He can come and draw on my wall any fucking day. Compared to Tracy Vermin and Damian Cunt Hirst Banksy is a fuckng genius. At least when you look at a Banksy you know what it is saying.

  6. There was no critical adulation or write-ups in the arty-farty sections of the papers when I wrote “Mr Thomas is a prick” next to a drawing of an erect spouting dick on the blackboard at school before the Cunt came in to take the first lesson… Oh no…just a class punishment because nobody would own up. I tried to blame it on Goldstein minor,but he didn’t believe it was him.

    My career as a school janitor ended shortly after.

      • My part-time job answering calls for The Samaritans gives me a great deal of satisfaction,ASA…nobody feels the need to call twice if they’ve had the benefit of some advice from me…My trouble is,I just care too much….

      • I hope I’m not breaking any confidences here Dick, but you’ve prevented me from taking my life on more than one occasion.

        Fuck you.

      • Say it ain’t so, SB….I don’t think that I could bear the guilt of knowing that I’d done mankind such a disservice.

      • The wife was furious last time, was expecting to be quids in… wanted to know where you lived, ha ha!!

      • @ Dick. I always knew by your postings that you were a very sensitive and caring person. Im sure that those poor unfortunates you helped benefitted from your kindness and care. Certainly your wisdom saved the life of poor Shitcake!

    • Fuck me….is that for real/ I couldn’t tell if this was a piss take or the real deal…..£46 mill !!!!

    • Everyone involved in the art industry all colossal cunts.

      The story of the Emperor’s new clothes springs to mind.

      Remember going to the Tate Modern a few years ago, and seeing an exhibit which comprised of several pieces of shit in a box.

      My young son said something along the lines of- that’s not art, just some pooh in a box.

    • I have noticed in the last year or so that some silly cunts have started a fad for knitting woolly rainbow striped covers for lamp posts,park benches and bins etc. I cannot imagine the reasoning behind this activity but it is definitely proof that there are some odd bod cunts out there with far too much time on their hands.

  7. I quite like his work. Political yes, all art is, but “he” (perhaps “they”) always uses a weird humour technique which forces the point. The sweatshop kid making Union Jack flags, the terrorist throwing a plant pot, the feller hanging from his lover’s window – provocative, at least. Yes, comparatively it might not be great art. However if you demonise people for that, these pages would be bursting with every Top 20 “artist”/tedious tv “actor”/shitty modem film-maker seven days a week.

    If I saw him stencilling his latest on my outside wall I wouldn’t lamp him; going by the vast prices obtained for them, I’d ask him to to do the garage as well.

  8. Totally agree with your offender profiling of wanksy!!
    It’s just a load of media bull and hype…
    AS previous posters have said it would be hugely enjoyable if he was caught in the act and copped a right hander or even better if his aerosol was inserted into his arsehole ……

  9. A turd is a turd, no matter which arse it falls from. Some turds are more attractive than others, and it is these that we call art.
    Personally, I would not want to decorate my walls with turds of any description, and no matter whose arse it came from.
    When I hear of the millions spent purchasing these works of “art” I think. “Cunt, the fuckers got too much money” Would it not therefore be more practical to wallpaper your house with £50 notes?
    As for Banksy, I too hope he is ( as MikeOxard says ) a “public schoolboy or some other middle class rich cunt”.
    I would love to see the cock sucking, fawning, faux intelligencia’s response to that !

    • Ha ha love it. A turd is a turd … I’m gonna use that one.
      I wonder how many lives could be saved with £1 million?
      Then some cunt spends 10’s of millions just to have a cunty scribble on the wall.

      The world is fucked up.

  10. I have to admit, if Wanksy put one of doodles on my property, I’d sell the wall he painted it on. To me, it would be worth fuck all. But there’s always going to be some rich thick twat, who considers themselves to be an amateur art expert, who’d be willing to pay at least half a million quid for his political shite. And it wouldn’t put much of a dent in the profit I made to replace the wall. The guy is a monumental cunt though. And I agree, should his identity ever be revealed, he’ll turn out to be a middle class trust funder.

  11. Damn cunt from my home town of Bristol. The cunt has inspired a whole load of cunts trying to be like him and Bristol now looks like a graffiti shit hole. I actually think Banksy’s work is pretty good but what pisses me off are the wannabe next Banksy cunts who go round spraying everywhere. Some cunts even let theses cunts spray the whole side of their houses.
    The cunts who when they see a nice refurbished or decorated building decide to ‘Tag’ it with their ‘Alias’ are wankers who need to grow up. They always tag where it can be seen from busy roads etc. If I ever caught some cunt spraying my home or anywhere that I own I’d spray the remaining paint down the cunts throat and slap the cunt and finish with a nice kick in the bollocks. The cunts.

    • Went to Weston-super-cunt yesterday and saw what I thought was a Banksy, turns out it was some other cunt who put his name or whatever next to it the stencil work. So for making people blatantly copy your artwork and still being an anonymous cunt Banksy is a cunt.
      Seaside towns need a cunting as well.

      • AGH!… Weston Super Cunt in february…? Fuck me B&WC, you must be desperate for a break…..

    • The old town of Bristol is a great place, and overall I loved Bristol very much. Now…. well, you’re right B&WC, the graffiti and importantly the shit from all of those gimmeegrants! What is happening.?

      • Bristol is infested with left wing cuntery. Any exhibition or performance being staged is invariably either about Feminism or Racism. I saw a bit of so called Performance Art a few years ago where a fairly grim looking woman was being wheeled about naked on a toilet bowl on wheels. She was covering herself in spray can UHT cream and inviting onlookers to throw Smarties at her. The mind was beyond boggling. This took place in the Arnolfini Gallery, a well known temple of cuntitude.

  12. Well, one suggestion was that he could be that nobhead from massive attack. A professional student cunt from Bishopston in Bristol, where 500 grand might get you a 2 bed mid-terrace so you’re probably bang on the money with what he probably really is. Once his adoring army of swampys and citizen smiths realise he’s a posh middle class twat who funnels all his earnings through a charitable trust (subsequently paying zero tax) they ‘may’ disown him… but then again, the lib/left don’t have much form when it comes to brains/ethics/morals so I doubt they will.

  13. The ‘work’ of ‘Banksy’ is a load of shite anyway… More than one man and all done with stencils… The little rat and his crew couldn’t do a piece of freehand work if their lives and that stupid nickname depended on it… And why haven’t the cozzers collared this little turd yet? The cunt gets ridiculous amounts of money for his kiddie spray painting from celebricunts like Slagelina Jolie, so all Plod has to do is trace the ‘Banksy’ bank account…. The favoured child treatment this cunt gets is both hypocritical and sickening… If some kid is caught painting a giant knob and ‘City are shit!’ on wall he gets nicked and gets a lecture on the evils of vandalism…. However, if ‘Banksy’ did the same thing, cunts would be wanking over it and blathering on about its significance…. What a load of bollocks…

  14. 1. Compared for what else passes as art as standards plummet to the sub-basement and the term ‘art’ is applied to the excreta of those unable to find gainful employment in any other area than the cultural toilet most of Western Europe has now become – compared to that, Banks is fucking Michaelangelo. And sometimes entertaining with it, he and his clones.

    2. And. let’s face it, he doesn’t charge admission to his street works. If you’re mug enough to buy a limited-edition print, or someone’s wall, that’s up to you.

    Cunt? This court awards the customary slap on the wrist for a minor transgression and refers the defendant to the DPP in respect of the sin of graffiti. If the DPP can catch him.

      • Please! Lord Janner of Whereverthefuck was a noble rear of the realm, appointed by none other than the Reverend Blair… And a most interesting case of Convenient Alzheimer’s Syndrome.

        The CPS would have less trouble with Banksy because he probably isn’t as well-connected to the legal establishment and other interest groups supporting the current PM. Even though stencilling on peoples’ walls is 100X graver than kiddy fiddling (alleged)

      • Ffs, everyone knows he’s Corbyn & McDonnell’s role model and hero Wolfie Smith.

        Alzheimer’s would be a given if the CPS ever got close.

      • Being connected to Corbyn is not at all the same thing as being connected to Lord Levy of Cashpoint, Lord Mendelsohn, ‘Lord’ Mandelson, Tony Blair, the legal hierarchy, the Israel lobby, Uncle Tom Cobbley and all…

      • Fret not, the Corbynite libtard commie Momentum EU loving cunts are no slouches when it comes to looking after their own.

        If St. Brendan Cox had been a Tory his feet would not have touched the ground.

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