Javid Ahmed

Javid Ahmed is a fucking arsehole who stuck this on Longrider’s blog a couple of days back when he wrote about the vegan who decided that Amazon should stop selling a plastic pig toy.

Dont worry I have contacted mediatemple.net a shutdown of your domain is being arranged as you sitting behind a wall, you have no clue what animals suffer and on here. Your all just a bunch if inbred redneck hillbillies turds. am sure you mums and dads that bastards they are all inbred terrorists also no go fuck yourself you cunt?”

Mediatemple quite rightly told him to fuck off.

To all you self appointed self righteous self indulgent arrogant cunts just like Javid who want to stifle any opinion that contradicts their narrow minded view of the world, I say “Fuck you. You’re all cunts”

Nominated by Dioclese

35 thoughts on “Javid Ahmed

  1. Surely he has a “peaceful one” name, Javid Ahmed, why the fuck is he worried about a pig toy story. This reality is getting totally bonkers. Though I am pretty pissed.

  2. Typifies the cunts I hate – opinionated, narrow minded, yet without a coherent argument to back up their cuntish opinions they resort to insults. This excellent cunting could reasonably be extended to anyone who reads the Guardian, the BBC, and indeed any asinine privileged do-gooding prick who thinks we should all be gender fluid and hand our country over to gimmegrant scroungers.

    • Her indoors was telling me of some forum, mumsnet. In the news section, a thread titled, “Grenfell the aftermath thread”.

      Its on its sixth volume (40 or 50 pages per vol) and it consists of someone flagging every guardian, ABBC and other links to “peaceful” articles, mainly about the bad housing assoc, the council & the bad government. Same old folk thank her for the updates she posts.

      Her indoors reckons she’s a trouble maker journo likely with the guardian herself under an alias. Nothing like targeting an audience who succumb to the tugging of their own heart strings with the continual biased reporting.

      Now were gonna get memorial events every 6 months, 12 months, new year, valentines, easter, notting hill carnie memorials the lot. But no Guy Fawkes? Will we see fireworks over the city this new year or will they put a dampner on everyone else’s celebrations?

      I know it was a cunt of a disaster and lives were lost, but life goes on. There are cunts that weren’t even in the tower, but in nearby houses who moved out perfectly good houses, jumping on the gravy train for all the compo they can get.

      Getting out the hotels into homes for Christmas should have been the priority and then Joshua wouldn’t have to do his homework on the bed in 2018 or eat nasty takeaway food making them all fat.

      • But its okay to use a sword to carry out a jihadi beheading instead? Stupid cunt will have boosted sales now.

      • The toy might be in bad taste – fair enough – and he’s entitled to his opinion. However …

        1. It doesn’t excuse him calling Longrider a cunt, insulting his parentage, telling him to fuck off and trying to shut down his blog

        2. Take a look at the cat in the picture. Looks pissed off in his stupid little hat. That, of course, isn’t disrespecting the cat or abusing it for his own amusement. This makes him, IMHO, not just a cunt but a hypocritical cunt.

        And judging by his rant, an illiterate cunt and a shit typist to boot…

  3. This ludicrous sandspade cunt, alongside the ‘ban Sleeping Beauty’ mong and the mince pies are too ‘boozy’ for kids wankstians have shown how social media has turned the world into a huge lunatic asylum….

    And this from the President’s Twitter page:
    ‘NO MERCY TO TERRORISTS you dumb bastards!’
    Viva Big Don again, and Rosanne Barr is a fat libflake cunt….

  4. I’m struggling to even decipher his rant. He might be better served learning how to write a literate rant rather than that drivel. Difficult to take anyone seriously if you can’t even understand what they mean. Is he complaining about plastic pigs? I’m not wild on them myself .My dogs have a squeaky one which they seem fond of ,but I don’t think I could get that worked up about a plastic toy. Perhaps he’d like to contact my hounds,although I fear that the lurcher would probably best the semi-literate Cunt if it came to a cogent debate.
    But seriously, what a strange,sad man to spend his time looking for reasons to be “outraged”. I fucking detest people who just put their heads back and whine like little bitches about anything and everything that doesn’t fit their own blinkered view. Weak,ignorant and pathetic. No decent argument to back up their points,so try abuse and then”Run,Hide and Tell”,hopefully “teacher” might come and tell the naughty boys off.

    Fuck them.

    • Consider myself to be an animal lover and have been a proper vegetarian (no meat/fish) for over 50 years.

      Not one of those so called vegetarians that will eat fish fish fingers, or a bit of chicken. Fortunately Mrs Stroker is not a vegetarian, and I am very happy to say she is partial to the occasional sausage.

      Have never felt it necessary or wanted to take any moral high ground, have never imposed my views on others, and have not caused anyone any problems by my chosen lifestyle (due to the fact I am very much an antisocial bastard and do not get invited out for dinner much).

      Despite my views I really cannot understand the logic or reasoning behind this cunts condemnation of this silly overpriced bit of shitty plastic, hideous as it is. After all it is only a piece of plastic so what is his problem?.

      Market forces should be allowed to prevail, I suspect very few will be sold. End of.

      With all of the shit going on in the UK at the moment this story is totally irrelevant, as is the nominated cunt hereon otherwise known as Javid Ahmed.

      • Hey Stroker me old fruit bat! You say your missus is “partial to the occasional sausage”. What does she think about beaver? My wife, fashion conscious cunt she is, has gone a bit gender fluid over the last couple of weeks and is currently planning one of her silly milf novelty dinner parties – with a main course of beaver!

        They stock it at the local Deli apparently, along with kangaroos and crocodiles, ffs! Think she got the idea from one of those dumb American reality programmes, ‘Cunts Who Eat Nowt But Roadkill’ or some such bollocks. Let me know if you’re interested Willie. Kind regards, Shitcake.

      • Hi Shitcake

        As far as I know Mrs Stroker would be more than willing to try some beaver so invitation kindly accepted.

        Perhaps you could also ask Mrs Bone?

        Nobody can resist a bit of mature beaver, perhaps Kravdarth being a possible exception?

      • Has K gone off Justin Beaver then? Oh right, I get it, you said “mature beaver”. To be fair, the wife only selects the freshest beaver, so nothing too mature likely to grace Mrs Stroker’s eager lips…

  5. Longrider found another one…


    It’s only a shame the horse didn’t trample the cunt, but the rider probably saved his life by staying in control of her horse. Cracking rider, steady horse, shame they had to deal with an utter shithead, whose destiny in happier times would have been to be the quarry of a Raj colonel out for a day’s pigstickin’.

    • Thank you, Sir Limply. I shall indeed watch it when I am next able to obtain download speeds in excess of 1Kb/hour. (See Vodafone, above.)

    • Hi Kravdarth…serious query….I was wondering – does your username actually mean something?

      • Yes! Krav as in Krav Maga the unarmed combat system of the Israel Defence Forces. Darth as in the name given to Sith lords.

  6. Fuck knows who this cunt is or what the fuck this shit is about but that cat doesn’t look right to me. Is it supposed to be real? Fucking can’t be. That is one scary fucking feline. The bloke looks like some kind of mad cunt as well. I would blow the pair of them away just to be on the safe side. Cunts.

  7. Just heard on the radio some arsehole crying about these dead cunts in Egypt. Apparently the cunts who did it weren’t REAL Muzzies. Look shithead…..one bunch of Muzzies kill another bunch of Muzzies. Why? Because they are the wrong type of Muzzies. Why the fuck should I care? Just get these rabid animals out of my country and let the fuckers get on with it. Cunts.

    • Yes, it’s all fake news cos Muslims would never do anything like that cos Muslims are peaceful cos Islam is a religion of peace and Muslims have never ever done anything like killing cos it’s against Islamic religion which is peaceful and any infidel who thinks otherwise will have their head cut off and their rugrats blown up in cinemas cos you’re all Islamophobic cunts out there and will burn in Hell if not here!

      • They were talking about this attack on the PM programme on radio four with an Egyptian journalist, and he was listing all the terrorist groups in the region who may have been responsible for this atrocity. There were quite a few, but they all had a common denominator. I bet you can’t guess what it is.

      • Yeah but, yeah but – they couldn’t have been Muslims cos Islam is a religion of peace and real Muslims don’t do that sort of stuff.

        Ffs, how many more times do you need to be told!?

      • But he probably didn’t criticise the perpetrators using this kind of language. “This is the action of a small and callous group of violent people who have nothing to offer our communities other than fear and intimidation.”*
        Because all Muslims actually don’t really care about others dying or if they do can’t actually stand up to them because of the repercussions.
        * this quote was after the recent attempted pipe bombing of the war memorial in Northern Ireland.
        Unless the community gets together and points the scum murdering cunts out then they are like cockroaches hard to find and harder to eradicate

  8. This peaceful camelworrier is hilarious… Getting his unwashed keks in a twist over a toy pig, yet there he is: posing with a cat that’s dressed as the devil….

    Fucking thick tosspot… Another thick foreign fucking tosspot….

    • And there I was, thinking they sodomised goats…

      I’m sending some dosh to the Cats’ Protection League. The furries need to be more careful who they hang out with.

      But by all means, Felix, feel free to crap on their front doormats…

  9. It’s a shame he goes mental over the perceived cruelty of a plastic toy, but stays silent over the barbaric method of slaughter employed by a certain religion he or members of his family may belong to. Just a thought.

    • Good point – that toy is clearly halal. The cunt should be praising it and Amazon to the heavens instead of squealing like a stuck pig.

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