

Smokers – yes, the fucking lot of you! – can eat shit and come back for seconds.
Feel sorry for them? Fuck right off, they are selfish, posion spewing cunts who care about little else other than their pathetic addiction. They should be fined for spreading their muck in the air and leaving their butts on the ground. If I had my way, they’d be lined up against the nearest wall and given one way tickets to oblivion…


Nominated by: King and Cuntry

36 thoughts on “Smokers

  1. Undoubtedly cunts. Only out cunted by self righteous non smokers.
    (I don’t smoke by the way)

  2. The radio is a cunt, I swear it gets louder everyime I turn it down. The adverts are the worse, you can hear them a mile away.

    • I hate radio adverts who ever invented the really annoying ones deserves the worst forms of tortoise

      • Hahaha whoops err… torture I meant torture not tortoise, damn auto word prediction!

        But if you think about it tortoise torture could get extreme and sick. As mentioned above or just slap the tortoise in the advert mans throat tape it shut feed it endless amounts of food Eat turtle shit advert man,fuck your suicide inducing ads!

      • I’ve got two full grown terrapins.
        More vicious than a guard dog, the little fuckers are always biting my feet, so yeah, they’d be good for torture.
        The vicious bastards hate each other and spend all day wanting to kill each other, so i now need two tanks.
        Costly little chav fuckers……….

    • If there’s clutter in yer gutter
      Don’t be daft , don’t be a nutter
      Get yerself a hedgehog gutter brush.

      Ads are annoying on the radio, but that one’s a classic……..

      • Terrapins are baby tortoises right? I had a baby turtle when I was younger it died in 2 years time unfortunately …. I was surprised how long tortoise’s live in the wild unbelievably fascinating 100 yrs some of them

        Syd Barrett made a charming song bout terrapins somewhat oddball lyrics but decent song

      • Terrapins are fresh water turtles that are about the same size as yer average tortoise. I don’t know how long they live, but I’ve had mine for 14 years.
        In Rocky Balboa, he supposedly had the same ones since Rocky, so i could have another 20-30 years with the little cunts…….

      • Good to know thanks keeping turtles as pets actually sounds more high maintenance then I’m used too and samonella poisoning doesn’t sound good

        I love turtles,tortoises but if I do get another pet it will probably be a cat I have a mice problem at the moment. Bloody nasty cunts fucker is wedged in a wall here sqeaking like a bastard

  3. Radio Advert terms and conditions is a cunt,

    You know what I mean, you’re listening to some shit advert you’re not interested in and when you think it’s over some cunt speaks at a million miles an hour about the terms and cuntditions for 5 minutes. Here are my terms and conditions: FUCK OFF YOU CUNTS.

  4. I am a smoker and a cunt.I do find the argument that we are polluting the air hilarious when non smokers dont bat an eyelid at all the cars polluting the air.

    • Same here Shaun, but it’s my choice so fuck’em.
      Cigarette butts fall in the same category as general littering, with the same fines. The shit we smoke and breathe out is indeed shit, which is why we have to smoke outside and away from all others now.
      And finally, we are punished financially by the duty levied on tobacco products.
      My Grandad’s an ex smoker. A typical smoker-hating ex smoker, who forgets all about the tonnes of 2nd hand smoke he poisoned us with as kids.

  5. Better than a room full of cunts that dump their fucking kids in the center of the room expecting all to accept it. I dont smoke either but I know what id rather. Cunts should keep them at home or stay there themselves.

    And lets not get started on cunts who cant hold their drink.

  6. True, King Cunt, especially the drunken cunce, I saw a meme yesterday that waffled on about sober alcoholics being the ‘finest people in the world.’ Puffy! Another justification by Generation Therapy to excuse their numerous offences to society at local, state and federal levels. And all in the name of suggesting just how wonderful they must be just because their health insurance paid a small fortune for 14 days of being cocooned in a cottonwool clinic with the dishevelled-designer-clothed-cool-kids, where their every whim is catered to by overpaid, undereducated counsellors and assorted shrinks who constantly tell them that their anti-social behaviour was not really their fault. Get real. While it’s great that their sobering up and supposedly trying to act like responsible citizens … Treating them like bloody celebrities (such as that Russell Brand cunt) isn’t helping anybody.

  7. So I am a cunt for smoking, but the people who’s cars spew shit outside as they sit nose to tail outside my house each car with one selfish cunt in it aren’t cunts are they!
    Well yes actually they are, at least I choose to inhale fag smoke, I don;t choose to inhale car fumes which incidentally is far worse then cigarette smoke and here is how I KNOW. before I moved to a big city I lived by the sea and DIDN’T HAVE ASTHMA but I still smoked. Move to this city now I am on inhalers that I didn’t need before . coincidence …I DON’T THINK SO.
    Oh and incidentally many non smokers are cunts too for trying to suppress my right to kill myself with cigarettes. I don’t tell non smokers not to drive their fucking car past my house.

  8. To quote the late Bernard Manning, as he lit one up in front of the audience…

    “Fuck Roy Castle”

  9. If I’ve to eat shit for being a smoker, can i have a tab afterwards ?
    I cherish a smoke after a meal.

    Smoke weed everyday………….

  10. When UKIP eventually get in all the non-smokers, 70%? of the electorate, will be able to get a petititon going and force a referendum on the subject. I’ve been smoking for 50 years, had/got cancer and the money I’ve spent on fags would have bought another house or 2, not to mention holes in clothes and furniture, plus all the extra cleaning and defumigating when my non-smoking kids come to see me.
    KIng James 1st or 2nd mooted banning tobacco in 1600 and summink but “was persuaded” not to by vested interests.
    About 75% of the cost of fags is revenue for the govt. in some way – about £12.3 billion in 2012-13, so even if they banned it they’d still have the clean-up costs for cunts like me and no money for it; they’d have to introduce a smug tax to compensate or possibly a licence fee for the self-righteous.

    • I’m off to the pub now, with its unheated smoking area by the side of the road so I can max out on vehicle emissions. YOLO.

  11. It’s amasing that fags and alcohol are legal in the UK, but cannabis isn’t.
    Smoking kills as does alcohol, but there are absolutely no toxins in cannabis…
    Truth be known, there are that many of us out there who smoke weed everyday, it would rake in that much tax legalisation can’t be long away now.

    • I’m sure that there’d be less violence too.
      I’ve got into many fights when i used to get pissed. I was happy drinking, so rarely started anything, but could never back down.
      But I’ve never had a fight when I’ve been high.
      In fact the last thing on any stoners minds when getting high is violence.
      Unless its in some brain dead movie that you’d never watch straight………..

  12. Don’t smoke tobacco anymore and I’m better for it(plus got more dosh) I forget how many years/months its been, but if you go back in search history far enough you’ll get a better idea as I documented my progress occasionally.

    I think its been almost 1yr and 7 months rough guess definitely reduced my chances for some kind of fucked up ultra rare cahcer where you suffer 1million times more then usual cancer fucking screw that. You know if nuclear radiation was for sale in a smokeable form I wouldn’t doubt humans would buy it On second thought ……

  13. I was an 80 a day man until they hit £1 a packet and I thought fuck me, I’m not paying that. I was shocked the other day to see they now sell for around £9.

    I’m not going to condemn smokers or take the moral high ground because I chose to quit all those years back. It’s your choice and your life. As far as the smoking ban is concerned, my view is that if I don’t like smoking environments, then I don’t go in them. My choice. I think it’s fair to have separate area for smokers and non smokers, but an all out ban seems draconian to me…

    • Come on dio 80 fags a day… everyday?! thats quite unbelievable 50 a day sounds more like it unless you were practically up or awake 24 hours a day

      • I smoke about ten to fifteen a day plus about ten doobs.
        Truthfully i don’t really care for tabs, but it stops me smoking twenty doobs a day…….

      • Yeah, 80 a day. Always well into my fourth pack by bedtime and sometimes opened the fifth!

        I used to deny being a chain smoker because I didn’t light one off the other. How deluded is that?
        Used to buy them two cartons at a time from local shop. I was such good customer he gave me a discount!

  14. I smoke like a fucking chimney,have no intention of giving up,and couldn’t give a fuck how many non-smokers’ air that I pollute.

  15. My smokes cost £1.80 in Gibraltar and 4 euros in Spain.
    Cheap a chips, yet cigarette smuggling is still a big thing here……..

  16. People standing hudled outside in the freezing shitty pissing down lousy uk weather is one of the most demeaning sights you’ll ever see. Thank fuck I never got into the habit. Probs because I thought it was trendy when I was 16 and going into the boozer I tried Disc Bleu and Gauloise french fags to look cool. Next day thought I’d swallowed a fucking rasp file. Sorted me out good an proper.

  17. I use to smoke cigars, loved every fucking one of them. Sure I got moaned at but at the end of the day I still smoked and I always smoked away from non smokers, if they came into my air space it was there fucking fault p

  18. I used to be a social smoker but, other than the occasional cigar, gave up many years ago when I stopped enjoying cigarettes. I totally disagree with the smoking ban – other than where there is a real risk of fire, it should be up to individuals and businesses whether they allow smoking on their premises and up to individuals whether they visit or work there. Smart pubs and restaurants would have designated areas and effective ventilation systems to cater for both groups. The ban has been devastating to the hospitality trade.

    Also, I say bring back the smoking room to the workplace. It was always the place for the liveliest conversation, smokers being generally affable and sociable types.

    For my part, I miss the smell of smoke in pubs and am irritated when one or two members of a party slope off outside for a puff. I don’t frequent nightclubs or discos, but imagine they reek of BO now there’s no smoke to mask it.

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