June Sarpong

BOB By Dawn O'Porter Pop Up Boutique Launch Party

June Sarpong is one such black cunt who cannot get over the fact that she is black and a woman to boot and has a persecution complex the size of Everest and enough chips on her shoulder to feed a Glasgow council estate for a year. The cunt thinks everything is about race and gender, you can’t get her away from it. And she is ugly as fuck too.

Cunts like her give blacks a bad name. Cunt.

Nominated by: Skidmark Eggfart

30 thoughts on “June Sarpong

    • I wouldn’t mind makeing a couple of black and white cunts with her,but if she’s the one off MTV years ago then i’d have keep her mouth occupied…

    • I wouldn’t mind making a couple of black and white cunts with her,but if she’s the one off MTV years ago then i’d have keep her mouth occupied….

      • “Black birds’ nipples feel like 80 grit sandpaper…… ”

        …and by the time they’re old enough to legally knock the bottom out of, their tits are pointing at their feet like some African in National Geographic who’s suckled a troupe of chimpanzees.

  1. Thats probably the most flattering photo of her, in profile she looks like a gorilla. Slightly disapointed we didn’t get one of Dio’s special photos.

  2. Again another meejah type I’ve never heard of, that’s two in two days!


    Peter Willett (Danny Willett’s brother) is a cunt. I know most cunters won’t have heard of either of them but I felt justified in stating that Peter Willett is a cunt!

    • An absolute cunt of a cunt. He has increased the likely hostility of the typical USA crowd and made his brothers job impossible, in fact he’s been dropped from the 4 balls today ,probably because of it.
      The Ryder Cup will not be of interest to nongolfing cunts but it is the highest pressure in the game made worse by this appalling cunt of cunts.

  3. I know the sort… Sarpong is the kind of demented twat who would bring race and feminist issues into buyng a tin of baked beans or putting the cat out… And if anyone questions or criticises them ever, it’s always down them ‘dissin’ her (innit!) beacause she is black and a woman (I use the term loosely!).. Like a black Millie Tant from Viz…

    But that’s the name of the game with these PC cunts and snowflakes… You can argue and put your point across as well as you like… You could show them the actual statistics for the assaults committed in Cologne on New Year’s Eve… You could even bring a crying victim of those attacks right in front of them… But all they’ll do is put their fingers in their ears and squeal,’Nah! Nah! Racist! Racist!’ These people are the scum of the earth….

    • Sounds like another Dianne Cuntbott. Can we put up with another cunt like that banging on about race and women every time they open their fat gobs.

  4. I had never heard of the cunt so I looked her up on Youtube. What a supercilious, patronising whiny pongy cunt. Apologies if this link has been posted before. I lasted about two minutes before switching off. Nobody could possibly want offspring with this. Good teeth possibly due to a big meaty Oral sex tooth brush, which you’d need in place whilst porking the chocolate starfish. I couldn’t manage it. You guys are welcome. I’d watch the movie though. This cunting has soured my day. I would rather have been ignorant. June’s arse pongs and she is indeed a huge vacuous ugly cunt

    Watch”June Sarpong: Brexit Doesn’t Have To Happen | The Pledge EU Referendum Special” on YouTube

    • Not only that but she’s anti british as fuck she said awhile back that she looks forward to seeing less white people in the future after talking about migrant quota figures. This doesn’t surprise me really this anti-english attitude has been normalised by MSM.

      This little cunt also defended Keith Vaz acting like he just spilt milk or something. He didn’t spill milk you nutty black slag he was blowing rentboys and snorting coke in a flat funded by public money. She’s likes a slightly less ugly and retarded dianne abbott but just as fucking stunned in the head

      • All joking aside, if it’s true what you say Titslapper (with or without flipflops) then I take back any nice things i said about the fuckable little whore. Seriously ,the things these minority cunts get away with saying really ( in a phrase I’ve learned here) really boils my piss……they keep it up and there’s gonna be a revolution, and it ain’t gonna be the nice one they cunts dream of….

  5. Have looked her up and still of the opinion that despite the all that shit she talks i would still do her …..never let politics get in the way of a shag….

    • Very true Birdman. Should you ever get to prong her in the pong any video available would be welcomed here ,I’m sure.

    • Well she is single so go for it(good reason for that btw) the question is how long could you tolerate her without wanting to snap her neck in half?

      Need I remind you thats she’s a panelist for loose women and was a irritating presenter for T4… good luck mate your gonna need it

      • Loose women needs to be cunted on a weekly basis. The more the day goes on ,the more i realise she is a CUNT……

  6. Uncle Tom with a big mouth spouting garbage.

    Would love to see her doing herself with a cucumber though……..

  7. June Pingpong,only on the telly box cos shes black,think she started on channel 4 talking shit to young adults on young adults issues blah blah,along with that other sexting cunt vernon special needs K….again id like to fire my beans in her face

  8. Fucking nigga, married a UK member of parliament, went to the US and appeared on a TV show with Jessee Ventura, came back to Blighty and sweated her way through Loose Women, The Pledge and god knows how many BBC ‘political’ programmes.
    Fuck off you fucking nigga, get planting some cotton you cunt!

      • You’re doing it wrong, get them to plant it and pick it, it’s cheaper, and you dont have to repair the machine when it breaks, just buy another nigga for tuppence ha’penny

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