

Delights orf a little heatwave in rural England. Time for the fucking fleas to hatch oit and swarm up a chap’s troisser legs and this year brave hearts they are enormous and in quantities prodigeous. A few fleas usually never bother Yours Truly but the other night as the girl was giving me me good night kiss she complained aboit fleas in me foreskin. Suckus interruptus.

Mind you she has a point. The buggers do seem larger than ever and thriving orn most known poisons. Walking acrorss me land I get accustomed to armies orf ’em running up and doine the crack orf me arse but the tender sensibilities orf the fairer sex…There was a time when all I needed to sweep a filly orf her feet was a dab orf Aramis. Now all I can look forward to is a spot orf sheep dip and bed.

Nominated by: Sir Limply Stoke

15 thoughts on “Fleas

  1. After helping my brother with the dipping, I discovered a sheep-tic attached to my ball-bag, the fucker had a hold like James Corden on a pork pie.

  2. I fucking hate the countryside, full of death and decay, horrible bugs that suck your blood and populated by weird fuckers with interesting congenital birth defects. Give me a city or a town any day.

  3. I went to a flea circus once and got in late and ended up with back row seats,never again, even the Hubble fucking telescope would of struggled to see what the fuck was going on.

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