Joe Wilkinson


Joe Wilkinson is about as funny as cancer on a cunt. The 1970s bearded wally with nothing to say needs the earth to open him up and the comedy (ha) would will be no fucking different.

The prick attempts to be surrreal but ends up looking like the idiot cousin of Bilbo Bagshot, yes a fuckwit. Joe get back to the back of the queue, you are a nobody. Cuuuuuunt.!

Nominated by: Donkey Kong’s Balls

4 thoughts on “Joe Wilkinson

  1. Gavin Esler is the biggest cunt on the BBC news.

    Watch him present the lefty echo-chamber that is Dateline London on the BBC News Channel and you’ll see what I mean – he’s a smug, arrogant complacent fool who loves the sound of his own voice and (probably) the smell of his own farts to boot.

    Gavin Esler is the BBC to a fucking t!

  2. Another one with all the appearance of being lobotomised, but try as I might, cannot see the scar…maybe some sort of rear-entry job?

  3. One of the joys of living outside the UK is I have no idea who this cunt is. Result!

  4. I’m now watching 8 out of 10 cats do countdown the cunt is now a team member. He’s as funny as a fart in a spacesuit or being diagnosed with herpes. How the fuck is he on this or any other show. He should be stacking shelves in a supermarket preferably on the night shift so people don’t have to see his dumb face.

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