The BBC [4]


The BBC are utter cunts. They are so far up themselves I’m surprised they can even see the fucking caviar and champagne at their functions (all on fucking expenses no doubt.) Their disdain for anyone who isn’t part of their in-crowd is legendary.

It’s always amused me that these “progressive” BBC twats are funded by what is effectively a poll tax.


Nominated by: Cunt’s Mate Cunt

41 thoughts on “The BBC [4]

  1. At least Cohen and Yentob have both resigned recently, so maybe there’s a glimmer of hope…

    • Don’t get your hopes up, Fred… Charlotte Moore is a complete cunt… That being Charlotte ‘I would like a female Doctor Who’ Moore… The BBC will now be run entirely by wimmin, queers and PC cunts…

    • But isn’t Botney still doing his Arena wankfest? And dragging in 6 figures for that no doubt. At least the cunt got a good media rimming for the Kids Company hullabaloo. And who on earth invented that name anyway, Jimmy Savile?
      Just had to endure 40 minutes in Boundary Mill store – I’d rather have been in an American superman prison, what a fucking ordeal.

      • When is someone going to cunt automatic spellcheck and predictive text…? There’s been a glut of fuck-ups on here recently that can be blamed on those twin evils of modern technology. JUST FUCKING TURN THEM OFF, YOU CUNTS!

  2. The sooner the BBC is not funded by the license fee the better, who gives a fuck about adverts nowadays anyways? A lot of people have recordable devices (Youview, Sky) with which you can fast forward through them. I have never and won’t ever pay for a License anyways but surely most people would rather watch (or not) adverts and not have to pay the cunting license. The grey area now is you can watch ‘non live’ BBC programs but not ‘Live’ streams online? What a fucking joke. If every cunt stopped paying the license tomorrow they would be fucked and have no way of enforcing it. Wont happen though, too many ‘I do as I am told cunts’ about. It amazes me how much crap the cunt Government throw at us and all we do is have a whinge and carry on.

    • They are closing the loophole re “non live” downloads/catch up TV.

      Who gives a fuck about adverts, you ask? I do. Yes, I chop them out using my DVD recorder, but I’d rather they weren’t there in the first place because with factual programmes you always get a lengthy fucking synopsis of Part One at the start of Part Two, then a synopsis of Part One and Part Two at the start of Part Three, etc, etc. A one hour documentary on a commercial channel ends up being about 35 minutes long and as shallow as cat’s piss once you’ve cut out all the ads and the bullshit repetition.

      You also need to ask yourself why none of the commercial channels pounced on Clarkson & Co when he was sacked from Top Gear: yes, because he’s a cunt is probably the chief reason, but also because the idea of Clarkson offending important advertisers (ie car manufactuers) by routinely slagging off their vehicles every week was always going to be a non-starter for a commercial channel. That’s why the vast majority of commercial channels are filled with lowest common denominator garbage – because it won’t offend any advertisers. Personally, I don’t see that as the way to go. There are already enough thick-as-shits cunt in this country; we don’t need to create any more.

  3. Don’t get me started on the BBC, bunch of peado, public-money siphoning, biased cunts.
    If ISIS had any integrity they would bomb Salford & New Broadcasting House.
    Amazing how they only ever bomb civilians, never politicians or any governmental buildings.
    I’m sure Chris Spivey is already writing about that 🙂

  4. And here is a usual 2016 BBC news summary….

    Some load of shite off Twitter…. Aren’t migrants great? JK Rowling being a cunt… Transgenders are also great… Licking Tory arse… Don’t forget: migrants are great… The Ocsars are too White… Have we only mentioned transgenders once? Women’s football… Weather…

    Fucking cunts… Fuck the BBC… They wiped virtually every decent programme they ever made anyway….

    • Such as William Hartnell’s last Dr Who episode, with the early Cybermen that looked like they had covered themselves with glue then ran through a Radio Shack and spoke like faulty Chinese answering machines. The majority of B+W Who sadly.

      • Your imagery is wonderful! Radio Shack – where you had to buy speakers in single units. Fucking brilliant shop.

      • *inna small voice*

        I still have my valve collection, all were working. It’s not long since I gave my 19 set away: “This is Shannon air radio, Shannon air radio.” Happy days.

      • Say it in a loud voice! Valves are wonderful organic objects which heat your house and spin the meter round as they burn skips full of carbon. And they last longer than trannies..

  5. As it’s Easter, time for a good cunting for those muzzie knobheads…

    Apparently we can’t call that choccy egg thing an Easter egg anymore… In case it offends somebody who prays to a paedophile three times a day….

    Can you imagine the carnage if Islam was a genocidal death cult and not the Religion of Peace? There would be regular attacks around the world…. (who said sarcasm
    was dead?)

    The very same people who didn’t condemn Rotherham and Rochdale Muslim sex gangs were gagging to hear the Adam Johnson sentence,so they could say it was not enough…

    As Islamists slaughter innocents in Brussels, the EU based in Brussels imports millions more Muslims… Don’t those EU cunts get it yet?

    Germany and that frumpy cunt, Merkel, invited and continue to invite this cave dwelling filth into Europe, we need to get the fuck out of the EU shitheap now…

    Fucking cunts… Fuck them…

    • And let’s not forget the poor cunt of a Muzzie shop keeper who was murdered by the nutters for putting a sign in his window wishing his customers a happy easter…

  6. UNBELIEVABLY… Adele MIGHT just merit “uncunting” for the briefest period! Why? We’ll, apparently she’s taking a five-year break from wailing and she’s also had a good rant at that pox-ridden cunt Jamie Oliver… But overall, I guess the general cuntishness all comes out in the wash…

    • Anybody who tells that fucking twat Jamie Oliver to shut the fuck up is ok in my book. I’ll be honest here – I quite like some of his recipies, but why can’t he stick to that – cooking; his day job, instead of this fixation with trying to teach the nation how to feed their kids like he’s some titan of moral parenting.
      Piss of Jamie, get back in yer fucking kitchen and stop telling eveybody what to do and trying to get a fucking knighthood.

      • oliver is a bit of a cunt, but i think he means well. and if he keeps some weight off the fat little bastards and gives them a slightly less sweet tooth fair play to him – it’ll keep a bit of pressure off the NHS

  7. The bbc is the ministry of truth.

    I imagine the non thinking couch potato garbage proletariat baying and a-whooping at the gogglebox as they stuff their gullets with crisps, big macs and cheep lager all the while drinking in the corporateparty mindfuck trash-think that passes for entertainment, oh, and to prove the point: textwanking on their phones in triple reduced one syllable words at the same time. bbc news is the two minutes of hate: I’ve lost the plot is it Eurasia and Eastasia isisasia or what this week?. FFS! No it’s okay Mr D.G., I’ll put the ring through my own nose and save you the trouble, now, where would you like me to lead myself. The bbc would be the elephant in the room had it not been shot by Mr Blair (Go figure).

    And their paymasters: aKa the government shift into newspeak so easily it almost makes my eyes bleed trying to figure out what just happened. ‘JUST ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION’ is my most oft used phrase when watching a double-thinking politician being interviewed, slippery, slimy bastards, getting a straight answer is like trying to nail an eel to a lilo with rubber nails. DoubleplusOMG!

    Teledep hit list:

    Test match cricket: Too much oldspeak.
    Top Gear: Riddled with right wing thoughtcrime.
    Good old days: Doubleungood oldspeak.
    When the boat comes in: Doubleungood old Ingsoc left of centre badfreethink.



    It’s all so subtle it has to be admired.

    They are cunts, but, the masses are bigger Cunts for drinking it all in.

    • Have you noticed on the BBC news that whenever they mention the neverendum, it goes like this :
      The leave campaign say this, but the remain campaign point out….”
      “The remain campaign say this…”
      Full stop.

      Unbiased, aren’t they?

    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

      “But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing of a pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?”

      Ah, I knew that Latin ‘O’ level would come in useful one day…!

      • Google translate does the same and you don’t have to know any genitives. In’t t’internet clever.

      • Bloody hell, Dio, sounds like ‘A’ level to me. All I can remember is amo amas amat, and agricola means farmer. Goes without saying, I didn’t pass the exam.

      • Well I didn’t know that; thing is: this site wouldn’t take my short post ( go ahead insert jokes here) so I just stuck in the old type setters doodah.

  8. Can I nominate all those cunts celebrating the Easter Uprising in Ireland at the moment? Most of them fucked off out of that shithole as soon as they could, only to spend the rest of their lives droning on about how fucking wonderful Ireland is. The boring, racist, drunken, boring cunts.

    • Seconded.
      Having spent most of my life in N.W. London, an area littered with these nostalgic paddies, I have endured more than my fair share of earbashing regarding the merits of the emerald isle.
      Most recent, some Mick cunt banging on about Donegal.
      “When was the last time you were there?” I asked.
      ” Almost forty years” was his reply.
      Nuff said.

    • It’s twenty years this year since those bogtrotting, thick as pigshit, Fenian cunts bombed the shit out of my hometown of Manchester… So they can stick their Easter Uprising up their Fiddle O’ Diddle arses, to be sure…..

    • Easter 1916 was on April 22 and the Rising actually began on the 23rd.

      These twats don’t even know their own history.

      • Fuck my typing skills.

        Sunday 23rd and Monday 24th.

        I nominate myself for a severe cunting.

      • I remember going out on the piss in Birmingham in the mid eighties. Couldn’t go in this pub because it was an IRA pub. Cunts hated the brits but quite happy to live here though the fucking scumbags.

      • Couldn’t agree more, Gutstick Japseye…. Fucking hypocritical IRA loving sponging scum… Terrorist supporting white wogs…

  9. Nicola aka Wee Burney Sturgeon is a cunt… That lad who was killed in Glasgow… His poor family, lost him, and then that attention seeking cunt Sturgeon turns up at his vigil…..

    To hell with you, Jimmy Krankie, you total cunt….

  10. Well I moved to the Netherlands from the UK last summer and have since endured the BBC’s “.com” service, which is what we get here. The news website is infuriating. Headline news, even about Brussels this past week, starts off with an advert. Click “Brussels attacks latest”, see a Visit California video which can’t be skipped. The site is honestly even worse than the Telegraph for being deceptive and just downright cuntish when it comes to click baiting. Who knew such a pompous load of twats would turn out to be sneaky, dishones- oh wait, everyone knows, they just don’t even try to hide it on the continent. They’re ripping you off back in the UK because the amount of clicks to outbrain on their site must bring in a fortune.

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