Digital chugging


I think its time to cunt those begging adverts, or digital charity mugging.

‘….this is mrs click click durk, she has to walk ten miles a day to get dirty water…blah blah, dead and dying kids etc etc’

Its really awful that there is no running water, and the rivers are full of typhoid, dysentery and parasites (at least the parasites are not as big as the cunts on Labour run councils, like Rotherham and Sheffield) and that they have to walk 2 hours to school, that there has been an earthquake, that they are going blind, but we can’t save all these cunts.

£3 is not all it costs to improve someones life/hearing/clean water, what about the directors running charities like Oxfam who are on £170K a year? Its supposed to be a fucking charity, and charity begins at home so how about a dose of reality in the salary department you robbing Quangocrat cunts? These same ‘fake’ charities actually already derive a large portion of their incomes from central governments in the EU, so its a double tax rinse for those dumb enough to fall for their shite.

After all, they seem to get better then try and secret themselves into plane undercarriages and cargo ships, all bound for good old blighty. As if its not enough, The DFID spunks millions of taxpayers money helping these cunts, who ultimately choose a new dictator to murder the next tribe down the road. The white man needs to stay the fuck out of african politics, the last 200 years still have not taught us that today’s refugee is tomorrow’s freedom fighter, and the next day’s genocidal dictator. For the love of christ, stop sending fucking money to Africa!

‘We are the victims, you cannot treat us like this’ is the usual cry from the Nigerian asylum seekers at the UK’s ports. Its not like there is a population crisis in Africa, if the fuckers would exercise some restraint and birth control (council sink dwellers should try this too) maybe their lives might be a bit less complex and reliant on western handouts.

I don’t want to give to these fuckers, I don’t want my nose rubbed in their suffering every 5 minutes be it on TV, in the high street, or in Magazines. And the government cunts should also stop throwing taxpayers cash at them.

Leave us the fuck alone you pious begging cunts!

Nominated by: The Captain

15 thoughts on “Digital chugging

  1. i wish to nominate a cunt. not actually a person but its those poxy ‘Mens Fragrance ‘ ads. for fucks sake come on! do the the admen who make those fucking irritating things think we are that fuckin stupid. ‘wear this stuff and you too will become a member of the’ beautiful people’ errrr no you won’t, you’ll still be Lee getting up to work your 10 hour shift down the abbatoir. and whats with those hushed tones? its just some poxy perfume ffs. oh and its also vastly over priced. thats because its got the word ‘designer ‘ in it innit? theres not so many of these idiotic ads around at the moment but just watch from late september they’ll be everywhere.

  2. can we clear something up? does Wogan get paid or not for presenting Children in need?

      • regarding his fee Wogan says quote “I’d quite happily do it for nothing”. Well you pompous cunt why don’t you do it for nothing, or donate your fee to the charity. Cunts like Wogan get on my tits, they’ll quite happily accept payment from a charitable program while it’s all hush hush, then when the fucking shit hits the fan and their nice little earner is made public they spoute the bollocks about “oh I don’t really want the money”. Fucking twats all of em.

      • so he was getting £800,000 for his radio 2 show. i’m going to be ‘charitable’ ( gedditt ? ). i’m going to assume he donated his fee to Children in need.

  3. I don’t think we’re doing enough for these Africans. In fact I think we should bring them all over to Britain. It isn’t surprising they prefer to come to this country after being forced to travel through shitholes like Italy and France to get here. I know Africa is a big place, but there are vast areas like the Sahara desert where hardly anyone lives, so the population isn’t as big as some people might think. There’s plenty of room in this country, there’s lots of uninhabited moorland where towns could be built, and there’s some spare ground at the end of my street where they could put up a couple of small semis. Let’s stop being a bunch of selfish cunts and organize a fleet of ships to get these poor people away from the heat and the flies. Once they’re here, we can provide them with housing, education, health care and benefits, and in return they can enrich our culture by teaching us their tribal dances. This is an opportunity to show the world we are the leaders in compassion and altruism.

    • Many a true word is spoken in jest, Allan…

      After all, we’re already sending a fleet of ships to ensure these poor people reach the shores of the EU. Somebody please explain to me why we can’t just put them ashore in Africa instead of Italy or Greece?

      • It’s all to do The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and international law regarding this.

        Humanitarian rights and all that jazz.

        Most countries around the world know these laughable international laws are unfit for purpose and ignore them with impunity, especially the USA.

        But British politicians are suckers for up holding these laws to the letter. Cunts.

      • p.s. As a result of due process based on specific circumstances, such as for instance “multi-culturism undermining a country’s sovereignty”, some universal declaration of human rights laws can legally be over ruled. Not a lot of British politicians know that. Cunts.

  4. Firstly, can I send several dozen thumb ups The Captain’s way. I’m reading a book called Aiding and Abetting at the moment, which pretty much covers the whole aid issue. Trouble is, I can only read a few pages at a time before I get too furious…

  5. You would have thought that with all the charity money that has been wasted on them, that somewhere someone would have managed to build a well by now

    • There are thousands of wells dug by volunteers and using charidee money in Africa.

      Unfortunately these need maintaining and the locals are too lazy and stupid to bother.

      Frankly, this is Darwinian theory at work.

      • Yeah and maybe if they and their animals would stop shitting and pissing in their own drinking water then there wouldn’t be as much of a problem with it. At the very least, You’d think they’d have the sense to drink from upstream from where they are actually shitting. Also, why conceive children that you cannot feed, ? This in itself is child abuse in my opinion.

      • Please give just £2 a month so this little starving coon may one day live to produce 6 more children… who have fuck all to eat.

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