Michael Gove [4]

Michael Gove

How heartening to see that, having briefly been withdrawn from frontline service for being a massive cunt to kids, parents and teachers (not to mention a toxic electoral liability) in order to be a massive cunt just to other massive Tory cunts, this cunt has now been given free reign to be a cunt to EVERYONE as Secretary of State for Justice.

What an utter, utter cunt. So much so that he cheapens the very word ‘cunt’ itself and we are reminded once more of the limits of language when it comes to conveying extreme depth of feeling.


One thought on “Michael Gove [4]

  1. Excellent cunting – another vicious cunt in the IDS mould, only this one looks like a fucking ventriloquist dummy. Also he’s married to a Daily Mail columnist (of equally hideous appearance), so that immediately ups his cuntitude factor.

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