

I would like to nominate the word “Islamophobia” for an epic cunting.

This absurd term has become ubiquitous over the past few years but, and this is the reason for the nomination, no-one has actually defined what it means. It appears to mean whatever the speaker wants it to mean, so that anything from the foamings of right-wing nutjobs on conspiracy theory websites to thoughtful musings in the quality press about the place of religion in 21st century Britain can be dismissed by this ridiculous word. As far as I can work out, “Islamophobia” is Arabic for “Shut the fuck up, Kuffar!”

“Islamophobia” is automatically associated with racism against the mythical “Muslim community.” Now this really is a racist term. Some folks of South Asian descent have been living in the UK for three generations but whenever some bearded freak goes mental, screaming “Allahu fucking Akbar” as usual, these people are told they must condemn his actions because they are “Muslims.” No, they aren’t. They are British citizens with the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else. It is racist to say that they are Muslims because of the colour of their skin – PC twats at the BBC please take note.

Those cunts who shot up that French magazine are accused of shooting a “Muslim police officer” as they fled the scene. No, they didn’t; they shot a FRENCH police officer who happened to have a somewhat darker skin than the majority of the French population. Again I say, it is racist to label people of a certain ethnic group as “Muslims.”

By labelling certain folks as “Muslim” on account of their skin colour, the PC racist cunts of the BBC go on to empower so-called “Muslim community leaders.” Who elected these twats as “community leaders”? From what I can work out, being a “leader” of the mythical “Muslim community” simply means you have a beard and have read a book. Well, I have a beard and I’ve read lots of books (including the Koran) but I don’t claim to be a leader of any “community”!

But for sheer cuntishness, the phrase that really takes the biscuit is “Muslim feminist.” Have these silly tarts read their “holy” book? It specifically says that women are only worth half of men in terms of inheritance and testimony. “It’s my choice to wear a bag on my head when I go out,” they bleat. Fine. But it’s also my wife’s choice to wear a bikini when we go to the beach and no misogynistic cunt whose library consists of one book of thousand year old fairy stories can stop her. Fuck you.

That silly cunt Anjem Choudary says that freedom of speech does not allowed people to mock Allah’s prophets. That’s exactly what is does allow you utter, utter cunt. Your prophet was a violent, murderous, delusional twat who felt up a six year old! A six year old, for fuck’s sake! What kind of cunt gets his jollys from a Year One kid – outside of Parliament or the BBC that is?

There have been a lot of twats saying they have the right to practice their religion in peace. Absolutely correct – and right back at you! You can believe in fairy tales, worship a violent desert bandit, bang your head on the ground five times a day and force your wife to wear a bag on her head (actually I’m not so sure about the last one, unless she’s a “Muslim feminist” who chooses her own bag). BUT I DON”T HAVE TO. And nor do I have to “respect” your shitty religion.

Lots of people have written about Islam in recent years but most of them miss the point. They concentrate on the supposed violence in the Koran, the treatment of minorities in Islamic countries or the attitude of Muslims towards women. This is to miss the central problem in Islam; the central problem in ALL religions. Muslims believe the universe was created by God.

THERE IS NO GOD. At last count, physicists reckon there are 100,000,000,000 galaxies containing 300,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in a universe that has existed for 13,700,000,000 years. And yet! The “God” who “created” all this cares most about whether one half of one species on one planet around one star shows its hair to the other half! Please, just fuck off, chill the fuck out, have a pint or three and get laid – with an actual woman not a prepubescent virgin.

Nominated by: Cunt’s Mate Cunt

20 thoughts on “Islamophobia

  1. Without religion, there would be no method of controlling the masses and keeping them in order with tales of damnation and eternal torment. Islam belief merely continues the myth of an omnipotent being in order to keep its masses obedient.
    Unlike most other faiths, this one has never evolved, preferring to play on ignorance, fear and superstition and to provide an excuse for cruelty, terror, subjugation and general barbarism. I offer ISIL, Boko-Haram, The Taliban ,Al Quaeda as prime examples.
    Which is what it boils down to.These votaries of islam have no real belief in Allah, or Mohammed or the Qu’ran, just an excuse to empower themselves and provide a platform to satisfy their wanton urges. For that, they and those who support them, be it Politicians, the BBC or the usual left wing scum are cunts of the first order

  2. Even worse though than the cunts who use the word Islamophobia are the islam-defending, hand-wringing, white, western, liberal, leftwing dhimmi cunts like Ben Affleck recently on Bill Maher’s show. Bill Maher and Sam Harris were criticising Islam, not muslims and clearly stated that.

    Ben Arsefleck then proceeded to accuse them of “racism” as if only people of darker ethnic persuasions can somehow be muslims.

    Hey Ben! Is it possible to convert to a race? No? Is it possible to convert to Islam? Yes? Well shut the fuck up then!

    • You’re not wrong there. If it weren’t for the left wings pricks who have infested every part of local and national government, as well our public services, Islam would not be the problem that it is currently is in this country. I would love to know just how many people actually believe that Islam is “THE religion of peace”. I’ll bet it’s far less than the lefty scumbags think it is.

      One of the problems with muslims, is that the Koran tells them they have a god given right to go other people’s lands, and take them over. That, to me, is colonisation. Yet whenever lefties quote from that wretched book, they read out a carefully edited version. It’s always been a mystery to me why lefties would take it up the arse from a group of people, who would happily slit their throats given the chance, are deeply misogynistic, homophobic, racist, religionist, and generally backward. Just proves that lefties are genetically incapable of rational, logical, intelligent thought.

      Incidentally, I never use the word “Liberal” when talking about the left. Because without exception, they completely illiberal.

      • I know in the USA the religious right tend to use the word liberal as a synonym for “leftwing cunt” and as a perjorative but luckily I live in the UK where liberal is still a word which hasn’t been completely commandeered by the left.

        Social liberalism is an ideology of the left but Classical/Gladstonian Liberalism/Individualism had/has more in common with rightwing conservatism. Incidentally I consider myself a centrist liberal although I sit slightly to the right of centre.

  3. In its literal form, Islamophobia is an irrational fear of Islam. Used by those soppy, hand wringing dickheads on the left, it is nothing more than a cudgel, used to beat those who speak out against Islam into silence. The problem the left has, is that cudgel is slowly becoming less effective.

    • As Pat Condell put it in one of his videos, the left use words like “racist” and “Islamophobe” as a pepper spray to pre-emptively silence their opponents (I paraphrase of course).

      Aside from Leftwingers’ sense of entitlement to the moral highground, they also use ill-defined words like Islamophobe, race, racist and racism in order to shame people into silence. Fuck, the academic concensus seems to be that races don’t exist in nature and race is a social construct/abstract term so they are essentially using a non-word.

      Leftists even go so far as to redefine the word race to mean “you can’t be racist against whites” and to include such things as culture and religion in the definition which renders the word’s meaning internally inconsistent (can’t convert to a race). That still doesn’t stop the cunts from using the word though.

      Oh for the love of Flying Spaghetti Monster, I detest leftwing cunts.

  4. I was going to do a follow up on Islam’s violent tendencies. Recent events in Pakistan, and other Islamic shit holes have proved the point for me though, so there’s no point now. If there’s one thing you can trust muslims to do, it’s to prove to the world what a bunch of uncivilised, violent, intolerant, ignorant, savages they are.

  5. Next week: Why anti-semitism doesn’t really exist? No, of course not. No-one but a frothing anti-semite would ever say such a thing.

    Perhaps you understand what Islamophobia is now?

    • Well a phobia is an irrational fear of something but there is nothing irrational about a fear of Islam.

      Islam – Arabic word for submission. Was spread by the sword using the tactic of kill, convert or humiliate (dhimmis).

      The Quran – An allegedly divinely-inspired book of diktats/commandments targeted specifically at the adherents of Islam (Muslims) unlike the OT which was a book of commandments targeted at the ancient Hebrews and also parables and oral tradition commited to papyrus many centuries ex post facto.

      Muhammad – The Prophet of Islam. Seen by Muslims as the perfect human being, the example of which all muslims should aspire to emulate.

      Jihad – The spread of Islam and Sharia Law by means of force as prescribed in the Quran.

      Hadith – A set of biographical books detailing the life and times of Muhammad by his contemporaries. Used by Islamic scholars as a means by which to interpret the Quran based on Muhammad’s conduct and as a guide to life for how Muslims should aspire to be.

      Taqiyya and Kitman – There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause Islam – in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

      Dhimmi – An Islamic term that refers to a subjugated non-Muslim person living in a Muslim society. Second-class status is confirmed by the legal system and dhimmis do not share the rights of their Muslim rulers. During the earlier centuries of Islam, Dhimmis were forbidden from marrying Muslims and had to pay an extortion/higher rate of taxation called Jizya.

      Shahada – An Arabic sentence which is spoken outloud to testify one’s acceptence of Islam, Allah and The Prophet Muhammad. Those who are renounce Islam after reciting the Shahada or being born of Muslim parents are apostates. The punishment for apostacy as prescribed by the Quran is death.

      Just taking into account the existence of Taqiyya and Kitman, I have to question whether more peaceful denominations and “moderate muslims” are either ignorant of the content of the Quran, cherry-picking hypocrites (like most religious people) or liars.

      It is the existence of this permissable deception and the uncertainty that it instills which makes the fear of Islam very rational indeed. Especially when you consider the fact that chronologically newer verses of the Quran/Hadith abrogate the older ones which makes the interpretation of grassroots movements like ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Taliban equally as legitimate as those of moderates like the Sufi denomination.

      • Oh also, cirticism of the doctrine of Islam is usually labelled Islamophobia which is itself always conflated as an irrational fear of Muslims. Once again a means by which to silence descenting voices by asserting that a person is attacking a demographic rather than an ideology. Beliefs do not exist in a vacuum – beliefs inform behaviours and actions/inactions.

      • Aaaaaaaanndd after my long, analytical and fairly articulate tirade, the only comeback from Trollboy is not to address a single point of my argument but to point out a typo as if that somehow undermines my entire argument? That has to be a logical fallacy – Argumentum Ad Spellium perhaps? Cunt.

    • You’ve just proved my point Mr Kargosh.

      Anti-Semitism is hatred of Jewish PEOPLE. It certainly exists, often coming from radical followers of the religion of peace and universal brotherhood. PEOPLE have human rights and it is wrong to hate PEOPLE based on what they are.

      Judaism is an IDEA, it is perfect legitimate to dislike an IDEA and to criticise it. An IDEA has no human rights.

      Likewise, I have no doubt that some folks are racially prejudiced against Muslim PEOPLE. However, like Judaism, Islam is an IDEA. The genius of the fascists behind the nonsense word “Islamophobia” is to conflate the two and thereby shut down criticism of their religion.

      Whenever, some shithead goes nuts and shoots the place up screaming “Allahu Akbar” (which I believe is Arabic for “I’ve got a really small cock!”), commenters always say that the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful. I agree wholeheartedly! But MUSLIMS are PEOPLE and ISLAM is an IDEA, they are not the same thing.

      If I may argue by analogy, Catholic doctrine is anti- contraception. Yet Spain and Italy, two extremely Catholic countries, have birth rates well below replacement level. Therefore, I surmise that Catholic PEOPLE are ignoring their church’s IDEAS. Using the “Islamophobia” argument, one would say that because most Catholics use contraception, then Catholicism is pro-contraception.
      This is utter crap and intellectually dishonest.

      “Islamophobia” is a thoughtcrime, invented by fascists, used by cowards, to manipulate morons.

      Oh, and Dave the Internet Troll or Grendell or whatever the fuck you’re calling yourself this week, I don’t care what you think of my post. Please don’t comment; go back to your disabled toilet and continue licking your nan’s diseased fanny, you sad cunt.

      • Well said – a hatred of a race of people is an entirely different thing to an irrational fear of an abstract concept.

      • You’re correct in what you say but could have gone further with your point as Jews are so called because they originated from the land of Judea.

        They are originally a nation/race/ethnicity. It is a race into which they are born – a person can convert to the Jewish religion but not the Jewish race whereas a person can convert to the Islamic religion but there is no such thing as the Islamic race to convert to.

  6. Always call a wog a wog. Have no truck with these revisionist camp PC liberal arsehole johnnies. Islamaphobic? Moi? Whoops dearie. I hate wogs and I will tell you why. Did a spell fighting for King and Country out in the Western Desert. Sand blasted shite hole. Benghazi, Suez, fucking Port Said and over to Damascus, Riyadh, Kuwait and the Persian Gulf. All monotonous sand covered sand coloured shite holes. Ever try taking a shite in the desert? The slightest change in the wind and the old crack is like sand paper. The fucking stuff works in around a chaps bollocks and the only respite is a wash or blessed be, a shower. Guess what? No fucking water. All end up mincing around with “desert rash”.

    Point is these wog fuckers could not care a toss aboit their rock strewn piss holes. Bomb the bejesus oit of them and they don’t even notice. Nuke the place and it could only look better. Jerry had a go during my time there, and apart from sand and bits orf the odd wog flying around, once the old blitzkeig had died down, bugger me, nothing had changed. So you see where deep down we have a love orf England deep in our souls, a reason to fight and to live, they have nothing, just a poisonous well orf hate and resentment fuelled by fake ideology and the oldest con of them all, “die for the cause and you will have your paradise”. Kindest solution is to give the twisted fuckers what they want and kill the lot orf them and go on killing them. Alas it will not end soon.

    • Oh, you’re a moronic squaddie cunt? Crawl around some forgotten sand pit through other people’s shit for the enrichment of some ageing paedophile oil baron cunt who’d spit on you if he knew you existed? Where do I fucking sign up?

      That makes sense. Only the thickest stinking bell-ends with no hope of any sort of civilised life join the army.

      That’s you, by the way. Thicko.

      • Get back under your bridge, you worthless troll. This really isn’t the sort of place your sort want to visit. Go on, shoo. Disgusting creature.

    • Well put SLS. That is the whole ethos behind Islam. It exists purely to subjugate any other faith and belief and its devotees will not stop until there is a global caliphate of Allah.

      I note BTW, that the Troll is back, masquerading as Grendel ( appropriate name I suppose), it would seem a new, improved version, with a jihad of its own on spelling mistakes.

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