The Labour Party [2]


Two Eds are better than one – especially when it comes to spouting out the same old shit about tax and spend, squeeze the rich until the pips squeak, shower money on the poor downtrodden working class, slag off the wicked Tory bastards, etc etc etc…

Boring, boring, boring. These cunts have nothing to offer and no fucking idea how to run a country.

Cunts the lot of ’em.

Nominated by: Dioclese

9 thoughts on “The Labour Party [2]

  1. The Labour Party has been fucked for years… By the time Thatcher was in full cry, Michael Foot was too old and knackered… Kinnock couldn’t even control his own party (Hatton and the Militant Tendency etc). Kinnock could also have helpes finish Maggie if he had sided with the miners during the strike. But instead of showing a pair of balls, the useless taff cunt showed a pair of tits and ran for cover… Blair showed his arse to the Bush administration: giving the yanks free reign to bugger Britain (and Iraq) whenever they liked… Gordon Brown: a miserable cunt who should never have been PM anyway (Jobs in political office are voted for. Not handed down like the monarchy!). And Milliband is just…. He has nothing. No charisma, no speaking sills, no guts. If Cameron, Clegg and Milliband were all stood next to one another. I think the only people who could tell them apart would be their mothers..

    • Trouble is the cunt might get elected – which doesn’t say much for the intellect of the average Brit…

      • True enough…. Cameron, Milliband or Farage (Clegg has signed his own political death warrant) as PM…. One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry…

  2. No question that it was Labour’s profligate ways that led the country into the economic mess it is today. I’ve no love for the Tories with their austerity measures,( which were unavoidable), however Labour has nothing new to offer, no real plans to regenerate the economy or any social vision other than appeasing the great unwashed by its talk of screwing the rich.
    Under a Labour government, what little good the Tories achieved in trying to put a stop to the great economic hemorrhage, will be cast aside if Milliband ever gets into power. Expect the floodgates of immigration to be opened with hordes of benefit tourists eagerly flocking over here to leech off the system and a return to an ever increasing national debt which will bankrupt the country, putting more people on the dole than ever the Tories could imagine.
    The sad thing is that those who can be arsed to vote will probably vote them into power and sign the death warrant of the UK into the bargain.

  3. I agree, its a frightening thought of them holding the reigns again. I’m not a politicaly minded person but I do know know one thing, if Labour get voted in again were fucked !

  4. At best fucking imbeciles, at worst clueless cunts.

    If you want to see their manifesto, it is the same manifesto that they have always had.

    Look up ‘The 11 point plan for quiet socialist revolution’ and there you have it.

    Traitor scum, one and all.

    And total marxist cunts to boot.

  5. Don’t forget that a labour government have no real desire to see the UK economy doing well, in fact the more people dependant in welfare and the state then the better as labour will always appease this group of people over those who have a desire to better themselves and their country, or ‘evil capitalists’ if you like. This creates a group of neverending, work shy, brain dead cunts who will always vote labour to protect ‘their’ cash.
    I truely don’t believe that you can be a patriot and vote labour.

    Personally I’m happy with the job that Cameron and his government have managed to do whilst having the liberals hanging around their necks for the past few years.

    • Agreed. I have no love for the Tory shower of shite, but the thought of Millipede opening up the coffers of taxpayers money and throwing it at the benefit tourists, the Jeremy Kyle show fan club and the career baby making machines in the form of welfare handouts makes my blood run cold.

  6. What a load of cunts. Tell all those student types who will not accept the results

    of a democratic referendum……..if you win a second referendum……don’t forget

    the proposed European Army……the continentals have conscript armies…we

    have volunteers only!

    I’m sure you’d cry your eyes out without your mummies to blow your noses!

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